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Posted by k2p2 on 30-10-2012 at 11:54:

Hurricane Sandy Check-in

After two days and howling winds, this morning I woke up to snow...unbelievable, swirling wind-driven snow.

Power has stayed on, not even a flicker. Hubby is home as most flights have been suspended to the east....

I know we have friends there, my heart and thoughts go to them...please let us know how you are?

The world looks less difficult when standing next to a close friend.

Posted by KT1972 on 30-10-2012 at 13:24:

There have been some shocking reports of the devistation of places in it's path. Hoping everyone affected by it stays safe and things settle down sooner rather than later.

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement; nothing can be done without hope. - HELEN KELLER

Posted by Transmute Jun on 30-10-2012 at 13:45:

Apparently there are a lot of people without power, so who knows if/when they will be able to check in? But all of the affected Gatchamaniacs are in my thoughts and prayers.


Posted by amethyst on 30-10-2012 at 15:58:

I've seen both Jublke and Becky online. Haven't seen Hino since she posted on facebook that her power went out. Hopefully she is safe too.

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by Daniella T on 30-10-2012 at 18:44:

Keep safe, all of you on the East Coast!

They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Naturally, they became heroes -- Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan.

Posted by clouddancer on 30-10-2012 at 21:28:

Today while I was on an outdoor field trip with all the rain and wind I was thinking about those of you on the East coast. Hope to hear from you soon.

I know we only had a minor brush with the storm here I am not sure about how I would feel suffering the main part of the storm.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by littlewolf on 31-10-2012 at 05:08:

I've seen report about what is going,
It's hard to image what it would be like to be there

my thoughts and prayers go out to all affected, Gatchamania or not..

May the bad things get lost on the way to you door!

Posted by jublke on 31-10-2012 at 05:13:

Hi all -- We are good here in Maryland. Lots of rain, one night of howling winds where just about everyone I knew in town slept in their basements. Very minor damage where I live - a few roads closed due to flooding, some streetlights out. Last summer's derecho was far worse for us. This time, the power stayed on. Yay! Kids back off to school tomorrow and hubby back to work after two days off. Our littlest has strep though - found that out today - so I hope she can keep her medicine down. She's coughing a lot. Otherwise, all is well here. Hope everyone else is doing well too. K2, I saw some pics of blowing snow from this storm - was it blizzard-like by you?

Heart "The heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing." -- Blaise Pascal Heart

Posted by Daniella T on 31-10-2012 at 08:58:

Good to read your news, guys!

They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Naturally, they became heroes -- Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan.

Posted by gatchamarie on 01-11-2012 at 11:53:

Hope everyone is okay, and my prayers go to all of those involved.

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by k2p2 on 01-11-2012 at 12:18:

Jublke, we had some serious 'Currier and Ives,' type blowing snow. Just north of here, my SIL got like three inches of the wet stuff, and to the south east in West Virginia they got a whole lot more.

Most telling was son's Facebook post from his dorm went sorta like this, "its snowing! wait a minute....its snowing."

Hee hee, I told him he aged ten years in that post.

But seriously...things are a mess back east, and I got a feeling it is going to be worse, much worse, as they assess the damages before it gets any better.

The world looks less difficult when standing next to a close friend.

Posted by ElectricWhite on 01-11-2012 at 17:33:

My aunt lives in New Jersey, just about a half-hour's drive south of New York City. I haven't been able to contact her yet. I'm sure she's all right (she lives too far away from the coast to get any of the storm surge), but I have no idea what she's dealing with. I'm keeping my fingers crossed....

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury

Posted by amethyst on 01-11-2012 at 19:12:

EW, have you tried contacting the Red Cross to see if they have her listed in one of the shelters or applying for aid.

They won't be able to give you much, but they should be able to tell that she's alive and basic conditions if she has registered with them. When basic utilities are are out in events like this, Red Cross usually has a number for relatives to call so that they are not over burdening a weakened infrastructure.

I know they've done that for the floods and earthquakes I've been through.

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by RIgirl on 02-11-2012 at 01:02:

EW ... it sounds like your aunt is within about an hour or so from me ... mostly, a lot of people here are still without power ... fortunately, for those of us not near the coastline, the biggest problem wasn't flooding, but the wind ... trees knocking down power lines and blocking roads ... hitting houses ...

At work, it's a crap shoot as to what offices are open, who answers a phone, and who has fax capabilities ... it just depends on where they are ... and it's the same for residential areas ... some people have cable, internet access and phone lines and some don't ...

There are still at least four or five major roads still closed off just in my little area alone. A co-worker of mine (who lives south of where we work, probably somewhere around where your aunt lives) said that she just got her power back on today.

The other problem we're facing is the lack of gasoline. Reports have it that there's an over two hour wait at gas pumps ... where you can find a station that's open, that is.

Hopefully, once everyone gets the electric back on, the need for gas for generators will drop, and things will get back to normal again ...

Hope your aunt is okay, EW, and that you hear from her soon!

"It is a rare man that is taken for what he truly is...We are not always what we seem, and hardly ever what we dream...." Peter S. Beagle

Posted by ElectricWhite on 03-11-2012 at 01:14:

My cousin in DC has let everyone here in Indiana know that my aunt's safe -- electricity and phones are out, and there's no cell service, but every thing else is okay. (Whew! Thank heaven for that! Now to worry about everyone else...)

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury

Posted by Springie on 03-11-2012 at 02:58:

Glad to hear that you are all ok...but so sorry to hear of all of the pain and suffering this storm has caused. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone involved!


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by clouddancer on 06-11-2012 at 03:03:

I am glad to hear that your family is safe EW.

RI girl - it is also good to read that you are well.

I send my thoughts and best wishes to everyone affected by the storm and hope it does not take much longer for things to settle down.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

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