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Posted by meridianday on 27-02-2005 at 23:24:

Top 100 cartoons

Channel 4 (UK, named in the days before satellite tv when it quite literally was the 4th channel to exist, ah, happy days <sigh>Wink is currently showing "The top 100 cartoons".

BOTP was in there at #63, Powerpuff girls at #58 and Thundercats at #54. Belleville Rendezvous was in the 70s somewhere, I suspect because very few people have heard of it, let alone seen it. Several Disney cartoons have been and gone, surprisingly early (I think Lady and the Tramp was #72 and Jungle Book, A Bugs Life and Snow White were in the 60s, just to give the hint that BOTP's placing really is no disgrace whatsoever).

I have had to leave the telly for tonight, since I have to get up for work in the morning. But I'd be interested to know what the rest of you, dispersed around the english speaking world as you are, would have voted for. And there might be reminders of shows you've completely forgotten in this list - I know "Noggin the Nog" and "Queer Duck" ring no bells in my (currently very drunken to the point where I can barely type) mind. Although I shall always remember "Rhubarb and Custard" and "Willo the Wisp" with great affection. My husband might have voted for "Ren and Stimpy", and my daughter is currently insane over "Scooby Doo" - the new series of which is amusing me as well Big Grin

Channel 4 top 100 cartoons


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by Cep on 28-02-2005 at 18:31:

Can't beleive that scooby doo, tom & jerry and ren and stimpy where in the top 50 BOOOO.

They suck, not to mention the fact that the sodding lion king, was in the top 20. Bah!

Where was Jayce and the wheel warriors? I'd like to know. Soapbox

Tom & Jerry in 2nd place? Balls to that decision, Family guy wastes that in one episode.

Fix! Fix! Booo! Protest

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

Posted by Tengu on 28-02-2005 at 20:53:

Tom and Jerry! my all time fave cartoon!

"If you think I am a Condor, you may keep that opinion;
Though I am no Condor, my Skylines rusty enough."

Posted by Elvin Ruler on 28-02-2005 at 21:22:

Ah, but Cep, the older classic cartoons have to be included. What kid hasn't watched Tom and Jerry? My dad did and my little brother did. So it kind of makes sense.

Most of those, even if I didn't like them personally, I can understand as far as pushing the medium further.

What if there is a spoon? Nerd

Posted by Ashke on 01-03-2005 at 05:08:

They must have re-done it at some point, coz when I looked, battle of the planets was 11th Confused2

Never mind, must be in alphabetical order. *sigh*

Posted by Tengu on 01-03-2005 at 17:36:

Im suprised BOTP came as high as it did, most of the high ones are really recent stuff and so clearer in peoples minds

"If you think I am a Condor, you may keep that opinion;
Though I am no Condor, my Skylines rusty enough."

Posted by meridianday on 03-03-2005 at 07:27:

BOTP did a lot better in the top 100 kids' shows programme that they did last year. I think it came in at #42 or something like that, and it had an interview with Casey Kasem about the way they recorded the voices. Wish I could remember what he'd said now.... He was on this show as well, but talking about Scooby Doo instead.

One thing that really surprised me though, was a little bit from the Flintstones' segment. A programming exec from Boomerang UK came on and said he'd got complaints from one episode that they'd shown, where people were saying that Wilma had called Fred and Barney "wankers" or something. It's an episode where Fred and Barney decide to join the army, and in the scene in question they're just headig out the door and promising Wilma and Betty that they'll write and stuff. And Wilma's next line, after they've left is, "How do they always manage to bollocks things up?" I'd never thought the word "bollocks" was used in the US - I can't think of any other time I've heard the word in a US show except for when there's some british language reference being made. So I had to watch the clip 3 times to believe it, and that is absolutely, definitely, clearly what Wilma says.

And then they went on to Fred and Barney doing a Winston cigarette advert. Was the Flintstones a family show? Is there any way that Fred and Barney having a Winston break and announcing that there you can get the same wonderful rich flavour 20 times in a pack, was not aimed directly at kiddies?

So, have any of you seen anything that you really wouldn't expect from a show that you thought you knew?


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by CricketBeautiful on 04-03-2005 at 17:38:

Flinstones started as educational shorts for use in couples therapy. Yep, showing how typical couple needing therapy could make it all work out.

And you have to remember the time they were done. 1974, I think.


Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

- Viktor E. Frankl

Posted by meridianday on 04-03-2005 at 21:24:

The Flintstones were earlier than that, surely? Didn't they start in the 60s?

Marriage guidance though? Fred and Wilma? The mind boggles.... Was it the Flintstones that was based on the Honeymooners?


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by eagle_G1 on 05-03-2005 at 10:08:

well i don't know about the flintstones controversy but one of our local radio stations had a reader call-in friday morning about tv shows from the past that you wished would come back.........

if i wasn't having the day off sick i would have called in and voted for BotP, my work know how i feel about the show and my voice, wasn't about to risk the questions....

btw, not faking being sick..........had blood test today for glandular fever, started of with gastric complaint but got worse overnight and am now showing a lot of the symptoms

Hope your all feeling a lot better than me

Its hard to soar like an eagle........Eagle

when your surrounded by turkeys.......

Posted by Tengu on 05-03-2005 at 21:35:

I hope you get well soon.

"If you think I am a Condor, you may keep that opinion;
Though I am no Condor, my Skylines rusty enough."

Posted by meridianday on 06-03-2005 at 09:19:

Likewise Hug


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by Cep on 07-03-2005 at 18:25:

Flinstones are from the early 60's as a cartoon version of the honeymooners and where originally used in cigarette adverts.

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

Posted by CricketBeautiful on 07-03-2005 at 20:05:

Get well soon!

Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

- Viktor E. Frankl

Posted by eagle_G1 on 08-03-2005 at 07:28:

Happy happy joy joy

well i don't have glanduar fever but i have had it at some stage.

So i guess thats good but it also means what the hell is wrong with me?

dr suspects i may have a protozoal infection in my gut so on tabs for that, and that i may also have a virus in my system thats causing the lack of energy and aches.

u win some, u lose some....not sure yet on which side i

Its hard to soar like an eagle........Eagle

when your surrounded by turkeys.......

Posted by Ashke on 18-03-2005 at 06:46:

Gah! Hope they figure it out soon, and getcha back on your . . .wings? claws? Anyway, get well soon!

Posted by eagle_G1 on 18-03-2005 at 08:16:

slowly getting there, still getting a few belly grumbles but the nasty stuff is over.

still a long way from 110% though but every day is counting towards feeling better........i hope..........

Its hard to soar like an eagle........Eagle

when your surrounded by turkeys.......

Posted by Tajiri on 19-03-2005 at 05:41:

I second that where the hell's "Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors" statement, Cep!!!!!! I loved that show!!!!! No "Smurfs" either??? I mean come on!!!

Seeing "The Simpsons" as #1 doesn't surprise me at all. It has had some of the best writing in television during it's run. "Tom and Jerry" #2...I really don't care. I watched it when I was young be never really got into it. What got me about it though was watching the differences in the way it was drawn. I remember there being 3 different styles. Anyway, "South Park" at #3 rocks. The series is brilliant and the film is one of two, the other being "Monty Python and the Holy Grail", that no matter how many times I watch it I can't help but to laugh. It's good to see anime on the list, too. Others that I remember watching and loving growing up; "Danger Mouse", "Beavis and Butthead", "He-Man", "Transformers", "Thundercats", and "Top Cat".

Posted by Metaliant on 10-07-2005 at 16:20:

Have you forgotten a certain cartoon with the words Battle, Of, The and Planets in the title and a certain annoying robot in as well?


Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by stardust on 10-07-2005 at 19:31:

I found it interesting to find the Adventures of Tin Tin and Babar up there. I remeber watching them when I was very little.
Tom and Jerry, you see, has an interesting history. The creator was Tex Avery, and Avery broke alot of rules in animation. The violence of T and J was considered very shocking. While some of you might not care for it, and I can take it or leave it myself, it was considered an amazing piece of animation. I have watched it on occasion just as a study thing and the timing of the gags are all well placed. Remember, Avery was responsible for that little red riding hood cartoon where the wolf's eyes pop out of his head. The very cartoon that influenced Jim Carrey in "The Mask" years later.
So even though some of us might not like Tom and Jerry it is an amazing little piece of history in animation. Which is why it probably wound up in the top 100 in the first place.
The teacher is done with her lecture of the day. Big Grin


A villain must be a thing of power, handled with delicacy and grace. He must be wicked enough to excite our aversion, strong enough to arouse our fear, human enough to awaken some transient gleam of sympathy. - Agnes Repplier

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