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Posted by gogirl212 on 30-05-2010 at 04:35:

Back in the Nest

Can't figure out the last time I logged, but wow! I love what you've done with the place! Looking at the Interactive Fics it seems somehow the entire board been drafted onto the Team and have their own adventures now, everyone has hot, smexy new avatars and so many new faces . . .

. . . big hugs to those I know and have missed and warm hellos to the ppl I don't know yet but hope to . . .

. . . now where do I sign up to get a uniform and some hand to hand combat training with the Eagle?


There are few problems that a swift kick to the head by a highly trained ninja can't solve.

Posted by amethyst on 30-05-2010 at 04:46:

Hey gogirl

Here's the thread for the birdstyle avatars:

To join the IF, read through the character thread and the bios so that you know who we are and insert your own here:

You may want to take a day or two or so to read through the at least the latest on the IF. Green has it all on word docx if that is easier for you to read.

Feel free to jump in with us.

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by green on 30-05-2010 at 04:51:

Hi! Wave2

I guess it's a welcome back!

You kiss and cuddle Thunderbird for your uniform. He'll need to know your bird designation and uniform preferences. He hasn't been around a lot, either...

You come up with a bio with your girl's background and special skills - we've got a separate thread for those. Not sure where that one went to...

Then you get 'found' by someone and drafted. Not as hard as it sounds. Wink3 Especially when the teams are about to swing into operation.

If it helps, I have the entire IF file saved onto a flash drive. I can e-mail it to you so you don't have to flick through all the pages.

A word of warning though - it's up to 1558 pages on a Word document...

I also have the other bios on USB too, so let me know what you want and it'll be on its way!

I do believe the Recon team still has places open, as does Rescue and Intervention.

Everyone is welcome to jump aboard! But be warned - it is way too addictive to be good for you! pound

Exaggeration misleads the credulous and offends the perceptive. ~Eliza Cook

Posted by amethyst on 30-05-2010 at 05:01:

Originally posted by greenBut be warned - it is way too addictive to be good for you! pound

Now that is too true!

I'm sitting here sipping margaritas and sewing, and every few minutes I'm clicking refresh to see what new update there is.

Not sure how many more will come before bedtime. I think Garnet and SJ have gone to bed already. Becky's in Indianapolis for the weekend, luck girl! Maddy seems to have disappeared at the moment. Askura and FB aren't up yet most likely. So it's just Green and I at the moment.

Damn, I need to get a life.

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by gogirl212 on 30-05-2010 at 05:07:

Thanks ladies for pointing me in the right direction!! There is lots and lots to read in that IF . . . and the sidebars, and the OOC . . . wow! So prolific! Might need to take you up on the offer of the word doc!

I know all about gatchamaniacs sucking you in and getting you obsessively involved in things you never dreamed you would do . . . I barely managed to escape last time!

I'm off to bed but will dream of birdstyle and a good way to entice Thunderbird . . .

nice to meet you both Wave2

There are few problems that a swift kick to the head by a highly trained ninja can't solve.

Posted by green on 30-05-2010 at 05:08:

Maddy's off writing, I can assure you... Damn, that woman is talented *sigh*

I currently have nothing... And I'm not sending my girl out without a chaperone.... Too many Rigans on base for her sanity.

I'm just sitting here, hitting refresh and catching up on Facebook....

Damn thing is way too addictive...

Exaggeration misleads the credulous and offends the perceptive. ~Eliza Cook

Posted by amethyst on 30-05-2010 at 05:10:

same here and good night.

As for enticing Thunderbird, just leave a nice note and a few hugs for him in the thread and if he doesn't get back in a week or so, send him a PM.

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by amethyst on 30-05-2010 at 05:12:

Mads is writing! Oh, goody, something to look forward to! Hopefully, I can stay up for it. If not it will be something nice for waking up with.

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by green on 30-05-2010 at 05:15:

Well, I can't guarantee she's writing right now, but it's more than likely. She disappears and then BAM, she's back with something delicious!

Nice to met you too, Gogirl!

Exaggeration misleads the credulous and offends the perceptive. ~Eliza Cook

Posted by Madilayn on 30-05-2010 at 05:17:

Maddy has just finished writing and has posted.

Nice to see you back GoGirl! If you PM Thunderbird, he'll get things underway for you.

Green - you're on Facebook??? Please, please, please, PM me with how to find you so I can add you as a friend!!

Then you'll also get Amethyst, SJ, Springie, Ste, Firebird and a number of the rest of us too!!


"When I'm old, I don't want them to say of me, "She's so charming." I want them to say, "Be careful, I think she's armed." -G. Stoddart

Posted by green on 30-05-2010 at 05:23:

Maddy, your timing is just impeccable! pound That was hilarous, my sides still hurt...

PM will be on it's way ASAP

Exaggeration misleads the credulous and offends the perceptive. ~Eliza Cook

Posted by amethyst on 30-05-2010 at 05:26:

iagree nuff said

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by Madilayn on 30-05-2010 at 05:41:

I'm rather proud of the timing myself!!

As for writing - I usually have the outlines of a post floating around in my head at most times - sometimes they come off, sometimes they don't!

GoGirl - we're about to go on a mission to rescue some girls, so it's likeley that if you want to join in, your gal could be one of the ones we rescue??


"When I'm old, I don't want them to say of me, "She's so charming." I want them to say, "Be careful, I think she's armed." -G. Stoddart

Posted by Garnet on 30-05-2010 at 12:27:

I guess I should say welcome back, GoGirl, but since I'm new, I'll say welcome instead.

Yes, the IF is VERY addicting. I never sleep well the night before the Indy 500 and it took all my restraint not to get up during the night and see what everyone was up to.

I'm off to catch up before a run off to a race-day party. I'll miss most of the fun today, but I'll probably catch up tonight or in the morning.

Posted by gogirl212 on 30-05-2010 at 13:02:

Hi Maddy Wave3

Oooh yes yes yes! Clap Write me in!!!!

I better read faster . . . lots to get through on that epic IF . . . oh, and I guess I need a back story . . . ! My quiet holiday weekend just got busy!

There are few problems that a swift kick to the head by a highly trained ninja can't solve.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 30-05-2010 at 14:39:

And I will point out that GoGirl just posted another incredible chapter to her Breathe fic on It blew me away! Literally! The Swan likes her explosives... Big Grin

Great to see you back here, GoGirl!


Posted by Hinotori on 30-05-2010 at 15:37:

Welcome back, GoGirl!!! So glad that you're able to join us again! We've missed you!!! Huggles

Eagle in Charge

Eagle Condor Swan Swallow Hootie

Posted by gogirl212 on 30-05-2010 at 16:13:

I missed my Jersey-Soul-Sister and the Mistress of Smut!! RL has been kicking me, but summer is here and lots of time for fun and hanging out


TJ thanks for the sweet words about my latest fic endeavors . . . I am still very shy about these things. Blushing

There are few problems that a swift kick to the head by a highly trained ninja can't solve.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 30-05-2010 at 16:44:

I can understand your feeling shy, but it really is a wonderful story!


Posted by gatchamarie on 30-05-2010 at 16:54:

Welcome back, GoGirl! It's so nice to hear from you again!!! You've been missed such a lot!! Huggles

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


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