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Posted by imaqtz on 19-03-2006 at 14:43:

Cyclone Larry

I didnt hear the news till now . Queensland in Aus is going to be hit by a Cat 4 cyclone between Cairns and Townsville.

I read somewhere that Megs, is from Queensland state.

I dont know if you are close by or not, but hope you are ok.

Shoot first..ask questions later!

Posted by Madilayn on 19-03-2006 at 20:59:

I'm in Brisbane - down the bottom of the State, so am fairly safe.

Larry is due to cross the coast around Innisfail/Tully in about 7:15am (Qld time). He's just been upgraded to Category 5 (for those in the US - that means he's as big and nasty as Hurricane Katrina) and is about 300k accross.

That's bigger than Tracey (Darwin, 1974).

My family lives in Mackay, which is on the very edge of the area to be affected by winds - but the whole Qld coast is rainy and murky today.

Many prayers happening here for those in far north Qld.


"When I'm old, I don't want them to say of me, "She's so charming." I want them to say, "Be careful, I think she's armed." -G. Stoddart

Posted by Elvin Ruler on 19-03-2006 at 23:58:

Many prayers and well wishes to all those affected.

What if there is a spoon? Nerd

Posted by Buffy on 20-03-2006 at 00:18:

Having lived through my own share in the last few years...Yowza! You guys keep your heads down and your butts covered for me!

SJ shared this to everyone a couple of years ago. As it is timely, I'll nip it and share again:

Hurricane Categories

Category 1: "Wussy." Street signs blow over, bushes and shrubs are damaged, housecats meow slightly more loudly. Plan for these storms by duct taping your shrubs, kicking the cat, and shaking your fist triumphantly at Mother Nature for throwing such a weak-ass storm at you.

Category 2: "Mildly Alarming." Houses moan, some of the sicker looking trees may fall over, shingles blow off, small children complain. Planning: duct tape all the sick trees you may have on your property, as well as duct taping Xs on your windows. This lets the wind know not to blow the glass in. Purchase bottled water, before everyone else snaps it up.

Category 3: "Deeply Frightening." Houses collapse, mobile homes cease to exist in any normal functioning sense of the word, dogs fart explosively, healthy trees surrender. Planning: duct tape everything on your property, including the dog. Buy plywood and nail it over the windows-after first duct taping Xs over the glass. Purchase bottled water and bleach. This is so if it looks like you're going to die, you can add the bleach to the water and drink it.

Category 4: "Holy Shit." Buildings fall, cars fly through the air, walls bleed, large sea mammals are carried several miles inland, entire regions disappear completely. Planning: Cover your entire house with duct tape Xs to try and fool the hurricane into thinking the whole place is a gigantic window. Nail as much wood as you can find to the outside of the duct tape. Lock yourself and your family and your farting dog in the basement with the bottled water and bleach, and maybe some canned goods, a portable generator, and a gun to ward off looters in the apocalyptic aftermath that is sure to follow.

Category 5: "The End Of The World." All trace of humanity is picked up several yards into the air and converted into bite-sized pieces, the Biblical leviathan surfaces from the depths, hell rises up and swallows mankind whole. Planning: screw the duct tape. Get into the basement and make peace with your God, Whomever He, She or It may be.


"Spider sense....tingling."

Posted by Firebird on 20-03-2006 at 12:52:

For those near the area or with family there wish you all the best and hope you get through unscathed

Like the Phoenix I rise from the fire. Beware all who try to tame me, you may get burned Flame

Posted by CricketBeautiful on 20-03-2006 at 15:52:

Hoping for the best for all.

Let us know how it went, 'kay? Falling rocks and all that.

Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

- Viktor E. Frankl

Posted by meridianday on 20-03-2006 at 18:35:

There've been some news pictures of the destruction today - looks most unpleasant.


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by gatchgirl on 20-03-2006 at 21:54:

I pray that everyone stays safe.

" No gratitude needs to be voiced, your mind speaks to us!"

Racer by day, Feather Thrower all the time!

Posted by imaqtz on 21-03-2006 at 15:15:

Glad to hear our Qld'ers are ok, considering it hit as an "end of the world" Cat 5 .

My son still hasn't heard from his little mate Ben who moved back in January this year to Cairns ( about 60klms north of Innisfail where Larry hit as a cat 5 ).

Although the power lines are down, we are praying that we hear from him soon.

Shoot first..ask questions later!

Posted by Metaliant on 31-03-2006 at 08:51:

Why does the name of the film The Day After Tommorw is springing up in my mind everytime this happens?

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

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