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--- Gatchaman Episode 62: “The Snow Demon King, Blizzarder” (

Posted by lborgia88 on 01-02-2010 at 06:29:

Gatchaman Episode 62: “The Snow Demon King, Blizzarder”

[Thank you, Saturn, for the screencaps!]

Gatchaman Episode 62: “The Snow Demon King, Blizzarder”

BOTP Episode: “Decoys of Doom”


The episode begins with Ken, in birdstyle, standing beneath a spotlight.


There appears to be two lines running down his chin, one on each side of his mouth. Whatever could this mean? Did he-

Suddenly guns protrude from the walls all around the room. Bullets fly at Ken from all directions. For an instant, he drops to a crouch, shielding himself with his cape.


But then he leaps high into the air with a cry of “Bird run!” His boomerang flies in an arc, slicing through the guns and destroying them.

But a new weapon now emerges from another hole in the wall and this one shoots a blast of flames straight at… Joe –he’s here too. Joe also shields himself with his cape and leaps into the air.


Still in the air, he turns and fires his cablegun at the flamethrower and it explodes and is destroyed.

Elsewhere in this same large room, Jun soars through the air, dodging bullets.


She throws her yoyo such that it wraps around another weapon protruding from the wall and detonates it, making another fiery explosion. We don’t get a good look and her or Joe’s chins.

On the floor, Jinpei is readying his bolas as a missile zooms towards him. He throws them such that they wrap around the missile and slow its flight such that he catches it carefully in his arms.


Hmm, Jinpei has the same lines as Ken on his chin-

Now Jinpei hurls the missile back into the hole in the wall from whence it came, where it explodes.

Now, a massive ball covered in very large spikes drops from the ceiling above Ryu. But he catches it with his arms over his head –not without some straining, though, as it’s clearly very heavy. He drops to his knees-

Say, he’s got lines on his chin too.

But Ryu is able to stand again, even though the spiked ball he’s holding is so heavy that Ryu’s feet are now causing the floor under them to crack and break.


He lifts the ball aloft and then brings it down on his own back, causing it to break into pieces. Quite the major feat, even for the mighty Owl!

Having vanquished all the weapons massed against them, the victorious Ninjas all hastily convene in the middle of the room, illuminated by spotlights and lined up according to rank. And now, they all recite their ranks –G-1, G-2 etc.- aloud.

We get a clue as to why this whole scene seems not-quite-right when two panels in the wall slide away to reveal windows –behind one stands Dr. Nambu and behind the other, the Ninjas in their civvies (and without any lines on any of their chins).



“The test results are passable,” says Dr. Nambu, “Now we just have to install memory circuits into their electronic brains.”

Yes, we’ve been watching robots.

Jinpei is excited and impressed with this “Kick-butt team of Wonder Twins!” but Ryu is worried that they’ve just been superseded (and considering what his robot double accomplished with that massive ball of spikes, he might have good cause to be worried –he’s probably praying that it’s lousy at flying the God Phoenix.)

Joe has his arms folded and an interesting expression on his face –sort of a cross between amused and skeptical- as he says “So we’re finally going to get the axe, huh?”

Joe doesn’t really sound worried but Dr. Nambu says “No,” and proceeds to explain that the robot doubles are intended just for a particular mission.

We get a good look at all the robot doubles’ faces now, and they all look just like the human Ninjas except for the lines they all have on their chins.


“Their electronic brains enable them to act on their own will,” continues Dr. Nambu, “With these, we can kill two birds at once by locating a secret Galactor base while also protecting the lives of the Team.”

Ken doesn’t like this implication that the Team needs help, and demands to know if Dr. Nambu thinks they’re no longer up to snuff. Jun interjects, insisting that Dr. Nambu is merely concerned about their safety.

“I know that,” replies Ken, frowning, “But we’ve already agreed that we’re ready to die for the cause, so come on!”


Really, Ken, the frequency with which you make such declarations leaves me wondering sometimes if you actually want to die!

But Dr. Nambu insists that there’s plenty of danger to go around and that the human Ninjas have an important mission too.

“We’ll let Galactor capture these decoys,” explains Dr. Nambu as the floor immediately beneath the said decoys begins descending down, taking them away with it, “So that their electronic brains can transmit their secret base’s location back to us.” Then, explains Dr. Nambu, the real Ninjas will move in and take action.

Ken is somewhat mollified by this assurance that he will get a chance to risk his life for the cause.

Dr. Nambu announces that the decoys will be deployed immediately in a “sting operation.” Everyone salutes and says “Roger!” but Ken is not in unison with the others –he lags a second behind with his “Roger!”


Now we cut to scenes of ordinary people standing around watching news broadcasts, radio towers transmitting and computers churning out printed messages.


The narrator explains “A few days later, the International Police Federation announced that they would hold a ceremony to pay tribute to the Science Ninja Team’s outstanding achievements,” and that the Ninjas, previously veiled in secrecy, would be making their first public appearance. The news, continues the narrator, “was spread worldwide in a great public campaign, sure to attract Galactor’s attention.”

As the narrator concludes, “Anticipation was high –heroes on parade!” we see what is seemingly a publicity photo of the Science Ninjas. In it, Jinpei has clearly just committed a gaffe of some kind; Ken and Joe look annoyed, Jun is clutching her head in dismay and Ryu looks amused. Couldn’t Dr. Nambu have released a more dignified and heroic looking group image than this one?


But now we cut to Leader X, who is intoning “The perfect opportunity to test the power of our new mecha has arrived, Berg Katse!” Katse, of course, is standing before him, and nervously asking what Leader X means, explaining that he’s been “working round the clock” and hasn’t “been able to watch any news.”

So, Leader X (who must not be working as hard) has to explain that the Science Ninjas will be making a public appearance in New City.


Katse at least grasps immediately what Leader X is getting at, saying “So if we release our new mecha, we can get that obnoxious Gatchaman and his feathered freaks!”

“Exactly,” replies Leader X, adding “The new mecha is complete, correct?” in a tone that implies it had better be, or else…

Katse hastily assures Leader X that the mecha has been completed, but admits that its performance tests have not.

“I don’t care!” declares Leader X, “Deploy it now! Destroy the Science Ninja Team!”

Katse says “Sire,” and does one of his sweeping bows to Leader X before pausing, hand on chin, to happily contemplate the demise of the Science Ninjas.

Next, we cut to New City and the streets are lined with spectators watching a parade as confetti flies everywhere.

As part of the parade, a chauffer is driving a red convertible car and standing in the back of it are all five decoy Ninjas looking stiff and solemn as the crowds cheer -I guess their programming doesn’t include “smile and wave graciously.”


Meanwhile, in an observation room high above the street, the real Ninjas are watching the parade and their decoy counterparts.


Jinpei declares “We look pretty cool, huh?” while Jun wishes they could really be down there in the parade. Joe is wondering if Galactor will really be fooled by the decoys and abduct them, but Ryu feels that the decoys resemble them enough for the plan to work.

Ken, conspicuously silent and unimpressed-looking, turns away from the window and makes for the door. Jun, concerned, wants to know where he’s going and he claims that he’s “just going to take a little walk.”


Jinpei jokes that Ken must be feeling self-conscious, watching “himself,” and Jun laughs, accepting this as the reason for Ken’s departure.

But Ken’s not taking a walk at all –he’s taking a run. As soon as he’s out of the room, he pauses a moment and then goes dashing down the hallway.

At a stadium in New City, 80,000 people, according to an announcer, have gathered to see the Science Ninja Team. A circular stage has been set up in the center of the stadium and Dr. Nambu and other dignitaries are also in attendance.

Posted by lborgia88 on 01-02-2010 at 06:33:


Meanwhile, below ground, the decoys are moving along a conveyer belt to an elevator that will, presumably, lift them up to the stage in the center of the stadium. But Ken is here, in birdstyle now, and he pulls his own decoy aside, covers its mouth and instructs it to switch places with him and go back to the observation lounge to await Dr. Nambu’s orders.


The decoy repeats Ken’s instructions dutifully and complies.

“Hurry!” Ken calls after it, and he enters the elevator himself. As the elevator is rising, Ken glances at the other four decoys and thinks to himself “The robots will be discovered right away –Galactor isn’t that easy to fool.”


So, the elevator reaches the stage above and the crowds in the stands all applaud and cheer with great enthusiasm. The four decoys just stand there, but at least Ken raises an arm to acknowledge their audience.


He’s more than a little worried though when Dr. Nambu comes striding over to the stage and proceeds to shake hands with each of them. Ken averts his face, but clearly is thinking that he’ll never fool Dr. Nambu up close.


Fortunately, just before Dr. Nambu gets to Ken, something happens to distract everyone –a mass of thick black clouds moves in over the stadium.


The clouds clear to reveal a giant horned and winged demon looming over the stadium. Dr. Nambu, Ken and even the decoys react in alarm at this sight, and the crowds in the stands begin to flee in a panic.

Some of them don’t get too far, though, as the demon, “Blizzarder,” opens its mouth and emits a freeze ray that leaves its victims frozen stiff, coated in ice.



Blizzarder fires this freeze ray all around the stadium and then smashes the frozen places to pieces with its fists.

Dr. Nambu is fleeing from the stage, as Ken and the decoys all run in the other direction, and he contacts Joe and the others –who are still in the observation lounge- with a walkie talkie and he tells them that Galactor’s mecha monster has arrived. They all leap to their feet and Joe turns on a TV –and what they see on it is Blizzarder, and numerous frozen spectators at the stadium.

“What the hell is that?” demands Joe, and Jinpei is all ready to rush to Dr. Nambu’s aid. In fact, now they’re seeing Dr. Nambu on the TV too. But Dr. Nambu, pausing to look back at Blizzarder, who is still stomping around inside the stadium, insists they stay where they are lest they “jeopardize the operation!”

Ryu protests that they have to do something but Dr. Nambu is adamant that they all stay put and then he cuts out and the TV screen goes blank.

Joe is yelling “Damn it!” and banging down his fists and Jinpei is still insisting they could take down the Blizzarder mecha when “Ken,” in birdstyle, returns to the observation lounge.


“Where have you been?” asks Jun, and Jinpei adds “Hey Bro, we’ve got a problem!” but decoy Ken just stands there, head bowed, and doesn’t say anything. Joe takes this to mean that they all should all follow his example and get ready too –and apparently this entails more than just transmuting as he, Ryu and Jinpei all go running out of the room. Jun protests that their orders are to “stand by,” but Jinpei insists that they’re just getting ready and nothing else.

Jun lingers behind and approaches “Ken,” who hasn’t moved, and asks “Aren’t you going to come along with us?” She gasps in shock when “Ken” lifts his head, and tonelessly declares “The order is to stand by and wait.”


She touches his face with one hand.


“I knew it!” she cries, “Oh no! This means the real Ken is out there, in danger!”

“Out there,” in the stadium, it looks like Blizzarder has hit mostly everything and everyone with its freeze ray and is in the process of smashing it and them all up.

When you decided to lure in Galactor with a decoy Science Ninja Team, Dr. Nambu, did you really have to use a stadium of 80,000 people as your setting? This part of the “sting operation” is pretty rough on it and them!

UN tanks and fighter jets arrive on the scene and open fire on Blizzarder, but they accomplish nothing except to get hit with the freeze ray themselves and to be destroyed.

But we get a look now at the Captain of the Week, whose appearance suggests someone mutated a man, an insect and Kermit the frog into one. He’s busy gloating over the power of Galactor’s mammoth Blizzarder. However, one of the goons with him has noticed that the Science Ninja Team is escaping.


In fact, they’re escaping by driving away in the red convertible they rode in during the parade.


It’s not clear if this is Ken’s idea, but he is the one driving the car (and no doubt, obedient decoy-Joe didn’t argue about who gets to drive.) Perhaps he realized it would be a good idea to draw Blizzarder away from the stadium before it freezes or smashes up still more people.

Before long, Ken sees in the mirror that Blizzarder is coming after them.


He smiles to himself and thinks “Ah company… But I’ve got an anti-electricity suit.” It’s not entirely clear if he’s referring to his birdstyle, if he’s wearing something else underneath it, or if he’s got on some kind of transparent suit (like what Jun wore when inside that Jigokiller) over his birdstyle. It’s also not entirely clear what makes him think that an anti-electricity suit is going to protect him from a freeze ray, but I suppose a ray of any variety is akin to electricity.

Blizzarder starts firing the freeze ray at the car, and Ken swerves around on the road to avoid it. Unfortunately, he scrapes the car against the guardrail on one side of the road and then careens into the rock face on the other side –maybe you should have told the Joe-decoy to drive, Ken!

“Damn it!” yells Ken. Now, Dr. Nambu’s plan is that the decoys are supposed to be captured by Galactor, but I guess Ken was hoping it wouldn’t happen quite like this. Either that or he’s crashed the car on purpose and is trying to lend some verisimilitude to the whole scene.

The car is jammed against the rocks and can’t go forward, and before Ken has a chance to try moving in reverse, Blizzarder hits the car with its freeze ray.


The car, the four decoys and Ken all end up encased in ice, but Blizzarder doesn’t try to smash them –instead it picks up the frozen car and its occupants with its hands and flies away.

Now we see that, somehow, Dr. Nambu has been watching all this on-screen. Were there hidden cameras built into the rock wall alongside the road?

“Good, that went very well,” says Dr. Nambu. I wonder how much was planned in advance and how much was improvised by Ken.


Now Dr. Nambu starts tracking where the decoys –and therefore the mecha- have gone on a radar screen. The line curves and weaves all over the place –either the goons who are flying it are terrible pilots or they’re trying to throw anyone who’s tailing them off their trail.

“Dr. Nambu!” cries a very anxious Jun, appearing on another screen, “Give us permission to move out! Ken…”

“What about Ken?” replies Dr. Nambu rather densely. You’d think that Jun’s demeanor, along with the fact that she –and not Ken- is requesting orders to move out would tip him off as to what’s really going on. “The robots are about to tell us the exact location of Galactor’s secret base,” continues Dr. Nambu, “The Team can mobilize after that.”


“No, it’s- I mean-” stutters Jun, clearly torn between her reluctance to rat Ken out to the Doctor and her fear for his safety, “It’s just…” She sighs.

“What is it?” asks Dr. Nambu a bit testily, but Jun’s made up her mind now.

“Roger that. Standing by,” she replies, and turns off the screen. Joe, Ryu and Jinpei are standing behind her but they don’t comment.


Jun walks over to “Ken,” who’s standing in the doorway out of the room, and puts a hand on his shoulder and to direct him forward. They both leave the room. (A wicked little part of my mind can’t help but wonder what Jun might have in mind for this robot that looks exactly like Ken and that will do anything she wants… But, its utter lack of personality would be off-putting, and she’s probably not in the mood anyway.)


Posted by lborgia88 on 01-02-2010 at 06:36:

Once they’re gone, Jinpei remarks “Big Bro’s been acting a little strange but now even Sis is tripping out.” Ryu looks unconcerned but Joe is staring after Jun and “Ken” as though he too thinks something’s going on.

Meanwhile, Dr. Nambu paces impatiently while some ISO techs or scientists continue to monitor the path taken by Blizzarder and its decoy prisoners. “Come on,” he demands, “Can’t we zero in on the location of Galactor’s secret base yet? Try running the circuit again!”

This time, it yields results.

“Latitude is still 90 degrees. It looks like it’s stopped at the North Pole,” says the ISO tech.


Dr. Nambu ponders the significance of a latitude of 90 degrees and has an “aha!” moment.

“Galactor’s secret base must be buried somewhere beneath the polar ice cap!” he declares, with grim triumph.

Commercial break!

Now, at the secret base, the frozen car and its Ninja occupants have been placed in the center of a large, round high-ceilinged room and the Captain of the Week and numerous goons are watching from a balcony that circles the room as the car (confined beneath a small glass dome) gets thawed out with some kind of heat beam from an overhead device.


All the goons have their rifles aimed at the car, clearly expecting the Ninjas might be moving around again very soon…

The decoys and Ken are soon freed from the ice. The decoys blink their eyes but make no moves. Ken, however, surreptitiously taps his bracelet against the steering wheel to transmit a birdscramble signal –having apparently decided to reveal his little place-swapping deception to the rest of the Team, if they haven’t already figured it out (as Jun indeed has).


On board the God Phoenix, Jun picks up Ken’s signal and says as much to the others.


Joe, Ryu and Jinpei, who are all up at the front of the bridge, turn and stare at her, wondering what’s going on.

Jun decides it’s confession time now, and admits that “Ken isn’t here.”

“What do you mean?” demands a confused Jinpei, pointing at “Ken,” “Isn’t that… Bro?”

“Ken disobeyed Dr. Nambu,” admits Jun, walking over to the Ken decoy, “And switched places with the robot. See.”

She taps the decoy on the shoulder and it raises its head up and repeats “Our orders are to stand by and wait,” in a monotone voice.


“That bastard!” growls Joe, banging a fist on his console, “He’s out there being a hot shot!”


“I’m sorry,” says Jun, “I thought if we all started acting on our own, we’d jeopardize the operation.”

That’s a somewhat unwarranted claim on her part, that the others would have all gone haring off on their own too if they’d realized that Ken had –I think it’s mostly her loyalty to Ken that kept her from revealing his swap with the decoy.

Ryu sees where she’s really coming from.

“I know. Don’t worry,” says Ryu calmly, “We won’t tell anyone either.”

And “anyone,” of course, can only mean Dr. Nambu.

Jun looks relieved.

“Hey Sis,” says Jinpei, running up to her, “First things first –we have to find out where Big Bro is now!”

This reminder gets Jun’s mind back on the immediate matter at hand and she takes off her bracelet and tracks the origin point of the birdscramble signal.


“Ninety degrees latitude –the North Pole!” she says as the radar screen shows exactly what Dr. Nambu’s learned.

This is all news to them. Okay… Dr. Nambu hasn’t told them yet where the mecha has taken the decoys.

Meanwhile, the decoys are standing in the car at the Galactor base, punching out the goons who’ve tried to approach them.

“They’re still alive, Captain!” cries one goon. Hmm, so humans don’t usually survive the freeze ray. I guess Ken lived because of his birdstyle and/or anti-electricity suit.

“What?” demands the Captain, “Stubborn bastards! Open fire!”

So the goons do, but the Joe, Jun and Jinpei decoys take to the air and dispatch them with cablegun, yoyo and bolas respectively. The Ryu decoy picks up the entire car and hurls it at some other goons, whereupon it crushes them and makes a big explosion.

Decoy-Ryu is lethal!

However, the Captain of the Week pulls a lever on the wall just as the Joe, Jun and Jinpei decoys are landing on the railing that lines the balcony. Powerful electric current surges through it, them and even Ryu.




Ken is lying still on the floor and either the electricity isn’t hitting him or (more likely) he’s protected by his anti-electricity suit –amazing prescience there, Ken, wearing that suit today!


“Even the toughest birds will fry when given five million volts!” yells the Captain of the Week, now shutting off the electric current.

The four decoys fall to the floor, crumbled into charred scraps. Fortunately for Ken, he’s covered now by these scraps and what appears to be the Jun-decoy’s cape (it’s red) so the Captain and goons don’t see him.

“Captain, they’re just robots!” declares a goon, staring at the decoys’ remains.

“Oh, I see. So the Science Ninja Team, who we all thought were invincible, were just robots. What a juicy secret! Lord Katse will be delighted to hear the good news!” gloats the Captain cheerfully. Poor guy...

“You imbecile!” yells Katse.


“You’re telling me the Science Ninja Team are robots? All of the data we have accumulated on them thus far has proven that they are living human beings!”

“Huh?” gasps the Captain.

“Be careful!” yells Katse, “Those robots are decoys trying to locate our secret base. The God Phoenix will be arriving here before we know it! Prepare to attack at once!”

So now we see Blizzarder being prepared for battle.

Okay, I don’t know what’s wrong with me today but the wicked little part of my mind is thinking that this stairway is positioned somewhat… suggestively.


Maybe the goons think so too –none of them seem to want to step on it.

The Captain is informing them that the Science Ninjas have located the base, and orders them to go shoot down the God Phoenix with the mammoth Blizzarder.

“And while you’re at it,” adds the Captain, “Pick up those damned robot scraps [he points at the pile that conceals Ken] and shoot them at the God Phoenix!”

So, the goons run up Blizzarder’s… stairway.

Now we see that all the decoy scraps have been put on a little flatbed on wheels and a vacuum hose-like device extends down from Blizzarder and sucks them up. Ken, however, is able to conceal himself underneath the flatbed, but once the scraps have all been sucked up, he too leaps up and hides inside the end of the vacuum device as it’s retracted back into Blizzarder. Just before it’s fully inside Blizzarder, though, he unscrews one of the pointy ends of his boomerang, puts something inside, and then closes it up again. Then he throws his boomerang such that it hits the top of a console down below and sticks there…


Then the vacuum is pulled fully inside of Blizzarder and its opening is sealed. Ken is inside the mecha.

Meanwhile, the God Phoenix is nearing the North Pole “on orders from Dr. Nambu” –I guess he got around to telling the Team what location the decoys had been tracked to. Not that they didn’t already know where to go, but as the narrator reminds us, Dr. Nambu hasn’t been told that Ken and his decoy swapped places.

Jun is watching the dot that marks their destination on the radar screen.


Back at the secret base, Ken’s boomerang detonates and a massive explosion erupts into the air.


Jun, startled, wonders what the explosion could be. Joe, sounding very pleased, speculates that it’s Galactor’s base.

But, they still have Blizzarder to deal with.

A swirling tornado of black clouds now engulfs the God Phoenix, sending it spinning and out of control as Blizzarder bursts from the ice below. The tornado dissipates and Ryu gets the God Phoenix steady again –just in time to face off with Blizzarder.


Joe instructs Ryu to put some distance between them and it! Ryu complies but Blizzarder still manages to hit them with the freeze ray.


Which causes some damage.


Getting away from Blizzarder seems to be their current main plan, and Joe concludes that their firebird technique is the best way to accomplish it. Jun gets the idea of buying themselves some extra time by ordering the Ken decoy to his doom.


Posted by lborgia88 on 01-02-2010 at 06:40:

She instructs it to evacuate the God Phoenix through the dome and it blandly repeats “I will evacuate through the top dome immediately” and leaves the bridge.

Joe likes this plan, and tells everyone to fasten their seatbelts and prepare to go firebird.
On board Blizzarder, a goon spots the Ken decoy on the God Phoenix’s dome and informs the Captain that it’s Gatchaman.


“Waste him!” is the Captain’s order and as the Ken decoy leaps from the dome and soars, Blizzarder tries to shoot it with the freeze ray.

And Joe puts the God Phoenix into firebird mode. I wonder if bird missiles would have done any good against this mecha? I’m sure Joe would be trying them out if it weren’t for the very likely case that Ken is aboard Blizzarder


The God Phoenix soars along in firebird mode.


Blizzarder is still trying to shoot the Ken decoy with the freeze ray. Finally, it’s hit.


Encased in ice, the Ken decoy plummets to the ice below and makes a big explosion where it lands.

The Captain of the week, so dumb yet so eager to please, now rushes to inform an on-screen Katse that “We finally brought down Gatchaman!”

“How would a human body explode?” snarls Katse, fists clenched, “That was just a robot!”

But the Captain insists that the robots were turned to ash and that they were just about to dispose of them.

On that note, we now see a circular door opening near the bottom of Blizzarder and goons there are preparing to dump out the robot remains.

But Ken appears and attacks them all, clobbering some and throwing others out the hole where they then fall to the ground far below…

Ken takes off running and soon finds himself staring at a large spinning turbine –which certainly looks like an important component of Blizzarder.


“This rotor must be the critical part of the freezer beam,” surmises Ken.

On the bridge of Blizzarder, the Captain berates the goon who supposedly had shot down Gatchaman and smacks him on the head for getting him yelled at again by Katse. He orders the goon to shoot down the God Phoenix with the freeze ray.

On the bridge of the God Phoenix, everyone is struggling to endure the firebird technique. The God Phoenix gets hit with the freeze ray, but it doesn’t destroy it and the goon informs the Captain that it didn’t work.

So, the Captain tells the goon to switch to the laser beam and try that instead. For some reason, this necessitates briefly stopping that large rotor from spinning and Ken takes that opportunity to dump into the rotor all the robot decoy scraps that were going to be dumped outside by the goons that Ken attacked.


And then the rotor begins spinning again. On Blizzarder’s bridge, the goon informs the Captain that the laser beam is prepared to shoot and is then instructed to target the God Phoenix with it. The God Phoenix is still in firebird mode, though the Ninjas on board it are really struggling to keep enduring it.

“Finally the firebird will be turned into ashes,” laughs the Captain –until the goon informs him that “something’s gotten inside the laser beam and the motor’s messed up and we can’t fire the thing!”

“How can the system break down at a time like this?” rants the Captain.

And then we hear Ken laugh and say, “I did a little work on it.”

The Captain demands to know who’s speaking and, as he turns to look, Ken introduces himself as “Gatchaman of the Science Ninja Team,” and with a grim smile he explains he came in person as he suspected they’d be disappointed by fighting only robots.

The Captain yells they’ll kill him this time and that’s the goons’ cue to open fire, but they don’t last long against Ken.


Ken is kicking and punching goons left and right, while the Captain tries himself to get the laser weapon to work –to no avail because at that moment all the debris Ken dumped into the rotor causes it to explode.


The explosion rips through Blizzarder’s bridge too, but both Ken and the Captain survive by throwing themselves flat on the floor.

Blizzarder’s not doing so well!


On its bridge, the Captain staggers to his feet and lunges for Ken, vowing “If I’m going down, I’m taking you with me!”

Ken is able to throw him off and run from the bridge, but Blizzarder is overloading, more explosions are breaking out all through out it, and it’s going to crash into the ground.

Very soon.

We see Ken crying “Ahhh!” in horror, the circular door in the bottom of Blizzarder (through which Ken had tossed goons earlier) closing and cutting off Ken’s escape, and then Blizzarder itself, trailing black smoke, disappearing behind some snowy peaks as it finally crashes. A massive explosion, followed by a giant fireball, erupts into the sky.

And then, at last, the God Phoenix comes out of firebird mode and all the Ninjas are exhausted and collapsed forward on their consoles, sprawled back in their chairs or (in Jinpei’s case) sprawled over Jun.

“Ryu,” says Jun, coming to her senses first, “We’ve got to save Ken!”

“That’s right!” adds Jinpei, sitting up now, “Let’s get him!”

“We’ll come about fast,” says Ryu, sitting up himself now. Unfortunately, once he’s done this, what they see are flaming remains on the ground of the explosion that destroyed Blizzarder.


Everyone stares for a moment, frozen in disbelief. Then Jinpei throws his head back and begins wailing “Bro’s dead!”


Jun’s method of comforting him is to inflict the gender stereotype on him that “A boy should never shed tears no matter how sad he is,” and her own voice catches with emotion as she asserts “I know Ken is… What’s that?!”

“Huh?” gasps Jinpei, ceasing his wailing to see what “that” might be.

“What is it?” asks Ryu now too as we see something in the distance dropping from the sky towards the ground ,where the smoking remains of Blizzarder are still visible.

It’s Ken!


And he is, one by one, discarding the decoys’ capes –apparently what he shielded himself with to survive Blizzarder’s internal explosions (though how he got his hands on them quickly enough to use for that purpose, I do not know… Maybe his anti-electricity suit protected him too).

“Ken,” cries Jun softly, eyes full of love, as Jinpei enthuses “He’s so cool! Those capes were from the robots!”

Joe’s happiness is more restrained, but it’s there. “Hey Ryu,” he says, “I guess this means we’d better go pick him up, huh?”

“Yeah, we wouldn’t be too cool if we left a member stranded,” replies Ryu, smiling.

Ryu brings the God Phoenix in under Ken so that he can land on the dome and when he comes down to the bridge, Jun rushes to greet him.


She throws her arms around his neck, causing a bewildered Ken to exclaim “What’s the matter with you, Jun?”

But Jun is pummeling him with her fists, sobbing and calling him a fool (or in Japanese, “baka” –commonly translated as “idiot.”)

[Very cool gifs, Saturn. I know you must enjoy this Ken/Jun scene!]

Come on, Ken! Hasn’t it occurred to you that your little escapade today might have had her really worried about you? At any rate, the strength of her feelings for Ken come through loud and clear here, even if Ken doesn’t seem to know quite how he ought to respond.

And Jinpei, the one who was bawling his eyes out minutes earlier, now declares “Aw Sis, you’re being such a big baby. I can’t watch this, I mean you’re not a little kid! Honestly, the way you carry on-”


And Ryu grabs him and shuts him up with a “That’s enough of that, half pint.”


Jun and Ken look on in amusement; Jun’s still holding onto Ken and he doesn’t seem to be minding one bit.

“Ken was sincerely ready to apologize to Dr. Nambu for disobeying his orders,” concludes the narrator as the God Phoenix flies through the blue sky over the ice and snow below, “But because of this operation, which couldn’t have been carried out with robots alone, Ken learned something he suspected all along –the great strength of the Science Ninja Team is really the courage they have to face any danger which may come their way.”


The End.

Posted by lborgia88 on 01-02-2010 at 06:45:

Battle of Planets episode “Decoys of Doom”

Zark is in his room at Center Neptune –“a secret and extremely important world defense base” and he explains that its purpose is to guard Earth from attacks, especially those of “that villainous Zoltar and his evil conspirators from planet Spectra.”

And he explains G-Force too –“An incredible, highly specialized team of five young people. They’ve been trained almost since birth and all have cerebonic implants which give them super skills and powers.”

And finally he explains himself -“Computerized coordinator for G-Force”- and adds “All vital information clears through me,” before making a joke that he’s at the top (despite being outranked by Mark and Chief Anderson) because his room is located at the top of Center Neptune. Groan.

Of course, as every episode must feature Zark obsessing about his components and his well-being, he has to mention that he is, some day, due for a complete overhaul and reprogramming –but he’s looking forward to that.

Apparently, being made taller is his idea of a vital upgrade though. Will that help you “clear” vital information, Zark? Ha ha.

“I monitor G-Force day and night,” says Zark-the-pervy-voyeur. He admits that G-Force is currently on “Security Level” with Anderson –the Chief of Security- but apparently that isn’t sufficient assurance for Zark that they’re in no danger –he likes to watch.

“Time to check!” he says eagerly.

What he sees horrifies him. G-Force –specifically Mark and Jason- is under attack by “our own people!” So he calls Anderson –and takes another look.

Princess is taking out a big gun with her yoyo, Keyop is thwarting a missile attack and Tiny is catching and smashing a giant spiky ball that someone dropped on him.

But having successfully defended themselves from traitorous attacks by their own people, the G-Force members decide to stand in a line.

Windows are opened in the walls and Chief Anderson and the real G-Force members are standing there.

“Don’t need another me,” burbles Keyop –you’ve got that right, kid!

Zark is sooo relieved to learn that “those are only machines that look like G-Force,” and exhibits passive-aggressive resentment that Anderson did something without first informing him.

Anderson is now telling G-Force that Spectra has been able to establish a secret base somewhere on Earth again –no one knows where. “Spectra is dying,” he adds, “Its leaders are desperate. Its previous raids on us for desperately needed resources haven’t succeeded and they’re planning an all-out attack this time.”

He hopes the robots, or “humanoids” can be used to lure them out of their hidden base.

Mark doesn’t like the idea that a machine can do a better job than he can (I guess he thinks he can do a better job than Zark –no doubt he could) and Princess thinks it’s creepy and says “I don’t enjoy looking at myself standing down there like that.”

“I’ve always enjoyed looking at you, Princess,” says Mark –except he’s frowning crossly as he says it. Maybe because he’s realizing that Zark does too.

Chief Anderson explains that the humanoids are expendable decoys and will work as a separate unit from G-Force. Tomorrow, when G-Force will be honored at the coliseum –helpless and exposed before thousands of people- Anderson thinks that Spectra will take the opportunity to attack. Except they will be attacking the decoys.

“They don’t fool easily,” says Mark, frowning again, but he seems to be on board with the plan and joins in the G-Force salute.

Meanwhile, around the world and on other planets, news is being spread of the upcoming holiday and ceremony to honor G-Force.

The Luminous One is surprised that G-Force would put itself in such a vulnerable situation. Zoltar, however, thinks this is their chance to destroy G-Force “Once and for all.” “It may be a trap,” points out the Luminous One, warning Zoltar not to underestimate them, but Zoltar declares that “After today, Spectra will rule the Earth!”

Now, something is moving through the depths of space, and passing Saturn, as Zark explains in a voice over that the Cosmic Patrol has alerted him that an alien craft is approaching Earth, and that he will “alert all defenses” to the situation.

Meanwhile, it’s the holiday in honor of G-Force, and a parade is taking place in which the G-Force humanoids are riding in the back of a red convertible car. The real G-Force team is watching from a private observation room high above the street.

“Hooray us,” says Keyop.

“Hey, Team,” says Princess, “Don’t we look important?”

“Not to me,” says Jason, “My double is acting like a big hero –I’ve got to talk to him.”

“I kind of like my double,” says Tiny, “He’s got my strong, macho character.”

Mark stares in distaste and says nothing. Then he turns to walk out of the room and when Princess remarks “Leaving, Mark?” he says he feels silly watching himself.

“To the shower,” adds Keyop (why, I have no idea) as Mark leaves, and Princess laughs.

Outside the observation room, Mark pauses briefly and then takes off down the hallway running. But of course Zark has been monitoring him.

“But I warned Mark of the approaching invaders,” Zark is saying in a voice over as we get a look at the stage in the center of the coliseum, “But why has he made a sudden change in plans without advising me? Things like this really disturb my programming.”

Zark goes on, as we see excited people in the stands and Chief Anderson sitting with other VIP types, that the G-Force decoys will be arriving at any moment.

Underground, below the stage, the humanoids are on a conveyor belt that leads to an elevator up to the stage in the center of the coliseum. At the last moment, Mark pulls his double off of the belt and covers its mouth.

“Sorry pal, I don’t know how to say this to myself, but I’m taking over,” he says.

“I read you. I am programmed to obey,” it replies in a flat monotone voice and Mark orders it to go “Join the real G-Force.”

“I don’t understand,” sighs Zark as Mark and the humanoids appear on the stage in the coliseum, “Why is Mark going out into the coliseum in the place of his double? He knows the space invaders are on their way and he’ll be completely alone out there.”

Well, right now, Chief Anderson is out there too, shaking hands with the decoys. Mark averts his face (so I guess Zark –who complains when no one tells him what’s going on- doesn’t feel obligated to keep Anderson in the loop. Does he want to “cover” for Mark?).

“Those humanoids are only decoys,” continues Zark, and before Anderson can shake Mark’s hand and realize he’s not a decoy, a big dark cloud moves in above the coliseum.

The cloud clears, to reveal a giant horned and winged demon-like ship. Mark, Anderson and the decoys stare in alarm. It opens its mouth and shoots a beam of something, somewhere –we don’t actually get to see what this beam hits or what effect it has when it does. What we do see is Anderson running away while contacting G-Force on a walkie talkie.

“The decoys are being attacked –pick it up on your monitor” he tells Jason, Princess, Keyop and Tiny, still in the observation room.

“Sounds like Spectra has taken the bait,” says Jason, turning the monitor on. They see some people encased in ice, and beyond them, the demon ship is standing there, waving its arms menacingly. Then they see Anderson himself, with the demon ship still visible in the distance, moving around inside the coliseum.

Anderson tells them to go to the tracking room and stand by for further orders.

“We can’t,” says Tiny, “We’re waiting for Mark to get back.”

“Never mind Mark,” says Anderson, while the coliseum behind him becomes coated in ice (though we can’t tell how that’s happening), “Get over to the tracking room right away and stand by.”

And Anderson cuts out and the screen goes blank.

“Zoltar,” yells Jason, bringing a fist down on the table.

“Give up!” adds Keyop

But now “Mark” has entered the room, in uniform. “Welcome home, Commander,” says Princess in a sultry voice. “Take charge,” says Keyop (Why? Because Jason’s unfit to lead them to the tracking room?)

“Mark” just stands there, head bowed, and says nothing.

Jason informs him he’s picked a good time to come back, as Spectra’s attacking. He, Tiny and Keyop go running out. Princess follows but pauses in front of “Mark.”

“You look like you just lost your best friend,” she says.

“Mark” raises his head now and says “I have no friend,” in the flat, monotone voice.

Princess gasps, and then touches the humanoid’s face.

“You’re not Mark,” she realizes with alarm, “That means he’s out there alone with those humanoids.”

Now, some tanks show up and fire at the demon ship, and we finally see that it is the beam it shoots from its mouth that covers everything with ice –including the tanks. Some fighter jets fly by and shoot at the demon ship too. The demon ship fires its freezing beam at them too, but we don’t actually get to see what happens to the jets after that.

However, Zark is telling us “This new Spectra spaceship seems impregnable. Our forces are helpless against it.” “Oh, why,” he complains, “Is Mark with those decoys and not back leading his team?”

We abruptly cut to the bridge of the Spectran demon spaceship, where its human/frog/insect Captain is bragging that “All Earth is ours to plunder!” But one soldier points out that “The G-Force team has strange powers.” And then they notice that G-Force is currently driving away from the coliseum in that red car from the parade. “Get them!” orders the Captain.

Posted by lborgia88 on 01-02-2010 at 06:48:

Mark is driving, and he sees the demon ship closing in on the car. The demon ship starts firing its freezing beam at the car, but Mark keeps swerving and it misses. The car runs up against the guardrail on one side of the road and then veers across and hits the rock wall on the other side, bringing it to an abrupt stop. Mark can’t get it going forward, despite flooring the gas. But, he doesn’t curse and yell “Damn it!” or anything rude like that, although his mouth does move.

And then the entire car, plus occupants, gets hit with the freezing beam and becomes encased in ice. The demon spaceship picks up the entire car and its contents and flies away with it.

But elsewhere, Anderson has been watching this on a screen (somehow) and he says “That’s what I’ve been waiting for. Track it!” Another man with him activates a radar screen and begins the process of tracking the (very convoluted) path the demon ship is taking.

“Chief Anderson, I’ve got to tell you,” interrupts a nervous looking Princess as she appears on another screen, “Mark is with the decoys!”

And you’re a snitch, Princess!

Or maybe not. I guess Zark snitched first.

“I know,” says Anderson, “He threw us a curve but now he’s sending us a signal. We’re tracking it.”

Didn’t you guys think to put tracking devices in the decoys? What were you planning to do if Mark hadn’t swapped places with his decoy?

“Jason will command the Phoenix,” continues Anderson, “Prepare to take off.”

Princess looks like she thinks this is a fate worse than death, and says “But Mark’s decoy is here with us.”

“Take him along,” says Anderson bluntly and Princess walks away from the screen as if she’s in despair.

Jason is probably thinking “What? Am I chopped liver?”

Now we see the Phoenix launching -from Center Neptune. When did they all go back there?

Staring at the radar screen in the tracking room, Anderson determines that the Spectran demon ship has landed somewhere near the Arctic Circle.

“We’ve searched that area before,” he remarks, “They must be using an anti-matter shielding. Our only hope now is Mark!”

(I guess he doesn’t think Jason, Princess, Keyop and Tiny in the Phoenix can accomplish anything!)

“I’m very worried,” frets Zark, in his room at Center Neptune, “Although Mark did a brave thing, going with those humanoids, he knew they were only machines, programmed to defend themselves and not capable of using their heads like highly intelligent robots –such as me.”

Yes, Zark, I’m sure Mark wishes that you were there with him…

But he points out that now that they’ve been captured, “Mark can send signals to direct the rest of G-Force to Spectra’s secret base.”

Meanwhile, at the secret base, the ice-encased car (confined beneath a glass dome) is being thawed out with a giant heat lamp while armed soldiers and the Captain look on.

Free from ice now, Mark taps his communicator bracelet against the car’s steering wheel.

“It’s Mark! His signal is coming in strong,” says Princess, on the bridge of the Phoenix as her communicator bracelet lights up.

“What’s it say?” asks Tiny.

“Sorry,” says Princess, with a slight touch of haughtiness, “Mark sends me some very personal messages sometimes.”

A personal message? Um, I guess he sometimes sends them in Morse code then (and under very odd circumstances too), because all he did was bang his bracelet against a steering wheel.

Now Keyop points to the “Mark” humanoid and says something like “not him” (it’s hard to tell what he’s saying here).

“You really do look like Mark,” says Princess sadly, walking over to the humanoid and putting her hand on its shoulder, “Would you send me personal messages too?”

Okay, please tell me she’s making a joke here –I’d hate to think she’s that desperate for messages.

“I am programmed to obey,” is the reply she gets, in the flat, monotone voice.

“What good is a machine?” demands Jason, banging his fist on the console.

(Yes Princess –you could ask Jason to send you personal messages.)

“I know Jason,” says Princess glumly, “But he makes me feel like we still have our leader with us.”

Tiny points out that this version of Mark can’t help them find the Spectran base.

Keyop then reminds Princess that she could be tracking Mark’s location with her bracelet…

So she stops mooning about Mark and the Mark decoy and gets back to business.

She determines Mark’s coordinates and they head that way.

Meanwhile at the Spectran base, the decoys are attacking the Spectran soldiers –but not for very long at all as the Captain pulls a switch on the wall and electrocutes them (while Mark lies unmoving on the floor). The decoys are reduced to scraps that conveniently land on Mark and conceal him –along with what looks like the Princess decoy’s cape.

Now an on-screen Zoltar, assured that G-Force has been destroyed (no one seemed to notice the rather inorganic nature of their remains, I guess) orders the Captain to launch the demon ship again and attack Earth’s main power complex.

So now the Captain is ordering all soldiers to board the demon ship, saying that only security guards will stay behind, and he also says “You over there -I want that car of cryptolite loaded at once!” while pointing at a little flatbed on wheels that has a heap of … well, whatever cryptolite is. A vacuum-like device extends down from the demon ship and sucks up the cryptolite. Once that is done, the vacuum starts to retract back inside the ship, but not before Mark (who was hiding beneath the flatbed) conceals himself inside it and gets taken on board the demon ship.

Just before going inside the ship, Mark throws his boomerang (loaded with a little something special) such that it sticks on top of a console.

Elsewhere, the Phoenix is closing in on the coordinates for Mark’s –and the base’s- location. But suddenly Mark’s boomerang, inside the base, detonates and makes the entire base explode.

“Look at that!” says Princess, staring.

“Mark did it!” says Tiny.

But then, the demon ship bursts from the ground beneath them, creating a whirlwind that throws the Phoenix around, and when that dies down, the demon ship is there –poised to attack the Phoenix.

Jason orders Tiny to take the Phoenix up, but the demon ship follows them. We see it hit the Phoenix with its freezing beam, causing ice to appear on the Phoenix (as Princess, inside, calls out “Transmute to fiery Phoenix!”), the radar screen inside to crack, and Keyop to throw himself into Princess’s arms.

“No time!” Jason tells Princess, and says they need a diversion to get Spectra off their tail.

Princess asks the “Mark” humanoid for help, telling him that it might mean his destruction, but that’s no problem for the humanoid, who again says “I am programmed to obey.”

“I know he’s only a machine, but I hate to do it,” says Princess, as the Mark decoy leaves the bridge for the dome.

“Me too,” says Tiny.

“There’s no time for sentiment,” says Jason, clearly less perturbed about sending a Mark double to its doom.

The Spectrans see “Mark” escaping the Phoenix and the Captain orders the soldiers to shoot him with the “cosmic laser”.

So they try, but they keep missing, and meanwhile, the Phoenix transmutes to fiery Phoenix.

But the “Mark” decoy is finally hit with the “cosmic laser,” which encases it in ice and sends it plummeting to the ground, where it makes a big explosion.

Now, finally, the Spectrans seem to be twigging to the fact that G-Force hasn’t actually been destroyed, as the Captain is apologizing to an on-screen Zoltar “I don’t understand; with my own eyes I saw G-Force destroyed!”

“You’ve been tricked,” declares Zoltar, “Destroy them now!”

Posted by lborgia88 on 01-02-2010 at 06:49:

Meanwhile Mark comes across a giant spinning rotor inside the demon ship, realizes he’s found the ship’s main power plant and decides he will sabotage it before the ship can overtake the Phoenix.

The Phoenix is still in fiery mode, and a soldier says he’s never seen anything like it, and that their cosmic laser is useless against it. The Captain orders him to raise it to “full warp” and keep firing on the Phoenix as “nothing can hold out against that power!”

So the soldier pulls a lever all the way to the right, and we see the giant rotor in the power plant stop spinning. Then Mark dumps the cryptolite into the rotor before it starts spinning again.

“Generator in reverse –warp power building,” reports the soldier on the bridge to the Captain. G-Force is in sight and the Captain orders “Don’t miss.”

The Phoenix is still fiery and the Spectrans are about to shoot it. The Captain is laughing in anticipation of its destruction, but suddenly the soldier informs him that “Something happened to the great turbine –I’m not getting full power.”

The Captain is ranting that nothing works unless he checks it, and he’s about to leave the bridge when Mark makes a dramatic appearance.

“You again?” snarls the Captain, “I thought we got rid of you!”

“We keep saying the same thing about you!” declares Mark –a good line.

He orders the soldiers to deal with Mark, but Mark runs from the bridge, throws himself face down on the floor, and a circular door in the demon ship is shown closing.

On the bridge, the Captain has decided he’ll fire the full warp cosmic laser himself.

Except, before he can, the giant turbine in the power plant explodes and we see the demon ship, trailing smoke, crash behind some snowy peaks.

No massive explosion of any kind results from this.

The Phoenix has come out of fiery mode and everyone is recovering from the ordeal.

“I’m glad that’s all over,” says Princess.

“We’ll circle around and see if there’s any sign of Mark,” says Tiny.

They see some burning wreckage on the ground, and instantly Keyop is crying.

“Don’t worry,” says Princess, “That’s the end of the Spectran spaceship, but I’m sure Mark made it in time.”

And just then, they see him descending from on high, casting off, one by one, the capes that the decoys had been wearing.

“Load off my mind!” says Keyop, seeing this, as Princess stares with eyes full of love.

“Pick him up, Tiny,” says Jason.

“Big ten, that’s the best order you’ve given all day,” replies Tiny. Man, Jason really doesn’t get much credit, does he?

As soon as Mark is on the bridge, Princess runs to him and throws her arms around his neck. “Did I do something?” asks Mark, looking confused.

“You had us all worried stiff!” says Princess, pummeling him with her fists for emphasis.

Keyop insists now that he was “Not worried one minute!”

“It’s okay, Keyop” says Tiny, as if trying to comfort him.

Princess keeps her arms around Mark, who stares ahead intently as Zark goes on about how they’re heading home now that Zoltar has been defeated again, and complains what a toll all the stress of this mission has taken on his grids.

Back at Center Neptune, Zark is wondering where he will go on his vacation this year.

“Now why did I ask a silly question like that,” he says, “Is it possible I have a defect in my audio phaser?”

I suspect Zark has many defects.

The End.

Posted by green on 01-02-2010 at 08:12:

Thank you, guys, for yet another fun episode review!

I must say it took watching Gatchaman for me to realise that Mark/Ken used the capes from the decoys to jump out of the mecha - I had always wondered what those things were...

Exaggeration misleads the credulous and offends the perceptive. ~Eliza Cook

Posted by gatchamarie on 01-02-2010 at 09:22:

Thanks for another great recap, LB, and for such fabulous screencaps, Saturn ... especially the animated ones concerning Jun and Ken!

LB, I enjoyed so much reading your comments which were hilarious and to the point! You know ... I too thought the same thing about what Jun could have done with a robot that resembled Ken and that obeyed all commands! Wonder what commands she would have inflicted upon him! devilerr

And I so wish I could have lived in a movie or cartoon in which the characters are always conveniently prepared for whatever happens! LOL ... life would be so much easier! On the other hand, this aspect sometimes really bugs me when I watch it as it doesn't depict reality but, at the end, most of the fun in a movie/cartoon featuring heroes is attained with such conveniences and actions!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by UnpublishedWriter on 01-02-2010 at 12:35:

How anatomically correct was the Ken robot anyway?

For the BotP version, we have a perfect example of how NOT to use Zark. The scriptwriters could have written the initial introduction of the robots as either a training sequence (so that Zark and the audience could be surprised by the revelation), or had Zark say that Anderson (or Zark) had come up with a plan to lure Spectra into a trap. Still an exciting little scene, and no faux suspense.

Benefits, not features; benefits, not features

Posted by clouddancer on 01-02-2010 at 13:06:

Thank you for the review LB and Saturn!

One thing I always wondered about in this episode both Gatch and BOTP why is it Mark/Ken drives? If the robots are supposed to be equally capable in skill why would the Eagle choose to take the wheel when he knows the Condor is the better driver.

Okay so it could be argued that Ken may not know the Condor robot would be as good a driver as Joe the Condor but I am sure the robot would have done a better job than Ken did in this scene. Wink That would have given Ken time to think tactically rather than defensively.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 01-02-2010 at 15:21:

Ken drove a red convertible before, in the Gatchaman Burns With Rage episode, chasing the Atariian delegate/Galactor spy out of the ISO Conference.

LB, you did a fantastic job with this! I was pound at many of your comments, particularly about the staircase positioning on the mecha and Princess' comments about personal messages!

Saturn, you did a great job with the screenshots. I especially loved your animated gifs at the end!

I also think it's horrible that Nambu would use a stadium full of innocent civilians who are cheering the Science Ninja Team to bait Galactor. WTH did he think would happen?

I also want to point out that this image perfectly demonstrates the 'static transmutation' field on the God Phoenix. Jun has her bracelet off, but she's still wearing her Birdstyle (as seen by the glove).


And what can I say about android Ken going off with Jun, except to reference this scene from Star Trek TNG... Devil1


Posted by Transmute Jun on 01-02-2010 at 15:25:

And of course, we need a few of Sosai Tim's Gatchafunnies...



I'm not sure what episode this one is from, but it's appropriate, given your review of Decoys of Doom, LB!



Posted by clouddancer on 01-02-2010 at 16:22:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
Ken drove a red convertible before, in the Gatchaman Burns With Rage episode, chasing the Atariian delegate/Galactor spy out of the ISO Conference.

I am not saying Ken doesn't drive. What I am pointing out is that Joe is the "driver" on the team that is his "skill set", so why not USE that skill?

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Springie on 01-02-2010 at 17:31:

LB and Saturn- Thank you for such a fabulous episode review! This ep is one of my favorites! I am cracking up at the idea of Jun keeping the Ken robot for her own personal use! Can't you just see her trying to explain why they found him in her closet? LOL

And Tim's funnies are perfect! The "multiple vibration" one is hilarious!

I always loved the flirtatious comments in the BOTP version of this ep, too. They really had a good time with it.

And the animations are awesome! This was one of the first scenes I did an animation for when I first started making them.


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 01-02-2010 at 17:59:

Originally posted by clouddancer
Originally posted by Transmute Jun
Ken drove a red convertible before, in the Gatchaman Burns With Rage episode, chasing the Atariian delegate/Galactor spy out of the ISO Conference.

I am not saying Ken doesn't drive. What I am pointing out is that Joe is the "driver" on the team that is his "skill set", so why not USE that skill?

All i meant was that maybe Ken just likes red convertibles. Wink


Posted by clouddancer on 01-02-2010 at 18:28:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
Originally posted by clouddancer
Originally posted by Transmute Jun
Ken drove a red convertible before, in the Gatchaman Burns With Rage episode, chasing the Atariian delegate/Galactor spy out of the ISO Conference.

I am not saying Ken doesn't drive. What I am pointing out is that Joe is the "driver" on the team that is his "skill set", so why not USE that skill?

All i meant was that maybe Ken just likes red convertibles. Wink

LOL .... Okay, I am with you now.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by lborgia88 on 01-02-2010 at 19:22:

I'm glad I'm not the only one wondering what other -more interesting- uses there might be for a Ken robot!

Thanks for posting the Star Trek:TNG clip, TJ!
Laugh1 I haven't seen that episode in many years. Somehow, sigh, I doubt Dr. Nambu would be interested in making a decoy that "fully functional."

It's been interesting for me, lately, watching BOTP episodes closely. In the Gatch version, there's no attempt to gloss over the fact that Ken's both disobedient and deceptive to Nambu and his teammates and nearly got himself killed for no purpose -Nambu was able to track the location of the secret base from the decoys alone- whereas in Mark's case, everyone knows almost immediately what he's done and, aside from a bit of fretting by Zark, everyone's fine with it. There's definitely a "he can do no wrong!" aura surrounding Mark, though I suppose that was meant to be reassuring and inspiring for us kiddies back in the late 70s (though in my case, it turned me into a Jason fan...)

In the case of BOTP, it is nice to see an established, accepted relationship between Mark and Princess as a change from the far more ambiguous Ken/Jun situation. In this episode, however, I think the writers could have tried a little harder to find moments when Mark is not frowning to have him pay Princess compliments, or to not imply that Mark sends frivolous "personal messages" to Princess while in the middle of a perilous situation on board a Spectran spaceship.

Posted by gatchamarie on 01-02-2010 at 19:54:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
I also think it's horrible that Nambu would use a stadium full of innocent civilians who are cheering the Science Ninja Team to bait Galactor. WTH did he think would happen?

ITA on that ... their aim had always been to save as much lives as possible and not the contrary ... there surely must have been another way or circumstance in which the SNT robots could have let themselves being captured on purpose. And thanks for the Gatchafunnies, TJ ... it's always nice to see them pop up at the right moment!

Just another note ... those robots' chins give me the creeps! They remind me a lot about the horror film "Chuckie" (if I spelled it right!)! No wonder I don't stand seeing any marionette or antique doll! I've always had a phobia for them!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by Transmute Jun on 01-02-2010 at 20:21:

I guess he kind of looks like Jinpei a bit... Wink



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