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Posted by AllentownDarkWater on 26-05-2010 at 16:16:

Rebel Son Harlock

I don't know much about Captain Harlock, but I really liked this video alot. It's set to a song called Rebel Son, which is by one of my favorite groups, Survivor.


Posted by gatchamarie on 26-05-2010 at 17:07:

Captain Harlock was by far one of my favorite anime during my childhood! It's a long time since I've seen something related to it and it's nice of you to bring me back those memories! Allen, when I eagerly clicked on the link a Yahoo message came up saying that the page cannot be found! I hope I could see the video you mentioned in some way or another! Will try later!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by lyon on 26-05-2010 at 19:32:

Correct Youtube Link?

Trample the weak. Hurdle the dead.

Posted by AllentownDarkWater on 26-05-2010 at 22:13:

Yeah, that's the one.


Posted by Springie on 26-05-2010 at 23:13:

I've never seen that before, but the style looks like Star there a connection?


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by tatsunokofan on 26-05-2010 at 23:28:

Hi all!

Both Captain Harlock and Star Blazers were created by the same artist; Leiji Matsumoto. Hence the similarity in art styles.


Posted by Springie on 26-05-2010 at 23:41: definitely looks interesting! Did it ever run in the US? I totally missed it if it did...


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by tatsunokofan on 27-05-2010 at 00:05:

Hi all!

Harlock has appeared in several releases over here. The first TV series, Space Pirate Captain Harlock, was mutilated by Carl Macek and squished together with Matsumoto's Queen Millennium in order to make Captain Harlock and the Queen of a Thousand Years. This series was shown in syndication in 1985 and failed as miserably as the hatchet job on the two shows deserved. If you want to see it unbutchered, it can be found subtitled on Crunchyroll at:

Harlock also appeared here on home video in sveeral forms. The 1982 Harlock movie, Arcadia of the Youth, was released here, as were a pair of more recent OAV series featuring him; Harlock Saga and Space Pirate Captain Herlock (sic). It is from these OAVs that the visual material used in that music video come from. Harlock can also be found in other Matsumoto-based projects, including the two Galaxy Express 999 movies, and an ancestor of Harlock appears in Gun Frontier: Hopalong Harlock.


Posted by Springie on 27-05-2010 at 00:20:

1985- that would explain why I missed it...I was older and had stopped watching cartoons/anime...
Thanks for the info, certainly seems interesting!


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by lyon on 27-05-2010 at 01:41:

Harlock was one of the first animes I ever loved - Battle of the Planets came first with Star Blazers a very distant third.

What makes it even better though is that Harlock/My Youth In Arcadia didn't air in english - it only played on the *french* channel under the name Albator. So I had absolutely no idea what was going on. I would glue myself to the television and make up my own storyline to the pictures that I saw.

I'm also only addicted to the french theme music - the "correct" one seems wrong to me.

Trample the weak. Hurdle the dead.

Posted by tatsunokofan on 27-05-2010 at 02:46:

Hi all!

I'm also only addicted to the french theme music - the "correct" one seems wrong to me.

My own preferences lean toward the original, but I do have to agree with you that the French "Albator" theme was a great song!

And just to bring this somewhat back on-topic, your trivia fact for the day. Seiji Yokoyama, the composer for the music in the Captain Harlock TV series, was also the composer for the music in the Gatchaman radio drama. Listening to Yokoyama's music in the radio drama, one can easily pick out riffs that sound markedly similar to the music he composed for Captain Harlock. Not too surprising when you remember that both series were running at roughly the same time in 1978.

In a somewhat more obscure connection, Isao Sasaki, the voice actor who performed Joe's role, sang an English language version of the Captain Harlock theme song for an album of English language anime songs that he released in the late 1970s titled "Isao Sasaki Singing His Beloved Animation Hits"


Posted by gatchamarie on 27-05-2010 at 10:27:

Thanks for the correct link, Lyon! I've never heard that theme before ... useless to say, I only know the Italian one which I like so much! And it's also still being played frequently, together with other old anime themes, during grown-up shows in order to bring back childhood memories to us spectators!

James ... thanks so much for the info!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by AllentownDarkWater on 27-05-2010 at 14:05:

Originally posted by tatsunokofan

The first TV series, Space Pirate Captain Harlock, was mutilated by Carl Macek and squished together with Matsumoto's Queen Millennium in order to make Captain Harlock and the Queen of a Thousand Years.

Hey! What's with the bashing of the late, great Carl Macek? If it wasn't for him and Robotech, anime wouldn't have gotten as big as it has in the United States. Sure, Astro Boy, Speed Racer, BOTP and Voltron might have got the ball rolling, but it was Robotech that took it all the way, and Carl Macek is a legend who doesn't deserve that kind of disrespect. On a side note, while I'm on the subject of Carl Macek, I've been seeing people who are acting like Macek's death is a blessing, and I even recall one person on somebody's blog saying he was celebrating Macek's death, and people like that infuriate me. Most of these people are Macross purists, and I hate these SOB's who are just like "Uh! He ruined Macross! He ruined this, he ruined that, blah blah blah blah." I can't stand it. I have no sympathy for those goddamn Macross purists. And IMO, Rick Hunter can kick Hikaru Ichijo's ass.

Oh yeah, and Carl Macek is also responsible for bringing the anime version of The Dirty Pair to the United States for the first time ever via his dubs of Affair on Nolandia, Project Eden and Flight 005 Conspiracy.


Posted by lyon on 27-05-2010 at 14:52:

I have no idea who Carl Macek is. I guess I'm not a purist.

I've been cruising Youtube but can't seem to find the french version of the ending theme for Albator - anybody else come across it during the trip down memory lane?

Trample the weak. Hurdle the dead.

Posted by AllentownDarkWater on 27-05-2010 at 15:01:

Originally posted by lyon
I have no idea who Carl Macek is. I guess I'm not a purist.

I wasn't pointing the finger at anybody in particular, I was just generally speaking. And sorry if I sounded so harsh. I wasn't in one of my better moods when I made that reply, and I just tired of Uncle Carl getting bashed on.


Posted by Madilayn on 27-05-2010 at 15:06:

Hey, Allen, calm down babe!! Carl Macek and Harmony Gold did do a lot to bring Anime to the world.

What James was imply (to my reading) is that he did something that was unnecessary in that he took 2 good Anime shows, and for some reason known only to himself, decided to try to mash them together to make a third.

The problem was that in the 80's when "Japanimation" (yup - I can remember when it was called that!) took off around the world, the studios still couldn't get their heads around the fact that in Japan, anime was not just for children - in fact much of it was aimed at an adult audience.

So we get the phenomena of them deciding to do heavy editing of "adult" scenes and situations and, instead of going the Sandy Frank version of re-writing and re-animating filler stuff, they would try to mesh together different shows.

This is really doing a disservice to both shows, when you think about it.

I remember seeing Captain Harlock on television (even though I was adult by that time - still loved anime - what I saw was called "Captain Harlock and the Priates of the Future") and then seeing bootleg grainy video tapes at the Brissy anime club meetings and all of us realising what had happened.

I'm far from being a hardline anime purist - but there is that in me that says if it was good enough for you to want to bring to the world, then why go and make it virtually unrecognisable from the original.

Carl Macek did do good work and was responisble for a lot of the popularity of anime - but he did make decisions that, looking back (and you can say the same for Sandy Frank and BotP), were bad ones.


"When I'm old, I don't want them to say of me, "She's so charming." I want them to say, "Be careful, I think she's armed." -G. Stoddart

Posted by tatsunokofan on 27-05-2010 at 18:05:

Hi all!

Hey! What's with the bashing of the late, great Carl Macek?

First, lighten up.

Second, I don't hate Carl Macek. Heck, I've known Carl for decades. I first met him when he was a dealer at Comic Con, selling cels from Heavy Metal through his art gallery, and saw him a number of times after that. I won't say we were friends, but we were friendly enough to be on a first name basis. So, while you may think of him in the abstract as "Uncle Carl," to me he was just "Carl," a flesh and blood human being. I may not have always agreed with what he did, but that doesn't mean that I hate him.

While he may have been a God to you, to me, he was just a man. He didn't walk on water, he didn't turn water into wine, and everything he touched didn't turn into gold. He may have done a lot of things that were well done, were very popular, and helped to generate interest in anime across North America, but those successes were tempered by failures. Captain Harlock and the Queen of a Thousand Years was one of those failures.

Seriously, have you ever seen the series? It was awful. It's what happens when you take two series whose only connection to each other are that they were created by the same artist, shove them into a blender, and hit puree. The jumbled mess ran 65 episodes and rightfully died the ignominious death it deserved. I never spoke with Carl about it, but I suspect that even he would have prefered that we forget about it.

I'm sorry if you're offended by someone pointing out that your hero wasn't flawless. Pointing out one of his missteps doesn't take away from the positive things he did, but ignoring those missteps in order to only heap praise on him isn't right either.


Posted by gatchamarie on 27-05-2010 at 18:14:

Originally posted by Madilayn
I'm far from being a hardline anime purist - but there is that in me that says if it was good enough for you to want to bring to the world, then why go and make it virtually unrecognisable from the original.


To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by AllentownDarkWater on 27-05-2010 at 20:32:

Whoa, I said I wasn't in one of my better moods when I made that post. I'm sorry. Sheesh.


Posted by UnpublishedWriter on 27-05-2010 at 22:14:

You were rather upset.

I never saw Macross, so I won't weigh in. My anime memories are 8th Man, Astro Boy, Speed Racer, Kimba the White Lion, Battle of the Planets, Starblazers, and some shows whose titles I can't remember that aired Saturday morning. And Voltron.

Then a dry spell, and I checked out some stuff on Cartoon Network. Can't remember which one, but I remember holding off on Fullmetal Alchemist for a while. Cowboy Bebop, Trinity Blood, Paranoia Agent, Neon Genesis Evangelion, The Big O, Wolf's Rain, Eureka 7, Samurai Champloo. (And Vampire Hunter D, Devilman, and Demon Hunter Yohko on videotape.)

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