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Posted by Cep on 11-09-2004 at 14:27:

Bit fudging quiet round here

Where is everyone, this place seems deader then a

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

Posted by lyon on 11-09-2004 at 17:21:

grin .. it goes in waves.

this is why when you were instituting a "thou shalt post in a certain number of days, or risk the wrath of the board suspension" that we were all like "nani?!"

right now is a quiet time.

Trample the weak. Hurdle the dead.

Posted by Ronin on 11-09-2004 at 20:18:


Posted by Cep on 11-09-2004 at 23:44:

Ah well nevermind.....Guess I should do the spring cleaning theres about 10 new accounts and not one of em's posted.

Let you n me paint the town a bright colour Lyon baby! Pig

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

Posted by lyon on 12-09-2004 at 02:42:


best thing i've heard all day. any particular color or shall we just go where inspiration leads us?

/strikes a saucy pose and winks.

Trample the weak. Hurdle the dead.

Posted by Cep on 12-09-2004 at 09:40:

Anything that takes your fancy! Lets do this thang! Driving

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

Posted by lyon on 12-09-2004 at 17:30:


i'd better take a shower first. and make up... can't forget make up. clothing!

/me dashes away to get ready.

Trample the weak. Hurdle the dead.

Posted by Ashke on 12-09-2004 at 18:21:

Blame it on the first week back to school.

Posted by Elvin Ruler on 12-09-2004 at 21:50:

Or just school...

What if there is a spoon? Nerd

Posted by stardust on 12-09-2004 at 23:24:

It's the first week back for everything. School, activities, summer is over. Anyway, wake me up when it's June again. Big Grin


A villain must be a thing of power, handled with delicacy and grace. He must be wicked enough to excite our aversion, strong enough to arouse our fear, human enough to awaken some transient gleam of sympathy. - Agnes Repplier

Posted by CricketBeautiful on 13-09-2004 at 17:33:

Awe, for us housewives it's back to free time!

Three mornings a week with 2 hrs off (that's 1:40 at home!). Only one kid at home most of the day (and a mad rush at 3:30 for snacks, homework, notes to/from teacher, and cooking).

Just gotta finish that hard-drive clean, and it's on to the fics. And the four baby-gifites I'm behind in. And bringing stuff back to the main floor after the renovations. And those two closets that are all that are between me and one floor being totally House Beautiful. And about a dozen errands I put off all summer.

Productive Procrastination. Gotta love it.


Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

- Viktor E. Frankl

Posted by Berg Katse on 13-09-2004 at 23:58:

Just to add insult to injury, the last few days of my Net access has been littered with service blackouts thanks to the damn strike. Some part of me will actually be happy not to put up with their crap after Wednesday.


Posted by Elvin Ruler on 14-09-2004 at 01:06:

No offense, but I'm *really* glad that Texas doesn't have unions. I'm thinking that those are bad, no matter their motive.

What if there is a spoon? Nerd

Posted by CricketBeautiful on 14-09-2004 at 14:20:

All depends on who runs them and how and why. They go through phases, like every other group. Sometimes, rabble-rousers who convince others they can "get things done" rise to the top -- forgetting that 25c/hour raise won't pay for 3 weeks on UI for the strike.

On the other hand, if the union and company work well together, they both want the same thing -- a company that will make money and employ them for a long time. And it evens the playing field for companies that do treat employees well and those that would rather not.

As the economy changes, people have to adjust, and sometimes that means that your skills are less valuable. And the rules that are in place to prevent the boss for showing major favoratism to his son can also stop everyone from getting rid of the dead wood. So, win some, lose some.

Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

- Viktor E. Frankl

Posted by Yuki on 19-09-2004 at 01:31:

Nesting.. nesting..

Plus school year just started.. still trying to get back into the routine..

Posted by Cep on 19-09-2004 at 10:20:

Well I'm out of a job in two weeks, time to start my business Empire I think.


Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

Posted by meridianday on 19-09-2004 at 15:33:

Out of a job? Is that by choice, or have you been downsized? Crying


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by Yuki on 19-09-2004 at 16:17:

Aye .. *pet pet* whichever way..such changes are almost always stressful...

But... starting up your own business empire sounds great to me..

Wishing you the best of success.. Happy


Posted by CricketBeautiful on 21-09-2004 at 18:26:

Cricket sits on couch beside Cep. Silently hands him the beverage of his choice and commiserates.

Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

- Viktor E. Frankl

Posted by Cep on 22-09-2004 at 08:03:

Bravo thank you thank you

Don't worry too much I just hope the thing gets off the ground but I'm gonna be cool Bigglasses about it all and hopefully everything should be groovy baby Banana

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

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