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Posted by Dragonsbain on 21-05-2011 at 20:10:

Question The Puppy Episode

Hello all,
Does anyone know where I can get the blueprints to the God Phoenix? It would help me a lot with the rewrite of the puppy episode.

I have read a lot of the rewrites and reworking of "A Critical moment for the Science Ninja Team. They are all amazing. Most of them fall into the comedy realm.

Please correct me if I'm wrong but, the heart of the challenge is to stay within the guide lines of the story. While, at the same time, eliminating the WTF? moments.

I have been studying our main character, Joe, a lot for this rewrite and have figured out a few things about the Condor. I have been watching the ADV Gatchaman episodes, Japanese with subtitles for this.

Joe is perceived as a rock. Thanks to the great animators for Gatchaman he really isn't. Joe is normally very closed. But when he does emote you can see it on his face.It may be only 1 or 2 frames but it is there.
Joe is very touch sensitive. If Joe really wants to drive a point home he completes it with touch. Jinepi gets a lot of this. Also, the easiest way way to get Joe to drop his mask is with touch. Jun is, really good at doing this to him. Nambu is the only one on the team that can pull Joe's strings with his voice.

I really wanted to post all the pictures I'm referencing in this post but I'm still working out how to do that.

Any feedback would be very helpful.

Health and Happiness

Posted by Becky Rock on 21-05-2011 at 21:22:

Hi Dragon.

For a bluepint of the ship, try Jason's site. Of course now I can't find my reference. I believe it's

There's also Wendy's site, Home of the White Shadow.

I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...

Posted by lborgia88 on 21-05-2011 at 22:57:

You have good insight into the Condor -I look forward to reading your version, Dragonsbain!

Tatsunokofan had once posted some diagrams just of the God Phoenix's bridge, in this thread:

But the images are gone now. Someone here might have copies saved, but if I recall, they mostly just showed the seating arrangements and were only of the bridge.

To the best of my knowledge, there is no complete diagram of the interior of the God Phoenix -just the brief glimpses we get in episodes when they're shown going to their g-machines or to the missile bays.

There is this cut-away, but it doesn't show a lot.


(Sorry it's small -I couldn't find it any larger-sized)

Wendy's "Home of the White Shadow" site has been down since early March, though it's supposed to come back once it's been moved.

You can still find it with this link, but it doesn't have any blueprints. It has lots of other useful stuff though.

Posted by Dragonsbain on 22-05-2011 at 00:36:

Thanks for all the info Becky and Iborgia88.

It's real important to me to get the characters and mecha right. Considering I don't know any of the original script writers, I can only study the episodes.

I luv my IPad for watching the episodes. You can study all of episodes second by second.

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Posted by jublke on 22-05-2011 at 02:44:

Dragonsbain, I thought this was an interesting observation:

"Joe is very touch sensitive. If Joe really wants to drive a point home he completes it with touch. Jinepi gets a lot of this. Also, the easiest way way to get Joe to drop his mask is with touch. Jun is, really good at doing this to him. Nambu is the only one on the team that can pull Joe's strings with his voice."


Now I am going to have to go back & look at the BotP episodes to see if the same holds true for Jason.

Julie K.

Heart "The heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing." -- Blaise Pascal Heart

Posted by Transmute Jun on 22-05-2011 at 14:35:

Let us know your observations, Julie!


Posted by gatchamarie on 22-05-2011 at 15:56:

You have a very good insight of Joe's character, Dragonsbain! I can't wait to see what you'll come up with!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by Dragonsbain on 22-05-2011 at 19:11:

Hello all,

Jublke: I want to see what you come up with. They did change Joe's character for BOTP.

Health and Happiness

Posted by Dragonsbain on 23-05-2011 at 03:24:

Hello all,
I finally figured out the picture thing.whoo Now I can show you what I'm talking about.

The first set is Nambu and Joe from "Hell's Speed Race"

2 frames later

Now on to what Jun seems to be able to do. These are both from "Firebird vs. Fire Eating Dragon.

Then the very next frame.

The same basic thing happens between Joe and Jun in GatchII when Joe returns.

Ok this is just a great picture from " Revenge! The Whale Operation"

Here is a nice example of Joe getting his point across with touch. This is from the Ibukuron episode.

I hope these illustrate the points.

Be well.

Health and Happiness

Posted by littlewolf on 23-05-2011 at 13:11:

Interesting -
Joe always struck me as being very tactile, ever when he is shown leaning against a wall , he is often seen twirling his gun or with a shuriken like he was using them to center or focus his thoughts.

In many of the fics he is portrayed to have a very sensual and seductive side but mostly on his terms, (a need to control himself, situation and outcome) this, then would be reversed if someone touches him (in the case of Jun) thus revealing another side to him, perhaps vulnerable/wounded or showing cracks in his armour.(Joe struck me as having a certain need for control even if others do not perceive his action like that, perhaps because he did not have that level of control when his parents were killed) (even the Condor needs a hug )

Perhaps Nambu has a authoritarian or parental voice, appealing to the soldier or the child within Joe

May the bad things get lost on the way to you door!

Posted by Transmute Jun on 23-05-2011 at 13:51:

Even the COndor needs a hug... that's perfect, Dragonsbain! ROFL 2

But seriously, you make some very good points. These are some great insights!


Posted by Dragonsbain on 23-05-2011 at 18:31:

Littlewolf: Bingo!! You got it.

I really want to fully explain my thoughts about Joe, but I'm saving it for the episode rewrite.

Everyone can disagree with me if they want to but, I always thought that Jinpei saved Joe when they had to Bird Missile Crescent Coral. If you watch it frame by frame it LOOKS like Joe is on the edge of a full fledged sob before Jinpei starts speaking. I say sob and not cry because... Oh,heck I'll just post the picks.

One last question. What was Ken's mothers name?

Thank-you everybody for all your help.

Health and Happiness

Posted by amethyst on 23-05-2011 at 19:12:

Originally posted by Dragonsbain
One last question. What was Ken's mothers name?

In the original it was never stated. However, many use Sayuri which is the name that she was given in the OAVs. I'd say, feel free to use what you wish.

BTW -- love your character insights. Can't wait to read your story.

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by Dragonsbain on 23-05-2011 at 20:30:

Thanks amethyst. Now I can finish the rewrite.

Health and Happiness

Posted by Dragonsbain on 01-06-2011 at 03:45:

Hello everybody,
I just submitted Chapter 1 to Gatchafanfic. Hopefully it will be accepted.

Health and Happiness

Posted by Dragonsbain on 01-06-2011 at 09:01:

It's up. It's just Chapter 1. I'll get the rest up as soon as possible.

Health and Happiness

Posted by Transmute Jun on 01-06-2011 at 14:23:

That's great! Could you post a link here so we can find it more easily?


Posted by gatchamarie on 01-06-2011 at 15:18:

Lovely news, Dragonsbain!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by lborgia88 on 01-06-2011 at 17:43:

Good to hear, Dragonsbain!

Posted by Dragonsbain on 01-06-2011 at 21:02:

Here is the link:

Enjoy and comment.Happy

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