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Posted by CricketBeautiful on 07-01-2005 at 18:43:

My Neighbor Totoro, by Hayao Miyazaki

Hubby picked it up in the discount bin.

The kids watched it ten times straight.

Well, maybe not straight, but close enough to feel like it.

I watched it a few times, too.

Suitable for any age, but there are some rather tense moments. No scary villains, but some scary situations. But everything -- and I mean everything -- comes out just fine. You have to watch the end credits to get the final bit of resolution, but it's there.

The story begins with a father and two girls -- 12-year-old Tatsuki and 3-year-old Mei -- arriving at an old house for the summer, while their mother is in the hospital.

They encounter a few mostly-harmless spirits, and make some cute and cuddly and powerful friends.

The family relationships are warm and honest.

I just loved Mei. She's absolutely adorable, and the scene where she's exploring her world and meeting new friends is priceless. Just simple, gentle, childhood exploration and friendship.

Tatsuki is the one, though, I feel for. She knows her father's not telling her something, and she worries. She takes responsibility when she's not sure anyone else can, and she does it well.

The adults balance the world wonderfully.

The animation is incredible. It draws us into the children's world, without denying the adult world. The movement is comfortable to watch, and the details made me smile over and over again.

Definitely worth the cost of buying, and the shelf-space. Prime shelf-space.

Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

- Viktor E. Frankl

Posted by Ashke on 07-01-2005 at 19:37:

Sounds like something my kid would like. I'll check it out, Thanks Cricket!

Posted by the_galactor on 07-01-2005 at 20:47:

"My Neighbor Totoro" totally rocks! It's one of my favorite 'feel good' movies, especially if you're having a cruddy day and want some nice escapism. "Kiki's Flying Delivery Service" is another Miyazaki movie that's good for that and family friendly.

Posted by meridianday on 07-01-2005 at 21:32:

It's a lovely film. What was really bizarre about it was that the first three times I saw it, it made me cry, in that scene where Satsuki (or Tatsuki, or whatever) has the letter and can't read it. I have dug around in my memories and I cannot work out what on earth it is in that scene that triggered the tears, as it's very unusual for me to cry over anything, and I can't find anything that links up to it. Very lovely film though.

I wanted a cat bus plushie too...

I've got Kiki's delivery service but never found time to watch it yet.


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by CricketBeautiful on 07-01-2005 at 22:01:

ooooh, Kiki's Delivery Service is excellent!

One thing that Miyazaki manages to do is create wonderful movies without having an enemy. There's enough tension to keep us watching, but the people are basically good.

Not all his movies are like that, but many of them are.

Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

- Viktor E. Frankl

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