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Just been shocked by an item on Ananova which said that Thunderbirds has shot straight to No 1! And then faintly relieved to discover it's the theme tune by a bouncy boy band, which isn't a surprise at all.
But, are any of you planning to see it or not? Or have any of you actually seen it already?
I don't particularly want to see it but if it comes on the tele in a few years time I might give it a look.
Thanks Cep Administrator
Yep, I shall probably watch it when it comes on TV, but I doubt I'll be making a trip to the cinema this summer for it.
I was talking to a guy on Saturday who was complaining that they'd changed all the machines in the film and that he was upset because of that. Like Rolls Royce having nothing to do with the new FAB 1 and the new Thunderbird 2 not looking as if it could fly (looks about as flightworthy as the original to me, in fact I think they've been quite acceptably loyal to the original machine designs). But he didn't see anything odd about the original International Rescue being all astronauts and having years of experience at handling flying things, and the organisation now being made up of a bunch of university aged kids instead... I hadn't heard that viewpoint before.
I'm on a ThunderBirds writing group, along with Sam and Lyon.
Don't get Sam started on the ThunderBirds movie. She's been vewy, vewy quiet so far, but if her thoughts mirror the rest of that group ...
The original was state-of-the-art for its time, slightly campy (although some would disagree with me), and, given some scientific advancements, realistic. As in, you did not have a 12-year-old flying an advanced ship in bad weather, solo.
From what I've heard about the movie, they've made the Tracy boys too young to have the experience they need for the job. They've abused the characters -- taken a mild stutter and turned it into Porky Pig; taken a high-born English lady, very upper-crust and cool, with unspecified but very real espionage experience, and turned her into a sex-object.
At least they aren't saying, "But, but, where are all the old fans." At least, not yet.
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