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--- Certain things in my room I can't find. (

Posted by AllentownDarkWater on 25-12-2010 at 22:28:

Certain things in my room I can't find.

There's no place else they could be, because they have never left this room since I brought them in here, and one of which is a Compact Flash card that has photos from an old camera I didn't even copy to my hard drive yet, and it's driving me mad and stressing me out. Where could it be? And the last time I used it wasn't too long ago. These are pictures I took. These aren't things that can be replaced easily. And I also can't find some other things in here too, like one of my PSP games and several of my UMD's. God, I can't take this. It's driving me crazy.


Posted by UnpublishedWriter on 25-12-2010 at 23:54:

You might have to break down and start gradually cleaning out or rearranging things in your room. It might be that they've been misplaced or slipped down into a corner.

Benefits, not features; benefits, not features

Posted by green on 26-12-2010 at 01:26:

Allen... they will be there... you might just have to shift some stuff, that's all. Start in the area you think they were the last time you saw them, give it a complete going over and make sure it's clean as a whistle before going on to the next area.

Trust me... I've been in that situation far more often than I like to remember. I have a tendency to ignore the simple things like housework when I hit a down point in my life and then it takes for me to be in a very good place before I can face the destruction and deal with it.

But I always end up finding all the things I had misplaced!

Exaggeration misleads the credulous and offends the perceptive. ~Eliza Cook

Posted by gatchamarie on 26-12-2010 at 08:46:

And, if you're like me, sometimes, misplaced things would be just in front of my eyes, or maybe at an arm's length, perhaps only slightly hidden, but I keep on not noticing them just because of the frustrating, and teasing thought that I could have lost them! Then, when I would not be searching, they would pop out to sight out of no where!! But, do take the others' advice to clean up ... it always helps, and maybe you'll also find other misplaced, and forgotten things during the way!!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


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