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--- Gatchaman Episode 75 – Jumbo Shakora, the Ocean Devil King (

Posted by Transmute Jun on 03-05-2010 at 04:02:

Gatchaman Episode 75 – Jumbo Shakora, the Ocean Devil King

Gatchaman Episode 75 – Jumbo Shakora, the Ocean Devil King


Sosai X is speaking to his favorite minion.

“Berg Katse, is Galactor’s powerful new weapon, Jumbo Shakora, completed yet?”

“Yes, my Leader, it’s finally complete! The only thing left to do is run some tests.” Katse replies.


“Imbecile!” Sosai shouts. “We don’t have time for that! The ISO’s Mantle Project is steadily moving ahead! Deploy Jumbo Shakora immediately!”


I have to say, it’s a testament to the ISO’s dedication and efficiency that the Mantle Project is moving along at this rate, given the frequency with which Galactor destroys its installations.

“Its target will be the Mantle Project’s central lab,” Sosai continues, “its fuel tanker, and three uranium storehouses! You will succeed this time!”

Wow, it’s pretty clear that the Mantle Project is a serious threat to X. I wonder if Katse’s picking up that vibe?

“With Jumbo Shakora, I can only win!” Katse assures X. Yeah, yeah, yeah, like we believe that.

“I won’t be disappointed!” X warns Katse.

“Of course not!” Katse smirks.


“You will see to that?” X asks in a threatening manner.

“Well… uh… of course… I’m certainly going to try!” Katse hedges, his expression now glum.


“Don’t just try!” X shouts. “Galactor depends on the strength of its Leader!”


He disappears in a blaze of lines and static.

“Of course, you’re right, Leader.” Katse mumbles after the fact. “Here I am, doing everything in my power, but Leader X treats me like dirt. What’s a guy have to do to get just a little appreciation around here?”


“I can’t give up!” he declares, slamming his hand onto a console and clenching his other in a fist.


Thanks to Sosai Tim for the great ‘extended’ shot!

“They’ll be sorry they ever crossed me.” Katse says to himself.

And now we get our first look at Jumbo Shakora, in a cavern filled with lights and surrounded by goons.


“Magnificent! I have every confidence in you! Go Jumbo Shakora!” Katse declares, standing next to today’s CoTW. He looks like Armadillo-Man. I wonder if he has a long tail?


And now we see the hapless Mantle Project installation (or is it a city?) destined to be Jumbo Shakora’s first target.

“Unidentified flying object approaching at high speed!” an announcement is made over loudspeakers. We see shots of people running to safety. I’ll bet this made Sandy Frank’s Team sigh in relief when they were working on this episode!

“All defense units dispatch immediately! Dispatch immediately!” the announcer calls.

And now, the hapless defense planes are taking off.

“There they are!” calls an Errol Flynn lookalike pilot. “All units, battle formation!”

But the approaching jets shoot out colorful beams, which cause the defense units to explode.


We see another pilot scream in horror as he watches another plane come hurtling toward him. Of course, they are both destroyed.

“Heh, piece of cake!” says a goon in one of the attacking jets. “That was almost even a waste of ammunition!” Hmm… the Galactor attack was some kind of laser beam. The goon’s comment implies that this beam might be limited somehow… say by fuel/power resources? Interesting…


And perhaps this is the case, because the goon suddenly cries out ‘Oh no!’ as he notices that his fuel gauge is at empty.

“Captain, I’ve run out of fuel!” the goon calls in to Armadillo-Man.


“Right. Call off the mission. Fall back immediately.” Captain Armadillo orders.


The jets fly off, and the installation is saved! All for the cost of a few defense units and their pilots’ lives.

Now we see a lighthouse shining out upon the night waters. A large fishing trawler is out on the sea. Aboard is Ryu’s father!

“Man, this stinks!” Mr. Nakanishi complains. “It’s strange we’re not getting any fish! I wonder if there’s a shark in the area or something?”


Notice that he’s smoking a cigarette? How healthy!

Ryu’s father flings his butt into the water. Now we know why the fish aren’t around. They don’t like nicotine water!

“Well, I think I’ll give it one more shot, then I guess I’ll have to call it a night!” Mr. Nakanishi yawns.


“What the heck is that!” he calls suddenly.

“What’s wrong, Pops?” ask his crew. Just then, Jumbo Shakora pops out of the water, right next to them! The men gasp in fear.


“A sea monster!” they cry in unison.

“Huh? There are strange planes flying this way.” one of the crew notes.

Sure enough, the Galactor jets fly up and dock with Jumbo Shakora.


“Looks like they all combined, Pops!” says another crewman.

“Maybe they’re refueling or something.” Ryu’s Dad suggests. But one jet is not refueling. It’s headed toward the boat. The fishermen all run away, screaming in fear.


Sure enough, the jet shoots at the boat (Which completely coincidentally is called the E-5, LOL!) and it explodes.

The men go flying into the water.

“Seiji!” Ryu’s father calls as he comes up for air. I should note that in the subtitles he also calls out for Ryu, but not in the ADV dub.

Unfortunately, the men have a difficult time staying afloat, because there is now a giant whirlpool sucking them down.

And… now we’re at Dr. Nambu’s villa, and it’s daylight.

The narrator tells us that the five members of the Science Ninja Team were taking their first vacation in a long time at Dr. Nambu’s summer home, but Galactor’s appearance cut their vacation short, and they quickly appeared in Dr. Nambu’s office.

And they don’t look too happy about it.


“Up until now, the ISO has moved the Mantle Project forward, little by little.” the Doctor informs them. “Despite Galactor’s attacks. Yet at the same time, their attacks are getting more violent every day. There’s no doubt that this latest attack was also intended to destroy the Mantle Project. If we let them beat us now, all the work we’ve done so far will be for nothing. We absolutely must stave off Galactor’s attacks. And there’s only one way we can accomplish that.”

“So what’s our plan, Doc?” Ken asks.


“A preemptive strike. That’s the only way. We must attack!” Nambu declares.

“So you want us to take the initiative, to find their base and crush them like snakes in a pit.” says Joe, who can’t quite believe this new, harsher Dr. Nambu.


“It’s about time we stopped being on the defensive!” Jinpei adds.

“But Jinpei, Galactor could attack any number of locations while we’re away searching for those bases.” Jun points out. She’s so upset by this idea that her pants have gone white! Or perhaps she’s just wearing Ken’s pants again… Wink


“She’s right. This is Galactor we’re talking about.” Nambu agrees. “We don’t know when or where they’ll attack next. Run patrols in all sectors!”

And now we see that someone is missing…


“Now, why isn’t Ryu here?” Nambu asks.

“Well, he said he was going for a walk, and hasn’t come back.” Ken replies. “Should I give him a call?”


“I’ll look into it.” Nambu says. “For now, I want the four of you to go on and start your patrols!”



“Receiving Dr. Nambu’s orders, the Science Ninja Team began their patrol.” the narrator tells us. “In the mountains…”


“On the sea…”


“And in the sky.”


The eyes of the Science Ninja Patrol Team search to the horizons. Ryu, meanwhile…

We see Ryu sleeping n the grass near Dr. Nambu’s villa.


A young boy comes running up to him. It’s Seiji!


He steps in a puddle and splashes mud on Ryu’s face. Ryu isn’t too happy about this.


“Who did that?” he cries.

“There you are!” Seiji exclaims. “You have to come home, right away!”


Posted by Transmute Jun on 03-05-2010 at 04:04:

“Oh, it’s just Seiji. What are you doing all the way out here, kid?” Ryu asks.

“It’s Dad! He got shipwrecked out at sea!” Seiji sobs.

“What happened to Dad? Spit it out, Seiji!” Ryu asks angrily.


“Last night! We think near the Amana Islands!” Seji cries. “Everyone’s out looking for him right now! So I came to get you to help him, brother!”

“All right, I’ll come with you!” Ryu agrees. But then his bracelet lights up…


He turns his back on Seiji and whispers.

“This is G5.”

“Galactor is heading for the Mantle Project Central Lab. So get to the site immediately!” Dr. Nambu orders on his cool CB radio.


“Hello?” Nambu asks. “Are you listening? Respond!”

“I heard you and I’m headed out.” Ryu says, clearly not happy about this.


“Seiji, something very important has come up and I can’t go with you now.” Ryu grimaces.

“Huh? Brother, you must be kidding!” Seiji cries. “You have to come! Dad might die! You’re kidding, right?”


But Ryu turns away.

“I’m not kidding. It’s the truth. I can’t go.” Ryu insists.

“What do you mean you can’t go? What could be more important than Dad? We don’t even know if he’s alive or dead!” Seiji yells, his words hurting Ryu more than he knows.


“And you call yourself a son? Don’t you even care what happens to Dad?”

Now we see the Jumbo Shakora flying through the air, the jets attached to its back.


Hmmm… looks more like a big prawn or shrimp to me. But then, I’m not a seafood expert. Perhaps that’s what a ‘shakora’ is? Now I’m ROFL 2 thinking about a mecha called ‘Jumbo Shrimp’… because that’s what it is!

Hey, jumbo shrimp… isn’t that an oxymoron?

Okay, back to the episode. Kaste is talking to Captain Armadillo.

“In and out without delays! Make as many strikes as you can in the least amount of time!” Katse orders.


“Sure.” Armadillo-Man replies, then he turns to the goons.

“Bring Shakora’s speed up three quarters!” he calls. His accent is vaguely Scottish.

“We’re on it!” reply the goons at the controls.

But guess who else is nearby?


“Attention, Science Ninja Team! Attention, Team!” Ken calls. “Galactor’s mecha is continuing to advance toward the Mantle Project’s Central Lab, and it’s picking up speed. All units, step on it!”


“Just like the Doc said. The rat fink attacks while the cat’s away.” Joe thinks to himself.


Alarms go off inside of the Mantle Project Central Lab.

“Red alert! Galactor approaching!” an announcer calls, as we see shadows of scientists running away from the lab. “Red alert! Galactor approaching! All personnel, defensive positions!”

And the scientists start manning some big guns. Meanwhile, Jumbo Shakora arrives.

“Battlestations!” Captain Armadillo calls. “Crush them with everything you’ve got!”


“Captain, the Science Ninja Team approaches!” reports a goon.

Sure enough, there they are!


Except for one person, of course.

“Split into two groups and commence attack!” Armadillo-Man orders.

The jets leave the body of Jumbo Shakora.

“Here they come.” Ken says into his bracelet. “Dock into the God Phoenix. Then we’ll attack them with a Super Bird Missile!”


“Ken, Ryu’s not here!” Jun replies.

“What? Where is he?” Ken shouts.

And we see that Seiji is still holding Ryu back.


“Seiji, let me go! I have to leave!” Ryu demands. “I can’t afford to waste any more time!”

“We’re going to look for Dad together!” Seiji insists. “We’re going to look for Dad!”

Finally, Ryu is forced to throw his little brother from his body.

“Get off!” he shouts.


Seiji lands on the ground.

“S… Seiji!” Ryu says, horrified. But he runs off to do his duty.

“Brother… no!” Seiji screams. “You can’t go! Dad! Brother…”

But Ryu runs.


“Seiji, Dad, please forgive me! I have to go!” Ryu thinks to himself.

“Please just forgive me!” Ryu shouts.

Meanwhile, the Galactor jets are shooting at the G1. This time they’re using short laser blasts, instead of the big beams we saw earlier.

“We can’t wait for Ryu anymore. We’ll have to attack!” Ken declares. “Each in our own mecha!”


“Roger!” everyone calls.

The G1 shoots its lasers, destroying Galactor jets.

“My Condor machine will take you out.” Joe says grimly.


And sure enough, his Gatling gun does just that.

Jun shoots some Swan Rockets and takes out a few more.


A goon is horrified to see part of another damaged jet flying at him.


Joe, Ken and Jun keep shooting. Jinpei drops some Swallow Bombs.


“Look at the lab!” Jun shouts.


Sure enough, while the jets are playing with the Science Ninja Team, Jumbo Shakora is destroying the lab. Scientists run as its claws and tentacles penetrate the ceiling.

“Come on, we’ve got to save the lab!” Ken shouts.


But the remaining jets are following. One heads straight for Jun. It passes close by her…


Knocking her from her bike.


And Jumbo Shakora is shooting its beams!


“We’re too late!” Ken moans.

And they are. Jumbo Shakora leaves, and with it, the remaining jets.

Everyone is unhappy with their defeat.





Later, they bow their heads in shame before Dr. Nambu.


“All right. The good news is that it was the Central Lab that they attacked first.” Nambu tells them, not sounding angry. “If it had been a uranium storehouse, it would have been a devastating blow.”

“Damn it, it’s all Ryu’s fault!” Joe accuses. “If we’d been able to use Super Bird Missiles, this would never have happened!”


And just then a sheepish Ryu shows up.


No one seems happy to see him.


“Sorry…” Ryu moans.


“Well, is that all you have to say for yourself?” Joe demands.


“Joe, yelling isn’t going to change anything.” Nambu lectures. “But we’ve got to be better prepared from now on. “

“Sir…” Ryu sobs.

“Something must have happened to Ryu.” Ken thinks.


The narrator tells us that a few days later, the Science Ninja Team is ordered to guard a mammoth tanker, which was carrying special fuel needed for the Mantle Project.

Inside the God Phoenix, everyone is on watch.

“Stay Frosty, guys, don’t let your guard down!” Ken tells everyone.


Notice how Joe is sitting next to Jun? But then, Joe suddenly changes positions with Jinpei.


“Leave it all to me, Ken! They’re not going to get away with jack this time around!” Joe assures him.

“Who don’t you go on and let me fire a Bird Missile next time, Joe?” Jinpei asks.


“This isn’t a game, Jinpei!” Joe retorts.

“I know that!” Jinpei insists.

Meanwhile, Ryu can’t stop thinking about his Dad.

“My Dad is somewhere in this ocean, right now!” he thinks.


He imagines his Dad calling out for him, being circled by sharks.


“Dad, please be alive! As soon as this mission is over, I will come and rescue you!” Ryu promises himself. “Until then, tread water! Please stay alive!”

It’s now a commercial break, and Solid Gold Ken is unaware of the Owl’s inner torment.


Posted by Transmute Jun on 03-05-2010 at 04:05:

We return to find the God Phoenix still in the sky.

“Something’s not right here. Shouldn’t we be at the rendezvous point with the mammoth tanker by now?” Ken asks.


“The radar doesn’t show anything.” Joe reports.

“Jun, confirm our current location.” Ken orders.


“10-4.” Jun replies. “100 kilometers east of the rendezvous point. Hey! We’re going way off course!”


“What?” Ken exclaims. He looks suspiciously at a dazed Ryu.


“Hey, why are we off course?” Ken demands. “Listen to me! I’m talking to you!”

“Hey, what is it? What’s the matter?” Ryu stutters as he comes out of his daze.

“Ken!” Dr. Nambu calls from the communications monitor. “I just received a report that the tanker is being attacked by Galactor. What are you doing out there?”

Everyone is horrified.


“Get over to that site now, you fools!” Nambu demands.

“I’m really sorry, Ken. I must have spaced out or something.” Ryu admits.

“Whatever. Just get us there at Mach 5!” Ken shouts.


And Ryu is on it!


But he is haunted by images of his father drowning, the tanker being destroyed, and Dr. Nambu shouting.

When they arrive, it’s too late.


And everyone is aghast.



“Oh yes!” Katse laughs, appearing through squiggly lines on the God Phoenix’s communications monitor.


“Ah… are you scared you might have two left feet?” Katse taunts them. “Well, thanks to you I’ve destroyed two out of our three targets! All that’s left now are the uranium storehouses! Be sure to come there! Our Jumbo Shakora will take you on! If you have the guts! Be there or be square!”

No one is happy to hear this.



“He’s got some nerve throwing it in our faces!” Joe snarls.

“Katse, you big rat face! You’ll get yours!” Jinpei declares.

And back at Nambu’s office…

“Damn it!” the Doctor slams his hands on his desk. “Do you think somehow just by saying you’re sorry makes it all right?”


“Do you even realize the magnitude of what you’ve done?” Nambu rants. “Had you given it your all, but still failed, I wouldn’t say anything! Now what happened here?”

No one answers.


“There’s no excuse for being late! You cannot let personal problems interfere with your duty! We have been entrusted to protect the peace of the entire world!”

“Won’t you even try to understand what happened with us?” Ken asks.


I don’t know, Ken seems a little smirky in this shot, and not at all ashamed, or angry, like I’d expect him to be.

“I don’t want excuses, I want accountability!” Nambu demands.

“What’s all this ‘we’ anyway?” Ken wants to know. “What’s your part? ‘Galactor has shown up, deploy immediately!’ ‘Galactor has shown up, go, go!’”


“You just give the orders!” Ken goes on. “We’re the ones who have to carry them out! We’re not robots! We’re people, with lives, and problems, and real flesh and blood…”

“Ken, please!” Ryu tries to stop him.


“Stop! It was all my fault. Doc.” Ryu admits, hanging his head n shame. “If I’d only been more focused… I’m just not cut out to be on the Science Ninja Team. I guess I just should have been a fisherman like my Pappy..”

He reaches to take off his bracelet….


“Ryu!” Nambu stops him. “I will not allow you to act on your own! You are all grounded for now. Take this time to think about your mistakes.” He leaves the room.

“I’m so sorry…” Ryu mutters.


Later, we see Ken and Jun outside, thinking about their mistakes.


“So, Jun… do you think I might have said too much?” Ken asks her.


“Don’t worry about it! I think it’s good for the Doctor to get talked back to once in awhile.” Jun says hotly.

“Wow, I sure wouldn’t have expected you to admit to something like that.” Ken admits.


Oh, my smutty mind wants to make more of this private setting and Jun’s words and attitude, but the scene moves on.

“More importantly, don’t you think it’s strange?” Jun asks.


“What?” Ken is confused.

“The way Ryu’s been acting.” Jun says. “It seems like something’s wrong.”

“Yeah, he’s been acting kind of spaced out.” Ken agrees. “I wonder what’s the matter with him.”


“It must be something really serious to make him mope around like that.” Jun adds.

“Hey, lady!” calls a familiar voice. “Did you see my brother Ryu?”

Yep, Seiji has shown up again.

“Brother Ryu?” Jun asks with a bemused smile.


“Wait a minute… you’re Ryu’s… you must be Seiji, right?” Ken asks. “I haven’t seen you in a long time. But why did you come out here?”


“I came to get my brother.” Seiji answers. “I told him our Dad was shipwrecked in the ocean somewhere, but he just ran off!”

“Huh? Your Dad was shipwrecked?” Ken is shocked.


“So that was it!” Ken says. “That’s why he…”

“Dad!” Seiji sobs.

“Listen, I’ll put out a request for UN forces to rescue your Dad and his crew, okay?” Ken tells Seiji.


“Really?” Seiji asks.

“That’s a promise, kid.” Ken says.

“So you go on and hurry home, okay, Seiji?” Jun says.


“Okay, thank you.” Seji smiles.

And Jun and Ken burst in on Ryu!


Ryu is staring sadly out the window of his room.

“Come on, why are you just sitting there when you don’t even know if your Dad’s dead or alive?” Ken demands.

“Huh?” Ryu is taken aback.


“Let’s go find him!” Ken says. “Where are Joe and Jinpei?”

“We’re right behind you, Ken.” Joe says, appearing in the doorway. “So did Dr. Nambu give us the order to move out, then?”


“No, I’m giving the order!” Ken declares.

“K… Ken, you can’t do that!” Ryu insists. “I don’t want trouble on account of me!”


“Look, if I were in your shoes, I’d be out there, already!” Ken insists. And we know that’s true, from episode 52.


“Even if it meant being kicked off the Team!” Ken declares. “Besides, protecting the Earth from Galactor and saving castaways are duties of ours! Don’t forget that.”

No one notices Dr. Nambu listening in from outside the room.

“But Big Bro, what are we supposed to do if Galactor attacks while we’re gone?” Jinpei asks.


“We’ll deal with that if it happens. I’ll take responsibility.” Ken says, stepping up as Leader.

“Ken…” Ryu gasps in gratitude.


“Don’t just stand there! Move out!” Ken orders. Dr. Nambu leaves before anyone can spot him eavesdropping.



Ignoring Dr. Nambu’s order, Ken takes the rest of the Team on a flight to the Amana Islands. And enroute, Dr. Nambu contacts them. Jinpei hides in fear of reprimand.


“Look here, Doc, this wasn’t my idea!” he rats Ken out.

“I just received a report that a fishing boat shipwrecked near the Amana Islands.” Nambu says sternly, ignoring Jinpei’s outburst. “Rescue the crew immediately! The way things are now, you’re not fit to fight Galactor, so perhaps search and rescue will be a better use of your talents. I will not accept another failure. Does everyone understand?” Nambe terminates the communication before any of them can respond.

“Oh, I get it.” says the all-seeing Ken. “Dr. Nambu must have been listening outside in the hallway.”


Sigh… no room for subtleties in this show…


Posted by Transmute Jun on 03-05-2010 at 04:07:

The narrator informs us that the Amana Islands are the world’s second largest archipelago, with roughly 6,000 islands of various sizes. Somewhere in this deceptively peaceful-looking sea, Ryu’s father awaits. Ryu is anxious, as would be expected.

“We’ve covered a lot of territory already and still haven’t found him.” Joe notes. “It might be too…”

“Joe!” Jun shushes him.


Ryu isn’t happy with Joe’s implication.


“I know my Dad’s alive!” Ryu growls.

“Of course.” Joe backtracks. “Uh, this is your Dad we’re talking about. A seasoned sailor! He’s probably enjoying a nice swim right about now!” He chuckles to emphasize his point, but it’s actually kind of creepy.


“You nimrod!” Jun lectures Joe. “You said way too much!”

But just them Ryu sees something.

“There’s smoke!” he calls. “I can see smoke!”

“Where?” Jun asks. “Where?”


Sure enough, smoke is rising from one of the islands.

“Look, it’s them!” Ryu says joyfully, and the God Phoenix comes in for a landing.

Yep, Ryu’s Dad and the other sailors are waving at their rescue.


Is it just me, or does Ryu’s Dad look like a middle-aged version of Adolph Hitler in a sailor’s cap?

“My Dad!” Ryu is ecstatic.


“Thank you! Thank you!” Mr. Nakanishi says to Ken. “I thought we were food for the crabs for sure! Wow, I’ve heard about you! You must be the Science Ninja Team, huh? Such fine young people you are!”


“Come to think of it, I have a son who’s about the same age as you!” Ryu’s father goes on. “But he’s kind of a bum. He eats like a pig and he’s got mush for brains! I sure wish I could get him to take a lesson from you guys!”

Ryu is hiding behind a tree, and he hears everything.


“What are you saying?” Ryu thinks. “Just spilling everything on his mind! I came after you, Dad! You had me worried sick! And here you are, perfectly fine! You jerk!”


And then he wipes his nose through his visor.


“Are you one of the Science Ninja Team too?” Mr. Nakanishi approaches Ryu from behind.

“Uh, yeah…” Ryu covers.


“I saw Galactor’s beast with my own eyes!” Ryu’s Dad reveals. “When the jet plane left, I got a good look at the machinery inside. I’m sure those jets use the beast to refuel! If you attack the main body, you could beat them!”

Meanwhile, the other ninjas are speaking with the rest of the fishermen.


“A UN patrol ship will be here to pick you all up in about two hours.” Ken informs them. “So we appreciate your patience until then.” Just then, Ken’s bracelet beeps.

“This is Gatchaman, go ahead.”


“This is Nambu. I’ve received information, and just as suspected, Galactor is moving in on the uranium storehouses.”

“We read you, Doctor.”


“Go make us proud.” Nambu whispers.

Now we see Jumbo Shakora firing missiles at hapless UN planes, which is unfortunately accompanied by the sound of triumphant music. But shortly, the God Phoenix is on its way, and the music seems more appropriate.

“Captain!” a goon calls n to Armadillo-Man. “The Science Ninja Team is here!”

“Launch all attack ships! Destroy them!” Captain Armadillo orders.

Sure enough, the jets leave Jumbo Shakora’s body.


“When the Super Bird hits, you’re blown to bits.” Joe says. Don’t give up your day job for poetry, Joe.


But Ryu maneuvers the God Phoenix away from the approaching jets.


“You idiot! What are you running away for?” Joe asks angrily.


“If we fight those small frys one on one, it’ll never end! Ryu explains. “Leave it to me! I’ve got a better plan.”

“The Science Ninja Team is in full panic!” Captain Armadillo chuckles confidently.


“:It’s a complete victory!” agrees the goon next to him.

“We’ll use this chance to attack the uranium storehouses!” Armadillo-Man decides.

“Captain, look!” the goon cries. “Trouble on our tail!”


Sure enough, it’s the God Phoenix!

“Damn it! Counterattack!” Captain Armadillo orders.

“That thing’s huge!” Joe says. “That’ll really be worth destroying. Let’s go!” But Ryu holds him back.

“What’s wrong?” Joe asks. “Why are you stopping me?”


“This is my shot!” Ryu says grimly. “Damn Shakora monster!”


“Now blast them to pieces!” Captain Armadillo shouts. Jumbo Shakora’s eye beams light up.

“Eat this!” Ryu cries, borrowing a page from Joe’s book and smashing the firing button through the glass.


The Super Bird Missile hits Jumbo Shakora right between the eyes.


It goes all the way through to the Captain’s area.


“Boss!” cries a terrified goon.

“Call me ‘Captain’, idiot! Now go disarm that thing! Hurry!” Armadillo-Man lectures.


But instead, the goons start running.


“Hey, get back here!” orders Captain Armadillo. “And you dare to call yourselves Galactor troops? Hey, wait… don’t leave me behind!”

And the Super Bird Missile explodes.

Cut from BOTP:



“What’s happening down there?” Katse demands from the communications monitor.

“Sire, I regret to inform you…” Armadillo-Man begins. But he is interrupted.


The fiery explosion makes shadows inside the God Phoenix.


“Well that’s a Super Bird Missile for you!” Jinpei declares.

“Oh, no, the jets are coming back!” Jinpei calls, as he realizes that there are still more Galactors out there.


“Cool it, kid, I’ve got them covered.” Ryu says calmly.

“There, don’t let them get away!” one of the goon jet pilots calls. “Revenge for Shakora!”


But then he looks down at his instruments…

“Damn, I’m out of petrol!”

“They’re all out of juice!” Ryu grins nastily.


Sure enough, these gas-guzzling jets are falling out of the sky and crashing on the ground.

“It’s over.” Ryu sighs sadly, as they explode.


Now, we see Seiji running across a beach to his Dad, crying out with joy.


And they embrace.


The God Phoenix flies overhead, watching the scene.


“Look, Seiji, that’s Gatchaman!” Mr. Nakanishi tells the boy. “They saved me and the crew from the shipwreck!”


“Really? Gatchaman?” Seiji is impressed. “Thank you, Gatchaman! Thank you!” Of course, Ken probably can’t hear him, but Seiji’s just a kid, and probably doesn’t realize that.

“They really are fine young people.” Ryu’s father thinks to himself. “On the other hand, I wonder what Ryu is doing right now? Such a thankless son.”

The combat ended with victory for the Science Ninja Team, but for Ryu, there had never been such a painful, difficult, and long fight.


These battles are sure to continue, until the day that Galactor is banished from the Earth forever!


As an aside, if anyone is feeling badly for Ryu, you should know that in Gatchaman II, Ryu is finally forced to expose his identity to his family in order to save them from Gel Sadra’s clutches, and Ryu’s father does eventually come to appreciate the fine young man his son has become. But that’s a long way from this episode…


Posted by Transmute Jun on 03-05-2010 at 04:08:

BOTP Episode 5- Peril of the Praying Mantis

“Center Neptune, calling all galaxy monitors! Center Neptune calling! This is 7-Zark-7! I have the relay from Cosmic Early Warning System. All clear. No news is good news. Button up!”

And look, Zark is naked today!


Yeah, now you’re having nightmares, aren’t you? Devil1

“That’s the mechanical part of my job.” Zark tells us. “Reports and clearance to space traffic between the Federation planets. I really prefer more imaginative work. Like when I coordinate and direct G-Force, that team of five incredible young people. It’s so confining in this think tank! Actually, I’m the physical type and I crave action.”

Uh, oh, I don’t think I like the direction this one-way conversation is heading…

“I’m scheduled soon for exciting new components! And increased mobility!” Zark says happily. Let me guess… a flying cape and a wannabe boomerang? (Remember, this is a very early BOTP episode, so he doesn’t have these things yet.)

“Maybe then I’ll get to move out and up once in awhile.” Zark dreams. “Maybe even join G-Force on an outer space flight! I can’t wait! My sensors are all a-tingle!”

Yep, when Zark dreams, he dreams big. And sure enough, his antennae are flopping around in a rather disturbing manner. Must be because of that ‘tingling’.

“It’s been awfully quiet so far out here in space today.” he says, coming back to reality. “The Interplanetary Patrol hasn’t spotted a single UFO. Oh, we have them, but they’re no longer rumors! They’re the real thing!” You mean, they’re really unidentified? Tongue

“I’m super sensitive to cosmic rays, and I have a feeling they’re still plotting something villainous out there on Planet Spectra.” Zark assures us.

And sure enough, we cut to Spectra.

“Do you understand your mission, Zoltar?” the Luminous One asks. “Are you ready for the new assault on Earth?”

“We are ready, most exalted one! I have handpicked the most fierce fighters in all Spectra!” Zoltar assures the Great Spirit. Of course, being early on in the BOTP series, the Luminous One is more likely to buy Zoltar’s assurances than X was to buy Katse’s.

“It is not enough!” the Great Spirit replies, smashing my theory to bits. “I want your most able Commander in charge of our new and awesome space ship. He will have complete control of the Symbiot Robots! It is imperative we find and destroy the Conway Tapes, which contain the secret code that binds the Intergalactic Federation together.”

You know, I never understood this ‘Conway Tapes’ stuff. What does this ‘secret code’ do? And why aren’t there multiple copies of it? If Spectra had it, would they be able to decode all of the Federation’s secret messages? Couldn’t they just come up with a new code, then?

“I have placed Vartok in command.” Zoltar says.

“Good! The Conway Tapes must be destroyed!” the Luminous One reiterates, before fading out.

“It shall be done, oh Luminous Spirit.” Zoltar bows.

“We will strike at scattered targets.” Zoltar says to himself. “Get them to disperse their forces. Then, when we have them completely disorganized, we will move in quickly, on the place where the Conway Tapes are stored, and snatch them away… even if we have to take the whole building!”

Now that’s a cool plot idea! Just snatch an entire building of Federation security stuff, shake out the guards, and see what goodies you find inside!

Now we get a look at Spectra’s ‘new and awesome space ship’. It looks like a giant shrimp with jets sticking out of it.

“Ready for launching! You have your orders! Conquer Earth!” Zoltar gives his men a pep talk. “Hail Spectra!”

And now we get a cut shot (from Gatchaman episode 2, I think?) of a generic white rocket launching into space.


And then we see….

Space…. the final frontier. These are the voyages of the new and awesome Spaceship Spectra. Its mission: to conquer Federation planets, to seek out new resources. To boldly go where G-Force has not gone before!

Bum… ba da dum… da da dum… oops, sorry… Back to BOTP.

We have a Zarkless trip through what I presume is the Crab Nebula, with weird and eerie trumpet/flute music playing. It’s reminiscent of the Twilight Zone music: a little creepy, and it works well.

At least, it does until Zark starts talking.

“I’ve just received an emergency alert!” he tells us. “An alien intruder has entered our galaxy! It’s rapidly approaching Earth! I must contact G-Force and the Universal Defense System!”

We see a city on alert and men running. Planes take off into the sky. I’m just betting that they’re robot-controlled. Yellow Spectran jets appear and emit colorful laser beams. Sure enough the planes are destroyed.

“Spectra to Symbiotes! Check fuel gauges!” Armadillo-Man orders. I’m guessing this is Vartok.

A Spectran goon checks his gauge, and reports in.

“Fuel gauge reading almost empty.” he says, in a very ‘robotic’ type voice.

“Symbiotes return to Command Ship immediately! Vartok instructs.

“Earth forces took a terrible punishment!” Zark voices over. “But things look peaceful for the moment. Still, you never know what lurks beneath the sea…”

And it’s interesting that Zark says that, because now we see a lighthouse shining in the night.

“Easy run this time. We should be making home port tomorrow.” says a sailor on a boat in the water. Why it’s Captain Jack! And he sounds like Mark trying to pretend he’s old enough to buy a beer.

“Calm skies and clear weather! Not a sing of anything as far as the eye can see!” says Captain Jack. I guess he knows that this is BOTP and not Gatchaman. In Gatch, he’d be dead for saying something like that at the beginning of an episode. But in BOTP, he knows he’s safe. Wink

“So, if it’s all the same with you boys, I think I’ll go below and turn in.” Captain Jack yawns. “Ah… what’s that?”

“Look!” cries one of the crew.

Sure enough, the giant squid pops up from underneath the water.

“What is it?” the men ask.

“Alien planes off starboard!” a crew member announces calmly. He sounds a lot like Tiny.

The alien planes are the Spectran jets, and they dock in with the giant shrimp for refueling. That is, except for the one jet that comes toward the boat…

“Weird…” says a crewman.

“Radio Security Headquarters!” Captain Jack orders. But that last Spectran jet dives at the ship, sending Captain Jack and his crew running. Everyone jumps into the water, and there is a giant whirlpool. We don’t see what happened to the boat…

“Well, I finally contacted four of the G-Force Team.” Zark tells us, as we go back to Center Neptune. “They’re conferring here at Center Neptune, now, with Security Chief Anderson. The situation is extremely critical, but I can’t seem to locate Tiny Harper! And he has to pilot the command ship. I’ve re-checked my readouts, and all transmitters are operating.”

And in the G-Force briefing….

“As you know, Spectra has launched a new attack on Earth.” Anderson reminds the Team. “It’s not yet apparent what their main objective is. First reports indicate random destruction, scattered defense bases under attack, ships at sea. The Spectra forces are too clever to risk a costly venture like this on haphazard objectives. It’s urgent that you find out what their real goal is.”

“We’re ready!” Mark says.

“Tiny Harper didn’t respond to 7-Zark-7. Do you know where he is?” the Chief asks sternly.

“He said he was making a quick run to his home village to visit a man called ‘Captain’.” Jason says.

“Well, he’s not responding to calls on his communicator.” Anderson informs the Team.

“Goof off!” Keyop broobles.

“I don’t think so, Keyop.” Princess disagrees. “Tiny’s always dependable. If he didn’t answer Zark, there must be a good reason.”

“Mark, can you pilot the Phoenix?” Anderson asks.

“No, that’s Tiny’s job.” Mark refuses. “Let’s give him just a little bit longer.” Hmmm… seems like Mark’s afraid of flying the big blue ship…And Anderson immediately picks up on this.

‘We can’t wait. You’ll have to go in your individual vehicles without Harper.” the Chief orders.


And now we see the G-Force individual vehicles zooming to… well, wherever it was they were going.

“With all my receptors going full decibel, I just can’t locate Tiny Harper.” Zark voices over. “The rest of the G-Force Team is racing to stop the Spectra invaders! But without Tiny, they’re terribly short-handed.”

So where is Tiny?

Why, he’s napping on a grassy hillside, as his loud snoring indicates.

A small boy runs up to Tiny. He steps in a puddle and splashes mud on Tiny’s face.

“Thanks.” he mutters sarcastically.

“Oh, I didn’t know it was you! I’ve been looking for you!” the boy says, in a voice that sounds entirely too much like Princess for my liking.

“I was having a nice dream about coming here when I was little.” Tiny reveals.

“Papa’s in trouble!” the boy wails, throwing himself at Tiny.

“Captain Jack? I thought he was at sea!” Tiny says.

“Last night! I heard it on the telecom! They said his ship was sunk! And they said G-Force was trying to reach you!”

Wait a gosh-durned minute here! Does this pipsqueak kid know that Tiny Harper is a member of G-Force? Well let’s just throw away the secret identities, shall we? Sigh…

“My receiver was off…” Tiny explains. But suddenly his communicator starts beeping. I guess he just turned it back on.

“I read you, Zark.” Tiny says.


Posted by Transmute Jun on 03-05-2010 at 04:08:

And we cut to Zark, still naked in Center Neptune. No, I don’t want to know what he’s doing when the cameras aren’t on. Shudder…

“Thank goodness I’ve finally reached you!” Zark exclaims. “Spectra has attacked! Report back to Center Neptune immediately!”

“Big 10, Zark! Rolling!” Tiny replies. “Request direct clearance to hangar! Get the Phoenix huffing and puffing for takeoff!”

But the boy runs up, teary-eyed.

“Aren’t you going to help, Tiny?” he sobs. “Papa’s out in the ocean someplace!”

“Sorry, Tommy, I’ve got a job.” Tiny explains.

“You’ve got to help, Tiny! He’s my Papa!” Tommy protests. “If you don’t help, we won’t ever see him again…”

By the look on Tiny’s face, it’s clear that Tommy’s words are getting to him.

And now we see the Spectran Space Shrimp flying through the sky.

“You have done well, Vartok.” Zoltar is telling Armadillo-Man via communications monitor. “You tactics have confused Earth’s defenders. Proceed with the mission!”

“Change course to Conway Building!” Vartok orders. I still can’t figure out his accent. It’s kind of Scottish, and kind of Eastern European… and just a bit hoarse. Weird…

But someone spots the giant shrimp…

“G-Force! Red alert! Closing in on enemy aircraft!” Mark says into his communicator. “Hey, I think it’s got a fix on the Conway Building!”

Wow, Mark is good to have figured that out so fast! No wonder he’s Commander!

“Now we know what they’re after! The Conway Tapes!” Mark declares. “If they destroy those tapes, it’s the end of the Federation!”

An alarm sounds in what is presumably the Conway Building. Men run to their safety stations.

“Enemy aircraft approaching!” a voice that sounds like a nasal Jason announces over a loudspeaker. “Take cover! Take cover!”

Guns emerge from the Conway Building. The giant shrimp flies overhead.

“Conway tapes are inside! Activate Claws!” Vortok orders.

But G-Force arrives on the scene.

“Launch all Symbiote planes! Attack G-Force!” Vortok shouts.

The jets launch and face off with Mark’s supersonic jet.

“Yellow bogeys coming in at six o’clock!” Mark tells everyone on his communicator. “They look hungry! Let’s give them a twelve course dinner! All hash!”

“Nothing but robot pilots!” exclaims Jason in surprise. What, he was expecting real people flying those jets?

Meanwhile, flames are coming from the Conway Building, and the giant shrimp is having its way with the structure.

“Creepy!” Princess says calmly, but her face appears to be horrified.

“It’s getting the Conway Tapes!” Mark shouts. Everyone moves toward the Conway Building. A yellow jet shoots by Princess and knocks her off her bike.

The giant shrimp shoots beams from its eyes and there’s an explosion in a building.

“We missed.” Mark says in disgust. Um, what did they miss? Have they even fired a shot?

The giant shrimp and the yellow jets fly off, and everyone appears to be downhearted.

Back at Center Neptune, we can see blue sky in the window outside Anderson’s office, rather than fish.

“Don’t take it too hard.” the Chief advises the Team. “Under the circumstances you did the best you could. You did succeed in driving the Spectra invaders away.”

“We had them on the run. If we’d just had Tiny and the Phoenix out there!” Jason raises a fist and scowls.

And Tiny is standing sheepishly in the doorway!

“I’m sorry.” Tiny bows his head.

“Okay. Now get back on the job!” Jason says. Hey, it’s amazing how fast it’s ‘forgive and forget’ here in BOTP-land!

“Right.” Anderson agrees. “Just get back on the Team, find that space monster, and destroy it!”

“My fault.” Tiny says, not looking like he feels any better.

And now the Phoenix is flying through the blue sky above the ocean!

“What’s the scene, Jason?” Mark asks.

“Big zero. But they’re out there somewhere!” Jason assures the Commander. “And we’ll nail them!”

“Alien… go home!” Keyop burbles.

“The Team’s all together again!” Zark reminds us in a voiceover. “But Tiny’s still not quite with them.” Sure enough, Tiny appears worried.

“He’s thinking of a small boy’s cry.” Zark explains, as we see a shot of Tommy crying. “And his friend, Captain Jack!” We see a shot of Captain Jack struggling in the water.

“Somewhere in the ocean… maybe still alive…and needing help!” Zark says, as Tiny’s face takes on an expression of horror.

Commercial break!

We return to se Zark pacing.


“I really feel sorry for Tiny Harper.” Zark says. “All he wanted to do was take a day off, see old friends, and spend a nice, pleasant day in the country. And look at all the trouble it got him into!” Yeah, moral of the story: don’t go visit your friends.

“I suppose I’m lucky.” Zark says smugly. “I never get a day off! Or even a night! I don’t even take time out for a Spaceburger or soft drink!” Martyr, thy name is Zark.

“Oh, I do take a refreshing shot of oil now and again.” Zark admits. “Right now I’d better put my nimble components to work locating that villainous Zoltar and his Spectra Space Mob.”

And we’re back at the Phoenix.

“We’ve got the Space Monster on monitor.” Mark announces. Set up electronic tracking, Princess!”

“Gotcha!” Princess replies. She turns on her machine.

“Contact! We’re getting a squiggle!” she reports. “But it’s moving away from us.” Gee, is that really such a surprise that the Spectran ship would move away from the Phoenix?

“Ramjet, Tiny!” Mark orders, standing up. “Hey, snap out of it!”

“Sorry. Thinking.” Tiny explains.

And then Zark is on the Phoenix monitors!


“Relaying new fix on the Spectra space ship!” Zark says. “Co-ordinates 75 degrees on Grid 40! A large ship is under attack! Emergency!”

Everyone appears shocked by this news.

“Did Zark say a ship was being attacked?” Tiny asks.

“He said it! So let’s move!” Mark orders angrily.

And they’re off!

But everyone gasps as they arrive. The ship has already been destroyed!

A familiar laugh is heard, and Zoltar’s face appears on the communications monitor.

“I know that laugh.” Mark mutters.

“Too late, G-Force!” Zoltar taunts them. “You have been outwitted again! Even with your secret powers, you cannot stop us now! Our forces have smashed the Conway Computer Bank! You and your Federation of Planets are doomed! One by one, we will destroy you!” Zoltar laughs again and fades out while everyone appears horrified.

“He’s got a real great sense of humor.” Jason says sarcastically, forgoing grammatical accuracy in his disgust.

“Gobble, gobble, gobble… turkey!” Keyop shouts. And yes, his weird noises are actually ‘gobbles’ here.

Back at Chief Anderson’s office…

“This time Zoltar succeeded.” the Chief admits, slamming his hands onto his desk. “His space pirates broke through the Conway Computer Bank and stole the Tapes! Our entire galaxy is in jeopardy now, all because one member of G-Force failed to respond to a red alert!”

Oh, way to kick Tiny down again! I thought you had forgiven him for his failure already? I guess in BOTP-land, we like to kick a man when there’s no other convenient scapegoat.

“Don’t blame Tiny!” Mark smirks. “We all need a day off.”

“Fine, as long as you keep in touch!” Anderson replies. Wait… is he giving them the day off now? When the Conway Tapes are lost and the Federation is on the brink of disaster? Are you sure this whole problem wasn’t the result of Anderson’s lack of judgment?

“It’s kind of nice to be out of touch once in awhile.” Mark comments. “To feel peaceful and relaxed. I do it sometimes when I’m flying my plane alone. You can’t always be uptight. Besides, I’m the Commander of G-Force, and it was my responsibility to stop Zoltar!” His voice is calm, but he raises his fist threateningly.

“He’s right, Mark.” Tiny says, interrupting his Commander. “It was all my fault. I went to visit Captain Jack in my hometown. He was off at sea, but I decided to hang around awhile. Anyway, it was so peaceful there.”

“No more explanations.” Anderson snaps. “All of you, take a rest! But stay on alert for Round 2!” Um… perhaps I’m just not good at counting, but wouldn’t the next one be Round 3? Just wondering…

“All my fault…” Tiny mutters again.

And now we see Mark and Princess alone in the countryside.

“I don’t blame Tiny for wanting to come back here.” Princess says.

“Beautiful. But it got him in the doghouse.” Mark reminds her.

“Losing the Conway Tapes wasn’t his fault, Mark.” Princess retorts. “We did everything we could.”

“I guess we really ought to blame these hills!” Mark says. “This good, clean air!”

“Who thinks of space invaders here?” Princess asks. “I wish we could stay forever, Mark.”

“It’s not for us. Princess.” Mark replies. “We’re programmed for G-Force.”

“We’re humans, Mark.” Princess corrects him. “The only one who’s programmed is Zark!”


Posted by Transmute Jun on 03-05-2010 at 04:09:

“Hi!” Calls a sharp, whiny Princess voice. Oh, it’s Tommy…

“Hello!” Princess says warmly.

“Hey, Tommy, what’s happening?” Mark asks. “I thought you were going fishing with Tiny Harper.”

“He won’t go! He just sits there!” Tommy moans. Hmmm… so this is now more distressing than his missing father?

“He’s got a bad case of the ‘guiltys’ Tommy.” Mark explains. “About your father. About G-Force. It’s time he snapped out of it.”

“We’ll try to get his jets burning again.” Princess assures Tommy.

“He’s at our house!” Tommy volunteers.

Now we see Mark and Princess bursting into a room where Tiny is staring glumly out the window.

“Okay, Tiny, let’s shape up, or ship out.” Mark says, before thinking better of it. “Sorry I had to mention a touchy thing like ‘shape’.”

Suddenly, Jason and Keyop are there.

“Just got an alert! They located survivors from that ship, the Mary Francis!” Jason says.

“The Mary Francis?” Tiny repeats. “That’s the ship Captain Jack was on!”

“Don’t get your hopes up!” Mark cautions. “But if there are survivors, could be the Captain’s one of them.”

“Sure!” Tiny agrees.

“Anybody for rescue?” Mark asks. This shot is taken from a different Gatchaman episode.




“Transmute…” Mark calls.


Notice how he’s suddenly wearing his flying glove, and he’s transmuting in the middle of Tommy’s house?

And everyone else transmutes too!

And somehow, in their transmuted form, they got back to Center Neptune, because now they’re launching from there!


Cue stock footage. Lots of stock footage. Boy, they must have cut out a ton of Gatchaman stuff!

The Phoenix is now flying through the sky.

“7-Zark-7 calling G-Force!” Zark voices over. “Calling G-Force!”

“Big 10!” Keyop says, hiding behind Tiny’s chair. He looks like he’s afraid of Zark. Smart kid.

“Regret no report yet on the Spectra invaders, but all my receptors are fine-tuned.” Zark says, broadcasting from the Phoenix’s communications monitor again. “Also regret that earlier repot on survivors from the Mary Francis. Must have been in error. Unable to establish further contact. Proceed to search atolls. Vectors 45 and 603. Out.”

Tiny looks upset, but Mark smirks.

“Good old Zark’s never been wrong, but there’s always a first time, Tiny.” Mark says. I guess this is the Commander’s idea of reassurance?

So the Phoenix goes flying over some islands.

“Vector 405. Nothing down there at all.” Mark announces. “Not a sign of any life at all. One last shot. Try Vector 603!”

“If you’ve got to be shipwrecked, it’s a great place to swim!” Jason jokes.

“Stop!” Princess says, not appreciating his humor.

“That could be them!” Tiny says, spotting something.

“Look!” Princess cries.

Sure enough, smoke is rising from an island.

“I’m putting down!” Tiny declares.

Captain Jack and his crew are cheering from the island.

“Captain Jack!” Tiny says joyfully.

“Can’t say how glad we are to lay eyes on you, Matey!” Captain Jack tells Mark, once G-Force has disembarked. “Thought for certain we were stranded for good!” Well, he does bear a resemblance to the Skipper from Gilligan’s Island, with a bit of Mr. Howell thrown in…

“I know you’re one of the G-Force Team. Tiny told me all about you.” Jack goes on. “Tiny’s an old friend, you know. I knew his father like a brother. And my son Tommy thinks the world of him!” Tiny listens to all of this from behind a tree.

“Where is Tiny, anyway? I want to give him my thanks.” Jack says. And he must have spotted Tiny all on his own, because Jack walks right up to him.

“Hello, Tiny!” Captain Jack calls. “I want to thank you for coming.” Ah yes, another cover completely blown.

“We’ll get word to your families that you’re all safe.” Princess assures the crewmen.

“And we’ll take you to the nearest port.” Mark adds. But his communicator starts beeping.

“Big 10, Zark!” Mark answers. “I read you!”

“Red alert!” Zark calls nervously. “I have the Spectra space monster on my scanner! Northern hemisphere, Sector 40, Grid 10! Urgent you intercept!”

“We’re off! Button up!” Mark smirks.

Meanwhile, the giant shrimp is facing off with more planes.

But the Phoenix approaches.

“G-Force attack! Launch all fighters!” Vartok orders.

“Come on! We’re ready for you this time!” Jason taunts, his finger poised over the red button. But Tiny zooms away from Jason’s target.

“What are you doing, Tiny? We had them cold!” Jason rants.

“Hang tight, Jason! I owe this monster one!” Tiny says, smiling nastily. “Let me take care of it!”

“Nothing can stop us now!” Vartok laughs. “Forward!” He orders his men to fire.

“Come on! What’s holding you up, Tiny?” Jason asks. “Hit the button! Give them two big red ones, right where it hurts!”

“It’s my show, Jason!” Tiny insists.

“Fire all phasers!” Vortok orders, sounding like Scotty. And the eye beams go on.

But Tiny shoots a missile by slamming his fist through the glass cover over the red button. The missile breaks through the giant shrimp, but doesn’t explode.

A goon approaches Vortok in fear.

“Don’t run, you coward! Get back and disarm that missile!” he commands.

But the goons are running anyway.

“Free the forward area! Give me full retro-jet!” Vortok calls. “Standby to eject!” Eject? Does that mean they’re all going to escape?

“Bye, bug!” Keyop burbles. You know, this is the only reference to the title, which calls this thing a ‘praying mantis’. Never mind that it looks more like a seafood dinner.

“Traffic!” Keyop broops, seeing the yellow jets approaching them.

“I see them, Keyop, relax!” Tiny snarls. He doesn’t sound very relaxed himself.

“Phoenix at twelve o’clock! Close up for attack!” says a goon who sounds suspiciously like Chief Anderson.

But the jet’s fuel gauge reads empty…

“Those robots are bad pilots.” Tiny smirks. The jets go crashing to the ground. Or do they? They fall to the ground, but we don’t see any explosion or any other indication of what happens to them. Come to think of it, we don’t see what happened to the giant squid either.

“Over.” Tiny bows his head.

And now we see Tommy running to greet Captain Jack.

“Papa!” Tommy screams. “I knew you were alive! And I knew Tiny would find you!”

“I’m safe, and so is the whole universe.” Jack tells Tommy. “Thanks to that fine G-Force, Son.”

“They’re great!” Tommy agrees, calling after the departing Phoenix. “Thanks, Tiny! Thanks, G-Force!”

Zark voices over, while everyone on the Phoenix appears surprisingly sad. Perhaps they weren’t able to recover the Conway Tapes?

“Well, G-Force defeated Spectra again.” Zark voices over. “Zoltar set out to destroy the Conway Computer Bank, and its valuable tapes, and only my foresight saved them.”


“I advised that the tapes be removed from the Conway Building long before the attack began.” Zark says smugly. Well, way to let everyone know, Zark! All this while Chief Anderson and G-Force were stressing out, thinking they had been captured by Spectra? Doh2

“Do you suppose I have a sixth sensor?” Zark shrugs and laughs.


“But why not? I have a seventh and an eight and a ninth sensor!” Zark carries his feeble joke for far too long. “And soon I’m going to have more! I wonder if I’ll ever be good enough to fly on the Phoenix with g-Force?”

No, Zark, you never will. And for that, we can all rest easy at night.


Posted by lborgia88 on 03-05-2010 at 07:04:

RE: Gatchaman Episode 75 – Jumbo Shakora, the Ocean Devil King

Great recap! This sure is an excellent example, in the BOTP version, of the G-Force members being casual about their secret identities.

I wonder why the BOTP writers didn't just let "Captain Jack" and "Tommy" be Tiny's father and brother. I wonder if they thought it would seem unfair if everyone else was an orphan, except him, or if they thought it would look too strange that Tiny didn't live with them.

Originally posted by Transmute Jun

“You nimrod!” Jun lectures Joe. “You said way too much!”

“I know my Dad’s alive!” Ryu growls.

“Of course.” Joe backtracks. “Uh, this is your Dad we’re talking about. A seasoned sailor! He’s probably enjoying a nice swim right about now!” He chuckles to emphasize his point, but it’s actually kind of creepy.


Wow, Joe trying to make amends for being insensitive to Ryu -clearly Jun wields some influence over him!

I agree -a disturbing image of Joe here!

“When the Super Bird hits, you’re blown to bits.” Joe says. Don’t give up your day job for poetry, Joe.


Posted by Madilayn on 03-05-2010 at 07:43:

And don't you just love that expression on Jun's face. The same expression that every female has worn when one of the males of her acquaintance makes a joke that is not only bad, but in astonishingly bad taste.

I had to laugh when X tells Katse to send it out withut testing. As an IT Project Administrator, I've seen first hand what happens when technical stuff is sent out without testing first.....

TJ - you're right about the name. I think Jumbo Shakora sounds like the sort of dish you get at dodgier Asian restaurants/takeaways!

"I'll have an order of spring rolls, a Jumbo Shakora and a large fried rice to go please" Rofl


"When I'm old, I don't want them to say of me, "She's so charming." I want them to say, "Be careful, I think she's armed." -G. Stoddart

Posted by gatchamarie on 03-05-2010 at 10:11:

Another great recap, TJ!

I do feel bad for Ryu during this episode ... it's kind of you to remind me what happens later on in Gatch II!

And I so join you in wanting Jun and Ken get closer when they're alone, talking. No wonder Jun keeps her hands on her hips all the time ... she's careful not to let them drag her where they really want to go!

Joe's comment is creepy! I know him more of a sensible guy ... at least, to a certain extent ... but his character will also ameliorate in the future!

One Jumbo Shakora for me, too, please!!!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by Transmute Jun on 03-05-2010 at 13:42:

Glad you guys enjoyed the recap!

I wonder why the BOTP writers didn't just let "Captain Jack" and "Tommy" be Tiny's father and brother. I wonder if they thought it would seem unfair if everyone else was an orphan, except him, or if they thought it would look too strange that Tiny didn't live with them.

I think they were in a bind. It's in the opening sequence and all. 'Five fearless young orphans...' I don't blame them for this at all. I'll bet that even the Tatsunoko writers hadn't necessarily thought about giving Ryu a family when they were planning the show. Now watch James come shake his finger at me and prove me wrong. (Smooch2 James!)

And yeah, they were all very casual about their secret identities... among the 'right' people. Guess they can trust that little Tommy won't crack under Zoltar's torture. After all, it's not like the Spectrans would ever physically hurt the kid. Sigh...

And don't you just love that expression on Jun's face. The same expression that every female has worn when one of the males of her acquaintance makes a joke that is not only bad, but in astonishingly bad taste.

You're totally right! It fits perfectly! Except I'll bet Ken was wearing it too. Wink


Posted by Transmute Jun on 03-05-2010 at 13:49:

Originally posted by gatchamarie
I do feel bad for Ryu during this episode ... it's kind of you to remind me what happens later on in Gatch II!

I know everyone here is not familiar with that series, so I thought it was important to let them know that Ryu's misery doesn't go on forever.

And I so join you in wanting Jun and Ken get closer when they're alone, talking. No wonder Jun keeps her hands on her hips all the time ... she's careful not to let them drag her where they really want to go!

ROFL 2 Oh, I love it! What a wonderful 'shipper way to think about it! Smooch2

Joe's comment is creepy! I know him more of a sensible guy ... at least, to a certain extent ... but his character will also ameliorate in the future!

Keep in mind that they all are pretty young, despite their responsibilities. It's perfectly natural for a guy 18-21 years of age to occasionally make tasteless comments that he might hold back when he's older and a bit more mature. Trust me, I deal with kids this age every day at work, and I know what they're like. Wink


Posted by UnpublishedWriter on 03-05-2010 at 15:36:

Peril of the Preying Mantis
Battle of the Planets, Episode Number Five
Gatchaman Episode #75, Jumbo Shakora, The Ocean Devil King
DVD and Veoh episode #64

Review/Summary: Center Neptune establishing shot. Of course. Zark in voice-over. “Center Neptune calling all galaxy monitors. Center Neptune calling.” This time, Alan Young seems to be trying for the Standard Robot Monotone, and not doing so well with it. And now we see Zark, at the console below the four screens. “This is 7 Zark 7. I have the relay from Cosmic Early Warning System. All clear. No news is good news.” [Bleargh.] And then he turns to us and gets all chipper. This, he tells us, is the routine part of his job: reports and clearances to space traffic between the Federation planets. [So the Federation is too cheap to pony up for a separate system dedicated to glorified air traffic control, is it?] He prefers more imaginative work, such as coordinating and directing G-Force. It’s so confining in this think tank [er, I thought he was a think tank?]. He’s the physical type, and craves action. [Right: no knees, body shaped like an egg, and all those ‘delicate components’ he keeps yammering about. A real action hero. Spare me.] He’s scheduled soon for exciting new components and increased mobility. [Agh! Unfortunate thought! Pass the brain bleach! Hurry.] Maybe then he’ll be able to move up and out once in a while, or even join G-Force on outer space flight. His antennae wiggle with excited anticipation as he says he can’t wait. [Those are very expressive antennae.]

It’s been quiet in space. The Interplanetary Patrol hasn’t spotted a single UFO. Yes, they have them, but they’re the real thing. [UFO is not synonymous with ‘extraterrestrial spaceship.’ It’s the acronym for ‘Unidentified Flying Object.’] He’s certain they’re planning something on Spectra.

And, yes, they are. Gatchaman footage. The Luminous One wants to know if everything is ready for this latest attack on Earth.

Zoltar tells him that he has chosen the fiercest fighters on all Spectra.

The Luminous One says that this is not enough. Their most able commander should in charge of their new and awesome (yes, that is the line) spaceship. This commander will have complete control of their symbiot (sp?) robots. [What happened to the fiercest fighters on Spectra?] They must find and destroy the Conway Tapes, which contain the secret code that binds the ‘Intergalactic Federation’ together. [Another consultation of the 1950’s SF script manual, I see. The chapter that explains that ‘galaxy’, ‘universe’, and ‘solar system’ are interchangeable terms. ‘Interstellar’ and ‘intergalactic’ are also interchangeable.]

Zoltar says he has placed Bartok (sp?) in command. [Okay, I probably should get the Jason Hofius book so I know how to spell these names. Until then, bear with me.] The Luminous One approves.

Monologue for Zoltar, explaining the strategy. They will strike at scattered targets, to disperse Earth’s forces. Then they will attack the place where the Conway Tapes are kept, and steal them, even if they have to take the whole building. (He sounds rather calm, while leaning heavily on a console and then clenching a fist as if he were quite frustrated and angry.) [Tapes. It didn’t take long for technology to make magnetic tape obsolete, did it?]

Cavern, where the camera pans down to a mecha shaped like a shrimp or prawn. Soldiers board the mecha, as Zoltar orders them to conquer Earth.

And – we have that Sandy Frank launch from the previous episode. Why?

Now the space-travel footage, which starts as they leave Spectra, then switches to show the approach to Earth. It clearly shows them passing a spiral galaxy. [Because none of the scriptwriters would admit that the Crab Nebula is in the Milky Way galaxy.] In keeping with ‘all space routes pass Saturn’, we see Saturn.

Cue agitated Zark voice-over. He’s been alerted that an alien intruder has entered ‘our galaxy’. [Solar system, Zark. Solar system. They’re already in our galaxy.] It’s rapidly approaching Earth. He must alert G-Force and the Universal Defense System. [Really have to work on that sensor system. Really. It’s pathetic how easily Spectra forces get in and out of the Federation (and vice-versa). I’m surprised a third party hasn’t come in and taken over both sides.]

Searchlights stab the sky, and we have a shot of running feet, followed by planes in the air. [Wait: they’re admitting there are people in the planes that are about to be destroyed? How did that happen?]

Spectra planes, firing interesting parti-colored rays, wipe out the planes. Then Bartok tells the symbiots to check their fuel gauges. A mullet-wearing ‘robot’ checks the fuel, and yep, the needle is in the red. Whoever does the symbiot voice does a very good Standard Robot Monotone (and the sound guy added a sort of echo effect, it sounds like). Bartok calls them back. [Is it Alan Young again? Hard to tell.]

Bartok’s costume is rather nifty. He has a black mask with grey pointy ears and grey forehead panel, and little red dots lining the eye-holes. There’s formfitting brown or olive drab under what looks like a bluish breastplate with grey shoulder-pieces and vambraces.

Shot of a lighthouse. And now Zark tells us what we already know: Earth’s forces took a terrible punishment. But, things look peaceful for the moment. [Yo, Zark, Earth was just attacked. Bad choice of words. How about ‘quiet’? How about a few words about how you’re scanning the planet, looking for the Spectra attackers?]

And now we have a chubby fellow with a captain’s hat and a toothbrush moustache. He’s talking about how quiet everything is, and that they should be home by tomorrow. He’ll go below and turn in.

We know where this is going.

Yep. Before the captain can even stand up, the giant shrimp (or prawn) mecha surfaces. As the crew wonders what it is, a crewmember reports ‘Alien planes off starboard.’

And here come the little yellow planes that had just destroyed a number of fighters. [There must be some fog between them and Zark’s sensors. He doesn’t give any hint that he knows this is happening.] They dock with the mecha, while the captain orders someone to radio Security Headquarters.

A plane buzzes the ship, and suddenly people are falling into the water. The captain surfaces, then there’s a whirlpool. [Hm. Something’s missing.]

Abrupt cut to Center Neptune.

Zark tells us that he contacted four of the G-Force team, and they’re conferring with Chief Anderson right now. He can’t find Tiny. [More fog, eh?]

Now to Anderson and 4/5ths of G-Force. Spectra has attacked, he tells them, but they don’t know the target. First reports are of random destruction, but Spectra would not take such risks on haphazard targets. G-Force must learn the real goal.

Mark says they’re ready.

Anderson tells them that Tiny didn’t respond to Zark’s call. Does anyone know where he is? [So Tiny went off without telling the boss where he was going and what he’d be doing? Really? Unprofessional. Did the scriptwriters just not care how sloppy and careless they made G-Force look? Real military personnel have to fill out a leave request. Although, to be honest, Gatch too often had the same problem.]

Jason says he went to his home village to pay a call on someone called ‘Captain.’

Well, Tiny’s not responding to calls on his communicator. Keyop calls him a goof-off. Princess says there must be a good reason for him not to answer, since Tiny is so reliable.

Anderson asks Mark if he can pilot the Phoenix. [What? Their boss doesn’t know their skills? W(hiskey) T(ango) H(otel) sort of operation is he running, here?]

Mark says no, that’s Tiny’s job. Let’s give him just a little more time. [So, Mark, a pilot who has presumably trained extensively, can’t fly anything other than his plane. His single-person plane.]

Anderson says there’s no time. They’ll have to go in their individual vehicles without Tiny.

Benefits, not features; benefits, not features

Posted by UnpublishedWriter on 03-05-2010 at 15:38:

Everyone’s out looking for Spectra. And Zark still can’t find Tiny. Zark, who watches G-Force every minute of the day. [Paying a little too much attention to Princess, are we? Or is that fog still getting in the way?]

Now we have a long shot of the team’s base on land, and the camera pans over to show us Tiny, snoozing on a hillside. Nice mountain scenery.

[It’s time to review that contract with Quanto Tobor, no matter what the calendar says. Maybe check out some other contractors? Tiny’s in plain sight, but Zark can’t find him.]

A little kid runs past, and splashes mud on Tiny’s nose. He wakes up, and gripes that he was having a nice dream about coming here when he was little. [So that building with the orange roof only looks like the team’s land base.] The kid throws himself against Tiny and cries that his father is in trouble.

Now we find out that Captain Jack is the boy’s father, and that he was supposed to be at sea. The boy cries that he had heard on the telecom that his father was lost at sea and that G-Force had been trying to reach Tiny. [Say what? Since when are civilians privy to military communications? And how does the kid know that Tiny’s with G-Force? Their identities are secret, right?] Tiny’s communicator was turned off. [Unprofessional. And if there are regulations requiring him to maintain contact with Anderson and the team, turning off his communicator would be grounds for severe disciplinary action.]

Zark finally gets in touch with Tiny, who (for some reason) turns away from the boy and acts as if he’s hiding something. Zark tells Tiny that he must return to Center Neptune immediately.

Tiny acknowledges, and again the Gatchaman footage does not support the BotP script. He looks as if he’s agonizing over something, yet sounds businesslike as he requests a direct clearance to the hangar and to get the Phoenix ready for takeoff. While not speaking into his bracelet.

The boy, who turns out to be named Tommy, asks if Tiny isn’t going to help search for Captain Jack. Tiny can’t, because of his job. Tommy is convinced that if Tiny doesn’t help, he’ll never see his father again. Tiny isn’t happy about this.

Now to the shrimp (prawn?) mecha, in flight. It makes a weird boinging sound as it flies. Zoltar congratulates Bartok, and orders him to proceed with the mission. The commander orders a change of course to the Conway Building. [Way to keep a secret, folks! Sorry, but this was one time when hiding in plain sight just wasn’t going to work.]

Mark spots the mecha, and calls his team. He realizes the enemy is fixed on the Conway Building, and must be after the tapes. And just to be certain we know how important this is, he reminds everyone that if the Spectrans destroy those tapes, it’s the end of the Federation. [Okay, how does this work?]

Alarms sound. Over an intercom, a voice warns that enemy aircraft are approaching, and people must take cover. Heavy artillery deploys.

Bartok orders the theft of the Tapes.

G-Force, in their vehicles, are on the scene. The commander orders the symbiot planes to engage.

Mark says the enemy looks hungry. Give them a 12-course dinner. Cue dramatic music and the implication there will be a smack-down.

And –

The mecha attacks the Conway Building. Mark says the thing is getting the Conway Tapes.

[Now, this show edits Gatch footage, but there’s usually enough left of a fight to tell us there was one. There’s barely so much as a water-pistol deployed during this, yet there’s supposed to be some sort of fighting going on.] After this weird editing, Mark notes, ‘We missed.’ [And so did the audience. We missed something because the editing didn’t leave anything to support whatever was supposed to be happening.]

Back to base, where Anderson tells them not to be too hard on themselves. At least they drove off the Spectra invaders.

Jason says they really needed Tiny and the Phoenix. [Unlike Gatchaman, the various vehicles do not need to be docked in order for the Phoenix’s weapons to work.]

And now Tiny arrives. He looks pretty droopy and upset. He apologizes for being late, which the team accepts [although they look rather peeved with him]. Anderson orders them to go out and destroy that space monster.

Next scene is the Phoenix in flight. G-Force has been searching, and hasn’t found a thing.

And Zark again. He now has the capacity to read minds, as he tells us (in case we can’t figure it out for ourselves from the footage of what’s going on in Tiny’s head) that Tiny is thinking of Tommy and of Captain Jack’s predicament.

Commercial break.

And Zark in his command center. Which confirms that this was a commercial break. He’s doing that glide-pacing, just like in Decoys of Doom. He feels sorry for Tiny: all the guy wanted was to spend time with old friends in the country, and look at all the trouble he’s in.

And now it’s a close-up of Zark. He supposes he’s lucky: he never gets time off. He doesn’t even take time to eat or drink. Well, he does take a refreshing shot of oil now and again. [Bleargh. Honestly, the scriptwriters were just phoning it in for this bit.]

And now Zark pokes his console. The one with the four screens. He’d better go to work finding Zoltar and his ‘Spectra Space Mob.’ [Do they hang out near the Ant Hill Mob?]

Back to the Phoenix. Thank you.

Mark says they’ve lost the space monster, and orders Princess to set up the electronic tracking. [How can you lose a target you never had?]

Princess says they have a signal, but it’s moving away from them.

Mark orders ‘Ramjet’ from a distracted and distressed Tiny, then calls him for spacing out. Tiny apologizes that he was thinking.

Oh, Zark again. Relaying new coordinates on the Spectra spaceship. 75 degrees, on Grid 40. A large ship is being attacked. [Guess the fog must have lifted.]

G-Force heads over, and it’s horrible. They find the ship burning and sinking, leaking oil over the ocean’s surface.

Zoltar calls to laugh at them and tell them they’ve been outwitted again. His image on the monitor is really bad, as if it were transmitted over a standard television frequency in the age of roof antennae. The Conway computer bank is smashed. They and their Federation are doomed. He will destroy them one by one.

Zoltar has a superb evil villain laugh.

Anderson is upset. Spectra has the tapes, and it’s all because one of their number did not respond to a red alert. Mark defends Tiny by saying they all need a day off. Anderson says, ‘Fine. As long as you keep in touch.’ [Uh, couldn’t you have made that clear earlier, like, say, during training?]

Mark makes a speech in which he admits that he’s sometimes out of touch when he’s flying his plane. (Anderson is very unhappy, to judge by his expression.) Besides, it was his responsibility to stop Zoltar.

Tiny refuses to let Mark take any part of the blame. He went home, and it was so peaceful there.

Benefits, not features; benefits, not features

Posted by UnpublishedWriter on 03-05-2010 at 15:41:

Anderson tells them to take a rest, but to be ready for Round Two. [Uh, Conway Tapes? The tapes with the secret code that holds the Federation together. Remember them? They were stolen. By Spectra. You have to get them back. Can’t rest until you do. Hello?]

Tiny is still kicking himself.

Nice shot of mountains, and the camera pans to Mark and Princess. She doesn’t blame Tiny for wanting to come back here. [So G-Force is resting in Tiny’s home village. Funny, but the place looks too mountainous to be near the ocean. Looks more like the Alps.]

Mark notes that Tiny is in the doghouse. Princess says they did everything they could to get the tapes back. The conversation starts to get mushy, with talk about good clean air, and wishes that they could stay here forever. [Bleargh. And remember the Conway Tapes? Could they sound at least a little upset about that?]

Tommy comes up to them. Mark’s surprised: he thought the kid was fishing with Tiny. Tommy starts crying and says Tiny won’t go. Mark explains that Tiny feels guilty about Captain Jack and about G-Force. It’s time he snapped out of it. [Okay, Mark, what part of ‘secret identity’ don’t you and the rest of the team understand?] Tommy informs them that Tiny’s at his house.

Mark and Princess enter Tiny’s room. Mark tells Tiny it’s time to shape up and ship out. Jason arrives with news about the Mary Frances: survivors. Tiny gets excited: that was Captain Jack’s ship.

Mark asks if anyone is up to a rescue. They are. So they transmute. [The transmutation sequence is not in the Gatch episode.]

And we have stock footage of the Phoenix launching. [It’s a wonder they can rescue anyone or anything with all the travel. Land base, Tiny’s village, and now Center Neptune. Sloppy writing.]

And Zark calls them in flight: He’s still looking for the Spectra ship. And he can’t confirm the earlier report about survivors from the Mary Frances. He’s unable to establish further contact. [Well, maybe if you stopped watching Princess, you might find something, Zark. Just a thought.] Search atolls, vectors 405 and 603.

[Cookies. Must – have – cookies. I thought I could hold out, but I can’t.]

Mark assures Tiny that, while Zark has never been wrong before, there’s always a first time. [Zark is omniscient? How? Fog defeats his sensors. He could not provide an answer for Mark in Siege of the Squids. He can’t tell a speck of dirt on his monitors from an alien armada. The mind boggles. The taxpayers should demand an accounting.]

Cut to nice shot of atolls and small islands. Vector 405 isn’t working out, so they try 603.

Jason acidly notes that it’s a great place to swim.

Princess spots something, then the rest see the column of smoke she’d spotted. Tiny takes the Phoenix in for a landing.

Jack is happy to see them. Seems Tiny told him all about G-Force. [Why is Tiny behind the tree, and not with the team? What’s with telling Captain Jack about G-Force? People in special ops never reveal what they do.]

Mark tells the castaways that they’ll take them to port.

Then Zark calls. He’s located the space monster. It’s in the Northern Hemisphere, Sector 40, Grid 10.

And the shrimp/prawn mecha is in flight. When Bartok spots the Phoenix, he orders an attack. The smaller planes launch.

Just as Jason gets a bead on them, Tiny changes course. He owes this monster one, so let him take care of it.

Bartok chortles that nothing can stop them now.

Jason is all hot to fire the big red missiles. Tiny tells him to hold off, and let him do it. The missiles are lowered into launch position. Tiny fires one.

When the missile strikes the shrimp/prawn mecha and ends up on the Bridge, Bartok and company run out of there. Although we don’t see it, presumably the missile explodes and destroys the mecha.

The little yellow plans are closing to attack, but they have the fuel efficiency of American-made pickup trucks, and are riding on empty. As the planes plummet out of the sky, Tiny comments that the robots are bad pilots. [Zoltar should shoot his engineers. We humans do much better with our assorted drones.]

Now for the happy reunion between Tommy and Captain Jack.

And now for self-congratulatory Zark voice-over. Apparently, his foresight saved the Conway Tapes. He advised that they be removed from the Conway Building long before the attack. [WTH!? Then why didn’t he tell G-Force? Or Anderson, at least? They obviously had no idea the tapes were safe. Agh!] Does he have a sixth sensor? [Okay, not as agonizing as some of his puns, but still….] And there’s some more drivel, but I can take no more and will spare you.

And not once did any character refer to the giant shrimp/prawn mecha as a ‘preying mantis.’ Only in the title.
***** ***** *****
Fic Alert: Symbiot robots?

How might destroying the Conway Tapes lead to the destruction of the Federation? Are we talking about the dissolution of the Federation, or more serious political effects that might lead to war?

Science question: Didn’t really spot one, this time. Aside from the incorrect taxonomy in the title.

Bizarreness alert: G-Force, an elite fighting unit tasked with protecting the Federation from a ruthless enemy, apparently consists of five kids with no cross-training. Surely the scriptwriters could have found a better way to explain Mark not piloting the Phoenix.

Not only that, when they go on leave, they turn off their communicators. Nobody in the regular military stays out of touch that way. It might be necessary to return at a moment’s notice. Completely unprofessional, at the least. Basically, when the scriptwriters rewrote this episode, they either didn’t think this out, or they just didn’t give a darn.

I recall some episodes where they worry about their identities being discovered. This is consistent with their apparent role as a strike team. Yet the Harpers know all about Tiny and G-Force.

Come on, why didn’t Zark tell Anderson and G-Force the Conway Tapes were safe? Or at least Anderson. He’s the Chief of Security for the Federation! They could have still put up a spirited defense, enough to fool Zoltar.

And what was that oddly-edited fight about? [In the original series, the Science Ninja Team’s individual vehicles had been fitted with weapons a few episodes before. Perhaps the BotP people were trying not to jump the gun, since they had not yet adapted that episode, and no weapons appeared in the previous four episodes.]

These are the sort of things that happen when you rewrite a script and don’t pay attention to the details. I don’t care how old your audience is, pay attention to that stuff.

Benefits, not features; benefits, not features

Posted by gatchamarie on 03-05-2010 at 17:10:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
Joe's comment is creepy! I know him more of a sensible guy ... at least, to a certain extent ... but his character will also ameliorate in the future!

Keep in mind that they all are pretty young, despite their responsibilities. It's perfectly natural for a guy 18-21 years of age to occasionally make tasteless comments that he might hold back when he's older and a bit more mature. Trust me, I deal with kids this age every day at work, and I know what they're like. Wink

You're so right! And you don't have to be that young, sometimes, in order to fault and make tasteless comments! ... I don't know how many times I bite my tongue before saying something that I may regret having said later!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by UnpublishedWriter on 03-05-2010 at 17:24:

Joe is Mr. Blunt (when he isn't being Mr. Taciturn), so that sort of blunder is right in character. Then he has to backtrack, and of course he screws it up.

Notice that, once again, team members don't communicate with each other (in order to facilitate the plot).

(I wrote my review before James revealed that the Sandy Frank people received Gatchaman episodes out of order. It explains a number of BotP's oddities.)

Benefits, not features; benefits, not features

Posted by gatchamarie on 03-05-2010 at 17:55:

Originally posted by UnpublishedWriter
(I wrote my review before James revealed that the Sandy Frank people received Gatchaman episodes out of order. It explains a number of BotP's oddities.)

I sympathise with them for that fact! Great review, UW!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by amethyst on 03-05-2010 at 18:01:

Great Reviews! Though, I think the one I'm really waiting for is next week? Wink

I did a quick search through a few translation sites and could not find an equivalent to Shakora; I wonder if it could be a name, a cultural reference, or a mistranslation?

It is not a direct translation of either shrimp or prawn according to the sites I went to. (Yeah, the information is only as reliable as the source, and I really have no way of judging that).

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by UnpublishedWriter on 03-05-2010 at 18:15:

My Japanese-English dictionary didn't give anything remotely like Shakora for the apparent creature. Yeah, I checked for 'shrimp', 'prawn', and 'crayfish/crawfish'.

Benefits, not features; benefits, not features

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