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--- East coast storms (

Posted by jublke on 01-07-2012 at 17:42:

East coast storms

Hey, how did the other Midwest/ East Coast gatchamaniacs fare in the recent storm? We are still without power (36 hours and counting) and people are bugging out of my neighborhood due to the heat. A friend of mine put up me & the kids, but my husband has been sleeping at home at night to care for the neighbor's dog. I finally got my wet sopping laundry out of my full washer and took it to my friend's house to re-run. Threw out over $100 of food. Ugh!

Becky, I know you don't live too far away. How are things at your place? Hugs to everyone - Internet is spotty so I feel very cut off from the world & hope all are well. We are fine, just hot and cranky.

Heart "The heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing." -- Blaise Pascal Heart

Posted by amethyst on 01-07-2012 at 18:08:

Becky's supposed to be on vacation. I think she was heading south to Alabama or Georgia but not positive. Hopefully they made it out before the storms hit.

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by ElectricWhite on 01-07-2012 at 19:22:

The derecho (the fancy-schmancy term meteorologists are using) stayed just to the north of me. I've just been dealing with high temps hitting 105 day after day, and recovering from getting overheated Thursday. (I'm okay -- I'm just feeling punier than usual right now.) droppeddead

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury

Posted by jublke on 01-07-2012 at 20:19:

Glad you're OK, EW. I started getting overheated in my stuffy house - I just felt more and more sluggish and stupid as time went on until my husband pointed it out. Please stay hydrated & indoors until the heat passes.

I guess we were in the line of fire for the derecho. Huge trees lashing sideways in the wind & multi-colored lightning. When the sky lit up neon green (lightning? Transformer? Spectran invasion?) I went downstairs & hunkered down with the family.

Somehow, this is all going into a fanfic someday. Smile

Heart "The heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing." -- Blaise Pascal Heart

Posted by Springie on 01-07-2012 at 20:21:

Very bad storms here! Our power went out for several hours Friday night and to top it off, our air conditioner died! Of course, it waits until the temps are over 100 to completely stop working! So Friday night, I'm in bed with frozen peas and ice packs on me, and the ceiling fan going full blast! (And thinking about that "Popsicles and Ice" fic by Lolabella...anyone remember that one? LOL) And of course, the wind started howling outside (I thought it was a tornado!) and then the power went out...and stayed out. My husband, son and I couldn't sleep(my daughter snoozed right through it)...and since we knew that we'd still be miserable when the power did finally come back on, we went to my mom's house (at 2 a.m.) to stay (she had both AC and power). We lucked next step was to fill the bathtub up with cold water and soak in it!

Everything is back up and running today...we were lucky that a guy could come out and fix our AC on Saturday (with an extra charge, of course) was a bad monetary hit to have right before we go to California (but isn't that always the way these things happen?)


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by clouddancer on 01-07-2012 at 21:05:

Glad to hear everyone has survived. I heard about it last night during the news and wondered about some Gatchamania people in the storms path.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by ChrisW on 01-07-2012 at 23:42:

Yikes, glad y'all are okay. Hope Becky doesn't come home to any scary surprises.

I was at a conference once and someone walks up and asks if my place got flooded. I hadn't even been aware there was flooding in my town! (Fortunately I live way up on a hill, so the answer was no.)

Eagle Whisperer

Posted by Transmute Jun on 02-07-2012 at 02:09:

I'm glad to hear that everyone is okay. Jublke, that storm sounds downright scary! I'm glad you were able to get to safety.


Posted by jublke on 02-07-2012 at 02:10:

Power!! We finally have power!!! Yay!

Heart "The heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing." -- Blaise Pascal Heart

Posted by ElectricWhite on 02-07-2012 at 02:14:

Originally posted by jublke
Power!! We finally have power!!! Yay!

Hooray! Animeclap

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury

Posted by ChrisW on 02-07-2012 at 02:18:

Yay for power!

Eagle Whisperer

Posted by lborgia88 on 02-07-2012 at 04:14:

My condolences to all who are/were suffering!

Here in Indianapolis, some storms did go through on Friday and early Saturday (and one involved the largest hailstones I've ever seen) but I didn't lose power -and very surprisingly, no tree branches came down either. All in all, I was really just so happy to finally see some rain, after going a month without and having to watch the lawn turn brown and having to water all the shrubs and plants in the yard with a hose every few days to keep them from shriveling up.

Life's been a little hectic though lately, as I've had to get a new computer on very short notice (long story) and be scrambling to finish lots of things before I head for the Comic Con next week (gift exchange fic being one of them).

Posted by littlewolf on 02-07-2012 at 11:08:

Everyone look after yourselves, hopefully all the crazy weather eases off for everyone and the temperatures drop

May the bad things get lost on the way to you door!

Posted by KT1972 on 02-07-2012 at 11:25:

Well it's certainly putting our miserable summer weather into perspective! Hope everyone stayed safe while it was going on, and things settle down soon.

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement; nothing can be done without hope. - HELEN KELLER

Posted by clouddancer on 02-07-2012 at 11:30:

Glad to hear your power is back Jublke and that you had no issues LB.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by k2p2 on 02-07-2012 at 19:44:

Our power went out for about five hours, starting within minutes of the front moving into the neighborhood...

Watching it come in through the back door, I was hoping for a the cool breeze that usually preceeds the front...Instead a great suction came up, almost sucking me out of the house and slamming the laundry room doors behind me...pretty freaky...

One coworker's car got hammered with hail hard enough that it looks kinda like a giant golf ball with a shattered windshield, while another is still without power nor water as there is no electricity to drive the well pump...

We are fine othewise...neighborhood lost some more large trees.

The world looks less difficult when standing next to a close friend.

Posted by KT1972 on 02-07-2012 at 20:05:

Sounds scary, glad you're ok though K2

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement; nothing can be done without hope. - HELEN KELLER

Posted by clouddancer on 02-07-2012 at 21:10:

Glad you are okay K2, although being sucked out of your house sounds very scary. At that point I would be thinking tornado.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by k2p2 on 02-07-2012 at 21:17:

75 MPH straight line, but tornados commonly travel at over 100.

The world looks less difficult when standing next to a close friend.

Posted by clouddancer on 03-07-2012 at 02:08:

I am aware of that, but can YOU tell a 75mph wind from a 100mph one, when you are in the middle of it? I know I can't, and in the moment how are you to know if the initial gust is a lead up to the tornado winds?

That is what I was thinking of when I said I would have been considering tornado.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

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