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--- Some weirdo is trying to legalize the marriage of real human beings to fictional characters. (

Posted by AllentownDarkWater on 08-05-2010 at 17:33:

Some weirdo is trying to legalize the marriage of real human beings to fictional characters.

A friend on Facebook showed me these two links:

And I also caught the eye of the following quote:

“I am no longer interested in three dimensions. I would even like to become a resident of the two-dimensional world.”

“However, that seems impossible with present-day technology. Therefore, at the very least, would it be possible to legally authorise marriage with a two-dimensional character?”

“For a long time I have only been able to fall in love with two-dimensional people and currently I have someone I really love,” one signatory to the petition wrote.

“Even if she is fictional, it is still loving someone. I would like to have legal approval for this system at any cost.”



Wow....just wow.... It's one thing to like a fictional character, but this is ridiculous! There are female characters that I like, but I'm not an idiot and can understand the difference between reality and fantasy and know that they aren't real. What kind of whacko does something like this where you try to pass a law that allows you to marry someone who's not even real?


Posted by UnpublishedWriter on 08-05-2010 at 17:45:

Welcome to the modern world, dude. Where modern technology has made any number of -- interesting -- sexual fetishes possible.


One fine overnight, I was at a guard post with Jerry Springer on television (the only thing on). That episode was about people who have interesting sexual habits (to understate).

There was the guy who needed whole fish for his fetish. Yeah, the cameras followed him into a fish market where he -- well, I understand why the proprietors tossed him out, okay?

Then there was the guy who had sex with stuffed toys.

And the one who had sex with ice sculptures.

The gal who liked to do it in mud was almost normal by comparison.

Guess what the guys' girlfriends thought of their fetishes. Although, if I recall, the ice guy didn't have anyone.

Benefits, not features; benefits, not features

Posted by amethyst on 08-05-2010 at 17:45:

RE: Some weirdo is trying to legalize the marriage of real human beings to fictional characters.

Originally posted by AllentownDarkWater
What kind of whacko does something like this where you try to pass a law that allows you to marry someone who's not even real?

My guess is someone who has a hard time understanding the difference between reality and fantasy either by temporary or permanent emotional/mental instability or disorder.

One disorder that can result in such a rift is Asperger's Syndrome on the Autistic Spectrum.

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by lborgia88 on 09-05-2010 at 04:02:

When I was a teenager, I preferred books to people (and there are days when I still do). I'm eternally smitten with Condor Joe, and currently in love with Lois McMaster Bujold's Miles Vorkosigan (I don't care if he's only 4'9"!).

But, I think I can safely say that I'm still sufficiently grounded in reality that I will never demand the legal right to wed a fictional character! Laugh1

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 10-05-2010 at 04:12:

Does that mean I can make Ken my second husband!! Whoo hoo!! LOL!

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by Madilayn on 10-05-2010 at 04:21:

might have to take a number there, Ebony!


"When I'm old, I don't want them to say of me, "She's so charming." I want them to say, "Be careful, I think she's armed." -G. Stoddart

Posted by Transmute Jun on 10-05-2010 at 13:46:

I think I already married Ken and Joe on some site... isn't there an online place where you cam 'marry' fictional characters? I think they even printed out a certificate! *snerk*


Posted by lyon on 11-05-2010 at 14:36:

I'm of the opinion that asking the question "Does it hurt anyone?" sort of yields the answer.

The fish was already dead, the stuffed animals don't mind, the ice sculpture isn't going to object and the mud has no opinion. It pleases the one thinking creature who wants those things and it doesn't hurt anybody else around them.

Same with marriage to a two-dimensional person. That creation is no more alive than the fish was, but it brings happiness to the human who wants it and it really doesn't hurt anybody else. So I'm okay with it - lots of other sham marriages out there, with worse circumstances.

Trample the weak. Hurdle the dead.

Posted by amethyst on 11-05-2010 at 14:45:

Originally posted by lyon
I'm of the opinion that asking the question "Does it hurt anyone?" sort of yields the answer.

I think that might depend on how possessive the "thinking" person is. Most places require signatures and witness for a legitimate marriage to be held, not possible when one partner isn't real. So if sites such as the one TJ mentioned became more prevalent, if word got out that this persons "spouse" had been married again before or after would the other people involved be in danger.

If a rationale person was doing this for fun the answer is no; if someone not completely there was doing this for "love" then yes, someone innocent not related to the marriage could potentially be hurt.

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by lyon on 12-05-2010 at 01:47:

....someone innocent not related to the marriage could potentially be hurt.

i'm sorry Amethyst, i'm not what you meant. could you expand on the concept? if they're innocent and un-related to the marriage, what harm are you envisioning, exactly?

just to broaden the topic too, the new statistic is that 1 in 5 relationships now start online. putting "love" in brackets in misleading, at least in my opinion. people can and do fall in love with lines of text on their screen. technically it's written by another person on the other end of the keyboard, but what's to say it's not generated by an AI program or, in the case of the example, just a clever storyline written by a team of authors? if people say they're in love with a digital conversation, why can't they be in love with a digital avatar who comes with a wardrobe, a backstory and a crafted personality?

Trample the weak. Hurdle the dead.

Posted by amethyst on 12-05-2010 at 03:48:

I'd be worried about the real nut case who thinks it's real and stalks others who did it for fun. That's what I meant. It could happen, not to say that it will or would.

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by littlewolf on 13-05-2010 at 12:01:


It's interesting to see how the world is changing, the idear of marriage (seen as between male and female) is evolving to fit in with techology and choices, 'fetishes' that were once whispered about and thought of as 'different' are now in normal conversations, the word 'love' defined as great attchament to , affection, passion, desire and longing is now veiwed is a wider spectrum and Perception as by which an organism detects and interprets information from the external world by means of the sensory receptiors can be easily altered by the use of different substances (legal or illegal)
What I may thing as normal for me may be stange to someone else and I am not even going to try and bring in cultural differences,
I think the reasoning of "don't hurt anyone else"rings true for me, yet that brings up the questions of perceptin, is one person pleasure seen as pain to another?'
I think I will stick to " are they happy?" and say go for it, who am I to say its wrong or strange when I have not walked in their shoes.
The world is changing so fast, things are being redefines daily , soon I will be the one saying "in my days / when I was young" and not my mum

Thanks to the dictionary for help in defining facts on words and not what I thought they ment.

May the bad things get lost on the way to you door!

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