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Posted by jublke on 14-06-2012 at 03:34:

Food allergies

We think my son had an anaphylactic food reaction today - he reacted just like he did two years ago and I know that one was a food allergy. We've known about his severe peanut allergy since he was four, but nothing prepares you for when it happens - his panic, red-faced, feeling like he can't breathe, terrified he's going to die. And after the epi-pen, antihistamine, 2 hours in the ER, and vomiting up the offending trace of peanut in some cross-contaminated food, he's fine. Terrifying. Scary. Horrible. Frown

Heart "The heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing." -- Blaise Pascal Heart

Posted by lborgia88 on 14-06-2012 at 04:10:

So sorry -yes, that must have been terrifying!! So glad that you were prepared, though, with an epi-pen and that he's okay now. Huggles

Posted by ChrisW on 14-06-2012 at 04:38:

RE: Food allergies

Originally posted by jublke
We think my son had an anaphylactic food reaction today - he reacted just like he did two years ago and I know that one was a food allergy. We've known about his severe peanut allergy since he was four, but nothing prepares you for when it happens - his panic, red-faced, feeling like he can't breathe, terrified he's going to die. And after the epi-pen, antihistamine, 2 hours in the ER, and vomiting up the offending trace of peanut in some cross-contaminated food, he's fine. Terrifying. Scary. Horrible. Frown

I'm so sorry, I'm relieved that he's okay though!

Eagle Whisperer

Posted by Daniella T on 14-06-2012 at 07:05:

Sorry to read it, Julie! Sounds like a truly horrible experience! Give him a big hug from us!

They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Naturally, they became heroes -- Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan.

Posted by KT1972 on 14-06-2012 at 07:18:

Bah, those sneaky little peanuts......what a scare for you all, so glad he's ok now. Hug

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement; nothing can be done without hope. - HELEN KELLER

Posted by littlewolf on 14-06-2012 at 07:36:

Big hug being sent you wayHug

Glad that he is okay, and that you are both home, let us know how you are both going in the next few days

May the bad things get lost on the way to you door!

Posted by k2p2 on 14-06-2012 at 10:32:

Glad he's okay!

The world looks less difficult when standing next to a close friend.

Posted by clouddancer on 14-06-2012 at 11:46:

Sorry to hear you had to go through the experience Julie. I know I would be in a similar panic if I ever had to do something like you did.

And I am meant to be "prepared," considering I am a teacher and may need to deal with such an event happening with one of the students in my class. I know the steps I would need to follow, but I think I would have a panic attack myself. After we had the child safely packed off and rushed to hospital, hopefully.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by amethyst on 14-06-2012 at 16:50:

Sorry you had to go through all that, but glad he's feeling better.

My biggest pet-peeve with buffets and pot-lucks are the idiots that just grab any serving tool and stick it in any dish, not carrying that they are mixing food. Me, I don't like mixed food, but in your case, it could lead to a serious situation.

Hope it doesn't happen again.

CD, I had to send one of my students to the hospital. She was sitting in the hall between my classroom and the band room, she was supposed to be in band. She was struggling breathing and I asked her if she was okay. She said yeah, she just couldn't breathe to play her instrument. I went back to my classroom to put down the papers I was carrying and then back to the hall to talk to her some more. After finding out that she had just had a serious asthma, I went back to my room and called the secretary to inform her of the situation and that we should call her parents and an ambulance. The silly girl, who really was one of my better students, didn't bring her rescue inhaler with her. It took what was left of my prep period to get my own breathing under control from the adrenaline and the power of suggestion (anxiety is one of my triggers).

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by ElectricWhite on 14-06-2012 at 18:05:

I'm glad your boy got through that ordeal -- I know that's horrendously terrifying for everyone involved! Keep us informed while we keep him in our thoughts, okay? Therethere

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury

Posted by Becky Rock on 14-06-2012 at 22:54:

I'm glad he's OK. Julie.

What I haye about peanuts (and tree nuts) is they are used as fillers in things you wouldn't imagine and other items are produced on the same converyors and in the same facilities for the sross-contamination.

A lot of people just don't think about it. My son is allergic to tree nuts. He's old enough to read the ingrediants in things and to say no if there is no list, but it irks him. We've been lucky - other than the first incident, he hasn't had a reaction, but the epipen is always ready.

I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...

Posted by jublke on 15-06-2012 at 01:43:

Thanks for the hugs - I was really shaken up. He hasn't had a reaction in two years, so we were out of practice. Luckily, my husband has been teaching my son how to use the epi-pen lately, so he sprang into action and administered the shot. After the ordeal, my son's been perfectly fine, although a little wary of food. Of course, all of this happened while we were traveling ...

Heart "The heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing." -- Blaise Pascal Heart

Posted by Transmute Jun on 26-06-2012 at 21:33:

Julie, I'm so glad he will be okay! What's important is that you were there and you knew what to do when there was a problem. You're a good Mom who does what is necessary for your kids... and sometimes that includes tearing your hair out with worry. Huggles


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