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Posted by gatch72 on 21-03-2010 at 00:02:

Gatchaman Archives

Hello Gatch friends,

I have been working on a new fan site, and its still in the works. I have name it Gatchaman Archives. Some of you know it was also a message board, but its no longer active. This is my new home for forums. But I went ahead and launched the site. Its up and running, but keep in mind I still have lots to do on it.
I noted this on the site, but want to thank Springie for ideas for the site. Thankx and I hope you all enjoy it.
Here is the link

KatseMad Ruler of Spectra's SiteKatse
GalactorGalactor Gatchaman Archives GalactorGalactor

Posted by amethyst on 21-03-2010 at 00:18:

Cool. I look forward to seeing the sites evolution.

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by gatch72 on 21-03-2010 at 00:19:

Thankx. Always open for ideas and also want to add anyones fan art.

KatseMad Ruler of Spectra's SiteKatse
GalactorGalactor Gatchaman Archives GalactorGalactor

Posted by Sosai X on 21-03-2010 at 01:22:

Thumb Down!

Not very cool at all. Angryfire It's bad enough that you plagiarize Springie's site but then you use images that you didn't even create without any actual acknowledgment of where they came from.

For the record I created the Gatchaman Archives and the background pic Billy is using for the original Gatchaman Archives board. That is a minor issue. Ripping off Springie's site really takes the cake and that pisses me off. Not because I designed it, but because Springie is a friend of mine and what you're doing is low and underhanded.

Shame on you Billy.

Galactor Galactor Katse Galactor Galactor


Posted by gatch72 on 21-03-2010 at 01:32:

She knows. Also, its a fan site! You didn't create Gatchaman Archives, you were asked to help and you did. Kudos to you! Not gonna get into a pissing match with you! This is all for fun, and like i said she knew, I had asked and sent her emails.
have a great day!

KatseMad Ruler of Spectra's SiteKatse
GalactorGalactor Gatchaman Archives GalactorGalactor

Posted by Springie on 21-03-2010 at 01:51:

Okaaaay...Billy- I think there was a misunderstanding here...
Here's your original e-mail to me...

Hey Springie Its Billy (gatch72) from the gatch boards. Was just looking at your site and its looking good. I'm in the works on making a new site and would like to eventually see if its ok to use some of your pictures and of course give you credit for them. I also liked the flash player, that plays those songs. How did you do that? I cant' figure it out. could you tell me the code on how to do that? I will keep you updated on my site too. I just like how yours is set up. lmk and thanks for your time Billy

I thought you just wanted to use my screenshots...not the whole code!

Here's my reply...
Hey Billy- you are welcome to use my shots! Tim is actually my "tech" guy, so you may want to ask him about code. Good luck with your site!

"shots" mean "screenshots" not whole site!! TJ and I both paid Tim for his work on our site...and it was NOT ok to take that code without his permission.


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 21-03-2010 at 01:54:

Just for the record, I was the one who organized the work with Tim and set up the schedule for both Jun's Joint and my Eagle Riders pages. Tim was *paid* for his work, and so it belongs to him and to Springie and myself.

I understand that you want to make a great site, but you do NOT have permission to use the code and images that Tim designed specifically for our site.

ETA The Flash Player was designed by Tim for * me * and my Eagle Riders site. I asked him to do it for me, and I paid him for the work.


Posted by gatch72 on 21-03-2010 at 01:59:

OK. Wires crossed here. I will change my index page. The emails there I was asking about a FLASH PLAYER, for the site. I figured that out. But i apologize to you, I thought you were fine with that. The index page will be changed.

KatseMad Ruler of Spectra's SiteKatse
GalactorGalactor Gatchaman Archives GalactorGalactor

Posted by Sosai X on 21-03-2010 at 02:05:

Well technically he didn't steal my code. There's no way my code would be so horrendously mangled. What he did was take the layout on Springie's mainpage/site and reduce it to a single image and post that. Shame on you, Billy. Not cool at all.

How could anyone think it is a good idea to rip off a fellow fan in the same fan community! I mean really, just look at the two sites. It is obvious which one came first. Couldn't you come up with your own ideas? Did you really need to copy someone else's hard work? I don't know how you thought it was going to fly.

And yes, Springie and TJ paid me to do what I do for a living. I don't discriminate against a site just because it is a fan site. If they want to pay me their hard earned money to help them get a good website (based on solid code that passes W3C validation) and SEO on top of that - who am I to say no.

Just because it is a fan site doesn't give you the license to steal carte blanche. I wonder just how much more of your site that you have misappropriated from other sources.

Galactor Galactor Katse Galactor Galactor


Posted by amethyst on 21-03-2010 at 02:07:

I'm sorry, but I have to retract that cool. I just looked at both sites side by side and the only difference is the text and the images, which are easy to change. While I'm not lawyer, it would be that my layman's opinion is you have violated the codes copyright and the permission Springie gave is definitely different from what you've inferred.

If you need me to site a source, Maddy and I have talked about FictionAlley, a Harry Potter fanfiction site. The lady who owns/runs that site is a lawyer and has done many presentations on copyrights pertaining to fanfiction and fan sites. Plus, as a teacher, I need to be fairly up on fair use to make sure that I don't violate any copyrights in the classroom.

Perspective Alters Reality

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