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Posted by Transmute Jun on 23-12-2012 at 03:41:

Dear Santa

This thread is for your letter to Santa (if you celebrate Christmas, or some other 'gift request' type letter if you are celebrating other holidays). Tell Santa if you have been naughty or nice, and what you really want!

Oh, and this thread is purely for fun, so don't feel that you have to ask for 'world peace' or any such thing. Wink

I'll start.

Dear Santa,

I've been mostly good this year, except when I haven't. But sometimes I like to be naughty too. Could you please bring me one Eagle and one Condor? Just for playing, you understand. I'll treat them very nicely, I promise!



P.S. If the Eagle and the Condor won't come, Robbie Williams will do.

Give it a try! Poke


Posted by Daniella T on 23-12-2012 at 17:05:

Ok, just because you asked for him first, can't we ask Santa for a Condor also? Wink

They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Naturally, they became heroes -- Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan.

Posted by KT1972 on 23-12-2012 at 18:01:

Dear Santa,

I don't want to be greedy, but if you would just find the DVD boxset of Battle of the Planets in your sack for me, I'll be extremely happy. Big Grin

Thank you,


Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement; nothing can be done without hope. - HELEN KELLER

Posted by Transmute Jun on 23-12-2012 at 18:25:

Originally posted by Daniella T
Ok, just because you asked for him first, can't we ask Santa for a Condor also? Wink

I said one Eagle and one Condor! There are many Eagles and Condors. Just look at all of the different versions and releases of the shows! That includes the Italian and French versions, if you want a man speaking a romance language... Luvu2


Posted by lborgia88 on 23-12-2012 at 21:44:

Dear Santa,

If I've been bad this year, it's been in good ways. I would be very happy to find dubbed-Italian Joe under the tree. Even if he is a cyborg (or especially if he is a cyborg.) I won't understand anything he says, but why waste time talking anyway? Wink1

Posted by clouddancer on 23-12-2012 at 22:40:

Dear Santa,

I have tried to be really good this year. (Although I am not so sure my students would agree.)

Please if you could, I would love to spend a romantic evening with the Owl at his boat house, sipping some chilled white wine and enjoying the hot tub. Perhaps the Owl could even find the time to prepare a romantic candle lit dinner for us as well.

Of course if the Eagle were there instead of the Owl I would not complain. Animelol

Happy Christmas,

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 23-12-2012 at 23:03:

I'm beginning to sense a theme here... Wink


Posted by ChrisW on 23-12-2012 at 23:48:

Dear Santa,

I think I've been pretty good this year. Good enough to lock the Eagle and Condor in a room together, turn on cheesy 70s porn music, watch through a window, and munch popcorn? That's up to you. Smile

Eagle Whisperer

Posted by gatchamarie on 24-12-2012 at 08:47:

Dear Santa

Hoping that, apart from my daily grumbles, and swearing towards those for whom I have a grudge, I might have been an average good girl throughout the whole year, may I humbly ask for an Eagle all for myself?

If I deserve some coal, I'd definitely won't mind if there'd be any smudged over the said Eagle!

Yours faithfully

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by littlewolf on 24-12-2012 at 11:25:

Dear Santa,
I will admit up front, I could lie to you and say I have a split personality that swears, drinks, stays up to late, grumples, peeves at men's bodies, bitches about other people and plans epic ways of making their lives uncomfortable ( use of epiladys, deep heat and giant mosquitoes ( nothing permanet you understand))

But I won't - I am basicaly a very good person, who has not handled things very honouralby and has been a bit slow in learning my life leasons.

I could ask you for an owl or a condor to cuddle into when I sleep - but I only have a double bed and the dogs were there first.

As for world peace - it has to start with me first, and that is my job to do.

So could you assist me with my muse as I would like to do more craft work (I have to art equipment) and writing. If you or the elfs see her please let her know I love her and miss her and when she is ready, I promise that
in 2013 I will schedule more time for us to play and have fun together and that we will complete all our half finished projects.

Thank you

May the bad things get lost on the way to you door!

Posted by gatchgirl on 29-12-2012 at 19:48:

I know Christmas is over, so for New Years could I have a Condor to celebrate the ending of one screwed up year!

" No gratitude needs to be voiced, your mind speaks to us!"

Racer by day, Feather Thrower all the time!

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