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Posted by clouddancer on 27-08-2011 at 12:13:

Hurricane Irene

I thought a thread should be started wishing everyone in hurricane Irene's path safety and good wishes to you and your families.

I know the rain began more than 12 hours ago in some areas, but now with the eye of the storm heading closer and closer into land, I hope no one on the board sees any personal damage or loss. Please keep us updated for as long as you can and while you continue to have electricity. I will continue to send good thoughts out to everyone affected.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Becky Rock on 27-08-2011 at 12:38:

I'm just waiting for it to come by. I prepared on Tuesday (food, water, batteries, flashlights). I'm a pessimist in heart, so I always prepare for the worst.

Good luck to everyone in its path.

I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...

Posted by Transmute Jun on 27-08-2011 at 13:38:

I hope everyone stays safe!


Posted by lborgia88 on 27-08-2011 at 14:40:

Originally posted by Becky Rock
I'm a pessimist in heart, so I always prepare for the worst.

I call that being smart!

Hope it all goes okay, with no bad damage or lengthy power outages!

Posted by amethyst on 27-08-2011 at 17:47:

Originally posted by lborgia88
Originally posted by Becky Rock
I'm a pessimist in heart, so I always prepare for the worst.

I call that being smart!

Hope it all goes okay, with no bad damage or lengthy power outages!

I agree! If you are prepared for the worst that can happen, everything else will be easy.

Hope the storm is over soon.

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by Becky Rock on 27-08-2011 at 19:29:

We had an old gas grill that was knocked over and damaged this past spring in a storm that we hadn't bothered to replace. I had just gotten a new propane tank for it.

I made the hubby go out and get a new one Wed night, since we had the full tank, just in case. He came back with a nicer one that even has a side burner for pots and pans cooking. Wasn't in the budget, but I can skip the toll road for a while.

It's 3:30 PM. We've had a few bands of light rain and some breezes, but nothing harsh yet. The local news says its going to start going down hill probably over the next hour.

I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...

Posted by amethyst on 27-08-2011 at 19:57:

Stay safe, Becky!

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by Becky Rock on 27-08-2011 at 22:20:

I think we're right on the border of the bad weather. 30 miles west of DC. DC is getting wind gusts 25-45 and heavy rain. We're still only getting a light rain, very little breeze.

Actually, I'm a little concerned about the damage to the top of the Washington Monument from the earthquake. They sealed the cracks for now, but they say the higher you go, the strongers the winds are from the hurricane.

I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...

Posted by Madilayn on 28-08-2011 at 00:08:

It's a Cat 1 which is pretty small for a hurricane/cyclone - however the wind will do damage - and I would say you will see more damage to the Washington Monument.

From the maps, I think you are just on the edge, Becky, so you will get a lot of rain and a bit of wind - the rain tends to be further out thatn the wind.

Because it's a Cat 1, the biggest threat will come from rain and storm surge - which is why the low lying areas and New York's subway is being closed.

LOL - listen to me! Can you tell I live in a cyclone prone region???

Anyone who is in the path though - the bathroom is your friend. It's the strongest room in the house - so get some comfy cushions, matresses and blankets in there. Fill the bathtub with water and put a clean sheet over it (to protect the water from dirt, etc) as this will ensure you have drinking water.


"When I'm old, I don't want them to say of me, "She's so charming." I want them to say, "Be careful, I think she's armed." -G. Stoddart

Posted by Dragonsbain on 28-08-2011 at 01:33:

Hello all,
Willmington,NC got about 7.5 inches of rain. The offical highest wind gust was 66 mph. Lots of water damage. It was nice to find out that only 1/2 of Willmington lost power. So everyone can find power close. Nothing like a hot meal.

Becky I wish you well. I hope your house doesn't flood. The offical measurement is for every 25 stories you go up, you add one catagory to the hurricane. The Washington Monument doesn't need the wind and rain.

I found a cute story on the local Willmington news website. Hopefully this will give everyone a smile.

WILMINGTON, N.C. (AP) - Seventeen babies were born at New Hanover Regional Medical Center in Wilmington as Hurricane Irene passed. But not 1 of them was named Irene.

Hospital spokeswoman Carolyn Fisher says the hospital usually has about 10 births in 24 hours. The 17 babies were born in the 18 hours between 6 p.m. Friday and noon Saturday.

Fisher also said about 40 children of hospital staff members stayed at the hospital Friday night on sleeping bags and air mattresses.

She says the hospital routinely provides such care for children of staffers who have to work during a storm and need a safe place for their children. During Irene, several doctors played guitar for the kids.

Fisher says the hospital never lost power.

Be Well all.

Health and Happiness

Posted by Becky Rock on 28-08-2011 at 01:39:

We're starting to get heavier rain and some gusts, but nothing too serious. It had to happen once it got dark, of course.

I think Irene is about the largest hurricane I've ever seen by the sheer size of it. It was stretched out clear from South Carolina to the Canadian border at one point.

My son is disappointed. He wanted some action. I told him it wasn't over yet. The center isn't expected to be east of us for a few more hours. He doesn't remember Isobel in 2003 or Gaston at Myrtle Beach in 2004. If he did, I don't think he'd be so anxious for the 'action'.

I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...

Posted by clouddancer on 28-08-2011 at 02:44:

I believe we have cloud cover showing up now, here in Ontario. Of course I don't think we will have any of the rain or wind from the storm, only the outer reaches of cloud, but you are correct Becky it is a huge system.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Madilayn on 28-08-2011 at 03:57:

Oh yeah - it's a massive system in size! They were saying about 1000 kilometers across - which is twice the size of TC Yasi that hit Queensland earlier this year.

A good thing though is that the larger in size they are, the destructive forces often are weaker because they are spread out further.

Not that that is much consolation to those who get caught up in it!


"When I'm old, I don't want them to say of me, "She's so charming." I want them to say, "Be careful, I think she's armed." -G. Stoddart

Posted by Becky Rock on 28-08-2011 at 13:12:

That's a cute article, Dragon. I believe drastic changes in air pressure can cause women who are close to delivering to go into labor.

We had some gusts during the night and lots of rain, bt I don't think the gusts exceeded 50 mph. Haven't heard how much rain we got yet but I checked on the level of the local creek and its barely risen.

I live on a hill. It would take a Noah's Ark situation to get this high. I've never heard of land slides around here, so I doubt the rain could cause that to happen. Its not that steep of a hill.

I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...

Posted by AllentownDarkWater on 28-08-2011 at 16:30:

Well it's Sunday, and I can tell you this:Hurricane Irene didn't do shit. I knew the news was just trying to put fear into us again. Nothing but wind and rain and everyone's acting like it's a Roland Emmerich disaster film and shitting their pants with fear, including my mother, uncle and older brother. I just KNEW it wouldn't be any major problem from the moment I heard about it. Fucking news. Stop trying to scare everyone. And on top of that, I'm in a bad mood because of something that happened last night.


Posted by green on 28-08-2011 at 18:42:

Allen, my father always says an ounce of precaution is worth a pound of regret - meaning it is far better to be prepared for the worst than having to deal with the aftermath.

Hurricanes and other severe weather patterns are not able to be predicted to with 100% certainty - Irene could have easily turned out to be the worst natural disaster NYC and the surrounding areas have faced in decades - as it is, reports are suggesting several people still died as a result.

That you and your family escaped the worst - great! That is truly fantastic! But what could have happened was still very real - and several families are dealing with that now.

Be thankful you were spared, Allen - and never forget that Mother Nature is definitely not a deity to be dismissed. You, and thousands of others, were lucky - this time.

Exaggeration misleads the credulous and offends the perceptive. ~Eliza Cook

Posted by lborgia88 on 28-08-2011 at 19:33:

Nice story, Dragonsbain.

Originally posted by Dragonsbain
Seventeen babies were born at New Hanover Regional Medical Center in Wilmington as Hurricane Irene passed. But not 1 of them was named Irene.

I don't think I'd want to grow up knowing I was named after a natural disaster! Laugh1

Originally posted by Becky Rock
That's a cute article, Dragon. I believe drastic changes in air pressure can cause women who are close to delivering to go into labor.

That would make sense. I wonder if stress has anything to do with it too -I think I've encountered a fair number of movies/books where, in the midst of a big crisis, that's when the pregnant woman character goes into labor.

My aunt was a pediatric nurse for decades, and she swears that full moons induce labor. Not too sure I believe that though...

Posted by clouddancer on 29-08-2011 at 00:14:

Originally posted by lborgia88
Originally posted by Becky Rock
That's a cute article, Dragon. I believe drastic changes in air pressure can cause women who are close to delivering to go into labor.

That would make sense. I wonder if stress has anything to do with it too -I think I've encountered a fair number of movies/books where, in the midst of a big crisis, that's when the pregnant woman character goes into labor.

I would believe that, but then I am basing that on what I have seen on TV and in the movies. And as we know they are not always "correct" in what happens in real live.

My aunt was a pediatric nurse for decades, and she swears that full moons induce labor. Not too sure I believe that though...

As a teacher I would claim that a full moon makes children wilder. Being windy also seems to have the same affect. I would also say that eating candy at Halloween affects children's temperaments, and yet doctors have written studies saying sugar does not have this affect. (So, what to believe?)

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 29-08-2011 at 19:05:

Originally posted by AllentownDarkWater
Well it's Sunday, and I can tell you this:Hurricane Irene didn't do shit. I knew the news was just trying to put fear into us again. Nothing but wind and rain and everyone's acting like it's a Roland Emmerich disaster film and shitting their pants with fear, including my mother, uncle and older brother. I just KNEW it wouldn't be any major problem from the moment I heard about it. Fucking news. Stop trying to scare everyone. And on top of that, I'm in a bad mood because of something that happened last night.

I think any storm that results in 21 deaths and many more missing did, in fact, do shit.

: shakes head and rolls eyes :


Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by amethyst on 30-08-2011 at 01:17:

It did come in a lot weaker than expected. Of course that's easy for me to say watching it safely from the west coast.

The death toll was just updated to 35. However, most appear to be either from falling trees or people being stupid.

I'm sorry, but trying to surf through it (I saw reports of this, but nothing that ties this to any deaths or missing), driving through flooded streets or boating/canoeing, particularly without a life jacket are just really stupid behaviors.

Perspective Alters Reality

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