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Star Wars 3 - Revenge of the Sith
Having seen this on the 19th May. I am interested to see other peoples opinions on this one.
Although the effects were great and it answered a lot of questions, for me in places it was contradictory. Explanantion below.
Contradictory when the reason for turning to Darkside was Padme but a bit later Anakin tries to strangle her????
Whether the intention was that at this time he was so far over he no longer cared did go through my mind but when later you see the rage of darth vader because she is dead it dispelled that one.
So what did you all think?
Like the Phoenix I rise from the fire. Beware all who try to tame me, you may get burned
<emerges from behind rock>
Is it safe to come out now?
Star Wars was the subject of my first fanfics. Never wrote anything down, but Luke and Leia were in tears and then in each other's arms regularly. Then Ep 5 came out, so Luke got a new girl (from the Brian Daily Han Solo series) and each pair took turns.
So, I'll be locking my good memories up tightly and seeing what the new one has for me. And spending some quality time with hubby at the same time -- it'd have to be a pretty bad movie to ruin the evening.
Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
- Viktor E. Frankl
Well, we saw it. Best part of the evening was dissecting it in the car afterwards.
Like, did he ever see the third movie, (number 6), when Luke asks Leia if she remembers her real mother and she says, "Yes, she was very sad and very beautiful."
Over ten years, and he still calls Kenobi "My Master". "Master" would be fine, but "My" is pushing it.
A ship with landing struts ending in points -- sheesh, what spaceport designer let that by? The entire weight of the ship concentrated into three small dots.
The birth scene? Well, how did two nice-sized, full-term sized, babies fit inside? I don't care whether she was in Pilates or yoga or what, she'd have been a lot bigger. And Kenobi didn't do anything to ask her to live for them. We won't get into inducing labour for an emergency birth because Mommy's dying.
What's this with Organa? I was wracking my brain until hubby reassured me that, no, I wasn't forgetting anything. That guy they're all trusting so much really hasn't been given a name yet.
The younglings. First of all, why not call them "children". They're speaking standard 2005 English (ok, a varient on it with no contractions and way too many pronouncements) yet they call them "younglings". And they're all human. I know you can't have a kid that age spend hours in makeup, but how hard is it to fit one with a wig and a coat with a hump or extra arms and shoot from the back?
Time in hyperspace. The original movie, they spend hours if not days going between distant systems. Yet Code 66 is issued, and Yoda arrives back on Corruscant only hours after the massacre. Anikin's already on the volcano world. Big fights and such, and it takes only an hour or two for Padme and Kenobi to catch up with him. Then there's the big fight. Anikin's burning the entire time it takes the emperor to go from his own fight out to rescue him.
And the costumes? Have you ever slept on ropes of pearls? Ouch. Or in a fancy hairdo and had it survive the night? (For that matter, given how they were acting that evening, I'm surprised it survived the evening.) Still got those robes for the Jedi, but at least this time they usually got out of them before fighting.
It's a vary long movie. Lots of it could be cut. Like we know Anikin has to take a "car" around the city in the last bit. They don't have to show him getting into and out of it every time. And the fight scenes could be shortened.
The joy of fighting in the first scene when they're going to rescue the Chancellor -- too much joy, not enough reality that they and their support staff could be dead soon.
Wasn't the sabre that Ben gave Luke (nice bit that he remembered to pick it up) black and a bit shorter?
The names. Grevious and Dukoo. Maul. Massacre.
Still, there were some good moments.
They managed to avoid the Yoda-the-annoying-insect style of fighting this time.
I did like the beastie ObiWan rode. And the machine they were chasing was nifty.
Hubby noticed that Paladin?? (the Sith Master the Chancellor talks about) could control life itself, so we suspect he was Anikin's Daddy. Remember his mother said there was no father.
I liked the line, "and so ends democracy, with thunderous applause."
The emperor did a good job of twisting things and half-truths. Anikin was a quick learner.
R2 was priceless and C3PO nicely under-done, but the battle-droids were too chatty.
Bit of foreshadowing with Grevious's exoskeleton. That worked.
Overall, though, I know of several writers in this fandom alone who could have done a better job.
Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
- Viktor E. Frankl
I saw it last night. It was better than the last 2 though.
Shame that the script and the acting were so stilted...
I didnt get taken with it at all.....granted its a good gap filler between the two trilogys but erm.....I dunno there was something too Simpson'esk about the Darth Vader appearance at the end.
Remind any of you of that too?
Thanks Cep Administrator
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