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The Piglet Movie
We gave the kids part of their Easter presents last night. DVD movies.
Rocket's was Piglet's Big Movie. It was the first movie
I'd taken Crackers to, and Rocket's first theatre movie was The Heffalump movie. So, good memories. Also, we'd gone to Winnie the Pooh while courting. I sorta miss just the two of us at a kids' movie.
Crackers had Beavers, so Rocket and I curled up together and watched. I held her tight for the scary bits and reassured her that they'd all be safe in the end, and when you miss someone it's good to share good memories. Quality time.
With a Few Good Friends
(Carly Simon)
With a few good friends
And a stick or two
A house is built at a corner called Pooh
With a friend and a stick
Or three or four
A house is built where it wasn't before
With a window here
And there a door
And a nail and peg
For the coat of Eeyore
With a few good friends
And a stick or two
A house is built at a corner called Pooh
With a friend and a stick
Or three or four
A house is built where it wasn't before
Dress it down
Or dress it up
Invite Tigger for tea
And Owl for supper
With a few good friends
And a stick or two
A house is built at a corner called Pooh
With a friend and a stick
Or three or four
A house is built where it wasn't before
With a few good friends...
[Repeat and fade]
Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
- Viktor E. Frankl
That is way cool
"If you think I am a Condor, you may keep that opinion;
Though I am no Condor, my Skylines rusty enough."
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English translation by Satelk
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