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Charlie and the Chocolate factory
Is anyone planning on seeing this or has anyone seen it yet?
What do you think of it?
From the previews so far it looks like a great family film something I know Johnny Depp is into. Maybe you preferred his roles before he was a dad and decided he wanted to make films his children could see. Do you prefer the old or new?
Like the Phoenix I rise from the fire. Beware all who try to tame me, you may get burned
I saw a preview for it this week when I went to see Madagascar. I must admit that the preview, with its purposefully annoying continual perky singing and somewhat 60s style imagery, has rather put me off. I hope they have more than that one ad, I really do. I really want to want to go and see this movie. Roald Dahl wrote such splendidly anarchic kids books and this is one of the ones I haven't read yet.
Although the bit where Willy Wonka walks into the screen and falls over was funny.
This sunday was pretty much dedicated to Roald Dahl and Charlie and the Chocolate factory so there were interviews with all the cast clips that aren't shown in the preview.
There were a few more bits they showed my pet hate I think is what they call they welcome song it is like one of those annoying summer songs that stick in your head although you hate it!
That so far is the one thing I have seen that puts me off.
Like the Phoenix I rise from the fire. Beware all who try to tame me, you may get burned
I have seen the film today and it ain't bad. It's not that good as the 1971 one, which I must admit I prefer, espeically for the (excuse the spelling) Umpalumpas.
I think Tim Burton had done a decent job. In the orignal film, Veroica (again excuse the spelling) wanted a golden goose and fell down the Bad Egg chute, followed by the father. In the book and the Tim Burton, it was a squirrel and not a goose, that she wanted.
Gene Wilder was a eccentric mad Willy Wonka, Johnny Depp, was a childish mad Willy Wonka (good though), but I think Marilyn Manson should have been Willy Wonka, as he would have been better and darker mad Willy Wonka.
Overall, it a good film for kids, but I think the adults would prefer the orignal.
Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker
mmm. i haven't seen it yet but my younger brother gave it two rocking thumbs up and wants to go see it again only this time i get to tag along. i'm looking forward to it, i love Burton's take on things and Depp is a very versatile actor.
Trample the weak. Hurdle the dead.
Tonight, I am going tonight. Let you know.
A villain must be a thing of power, handled with delicacy and grace. He must be wicked enough to excite our aversion, strong enough to arouse our fear, human enough to awaken some transient gleam of sympathy. - Agnes Repplier
Please do!
I've got a 4 year old who loves the original. I'm debating on the advisability of taking someone that young to a Tim Burton take on Roald Dahl (??). LOL
"Spider sense....tingling."
Ive got to admit, I would like to see Tim Burtons version hehe
Thanks Cep Administrator
I actually liked it, alot.
It stayed consistent with the Gene Wilder version until the end. I won't say anymore on that.
I don't see a problem with it for small children.
I really liked the music and Johnny Depp was great. But I love Johnny Depp.
A villain must be a thing of power, handled with delicacy and grace. He must be wicked enough to excite our aversion, strong enough to arouse our fear, human enough to awaken some transient gleam of sympathy. - Agnes Repplier
Is it true to the book?
Ah...considering the Gene Wilder one wasn't I doubt it?
"Spider sense....tingling."
I myself haven't read the book but I want to now. But from what I understand Burton stayed truer to the book. For example instead of a golden goose he used squirrels, which was in the book.
A villain must be a thing of power, handled with delicacy and grace. He must be wicked enough to excite our aversion, strong enough to arouse our fear, human enough to awaken some transient gleam of sympathy. - Agnes Repplier
I hear that Dahl didn't like the old version. It was smoothed out and made into a conventional happy musical. Kids like Dahl's books because they're neither smooth nor conventional. Apparently Dahl's third wife thinks he'd have liked the new one.
Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
- Viktor E. Frankl
is it dark and non PC?
All of his works are decidedly iffy, thats why kids love them
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