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Posted by Metaliant on 11-09-2005 at 08:22:

Xbox v PS3 v Gamecube

"Okay, I posted this in another forum that I am a member of but here I go again." Sigh.

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by Firebird on 11-09-2005 at 23:57:

Not seen much detail on a new game cube seen a bit on the 360 but most ive readis on the PS3

Like the Phoenix I rise from the fire. Beware all who try to tame me, you may get burned Flame

Posted by Elvin Ruler on 12-09-2005 at 01:24:

The Nintendo Revolution looks to be pretty cool. If I'm correct, it's joining the other two in the realm of online gaming options. The graphics are stunning as well. The X-Box 360 doesn't really impress me that much, but I'm biased against it because I only liked one game for the original X-Box (Halo 2). The PS3 will most likely own my soul. Sony's games have always rocked. Nintendo games are fun as well (though in different categories). Likely as not, though, I'll probably wait a couple of years before getting any of them. Gotta wait for the prices to come down. In the meantime, I shall enjoy the discount prices of PS2 games that will inevitably follow. Woo!

What if there is a spoon? Nerd

Posted by CricketBeautiful on 12-09-2005 at 14:19:

Halo? Noooooo!!!! I'm a Halo widow! (Is okay, hubby is a Gatch widower, so we're about even. Kids don't seem to mind.)

Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

- Viktor E. Frankl

Posted by Metaliant on 12-09-2005 at 18:20:

Originally posted by Firebird
Not seen much detail on a new game cube seen a bit on the 360 but most ive readis on the PS3

Damm, seen my trap.

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

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