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Posted by Victoria on 05-05-2013 at 01:30:

Gatchaman Crowds

To begin this thread, I am very fond of Japanese anime which I follow every season, picking a couple of series to watch every week once the fandom-made subtitles are out. This way I have a fairly good view of how the animation is evolving, what kind of new ideas are directors coming up with and which animation studios are the most capable ones. That's why, when I spotted the news about the Gatchaman Crowds anime slated for summer season, I thought the heavens might have finally smiled on our fandom. I went through the staff - Kenji Nakamura is the director - great. I've seen some shows he took part in and they are good. I have also watched Yozakura Quartet and C] - The Money of Soul and Possibility Control , Tatsunoko series from 2010&2011, and the animation was top notch.

Then I've read the actual summary.

Now, I consider myself a rather mild-mannered person. I don't swear (unless I've been killed in the middle of some boss-battle), I don't pick fights.


But really. I haven't seen the original Casshern series, but I gather it's at least somewhat similar to the original. It's not a spit in the face of the long-suffering, neglected fans. Tatsunoko, I am disappointed. And yet, I'll watch every single episode of this egregious farce of yours, hoping I'll find at least a trace of the magic from fifteen-ish years ago, when I saw Gatchaman for the first time. And every time I'll see the title of this anime, it will be like a slap in the face.

Why, Tatsunoko. Why.

(ah well, at least there's the movie [in which I shall most likely find out that Katse is played by a short Japanese person wearing a very obvious blond wig and a hot pink lipstick]. And the Ohayo Ninja-tai Gatchaman shorts - there is something inherently funny about seeing the GodPhoenix being towed away because of poor choice of a parking spot)

Die Sonne tönt, nach alter Weise, In Brudersphären Wettgesang, und ihre vorgeschriebne Reise, vollendet sie mit Donnergang.

My fanart is here

Posted by jublke on 05-05-2013 at 02:36:

I am not a huge follower of anime - really, my Gatchaman obsession is the exception rather than the rule - but even I was left scratching my head at the summary and early artwork for Gatchaman Crowds. Unless the story lines resurrect some semblance to the original, the only thing these two shows will have in common is the title.

I echo your "Why?"

Heart "The heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing." -- Blaise Pascal Heart

Posted by ChrisW on 05-05-2013 at 06:14:

Those brave enough to watch will have to tell me if it's worth it. I read the summary and was just too disappointed to want to give the show even one look. (I can't say I'm mild mannered, though, I'm easily annoyed. Smile

Eagle Whisperer

Posted by Victoria on 05-05-2013 at 06:17:

Yeah. I just fail to understand the logic behind all this. This new series is produced by Tatsunoko as well, so what lead them to such drastic changes? Surely some Japanese remember the original series as well as we do. Wonder how will 2chan react to this. Whenever I'm at work I feel like bursting into the (Japanese) director's office, and yelling "Doushite?" at the top of my lungs. Why do they call it Gatchaman in the first place? At least I pray for some new merchandise. One which wouldn't ruin the budget of a wretched eastern-European blue collar worker such as myself.

(on a separate note, I've just finished the House of the Lost. According to the date at the top of the doc, I've started it two years, two months and seventeen days ago. I... don't even know how to feel about this. Well, this is the time to grab the water-colours again, I guess...)

Die Sonne tönt, nach alter Weise, In Brudersphären Wettgesang, und ihre vorgeschriebne Reise, vollendet sie mit Donnergang.

My fanart is here

Posted by Springie on 05-05-2013 at 07:11:

Congrats on finishing, Victoria! I'm excited to hear that you are grabbing the water colors again- hoping for more pics from you!

I'm disappointed by this new show, too...why even call it Gatchaman? It's definitely not Gatchaman to me...but you never know. Maybe it will spark new interest in the franchise- I REALLY want to see something new done here in the west!


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Tengu on 05-05-2013 at 08:06:

House of the lost is awesome

I wish I could write like that.

Your right, it doesn't sound much like Gatch. But `Casshern sins` wasn't Casshern, at all, and yet it worked.

"If you think I am a Condor, you may keep that opinion;
Though I am no Condor, my Skylines rusty enough."

Posted by gatchamarie on 05-05-2013 at 08:44:

I agree with Tengu that "Casshern Sins" isn't exactly the Casshern we knew, but it worked because IMHO the core principles have been kept, even though the story differed from the original in what I thought was a very functional way! On reading about the summary of Gatchaman Crowds, I'm not sure whether I can catch a glimpse of any core principle, here! We'll see!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by KT1972 on 05-05-2013 at 11:51:

I'm not sure I'm familiar with the series, but I'm of the mind that surely anything that brings Gatchaman to the notice to a wider audience can't be all bad.

Maybe I should see what all the fuss is about before making any judgement of the show itself though. As far as anime in general is concerned, I'm with Jublke on that one.

P.S. Victoria, Well done on completing 'House of the Lost', I'll look forward to reading it in it's entirety. Big Grin

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement; nothing can be done without hope. - HELEN KELLER

Posted by lborgia88 on 05-05-2013 at 14:56:

I too was disappointed to realize that this new "Gatchaman" series has almost nothing from the original in it beyond "warriors who fight in special reinforced suits." I would love to see our familiar, beloved Ninjas again, whether in a prequel or a "hey, they survived the end of Gatch F!" sequel (or maybe even another "OAV" treatment -except one where they look and act like their canon selves...)

But I'm prepared to give any new series a chance, I suppose. If I recall, there was a lot of skepticism back in the late '80s when word came out that there was going to be a new Star Trek series, set ahead in time and with an all-new Enterprise crew. I certainly can't deny enjoying "Star Trek; the Next Generation" even as the original series holds special place in my heart.

Posted by k2p2 on 06-05-2013 at 00:15:

Yep, will add my voice to those willing to give it a try. I like the premise, and to add it LB's comment, it seems that there is always a healthy dose of skeptisim when a reboot comes along..

Lessee...all the incarnations of Star Trek, including the JJ Abrams ones have been enjoyable.

BSG--an excellent reboot, if I should say so..

Hmmm...even Peter Jackson's LoTR, and Hobbit do a fine job after those terribly animated, (but still thoroughly enjoyed the Bakshi's Hobbit as a child)

So far the only one I haven't been able to watch has been the Sherlock Holmes series with Robert Downey Jr...but that is due to many emotional reasons, primarily having to do with my much beloved, and much missed Dad...sorry.

The world looks less difficult when standing next to a close friend.

Posted by ChrisW on 06-05-2013 at 05:52:

This isn't a reboot. A reboot contains far more of the original than this will (at least from the summary). This is a spin-off.

Eagle Whisperer

Posted by Tengu on 06-05-2013 at 07:39:

Well, we have always speculated there might be more than one team...

"If you think I am a Condor, you may keep that opinion;
Though I am no Condor, my Skylines rusty enough."

Posted by k2p2 on 06-05-2013 at 09:20:

Originally posted by ChrisW
This isn't a reboot. A reboot contains far more of the original than this will (at least from the summary). This is a spin-off.

Really? I guess that BSG could be considered a spin off, as well then, along with those Sherlock Holmes flicks...not sure about the Benedict Cummerbach ones....

The world looks less difficult when standing next to a close friend.

Posted by Tengu on 06-05-2013 at 18:32:

And WTF with the name?

(I hate to use TLAs, but I felt I needed that one.)

"If you think I am a Condor, you may keep that opinion;
Though I am no Condor, my Skylines rusty enough."

Posted by k2p2 on 06-05-2013 at 20:47:

Originally posted by Tengu
And WTF with the name?

(I hate to use TLAs, but I felt I needed that one.)

BSG=Battlestar Galactica...which I consider a re-boot...not a spin off of the original campy series.

The world looks less difficult when standing next to a close friend.

Posted by amethyst on 06-05-2013 at 21:16:

Originally posted by k2p2
BSG=Battlestar Galactica...which I consider a re-boot...not a spin off of the original campy series.

I'd not consider the original BSG campy. While both it and ST:TOS show their age in today's world, they were not campy for their time, and did amazing things with a low budget that no one would dream produce a show in in today's world.

As for this, I'm not familiar with the Casshern series, but am with the others. They all held something of the original to tie them to the universe, a connection to draw in the old fans with the new. It may have been characters or settings or over arching themes.

From what I read on the Anime news site, the only connection this new show has to Gatchaman is the suits, protecting the world, and Tatsunoku. It really looks, so far, like someone came up with a new show, got it produced by Tatsunoku and they slapped on the name Gatchaman in the hopes that it would draw in viewers based on familiarity with the name.

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by lborgia88 on 07-05-2013 at 00:39:

Originally posted by k2p2
along with those Sherlock Holmes flicks...not sure about the Benedict Cummerbach ones....

I've watched the Sherlock reboot with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, on Netflix. I though it was really good and handled well the transition to present day London, and all the modern technology, while still keeping Sherlock and his methods very close to the 19th century original.

In the case of the BSG reboot, that's certainly one case where I liked the reboot much more than the original! Granted, to be fair, the reboot was aimed far more at adults and was serious, complicated, and arc-heavy, whereas the original, I'm sure, in pre-cable days, had to strive to have more general, family-friendly appeal.

Interesting that the original BSG and Battle of the Planets both aired in 1978. Now I'm wondering what Ron Moore could have done if he'd rebooted BOTP instead of BSG...

Posted by amethyst on 07-05-2013 at 02:06:

Originally posted by lborgia88
Interesting that the original BSG and Battle of the Planets both aired in 1978. Now I'm wondering what Ron Moore could have done if he'd rebooted BOTP instead of BSG...

Considering what he did to Starbuck, I'd be very hesitant, and if he did the same to Jason, I'd not watch it either.

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by lborgia88 on 07-05-2013 at 16:09:

I recall this being speculated about once -what if a Gatchaman movie changed the gender of one or more characters? With the relative scarcity of canon female characters, it seemed almost plausible that one them would be "Starbucked."

I'd be really torn, if Jason were made female in a BOTP reboot! I really liked female Starbuck on the new BSG, but then, I had only dim memories of the original male Starbuck and hadn't been all that especially attached to the character.

I'd be appalled at Jason being so utterly changed, but I know myself well enough to say that I wouldn't be able to resist watching a rebooted BOTP out of curiosity, even with that, and that if it were done as a well-written, serious, complex, live-action action/romance/drama where people really hit each other, yell and swear -and kiss, etc.- really get killed and each episode feeds into a big season-long, and also series-long story, then I'd could maybe learn to enjoy it anyway.

Heh, making Starbuck female certainly changed up and complicated the Apollo/Starbuck dynamic on the reboot. A female Jason would sure give Princess some competition where Mark is concerned! Laugh2

Posted by amethyst on 08-05-2013 at 00:42:

We've had this conversation a few times.

IMHO, and I know many others would not like this, but the best thing for them to do, if they "needed" to add more females (though I think that it is wrong to have or change characters just to appease the gender-conscious among us), the best candidate would be Keyop/Jinpei (my daughter would shot me for this suggestion, she can't stand what BotP did to Jinpei and wouldn't like this idea any better), but to bring the age up a bit (it would appease those appalled at someone barely in their teens, if that, fighting a war), and change gender. So I guess the question would be, which part of the fandom can you afford to alienate.

The one credit I have always given the new Star Trek movie, is while they really messed up the universe, for the most part they kept the characters true to their core. I do owe JJ Abrams an apology, after watching some of the making stuff on the DVD. It was the screen writers that needed to watch a bit more Star Trek and less Star Wars. I am, now, a bit less reluctant about Abrams taking over Star Wars. Maybe with Lucas still being alive, Disney writers won't mess that up, too much.

This new Gatchaman, looking at the pictures in the ANN article, my first thought was Sailor Moon. Nothing in the description or early sketches brought to mind Gatchaman.

Perspective Alters Reality

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