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The Andes girl
I've got some wonders.
After the Third War, if Ken notices Kiena is still unmarried missing him what would be his choice?
Andes people allow unmarried couple live together before marriage. No man in the town will not blame Kiena who lost her virginity.
Another evil thought, if Ken goes back to her (in this story, his motivation was responsibility rather than affection) after the war then finds out she is already married another man, could he go back to Jun? Would she accept him?
The last evil situation...
If Jun is handed a letter by a post man during Ken's absent, that was from Andes. She opens it, and it is saying "I'll be waiting for you by this month, can't fight against the land owner any longer. please save me" Would she give it to Ken? She knows Ken still has affection for the Andes girl and unsure of which one he would choose. Of course, he cares about Jun much better, but his damn responsibility can make him fly to Andes.
One more thing, if Joe finds out Jun was holding back the latter, would he reveal it to Ken?
Ugh, my train of thoughts does not end!
Before Ken and Jun's marriage day, Ken finds out that Jun hid the letter from the Andes, letting the poor girl become one of a fat old man's wives. What would he do?
Evil "What if" thoughts are always fun! Let's see, some of the ways it might go ...
With that last one, I think Ken would be very disappointed in Jun for holding the letter back. He might have been able to help Kiena without needing to actually marry her or stay in the Andes.
With Joe, it might depend on whether he finds out while the girl could still be helped, or after it's too late. Either way, while he might understand, he might be annoyed with her for leaving the girl to suffer. After all, while Kiera was very clingy with trying to keep Ken around despite knowing that he was going to remember his previous life and not be able to stay ... she was also instrumental in giving him somewhere to stay, etc., while he was fairly helpless and not remembering who he was.
If Joe found out in time and Jun was persuasive enough, maybe he'd go out there and personally make sure that old man left Kiera alone. That way he made sure that the girl got helped, which is what Ken would have wanted. Still, Joe would be disappointed in Jun I think unless she was the one who asked him to go in Ken's place. (Even then he might be disappointed, or he might decide she's being clever, hehe.)
Eagle Whisperer
CW, I agree with you.
Episode of Andes was one of the most impressive episodes.
If Jun would have held back about the girl, it might have been her hesitation not aimed intention.
But I'm really curious what happens if Jun notices what had happened between Ken and the girl..Tee hee.
Do you think some small part of her might want to hit Ken over the head and see if she can give Ken amnesia? LOL.
Eagle Whisperer
Interesting thoughts! I always had lots of questions about that episode, too! I wrote a story about it before I ever saw the episode. I just wrote about what might have happened after I looked at screenshots. It's called "One Last Kiss", and I felt like I had just written one of those silly talk show dramas after I was finished ("Who's Your Baby Daddy?" LOL).
Here's a link:
One Last Kiss
rachel, those are some great ideas...that would make a nice fic! I agree with Chris, Ken's sense of duty would win out and he would try to rescue Kena...and Jun would probably think she had lost Ken...which would create tons of angst. Of course, if I was writing the story...Ken would *have* to reveal that his true feelings were for Jun. *grin* (Really, though, he only knew Kena for a matter of days...)
Jun's selfish motivations for holding back the letter would be understandable, but I would hope that her conscience would get to her in the end, and she'd do the right thing (maybe with some helpful prodding from Joe).
I always wondered how different it would have been if Jun had rescued Ken in the desert instead of Joe. She would have seen the two of them all snuggled up together like that, and she would be freaked out!! (Kind of like she was when she saw that island girl -can't recall her name- kiss Ken on the beach!) It's kind of obvious that Ken and Kena had an intimate relationship.
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“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury
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Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement; nothing can be done without hope. - HELEN KELLER
I didn't get the impression that Ken was in love with Kena. He seemed to just be letting her lead him around since he didn't know who he was or where to go. (Let's face it, she was using him to get away from a marriage she didn't want, she had to know that he would remember who he was and want to leave.) He did seem a little conflicted when it was time to leave, but that could have been out of feeling bad for her more than anything.
I can see Jun finding them and Ken waking up with this crazy, costumed woman shaking him and yelling at him and wondering who the hell she is.
Eagle Whisperer
CW -- I think Ken had fallen for Kena. The thing that convinced me of that was the fact that Ken let a copule of pieces of hair hang in his face as he left. I know that might not seem like a big deal, but after all the episodes where he'd been through all sorts of hell -- both emotional and physical -- and his hair stayed tucked under his helmet, that small "imperfection" made him look like a refugee who'd just seen his home get bombed.
“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury
All of you made me almost fall down from the chair.
EW- Yeah. his strands of hairs stuck out of his helmet were the strongest evidence. LOL
CW- Judging by the visual scenes, you're definitely right.
The only reason I think Ken was so into Kena was the ending narrations.
I don't know what was said in English version, but original Japanese narrator says-
"If Ken were not the Gatchaman, he would stay in the Andes."
KT/Springie- It's so cruel for Jun!
CW's imagination quietly makes sense.
Springie, thank you for bring me a pic to read.
EW and rachel: Obviously that's just my interpretation. I mean, he could want to stay in the Andes because he'd finally been free and not under crushing pressure to save the world and keep his team alive (he got to be a normal person for a bit!), and now it's all back. That also could be why he left his hair down and looked like refugee, hehe. Or, he could have truly been in love and able to just lose himself in it, and that got cruelly ripped out from under him when his memory came back. There's a lot of ways to look at it.
What would be interesting would be to see how he reports it all to Nambu. *grin*
Eagle Whisperer
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Yeah I think Joe would honour that. He's probably just going "That's our Ken, loses his memory and some chick snatches him up." And yes, I can see Nambu refusing to take the edited version of the story and then extra, extra sure the girl wouldn't release Ken's secret or come looking for him. For all we know Nambu might even have sent someone to hush her up or buy her off. Maybe her price was help still avoiding that marriage.
Eagle Whisperer
Here we go...Jun's reaction when she finds out that Kena got more action from Ken in a few days than she did in a few years! LOL
I really don't know why the scene on the left top edge appears too erotic.
LOL Rachel, I know, it took me a moment to remember that that wasn't supposed to be a sexy scene.
And that was perfect, Springie!
Eagle Whisperer
Haha...I just had to add in the picture of Kena sucking the poison out of Ken's leg...even though it wasn't intended that would upset Jun to walk up and see that! *grin*
Springie, the picture in your .sig is a good representation of how she might have reacted.
Eagle Whisperer
Yes,'re probably right! Watch out, Ken!
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