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--- The Sickness that Surrounds Me (

Posted by Lolabella on 07-04-2004 at 17:32:

The Sickness that Surrounds Me

Let me just start my rant by stating that this is directed to know one in particular, unless of course, you work in the same office as I do and you happen to be a member of this board...

If you happen to read this rant, I should give you a little bit of background on our office infrastructure. To put it simply...there isn't any.

I work for a small family owned business. We are a software development company. The family believes that we don't have designated supervisors, managers, or what have you. Everyone works together to get the tasks done. Everyone bascially comes and goes as they please. We are expected to be here during work hours, which is anywhere from 7am to 7pm. We can set our own hours, come in when we want , leave when we want, work on Weekends to make up hours, etc. As long as we put in roughly 40 hours a week and the work gets done, the family is happy. That being sad, I know I have it pretty great here.

Disclaimer: Parts of this Rant may not be suitable for the those with a weak stomach or those that get grossed out easily by bodily functions....

On with the rant:

I am having a particular bad day because of the following reasons....

My first and possibly the major thorn in my side reason is this: I arrive at work this morning, sit down in my cubicle haven, throw on a nice CD (low volume) and start my work. Then IT starts. In the next cubicle, the sounds are too distgusting to ignore.

First comes the sneeze. Not the teeny, tiny 'aachoo' sound that deserves a 'God Bless You' from all co-workers with in earshot, but an 'aaaa...aaaa....aaaa. ....choooooo'. No covering of the mouth with hand or tissue was involved. This is the kind of sneeze that you know produced major amounts of spray and perhaps food particles if the offender had been eating.

I wiggle uncomfortably in my chair, hold my breath a little as to not inhale any of the snotlet droplets that are floating around silently looking for a victim. I then get back to work.

Now comes the clearing of the nasal passages. Tissue is involved this time ( thank goodness). Offender is spending a great amount of time inhaling air through the mouth and then forceably blowing liquid snot into flimsy tissue.

I cheerily shout over my cubicle:

" Please tell me that you have allergies and not one of those nasty colds",

"No", comes the reply. " It's a cold. Lucky me!"

"hmmmm"....I am thinking, "Lucky Me!" I then say outloud "Wow, you should have stayed home".

"naw...I feel okay enough to work".

I sink down in my chair, narrow my eyes, feel my ears burn and plot a death. I then put my head phones on and turn up my CD a little bit louder.

Over my Norah Jones CD, I now hear the distinct sound of the Offender clearing throat. The throat clearing activity is so powerful, that I know that green clams are now being formed and deposited somewhere in Offender's cubicle. I am ready to slit my own wrists....

I then notice Offender lumbering past my cubicle to the water cooler. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Offender cough into hand and then use same hand to push the blue button that deposits cool water into his coffee mug.

Note to self: Do not obtain water from cooler without dissenfecting blue button first.

The sneezing, coughing, and hacking go on for nearly an hour more when I become exasparrated and re-issue my statement to the Offender that he should have stayed home.

Offender chuckles and says 'nawww, I am alright'.

"well, I am leaving for vacation to Mexico soon, and I better not be sick", I playfully say.

"Okay, I will stay clear of you", comes the response.

So I sit here seething. I came onto this board and see the Rant Section, so I go for it. And I ask the following questions:

Am I wrong for thinking that this idiot should stay home and lessen the chance of infecting everyone in the office?

Am I wrong for thinking that this behaviour is downright rude and inconsiderate since we are given nearly 5 weeks of off time?

Am I wrong for thinking that I should be sent home to work , so that Offender in the office doesn't infect with me gross germs?

Am I wrong for wanting to take a sword to offender's neck and putting him (and me out) out of misery?

So, that's my rant. Since this a long one, I'll wait to address my other issue. "which is cellphones in the office". Mind you, none of my coworkers use cellphones to conduct business. But, in any given hour, at least 2 cellphones jolt the peaceful serenity of our small office....


Posted by Elvin Ruler on 07-04-2004 at 20:40:

Oh gross! You are definitely not in the wrong. I mean, he's basically done this: Puke4 , except with a cold. I'd be ticked too.

What if there is a spoon? Nerd

Posted by Cep on 07-04-2004 at 22:10:

If the guy was pouring snot from his nose, had severe red baggy eyes and couldnt speak properly saying "addooo" instead of achoo then yes I would agree it is very inconsiderate.

Perhaps he didn't want to let the team down Big Grin

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

Posted by CricketBeautiful on 08-04-2004 at 01:08:


My favourite programmer doesn't do much work when sick.

First, he uses time doing the work. Then he's sick an extra day. Then he has to undo what he did while sick. Finally he has to do it right.

It's more efficient for him to take time off, get healthy faster, keep his coworkers healthy, and do things right in the first place.


Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

- Viktor E. Frankl

Posted by Elvin Ruler on 08-04-2004 at 01:55:

Yep. Always better just to take one day off than waste time showing up only to re-do it later. However, most people oddly don't seem to understand that other people don't want to catch diseases from them. Weird.

What if there is a spoon? Nerd

Posted by Yuki on 08-05-2004 at 04:52:

Well...well.. me.. being the new victim of such behaviour ... thinks I should join in the rant..

OK.. I can't complain that the lady I work with already took a day off.. and I really shouldn't have head over to her cubicle for a brief meeting knowing that she's just back to work from a nasty cold.. the unlucky thing is.. ok.. I caught something from her.. but it's not totally it.. if it's a visual cold.. and I am sneezing and such.. it's better.. cos I'd have an excuse to take further time off.. <yeah.. already took a day off working from home ... in the bed with the also sick toddler> But just being dizzy and feeling like floating on clouds does not warrant another day off.. esp when stingy company only give us 9 days sick leave in a GD year..

Now.. before today.. we can still get away with hiding in our cubicles because we have got nice 12 by 8 ft cubicles.. but the GD company decides that we are taking up too much space.. and IT folks unfortunately are an overhead.. so we are getting moved into the BASEMENT!!!!! Can you believe it.. the bloody stupid basement.. with only 2 small exits and 1 side of window. the cubicle size become 8 by 8.. somehow about the size of a jail cell, I'd say.. To add to it.. everybody is stuck so closely together that we can just turn the chair around and we can have a team meeting..

Now.. if the people continues to come in when they are deadly contagious.. I really don't know how we can handle it..

Can't people at least learn to be a bit considerate?

Ummm.. I have been ranting again? Well...well.. at least this is the right forum..

God bless.. and I'd better head off to bed..


Posted by Lolabella on 08-05-2004 at 06:31:

Ahhhh Yuki! You poor soul. I feel for ya. I really do. The day after I posted my rant, believe or not...I got sick!

What really gets me is the attitude that one believes that they are viewed as a superhero for coming into work when they are clearly thisclose to being admitted to an infirmary. And I am viewed as an ass for wanting to break out my paper face mask.

I hate being put in a position where I feel like I have no control over the situation.

My solution: if offender doesn't want to use his given sick days to rest up, other employees should be able to swipe them up and use them...

Hope you and the wee little one feel better. I send get well prayers to you both


Posted by Cep on 08-05-2004 at 10:16:

I think in England we have the complete opposite really most people end up taking sick leave even when they really aren't ill.

In fact a recent study shows that Doctors recieve perhaps 70% bogus requests for a sick note.

But get well soon Yuki and ickle Yuki Cheeky

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

Posted by Berg Katse on 09-05-2004 at 22:57:

I absolutely hate people who feel compelled to share their germs. I'm suffering the worse flu I've had in years. I haven't been able to breathe normally since Wednesday.

I'm overly cautious when I'm sick not to spread it around. I pumping myself flu of Vitamin C and every single cure you can imagine. I sleep about 18 hours a day and have a box of tissues installed in my left femur. I don't touch anyone or anything (hardly), I don't prepare food or even go near the kitchen except to get water and more medicine. If I could, I'd seal myself in a bubble. Not only would people not catch what I have, I wouldn't catch what they have either.


Posted by Buffy on 10-05-2004 at 01:07:

This is not meant to be a disagreement at all on what has been shared. I do in fact agree with you all. People have no business being superheroes if they are going to spread the typhoid sars black infectious flu. This is more a mental meandering out loud to share some personal thoughts on sickness in the workplace.

I work in a child care situation. I am surrounded every day with adorable and loving children....who as often as not have compromised immune systems and no training or understanding yet at the age of 2 to know why it is important to cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. Or that Ms. Buffy's shirt is NOT the best place to wipe your little green snotty nose. Or that the cherished toy you were hiding in your diaper should really be sterilized before you give it to your little friend to put in their mouths.

Suffice to say, my 'ick' meter is by survival and neccesity much lower than your average joe or jack or bruce. I just don't get grossed out as easily. I also have a pretty practical view on germs. They can't be avoided, so beyond a little common sense and respect, I don't worry about them. As long as there is no medical reason I should be extra careful, I'd rather go ahead and expose myself.

I have made an interesting observation. I stayed sick the first 6 months of child care. Every big or little bug, I had. And there were lots of them. Now, I am around little green snotty kids of all flavors and I never get sick. My immune system is in use. It is strong. I haven't had anything worth mentioning in months.

They say a pregnant woman has a compromised immune system because it is her body's way of helping to prevent itself from rejecting the foreign body (baby) living in it as a parasite or disease.

So pregnant women get sick. Often.

I worked in child care in my first pregnancy, and in my second pregnancy. I have yet to be full blown sick during either one other than one 3 day stomach virus.

Could be a coincidence, but I'm inclined not to think so. Now, I wash my hands often, use purell on myself and all my kids, and everythign gets cloroxed wiped and lysoled 2 times a day with a bleach scouring at the end of the day. You can also bet I won't hesitate to call a mother who's child is displaying unacceptable levels of contagen (my pet peeve being a parent who arrives to pick up her fevered, coughing, and green child and has the gall to look surprised. "He was just fine this morning! I don't understand!" grrrr).

So I am a strong advocate of prevention when possible. But in the day to day, even with folks who don't have a medical reason to do so or a high risk profession like health care or child care, I think people are too paranoid about germs, and are hurting themselves in the long run by making their immune systems weak.

I'm probably in the minority.


"Spider sense....tingling."

Posted by Firebird on 10-05-2004 at 06:40:

I dont see it as being a super hero but I like many other people in my profession have no choice but not to go sick if we have a cold and are able to breathe/stay awake.

Due to staff shortages and leave or various other reasons it is extremely difficult to placant a victim of crime by saying I am so sorry I dont have an officer to send as they are off sick or to justify not having people to answer the phones of despatch calls.

Whilst I sympathise I wish I had the choice I dont, not without letting my team down.

The last time I went sick I was really ill with a virus and my doctor cerificated me sick it was the only way I could justify being off without being penalised at work for letting the team down.

if you have the luxury of sufficient staff and are with a company that are forgiving when it comes to sick leave I think you should use it but if you work in the same line as me all too often you will find its not the case.

I am sorry you are ill Lola, Yuki and Katse and I hope you all get better soon.

I hope this helps you to see the other side of the story in some ways

Like the Phoenix I rise from the fire. Beware all who try to tame me, you may get burned Flame

Posted by Cep on 10-05-2004 at 10:05:

No Buffy I am in complete agreement with you! Big Grin

I blame liberalism. I won't explain why exactly just yet because it doesn't just branch on this subject.

However it is because of these namby pamby idiots that we see a rise in asthma in children, that we see an increase in allergys and its simply because children are now smothered by every conceivable drug or protection method that can be dreamed up.

When I was little I used to go out on school playing fields in amongst the grass, mud and plants. Made dens in trees and bushes, got cut or scratched by branches, got stung by stinging nettles, made grass hills when the fields were cut, played in dirty sandpits.

I played with insects, old bricks and metal found in the undergrowth, ya know really got stuck in there and had fun.

Because of this I have developed such a strong immune system that I haven't been Ill and (I mean at all) in over 10 years! I have never had a sick day from work. The last time I was I'll I was in High shool and that only lasted for 3 days.

Kids nowadays are kept indoors, cleaned immeadiately, pumped full of drugs at the slightest sniffle and basically get fat & get allergic to virtually anything becuase they are not given a normal upbringing to allow thier body to develop a fully functioning immune system or get the excerise it needs.

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

Posted by SJ on 10-05-2004 at 13:06:

Well…I am one of those mongrels you guys all love to hate. I will only take a day off if I am unable to move and feverish as all hell.


I am new to this country, and therefore my immune system is not used to the cold and flu viruses here because I’ve never been exposed to them before. If I took a day off every time I felt sniffly, I’d never be at work!

*Considers this option for a moment*

The common cold, once symptoms have begun to show, is actually fairly non contagious – in most cases. The symptoms you get are actually your body recovering from the ugliness that the virus created whilst running rampant in your system. Basically what I am saying is that once I am reaching for the Day-Quil I have already infected as many people as I am going to. So unless I am dying and desperately need sleep, I’ll tough it and go into the office. The drugs are good enough that I can function while answering phones and stuff….That NyQuil is the grooviest shit in the world!! Can you say “Legally Stoned out of your Mind?”…

Further to that…In case the medical journal thingies have changed their mind on that whole thing since 1999…You have the cold virus in your system for 3 weeks… You sure as hell can’t take three weeks off work. So like it or not…If someone has a cold, and you are susceptible to it…you’re gonna get it, even if they do take a day or two off!

Suffice it to say, even if someone appears as healthy as an ox, it doesn’t mean they don’t have a contagious little cold.

Of course with SARS season coming up….<shrugs> I think that works in the same way, really. 10-day gestation period where you are contagious without symptoms….<shrugs again>.

As for stomach things and vomits and yukky stuff…Well that’s different! Yeah, stay the fark home! The stomach flu (Gastroenteritis as we snarl it back home) is one of the most contagious and ugly illnesses out there!! And I tell ya, I will stick a big gun up anyone’s butt who DARES come near me with THAT.

For those, yeah….I’ll keep myself home. I much prefer my own bathroom than my work one….And the A-Team on the telly and my DVD’s and CSI…And sleepies in my bed.

But I am also lucky, I have an office where you can take a day off..We get 7 paid sick days a year in-fact. (yeeeehaaaaa) Others, like Flash’s old place of employment, don’t offer that benefit. As a Tree-Surgeon, he is/was paid by the hour as opposed to salary. Him taking a day off was equivalent to handing the company $200 as a penalty. In those cases, you’d go to work with a broken leg. (yeah, he did go in and work with a broken arm after falling out of a tree, if you can believe that. Fortunately now he has moved on to In-House Arborist at one of Toronto’s most exclusive Golf Clubs, so he can take a day if needed!!)

Strayed off the subject again…. Might I suggest one thing to those of you concerned about getting sick. Do what I do, keep your vitamins up, Have some of those disinfectant wipes handy (incase you share phone, computer, etc. and don’t take the TTC unless you really, really have to <I hate public transit>.

Then again….The hubby/mommy sympathies coming from being sick is really work the few days of sniffles and coughs.

Who is actually recovering from being a sick little swannie…and yes, I did take a day off…LOL!

They used to say "Make love, not war".
Now both of them can kill you

Posted by CricketBeautiful on 10-05-2004 at 18:32:

I'm about in the middle here. I tend to go in for a half day, just long enough to get the routine stuff that others count on done -- it's a waste of my time and the company's money for me to stay any longer. And the drugs, while they make me feel better, don't really help me work.

Don't get me going about how the best way to get rid of germs is to wash them down the drain, and how the fancy antibiotics they throw in soap just take out all the bugs that are succeptible -- leaving the mutants that are harder to kill without any competition.

But, as far as allergies being caused by avoiding stressing the immune system? Nope. I've got'em, big time, and I spent my childhood outside in the grass and down at the local creek. The pollution factor is big -- diesel fumes combine with pollen to make something that is more allergenic than the pollen alone.


Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

- Viktor E. Frankl

Posted by Lolabella on 10-05-2004 at 19:57:


Ah..well...I never meant my Rant to turn into a debate. .. Smile

I guess the tone of my Rant (which was supposed to be humorous) didn't come across very well. I was having a particulary bad day with one offender over one incident.

What set me off actually was when my co-worker coughed into his hand and then used the same hand to despense water from the office water cooler. His superhero attitude, which is notorious in the office, wasn't helping us any. His immediate workload wasn't time sensitive and it also wasn't anything he couldn't accomplish at home. My
opinion at the time was that he should have used one of his many sick days to stay home and get well instead of subjecting our small office to the sights and sounds of his ailments. He was clearly uncomfortable that day.

Do I really think I should have been able to use one of sick days? Of course not. That isn't reasonable.

Am I paranoid about germs and such? Nope. I am just as guilty as he is for coming into work with a nasty cold. I just kind of keep to myself and if I am really truly ill, I do take my sick self home and couch it for the day.

So that's it. Though I should explain myself better lest someone thinks I am a winer or paranoid.



Posted by Cep on 10-05-2004 at 20:41:

I wouldn't think that hun Huggles

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

Posted by Lolabella on 10-05-2004 at 21:09:

Thanks sweetness! Smooch2


Posted by Buffy on 10-05-2004 at 21:27:

Never thought whiney paranoid thoughts about you Lola sweet! And debates aren't bad things at all, just uncontrolled flamies...heheh. I just post what's on my mind at the time. And in this case, it only loosely had anything to do with the topic at hand. I got the humor in your post, but man, I know what you are talking about. I can't name the number of times I've typed something wiht one intention, and because emotions are hard to convey accurately in print, my meaning was translated as something else entirely.

Anypoo....before I get too long-winded yet again.

Waves and grins,



"Spider sense....tingling."

Posted by Firebird on 11-05-2004 at 07:03:


Did not think you were a winer at all, and fully understood the point you were getting across and the humour. Like Buffy I tend to post whats on my mind which when I've not slept is sometimes not a good thing lol.

*huggles Lola*

Always say whats on your mind we love it here truly

Like the Phoenix I rise from the fire. Beware all who try to tame me, you may get burned Flame

Posted by Lolabella on 11-05-2004 at 07:14:

"Always say whats on your mind we love it here truly"

Oh! I was JUST thinking how much I like it here too! The gatch boards as well and all of you fine, funny, and entertaining folk.

This is one of the few Message Boards that I stuck around on. It must be the Gatch topic as well as each and every one of you... Balloon

I may be a little overly sensitive...I will learn to try and shake that

LB Bandit2


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