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--- Welcome Garnet (

Posted by clouddancer on 21-03-2010 at 18:11:

Welcome Garnet

Welcome to the board. I know you have begun posting but we give every newbies a thread so they may introduce themselves and tell us how they found out about this site and how they found out about BOTP or Gatchaman.

Welcome, welcome, welcome.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Garnet on 21-03-2010 at 18:36:

Actually, I just came to this area of the board to introduce myself and found your friendly welcome. Thanks.

Here's a little of who I am.

I was a BotP fan back when it aired locally in 1979-80. I was not an obvious fan. I didn't want to get laughed at by any other 15-16 year-olds, but I did watch it and gave the characters a lot of thought. At that time I was drawn to Keyop as my favorite. He was the different one of the group, and I could identify with that.

Over the years I have been in several different fandoms including Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Lord of the Rings. I'm still active in the Lord of the Rings fandom, but needed to get away from some people and pressure that I was feeling in certain circles.

About five years ago, on a whim, I started looking for Battle of the Planets information online. I read a lot of great fic back then and actually got inspired by one of the stories to try my hand at a BotP fic. Unfortunately, that autumn, on Halloween to be precise, my hard drive on my old PC froze and it took several fics with it including my only BotP story.

Now, a couple of months ago I got the bug to find out what had ever happened online to all those stories I had read years ago and were people still interested in Battle of the Planet and Gatchaman anymore.

Glad to see that people still are, and there are all kinds of new fics out there. I hope to stay around here for a while. It's fun to play in a fandom that I had when I was my daughter's age. Hey, it's one way to stay young.

That's the short version of a long story.

Posted by gatchamarie on 21-03-2010 at 18:44:

A warm welcome Garnet! It's a pity you've lost your only BOTP fic! We would have been very glad to read it if you could have shared it with us! I hope your joining this site will help you to write another, and yet another! Please feel free to enter into the conversations!

P.S. You don't have to be afraid of getting laughed at here! We're all in the same boat!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by Garnet on 21-03-2010 at 19:05:

Actually, I'm trying to recreate the lost story and it has quite taken over my life. Right now, in amount of space it takes on the computer, it qualifies as the second longest fic I've written; and it's still growning. I think I have it about a third of the way done.

My inspiration came from the Ithaca stories, and while mine is sad, it isn't as sad as Terry Ann's story was. She gave me her blessing to run with my idea, so I'm doing that.

Thanks for the warm welcome. dance

Posted by Springie on 21-03-2010 at 19:09:

Great to have you with us, Garnet!



There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by lborgia88 on 21-03-2010 at 19:11:

Welcome, Garnet! I too was a big fan of BOTP back in 1978-79, though I mostly forgot about it until I got nostalgic in 2006, went looking for BOTP sites on the internet and then learned about Gatchaman.

Actually, I think a big reason I forgot about BOTP after it went off the air was that, in 1980 I read The Lord of the Rings for the first time and became obsessed with Tolkien for many years after... (still a big LOTR fan, though not active in the fandom).

So sad that you lost your BOTP fic. You might find this place inspiring you to write one again, though -it had that effect on me!

Posted by clouddancer on 21-03-2010 at 19:18:

It sounds like you found your way here much the same way many of us have.

We are a very friendly bunch here and you should find no pressure here, except maybe the pressure to write and post a story - when you feel ready to do that. Anime Smooch

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Hinotori on 21-03-2010 at 21:32:

Wave3 Hello and welcome, Garnet! I'm glad you found your way over here. We're a friendly bunch and are very supportive of others iwho are nterested in the fandom. So anytime you're ready to post your fic(s), please do so! We'll all be grateful that you did!

Oh, and just a word of advice from an Eagle to a Swallow.... Watch out for those Swannies - they can be a handful! tomatoes

Eagle in Charge

Eagle Condor Swan Swallow Hootie

Posted by Madilayn on 21-03-2010 at 21:41:

Welcome Garnet! Gift

You certainly have come here the same way most of us have - via BotP. You'll soon find out that we are all more than a little obsessed..... (recommends the Naughty Birdie Pics thread...)

You'll find a number of us are fic writers with fics posted at and other places around. However, if you want to find just about all the Gatch/BotP stories there are, we have our own site at Gatchafanfic and I'd urge you to head over there.

You'll find that this is probably one of the most friendly fandoms out there - mostly because our average age is more mature.

Now - for the big questions - I can see you're clan Swallow but:

Eagle or Condor???? (or both...)


"When I'm old, I don't want them to say of me, "She's so charming." I want them to say, "Be careful, I think she's armed." -G. Stoddart

Posted by Transmute Jun on 21-03-2010 at 22:33:

Great to see you here, Garnet? I'm another BOTP fan from back when who rediscovered the series later on. As with you, it was also fanfic that truly got me interested in this fandom. I'm been a little obsessed with it ever since writing my first fic a couple of years ago.

If it helps, I love Star Trek as well, although I never got involved in online fandoms. I've attended many a Con, however. I enjoy all of the series, although I'm least-connected with TOS. DS9 is a great series. I loved the multi-episode story arcs that really gave depth to the characters and meaning behind the plot!

We're happy to help you out with any questions you may have. So come on into the Snack J, pull up a barstool, and have a drink on us!


Posted by amethyst on 21-03-2010 at 22:50:

Welcome! As LB said, you'll find lots of ideas and inspiration to write here.

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by Garnet on 21-03-2010 at 22:56:

Thank you all so much for the warm welcome.

Madilayn, to answer the burning question of Eagle or Condor, I have to confess that when I was younger I liked the Eagle better, but now I'm more of a Condor fan. I like it that he's not a conformist. I'm a huge racing fan so that draws me to him also.

And I've already found Gatchafanfic and read a lot of wonderful stories there.

lborgia88, I read LOTR in 1977, and loved it so much that I'd say it changed my life. I'm not sure what attracted me to BotP when it aired, but I was one of the few people I knew my age that liked it. I think my boyfriend did, but we never talked about it until many years later when he told me about Gatchaman. Unfortunately, he never made an effort to include me in fandom things and anime was his thing. Maybe that's why he and I divorced in 1998.Smile

Oh Springy, thanks so much for the picture. I LOVE it.Animeluv

Posted by Becky Rock on 21-03-2010 at 23:38:

Welcome Garnet. This site is a haven for all of us BotP and Gatch maniacs.

I was in my middle teens also when I watched BotP in the late 70's and kept it to myself because my friends weren't into science fiction. I parted ways with them a long time ago.

I wish you luck with rewriting your fic.

I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...

Posted by Garnet on 22-03-2010 at 00:57:

Thanks, Becky.

I counted myself very lucky in high school, most of my friends were very into Science Fiction and Fantasy. Of course, when anyone found a new hobby it was a given that several people would check it out. That was just the way it worked when there were only 60-70 student in grades 6-12 and less than 200 and k-12 total.Smile

As for the fic, it's progressing nicely. I haven't worked on it today. It seems the writing bug bites at about the time I should be going to bed.

Posted by green on 22-03-2010 at 02:24:

I'm also a BotP refugee, but have migrated over to Gatchaman (not only is it a little more realistic- OMG, people actually die?? - but there's also 20 more episodes to feast my eyes upon, all with a definite lack of 7-Zark-7).

Here you'll find kindred spirits - especially if you're a fic writer! (Ooo, another one - yea!)

So, welcome and don't forget to check out the Naughty Birdies thread - it's a real eye opener!

Exaggeration misleads the credulous and offends the perceptive. ~Eliza Cook

Posted by MrVampire on 22-03-2010 at 03:50:

...and also welcome from myself too.


Galactor Space Cats! Galactor

I'll write something else entertaining here eventually...

Posted by UnpublishedWriter on 22-03-2010 at 22:15:

If you have virgin eyes, you'll be astounded. There's a bit of a smut kick to things right now.

I was about 16 when BotP aired. I found out about Gatchaman from an article in a magazine in 1980, and was lucky enough to get the DVDs when they first came out.

I posted some fics on ff dot net, and TJ invited me over here.

Enjoy yourself, and have all your questions answered (or at least speculated upon).

Benefits, not features; benefits, not features

Posted by Garnet on 22-03-2010 at 22:55:

Actually, compared to some fandoms I know, this is one of the least smutty. And at least the smut here is well written and you can still recognize the characters. Someone doesn't just barrow their names and screw with their personalities for no good reason.Spin2

Now, for the most part, I don't write smut--okay, maybe a couple of stories--but, who knows; if I'm corrupted/encouraged enough, I may one day.Evillaugh

Posted by amethyst on 22-03-2010 at 22:58:

Corruption, there's no corruption to be had here! Most of us were this way when we got here. Animeangel

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by green on 23-03-2010 at 02:53:

Originally posted by amethyst
Corruption, there's no corruption to be had here! Most of us were this way when we got here. Animeangel

Ummmm... I'll put my hand up to say I was corrupted.

Did that sound convincing? I mean, I really did try.... What about if I add this? Puppydogeyes

Exaggeration misleads the credulous and offends the perceptive. ~Eliza Cook

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