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Posted by meridianday on 27-01-2010 at 11:00:


Like, how off topic?

But anyway, some of you may remember that I got some birds a couple of years back. Since then, I've also taken on some rats, and now that we've moved house so that there is a safe room for my vulnerable pets, I've agreed that my husband can have the cats he's wanted for years.

I have precious little experience of cats, and these cats have to be house cats. I think they're between 6 months and 1 year old, there are three of them, and they are arriving tomorrow.

I've been shopping like a crazy person for them, and will be shopping a bit more today because apparently you can never have enough litter trays and scratching posts.

Lots of you guys have cats, right? Advise me, please! Just try not to put me off Big Grin


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by clouddancer on 27-01-2010 at 13:18:

Wow, you are getting a lot of cats all at the same time. Makes me think you were depriving your DH and he may be going a little over board. Wink

I have heard you should have one litter tray for each cat plus one more, but in my house I only have the one for my two cats and they do fine with it. I do have to clean it out more often than I would like but then they probably should be cleaned once a day anyways.

As for toys .... I tend to introduce those as I get to know the cats personalities. I have one who will ONLY play with a "ball" of paper. My other one loves to play with the toy mice I bought, but will also play with the practice golf balls I have.

Scratching posts .... I have two that are torn apart about every 6 months and then I have to replace the carpeting, (or rope). My parents and brother have a scratching post for their cats and they are not used at all. Cats can be fickle creatures.

I hope this helps Meridian. Enjoy your new additions.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Berg Katse on 27-01-2010 at 15:34:

I have a zoo:

--12 hedgehogs
--9 cats
--7 axolotls (they're adorable, look them up!)
--4 turtles
--120 gal. tank of tropical fish

For the most part, cats will do their own thing. Make sure they have their own food bowls (and two water bowls, in opposite ends of the house, or upstairs and down, cats have a tendency to never drink enough water, which, in neutered males, can cause feline urinary tract disease--one of my males has this). Feed a high quality food that has a Guaranteed Analysis, and has ingredients like Chicken Meat, Chicken Meal, Brown Rice, etc. Dry food is the most important part of a cat's diet, only add a bit of wet canned food to impart a bit more flavor and moisture into their diet. Cats don't like to chew, so make sure the kibble size is relatively small so they only have to bite once before swallowing. Always make changes in diet slow, over a few days, to avoid upset tummies!

Cats spend 18 hours a day sleeping, and they will decide for themselves where they want to sleep. They tend to change where they sleep with each season. Some cats are heat-seekers and will sleep wherever it's warm, some like to sleep near windows, others on beds or sofas (I have one male who prefers to sleep at the foot of my bed, under the blanket). My bed can get pretty crowded, with as many as 5-6 of 9 sleeping on it. (Ever wondered why Egyptians look so funny and angular in their artwork? They worshipped cats. They had to sleep with them. I look just like that--contorted beyond belief).

If they do something they're not supposed to, fill an atomizer/spray bottle (like you use to mist plants) with water, turn it to jet stream, and squirt them with the water and a sternly say "No!" I've yet to have a cat not respond to this, and it's a harmless form of discipline.

After 6 months, cats respond to the scent of catnip. The scent will drive them temporarily batty, then send them into sleep. If they ingest catnip, it's like they're smoking marijuana--they'll play a bit, then get the munchies, then sleep. Have a couple toys stuffed with catnip (preferably cloth ones, because they'll gnaw and lick the cloth), and buy some organically grown catnip and KEEP IT HIDDEN! Rub the nip onto beds, cat scratchers, cat furniture, etc. to make it more enticing. A cat will rub their cheeks onto items covered in catnip, and scent glands in their cheeks will mark that territory as theirs. It will help them settle in because they'll be marking the area, and when they return to it, they'll be familiar with the scent.

As for toys, cats will play with what they want to play with (translation: they will ignore all toys bought for them and play with your shoelaces, and other things they're not supposed to have). Some cats are clever at opening cupboard doors, so make sure they're secure so they don't get into the trash, harmful chemicals in the kitchen or bathroom, etc.

Until they get used to the place, it's best to keep doors shut to rooms you don't often used, then introduce those rooms over time (helps lower stress and prevents them from hiding away). Put a couple socks you have already worn on the floor for them to sniff at, just to get used to your scent (this is also a good tip for when they have to go visit the vet--a used sock in a carrier will remind them that you are still there).

For the most part, let them wander around by themselves. You can show them the food area, the water, and the litterbox, then back away and let them go. It's best if they don't know you're watching them--cats prefer to explore on their own in private.

You'll find they have very strong, unique personalities. I can tell exactly which cat is meowing down the hall just by the way it meows, and I know their hisses and purrs. They really are people in fursuits, in my mind (my mind is a bit strange, though). The first week is always the worse, but I find the more cats you have, the faster they get settled in (cats are social animals, they'll work out an heirarchy on their own).

I could keep going (see what happens when you have pets not children?), but this should be good for now! If you have any questions, just give a shout. I loves kittehs! Big Grin


Posted by meridianday on 27-01-2010 at 15:36:

I thought I had managed to talk him down to 2, but when the RSPCA people were here he asked for 3 so 3 we are getting.

I don't dislike cats, but I've never lived with any before. I only bought our new sofas in October and I don't want them scratched to bits. I'm sure that I haven't bought enough stuff for them yet, whereas he's sure that I've bought too much. I've only got 1 litter tray and I know they need more than that.

I don't even know if the carrier I've bought is big enough for 2 cats, so don't know whether I need to get a 2nd bigger one or not, given that I'm hoping they'll accept the carriers as beds. All this for creatures that might spend the next 3 months hiding under the sofas!

I'm stressing a bit.


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by meridianday on 27-01-2010 at 15:48:

Thanks Katse, you posted while I was typing Smile

I've got one squirter for bird discipline, I shall have to get some more of that type for cat discipline.

The pet shop persuaded me to buy Royal Canin dry food for them, after showing me the ingredients on other cat foods. I was amazed that one of the leading brands of wet food here has an actual meat content of only 4% of 4% of the whole volume of the packet! Presumably the rest is reclaimed meat and squelchy bits. They opened a tin of the cat food they give to their cats, which was clearly just full of flakes of tuna with little bits of squid in it, rather than an amorphous mass of lumpy bits. So, they're going to be spoiled foodwise. They've got a rather nice looking pouch of chicken and ostrich meat as well.

I can't remember if I bought catnip yet - I know I bought some little fabric mice with catnip in but they've got bags with catnip treats and all sorts. If that keeps their claws off my sofas, I shall be happy Big Grin

Fact is, I shall probably be delighted with them when they're here and settled, but I'm just dreading all the mischief they could be getting into when nobody's keeping an eye on them, and being woken up all night by them. I love my sleep.


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by Tengu on 27-01-2010 at 15:52:

You cannot keep a cat in a house.

Unless you want it wrecked.

Cats are very destructive, they need lots of places to tear up that doesnt matter.

never collar a cat, even if its a safety collar, cats still get them caught up.

Dont let a cat have too many treats otherwise they will demand them all the time. Cats are born food faddists

get disinfectant for use on scratches

Kiss your sofa goodbye

"If you think I am a Condor, you may keep that opinion;
Though I am no Condor, my Skylines rusty enough."

Posted by meridianday on 27-01-2010 at 16:03:

That's really not what I wanted to hear, Tengu. It is my greatest dread that you are correct, and it's part of why I'm stressing so badly about this.


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by clouddancer on 27-01-2010 at 16:19:

My cats are "indoor" cats. They do go out occasionally in the summer when the temperature is nice but most of the time they are indoors.

As for my furniture, that has been fine no scratches anyways. They problem is with the cat hair. What is suffering in my house is the carpeting on the stairs. Even with two scratching posts my two lovelies like to try and pull the carpeting off the stairs. I can't tell you how many times I have had to get the staple gun out and reattach the carpeting to the stairs.

Sometimes I wonder if the cats are trying to get their revenge by making me trip down the stairs and kill me. ROFL 2

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Tengu on 27-01-2010 at 16:22:

Im correct, dont worry.

There are lots of other ghastly things I dont dare tell you about.

but cats are great fun, Id have another one if I had the time

"If you think I am a Condor, you may keep that opinion;
Though I am no Condor, my Skylines rusty enough."

Posted by Berg Katse on 27-01-2010 at 17:17:

My 9 are all indoor cats, and we built little L-shaped cat scratchers that fit up against the arms of the sofa. They're covered in carpet so they have something to scratch. Cats like to scratch vertically--they want to stretch upward, so the scratcher needs to be tall, like a tree trunk (which is what a good scratcher should mimic).

Royal Canin food is great! Even my hedgehogs eat that (and one of them is addicted to the Baby Cat food).

Defnitely don't feed them cat treats, or any food you eat. It can cause kidney problems, and cat treats can turn them off their food. I don't feed my cats any treats at all. One of my cats has a bit of a digestive problem, so every night he has a tablespoon of yogurt, but he's the exception. Cats are excellent beggars, but you must presevere!

They won't wake you up--they have each other to keep them company. They're nocturnal so nighttime is when they're going to want to do the most exploring. One of the smartest things you can do is put a large ledge on a window or two, so they can sit down and look out the window. I have two very large sills at two of my windows, and my cats spend a ton of time there. They love watching the birds, the snow, the cars, the neighbors--they're so nosy!

Cats that are both indoor and outdoor cats tend to be more destructive, because when they want to go out, they'll start to destroy items out of boredom because they feel "trapped" inside. Three of my cats were outdoor cats before they came here, and they adapted well to being only indoors, when they realized they had friends inside, windows to keep an eye on the outside, and lots of food.

You'll definitely have to post pics!


Posted by green on 27-01-2010 at 18:27:

I have three indoor cats aged between 5 and 6 and my sofas and carpets are fine. So there is hope!

Exaggeration misleads the credulous and offends the perceptive. ~Eliza Cook

Posted by yul on 27-01-2010 at 20:10:

Don`t worry, cats are amazing pets, I have 5 years old indoor one . The only one problem was when he was younger and liked to romp and mew while I slept. But as much as I know cats they are all different as people.
My cat eats "Hills" but "Royal Canin" is also good.

Breathe in and breathe out

Posted by clouddancer on 27-01-2010 at 20:21:

the only thing I look for in Cat food is as low a ash content as possible. I gather the ash and (I think it is magnesium) lead to urinary problems in male cats. Or so I have been told.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by UnpublishedWriter on 27-01-2010 at 23:04:

My cats will bother me when it's time for their breakfast.

They have a scratching post, so the furniture is fine. One (Neko) is still a kitten, so she likes to nose around and explore a lot. Every once in a while, Malkin (the elder) has to school Neko.

Benefits, not features; benefits, not features

Posted by Cep on 28-01-2010 at 10:44:

I have cats and rats yo

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

Posted by Madilayn on 28-01-2010 at 12:08:

Cats are wonderful pets. But then, I am merely a cat toy, so am ever so slightly biased.

You will discover that they will have very distinct personalities - and then you are about to discover the kitty "look". It can range from a look of mild amusement, to complete and utter disgust.

You, their humans, will be expected to KNOW what they want and provide it in a timely manner.

Not only that, you have the Cat Item of the Day (sort of like Mecha Captain of the Day - but better dressed and more likely to succeed...). Sometimes the item will last for a couple of weeks - sometimes it will only be a day. You will be expected to recognise this item and not move or interfere with it at all - until kitty is bored with it.

Basically - think Evil Willow in the Buffy episode and her phrase "Bored now" and you have a kitty.

That said, they are wonderful loving furry hot water bottles.

Prepare to be assimilated!


"When I'm old, I don't want them to say of me, "She's so charming." I want them to say, "Be careful, I think she's armed." -G. Stoddart

Posted by Tengu on 28-01-2010 at 15:04:

Do they still do that `pawsense` programme?

"If you think I am a Condor, you may keep that opinion;
Though I am no Condor, my Skylines rusty enough."

Posted by lborgia88 on 28-01-2010 at 15:20:

I've got one cat, and he's too elderly (19) to cause much trouble now. In his younger days, he never tried to claw furniture. The only inappropriate things I can recall him ever clawing were door frames (his way of saying "Let me outside!" when he was impatient).

My sister, however, has four cats, all under the age of 5 and all indoors-only. Three of hers are well behaved, but one of them is bad. The "bad" cat is the one she keeps finding on counters and tables (being sprayed with water doesn't keep him from jumping back up once her back is turned), he's the one who tries to dash between her feet when she's coming in so he can escape outside, he's the one who actively tries to get inside her aquarium to catch the fish etc. It's just his innate personality.

With any luck, your three, Meridian, will be good cats, or mostly good!

For numbers of litter trays, I've frequently heard the rule "One for each cat, plus one," which would mean you should have four of them.

Posted by Tengu on 28-01-2010 at 18:53:

Yes, thats one thing about cats.

Punish them for something, and they then know never to do that something where you will see them do it.

"If you think I am a Condor, you may keep that opinion;
Though I am no Condor, my Skylines rusty enough."

Posted by UnpublishedWriter on 29-01-2010 at 00:15:

Don't be confused about their facial expressions (what they have of them). A contented cat will often close (or nearly close) its eyes. That disapproving expression is actually happiness.

They like to squeeze into boxes and other spaces, and will even play with bags of various sorts (so careful with the plastic). My Malkin gets into the garbage bags when I decide to shovel out the apartment. I think she's curious about the whole process.

And they WILL want to get on your computer keyboard. 'Pawsense'(if it's still around) may be your best defense. That program will notify you if it detects 'catlike typing.'

Benefits, not features; benefits, not features

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