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Posted by Lolabella on 22-07-2004 at 19:44:

Your Dreams...

This was my lunch discussion today at work. I was suprised to find out that everyone does not dream in the same fashion...

When you dream? Do you dream in color or black and white. Do you dream full scenes or just images? Do you have a reoccuring dream?

My dreams are always in color. I dream full a movie. I can even wake up from a dream and immediately go back to the same dream. My reoccuring dreams: my teeth are fallling out, I am back in high school and cannot find my class or I cannot remember my locker combination, or I am on an airplane that is getting ready to crash...but it never does...

*wonders if she is revealing too much here*


Posted by Buffy on 22-07-2004 at 19:56:

Interesting subject!

I dream out full scenes in color. I dream lucidly most often, able to control and direct my dreams at least partially. at least I do when I'm not pregnant.

While I'm pregnant, I find that my dreams are more unimaginative and annoying. Short scenes, jumping around, more chaotic. Definately more stupid 'symbolism' nightmare types. You know: You clean up a room over and over but the mess keeps building, and someone has taken your plate of french fries and you are mortified, then you realize your frenchfries were really your family, and so now you've lost your family....sheesh. I hate crap like that.

Lessee Reoccuring Dreams:

I had a reoccuring dream since toddlerhood involving a swampy lake in Florida filled with reptiles of all kinds in which I'm trying to reach my mother but because boardwalk path is so narrow I always fall in and wake up swimming in alligators and snakes.

I've also learned to fly in my dreams....sort of a reoccuring, yet continuing dream. I made a little progress each dream for several years until now, I fly like a superhero. Zoom Zoom.
I also get killed in various reoccuring dreams....but I step beyond death and become a powerful spirit. And I learned to fight. Which actually helped in a real life situation where this girl was bullying me. Because of the lucid dream I'd kept having about me fighting and gaining control of myself, I had the guts to stand up to her and shove her into a wall. She gradually quit messing with me after that.


"Spider sense....tingling."

Posted by meridianday on 22-07-2004 at 20:00:

I'm a deep sleeper, and as such I can never remember my dreams unless I've been woken up in the middle of one. Had some bloody wierd dreams when my daughter was tiny and waking me up every hour and a half - my dream sleep would start sooner and sooner after I fell asleep until I finally got so tired after a few weeks that I started to dream while awake, not a good experience when driving Wink

I know I dream in colour because the only nightmare I vaguely remember was red. When I get woken from a dream, the contents of the dream only stay with me for a very short time. So, no dream analysis for me.


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by Lolabella on 22-07-2004 at 20:09:

Originally posted by Buffy
I've also learned to fly in my dreams....sort of a reoccuring, yet continuing dream. I made a little progress each dream for several years until now, I fly like a superhero. Zoom Zoom.
I also get killed in various reoccuring dreams....but I step beyond death and become a powerful spirit.

Now an old wive's tale says that it is bad luck to die in your dreams. You have proven it wrong!

I really hate those dreams where I know I am in a nightmare, and I know I am, and I try to shout out for someone to wake me and I cannot. That's when I try to control my dreams. The successful ones usually have some hunky guy coming to rescue me...

Regarding flying. My very first flying dream that I still remember to this day involves our Fab 5. I was 8 years old and totally engrossed in Battle of the Planets. I remember dreaming that I was Princess and I was flying with my hunky Mark over my house at the time. God's honest truth!!!


Posted by lyon on 23-07-2004 at 03:12:

i dream full color, full movies some of the time while other times i just have disjointed images.

a lot (not all) of my stories start as dreams that i remember. if i wake up too fast i lose them almost instantly but if i can hang onto at least a few minutes of quiet then i can usually retain a decent hunk of it.

hmmm, trying to think of examples. Swarm started out as a dream, as did ..well, now that i think of it almost all my original "fiction" started as a dream image or movie. i find that while i might remember a whole bunch of dream, only one or two images or emotions are strong enough to really work with - the rest just seems to be merely window dressing.

re: flying ... i never fly that i recall. i just fall forever and i'm terrified. this is probably related back to the fact that i was pushed down the stairs numerous times growing up and its damned amazing that i never broke anything.

... and, i take that back! i remember a dream that i had not so long ago ( half year maybe ) where myself and a male solider are on a flying ship, something like a cross between a zeppelin and an airplane and we're in the middle of a war. we're escaping with the children, they're terrified in the hold and we have to keep them quiet and outrun those that are fighting in the same airspace.

however, the air balloon keeping us up gets perforated by enemy fire and we have to get the children out. i'm as calm as i can be but i know i'm going to die, that i can't fly yet.

but he can. he's like this evolved form of whatever i am (i'm not human or something) and he had wings and one of those crossing bandoliers and guns and stuff (buff too .. did i mention buff as anything and not wearing a shirt? yum!). so he grabs as many of the children as he can, and i'm driving the sinking balloon as straight as i can and he says he'll be back as soon as he can and jumps out, carrying kids.

the balloon is sinking hellish slow and i think .. i think i have to try. try and be what i can be and save the children left behind. and i reach inside and everything is warm and painful and i can feel it changing me .. and then i have wings! and i grab the children and tell them to be quiet and i jump too and we glide down to the earth.

but we're behind enemy lines now and i have three children and i know i'm not strong enough to protect them, i only have one gun and i'm have to find my solider and the others, i have to know if they're all right. so we're sneaking around, and stealing food and clothes and stuff, and i'm doing my best. the children have dirty faces and it makes me sad.

then the bad guys ( i think ) find us, they're close behind and we're running and dodging in the trees and then i see him coming across the meadow, his wings half spread as he charges towards us and i'm thinking, god, we're going to be alright.

and then i woke up.

sigh. it was just getting good to.

Trample the weak. Hurdle the dead.

Posted by meridianday on 23-07-2004 at 12:14:

I feel like I'm missing a whole part of my mind now... not in touch with my emotions, no memory for sensations, and my dreams are a lost world to me...



Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by Cep on 23-07-2004 at 12:39:

Or perhaps your just not as unhinged as the rest of us MD Big Grin

As for me I too dream in full colour but not like a movie, more like as if it was real life. I can touch and feel things happening, although funnily I can't smell or taste even though, I have some sort of memory of a smell or taste that represents this sense.

My dreams vary completely, when I talk to my friends about them I am often looked at with raised eyebrows.

My dreams can be outright wacko, extremely scary, very humerous, very romantic and some dreams touch me so deeply that its almost as if I am living a life outside my own.

When I was young I had quite a few recurring dreams, mostly nightmares of falling from something or of the monster downstairs and when I scream my voice is hoarse as if I have lost my voice.

Yet I never did see the bloody monster and as I grew older I realised this and braved more and more in the dream. Walking downstairs etc.

I remember most of my dreams, I even try to write them down in my dream diary but there are occasions where I wake up and think "hey I had a great dream, but I'll be fecked if I can remember anything about it".

There was also a period in my teens where I learnt to control my dreams...

and that was amazing!!!!

What would happen is, I would be dreaming about say being at my school and I would see something, that even though it felt ok it wasn't right. For instance a doorway where there isnt supposed to be.

Then I would realise "heyup I am dreaming" and thats when I would rock and roll! I would think of things i'd like to do and just get on with it. Of course it was very difficult to do as my mind would try and either take back control of the dreamstate or I would be forced to wake up.

There were also times when I had the oh' so typical dream of falling from something very high and I would realise I would not die, so I flew instead.

Then of course there are the other weird dreams, like the atom bomb dream, where in the distance you see the light and then realise your in deep sh....

Others revolving around that theme are hurricanes, alien invasions, some big weird sky warphold thing.

Then there are the dreams where your in a fight and hitting someone repeatedly as hard as you can and it has simply no effect. Or the dreams where you suddenly feel really weak that you find it difficult to move or talk.

Anyway....err....perhaps thats enough for now Big Grin

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

Posted by CricketBeautiful on 23-07-2004 at 15:12:

I get the nightmare dreams. And I used to be able to control them a bit.

Now, though, the control backfires. It's like not thinking of pink elephants. I think, hubby should save me. Oh, wouldn't it be bad if he couldn't. Oh, S#$%, there's a problem with Hubby. Please, not the kids, too. Noooo!!

Haven't had a happy dream in ages, not sure if I ever have. They all disintegrate.


Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

- Viktor E. Frankl

Posted by imaqtz on 23-07-2004 at 16:55:

ugh...sorry to hear that.

Dreams are usually just an outlet for your subconscious mind..They could help you resolve issues youve worried about subconsiously during the day..or they could magnify a fear or desire youve tried to firmly put away in the recesses of your mind..

Depends on your culture as to how dreams are interpreted and what what they symbolically /psychologically mean.

Im going to have to look it up on some would be interesting to see if some of these dreams can be interpreted!

I know if you keep dreaming of the same house..could be your family home, or one you halvent been in for years..that actually represents you! So the state of the house is the state you are feeling at the moment!...Look carefully at the images surrounding that house..they also represent some part of you..a fear, a worry, guilt, a secret, etc..

I too dream in vivid colour and also feel whats going on. Never had a lucid dream tho, nor one where I can control much less remeber anything but the end whispertrail of it.

Only nightmare I can recall with such clarity of detail..feeling every single emotion..was when I was a Uni Student...Dreamt I was walking along some street..when there was an onimous rumble behind me..Looked back to see two WWII German tanks bearing straight for me!...My Dad's green car suddenly materialised..and I run for it..getting in only thought being..."OH ..shit shit shit..I cant drive I cant drive!!! "

somehow start the car..Tanks getting closer..Im panicking BIG time...breaking into a cold sweat..and slam foot on accelerator..veering sharply right to get home...only to find to my horror I dont know how to stop the car..cant find the brake!...Turn left at the end of the street to where my home is..only to keep going..and these tanks are getting so much closer..I can practically smell my own fear car is racing way past my street and there's a freaking brick wall right in front of me..

Hands go off the steering wheel, my arms fly up in front of my face to brace for the impact of hitting this wall at an incredible high speed...but the monstrous sound of those grinding wheels of the German tanks..just keep getting louder..

And Just before I hit that wall...Ive woken up sitting on the bed in a full sweat having gone hot and cold, my arms up in front of my face like in the dream..and my heart pounding near out of my chest!

No symbolism or psychological assessement needed for that dream...

I was overdue for a Modern History essay on the rise of Nazism and the onset of WWII , and kept putting the damn thing off with only two days to go for my extention period..And I happened to have a terrible fight with my Dad that week, pleading with him to let me learn how to drive, and him refusing saying "Youll only crash the car!"

Would you believe I didnt learn how to drive a car till about ten years later after having that dream...altho once I did..I drive like an absolute it!


Shoot first..ask questions later!

Posted by Firebird on 26-07-2004 at 06:30:

I dream in colour mostly. I can control most f them except when I have things on my mind then that takes over.

Cant say I can remember any particular recurring dream.

Like the Phoenix I rise from the fire. Beware all who try to tame me, you may get burned Flame

Posted by meridianday on 28-07-2004 at 20:45:

I had a rare night last night where I dreamed... unfortunately they were the really mundane type of dream that isn't much use to have. I dreamed my husband had chickenpox (he was showing me but I couldn't see because I didn't have my glasses on). Unfortunately a high proportion of the dreams I can remember are really mundane and domestic, and utterly convincing because of it. I've dreamed whole days and woken convinced it all really happened and I was a day further on in the week, which is terribly confusing. But that doesn't happen too often, fortunately, because I'm confused enough already.


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

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