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--- Gatchaman Episode 45 - The Sea Lion Ninja Team in the Night Fog (

Posted by Transmute Jun on 07-09-2009 at 03:31:

Gatchaman Episode 45 - The Sea Lion Ninja Team in the Night Fog

Gatchaman Episode 45 – The Sea Lion Ninja Team in the Night Fog


The episode opens with a view of Sea Lion Island, in the North Sea. It has supposedly been forgotten by the world.

And why is it called Sea Lion Island? Well, it is shaped like a sea lion. No, I’m not kidding.


Not to mention the millions of sea lions living on it.

The island is ‘almost impossible’ to reach, being surrounded by thick coral reefs and fog. Yep, coral reefs in the North Sea. Even the narrator admits that this is ‘rare’.

But even as we’re told that the only inhabitants of the island are sea lions, we see a strange plane flying overhead, with a familiar devil logo visible on the bottom.

Inside the plane, a goon looks through binoculars. He must be one of the stupider goons, as his eyes are above the binoculars. I’m not sure how he’s seeing anything through them!


But he must be seeing through them as the next shot is in the form of ‘dual circles’ that
indicate binocular views. The goon is looking at the island.

But even as the Galactor plane passes overhead, hidden missile launchers emerge from the bushes and point at the craft. The goons are startled by this.


The Galactor plane flies down, and barely avoids being hit by launching missiles. It looks to me like whoever is firing these missiles has terrible aim.

And through the fog, within the bushes, something else is revealed. It is a mountain with a mine, complete with wooden-tie railroad and mining cars! This is reminding me of Big Thunder Mountain Railroad at Disneyland.

“Lord Katse was right. This has got to be the place.” one of the goons says. Clearly he’s eager to visit the Happiest Place on Earth. I can just picture his Mickey Mouse ears fitting over his goon mask.

“Yeah, let’s grab a souvenir and report back to him!” suggests the other goon. He’s after those Mickey Mouse ears, for sure!

Meanwhile some serious-looking guns are emerging from the rock face of the mountain. The guns fire at the Galactor plane… and miss. So the Galactor plane shoots back. Of course, these goons are capable enough to actually hit the ground.

Men wearing 70s versions of futuristic space outfits run from the resulting explosions.

Cut from BOTP:


The Galactor plane swoops by in the confusion and picks up a small glass capsule, containing a white, crystal-like substance. Is this what was being mined?

Now the narrator decides to clue us in. We are told that on this island, the ISO has built a ‘secret mining facility’. Well, I guess it’s not so secret anymore. And if it was so secret, why didn’t the ISO provide some gunners who could shoot down a single Galactor airplane? Sheesh!

Somewhere in the Himalayas, X speaks to his favorite minion.


“What exactly is this ore that we’ve retrieved from Sea Lion Island?” Katse asks.


“We have determined that it possesses incredible energy.” X says. I’m a little stumped by the use of the term ‘we’. Who is ‘we’? Does X mean Galactor? If that’s so, why wouldn’t Katse know this? But if ‘we’ means X’s alien race… dun dun dun… this could be very interesting.

“Then… it’s uranium?” Katse asks, clearly attempting to grasp what’s being said. What happened to that 240 IQ?


“It’s more powerful.” X says. “This is the first time it’s been discovered on Earth. It is called kaenine.” Katse is shocked by this revelation.


X surmises that the ISO must have created the kaenine by using the deep sea coral-laden soil of Sea Lion Island. He orders Katse to attack Sea Lion Island, and seize the kaenine ore. He reminds Katse that the island is shrouded in fog, and that Katse should take ‘all necessary precautions’.

So what are Katse’s ‘precautions’? He attacks with jellyfish ships. Yep. Jellyfish.


The jellyfish submarines surround the seas around the island, while Beetleton fighter planes (like the one we saw in the beginning) fly in the sky, searching for an opportunity to attack. The sightings were immediately reported to the ISO, and a rescue is being planned for the stranded workers on the island.

“At this rate, Galactor will take over Sea Lion Island, and the kaenine ore will be theirs!” laments Director Anderson. “We must prevent this from happening at all costs!”


The council says that they have no choice but to ask the Science Ninja Team for help. But Dr. Nambu stands up, stating that the mining operations are finished, and rescuing the workers should be their number one priority. After all, if the ISO flies out of there with the kaenine ore, they’ll just be sacrificing more lives to Galactor.


As Nambu says this, we see graphic images of what would happen to the men if they are not rescued.

Cut from BOTP:


Nambu claims that if they take the ore, then they’re walking right into a Galactor trap.

The council doesn’t like this suggestion. They don’t want Galactor to have the kaenine. But Nambu replies that the kaenine, while important, is not more important than human lives. And the Science Ninja Team’s mission is to protect human lives above all else. Really? And here I thought their primary mission was to locate Galactor Headquarters…

Since no one else agrees with him, Dr. Nambu walks out of the meeting with a polite ‘excuse me’.

The Science Ninja Team receives orders from Dr. Nambu to help protect a fleet of ISO ships approaching the island, and to rescue the workers. Onboard the God Phoenix, Jun recaps for us.

“So then, our mission is to quickly and safely transport the workers onto those ships, right?” she asks.


“Man, we’re no better than a schoolbus for Kindergarteners” Jinpei complains.

“Jinpei, don’t be stupid!” Jun lectures. “Those workers down there are depending upon us to save their lives.”


“She’s right!” Ken agrees. “This is an important mission, and only we can do it. So quit complaining, Jinpei!”


“It still blows.” Joe says. “We end up just sneaking around, instead of giving them what’s coming to them.” I hope he’s talking about Galactor, and not the stranded mine workers.


“It’s better to avoid them.” Ryu says smugly. “And if anyone’s going to get us in there undetected, it’s me!” Pretty modest there, aren’t you, Ryu?


Ken just hopes that the workers are still safe, and he tells them to ‘hang on’, as if they could hear him.

We cut to shots of Galactor attacking the island. Inside the mines, the stranded workers are huddled together on the ground.

“We’re not moles!” one worker screams frantically.” How long are you going to keep us cooped up in this hole? I can’t take it anymore!” Clearly this guy was borderline when they did the ISO psychological assessments for working in an underground mine. Another man (the ‘Chief’) comes up and tells him to ‘get a grip’, reminding the crazy guy that if he goes outside he’ll be blown to bits in seconds.

But psycho guy wants to know what’s taking the rescuers so long. The Chief tells him to just quit worrying about it. The ISO won’t just leave them there to die. Psycho guy wonders what happens if the rescuers don’t make it there in time.

Just as everyone is feeling low, a man runs in to report to the Chief. The man says that he just received word on the radio that the Science Ninja Team is on their way to rescue everyone. All of the men cheer.

Meanwhile, in one of the jellyfish subs, we see the Captain of the Week. He’s got a fish motif on his helmet, which almost looks like swept-back wings of hair. He’s also wearing a red toque with a Galactor devil logo embroidered on it. Other than that, his uniform seems pretty normal… well, he’s sitting down, so I can’t see all of it.


He must want to suck up to Katse, because he’s wearing purple and red.

Captain Purplefish orders all attack ships to move out and destroy the ISO rescuers, whom they have picked up on their radar.


Posted by Transmute Jun on 07-09-2009 at 03:32:

On the ISO ships, a sailor reports to his Captain that they are 2,500 meters from Sea Lion Island.

“With fog this thick, we may be able to get there without ever being discovered by Galactor.” the Captain says, relaxing, and taking out a cigarette for a smoke. “Heh, you know? We might just make it.” Clearly he didn’t take the ‘Murphy’s Law and Irony 101’ training course at the ISO Naval Academy.

So of course, the Captain’s smoking break is interrupted by an alarm. Torpedoes are approaching from the north. After confirming this fact on his binoculars, the Captain orders the ship to come about.

And it’s a good thing he did. The ship avoids the missile, even as the ISO vessel behind it blows up. All of the other ISO ships begin blowing up.

On the God Phoenix, Jun receives an S.O.S. from the ISO Fleet.


Ken is surprised. Clearly his visual monitoring of the fleet has been lacking. The God Phoenix lands, to find a bunch of burning ships and one intact ship.


A meeting is hastily called onboard the one intact ISO vessel. Joe is so ashamed of the Science Ninja Team’s failure to protect the ISO Fleet that his wings have turned white.


“Captain, I’m so sorry, but we thought we had everything covered.” Ken apologizes to the Captain. Even I know that this is lame.


But this incident has only made the Captain more determined to save the workers. Ken says that the Team will find a way to help the Captain, and promises that the Science Ninja Team will ‘stay close by from here on out’.

“I’m counting on you, Gatchaman.” the Captain replies. “Don’t let me down. The guys on that island are in desperate need of rescue.”

And so the God Phoenix and the one ship go on, wit the God Phoenix flying much lower this time, and directly above the ship. But in the clouds, above the God Phoenix…


Berg Katse is aboard this dragonfly vessel, and he laughs as he surveys the scene.


“I knew you’d finally show yourself, Gatchaman scum!” Katse cackles. “We came out here for the kaenine ore, but we may as well kill two birds with one stone while we’re here.”

Back on the God Phoenix, Jun is picking up enemy fighter signals.


Kern thinks it’s time to try ‘Dr. Nambu’s secret weapon’.


Ryu agrees. Is it just me, or does he look like Chief Wiggum (from the Simpsons) here?

Onboard the jellyfish subs, the goons are stunned by the radar readings!


This doesn’t stop the Beetleton fighter planes from shooting missiles.


But the goons aren’t happy when the missiles suddenly swerve and turn around, heading back for the planes!


A goon tells Katse that they can’t continue with the attack. The artificial fog is clouding the radar.


Katse tells the goon to go to the island and seize the kaenine ore. He wants the jellyfish subs to take care of the ISO ships.

Back on the God Phoenix…

“The Doctor was spot on! That really did the trick!” Ken says happily.

“That metallic fog worked like magic, didn’t it?” says a stunned Jinpei.


“It’s more scientific than that!” Jun smirks. “The metal particles interfere with their radar signals.”

“That’s impressive.” muses Joe. “I never would have thought of that. Dr. Nambu sure knows what he’s doing!”


Should I point out that the British invented this radar trick during World War II? So really, Dr. Nambu is just using an old idea…

“We can’t let our guard down just yet.” Ken tells everyone. “It’s possible that they could still attack us from the sea.”


Ken calls for Jinpei, and the Swallow stands up, excited.

“What is it, Big Bro? I finally get a chance to shine? I’m ready to go!”


Instead of answering Jinpei, Ken asks Joe how far they are from the island. Always high tech, Joe studies the map.


Joe reports that they’re a kilometer away from the island, but that the ISO ship can’t get any closer, because the coral reef is too thick.

“Jinpei, I want you to take out that submarine fleet!” Ken orders. “Blow through that coral reef and get on that island!


Wait a minute… is Ken ordering Jinpei to destroy a coral reef? So much for being environmentally friendly! I thought that was illegal!

“Leave it to me!” Jinpei smirks. “The Great Ninja Swallow can handle anything!”


“I’m counting on you, Jinpei!” Ken says. “Those men’s lives are in your hands. Do you think you can handle it?”

“Of course I can, Bro!” Jinpei assures him. “These guns may be puny, but they’re as strong as…”

Jinpei shows off his muscles.


But the posturing lasts only a second as he strains himself in the process.


But before long, the G-4 descends from the God Phoenix and into the water.


Jinpei is determined to rescue the men!


Of course, he doesn’t plan on seeing the jellyfish subs.

“Whoa! There’s jellyfish mechs everywhere!” he screams, in an awesome display of poor grammar.


And soon the jellyfish subs have caught the G-4.


But Jinpei releases the G-4’s saw blade and cuts himself free.


The G-4 dives for the coral reef and bursts through it, now digging underground. The jellyfish subs are too big to follow and they explode as they try. Jinpei is now heading toward the island.

Meanwhile, onboard the dragonfly mecha…

“The time has come to take the kaenine!” Katse announces. “Attack swiftly so they have no time to resist! Slaughter them all!”


The dragonfly’s eyes shoot laser beams at the island, causing everything on it to burst into flames as the lasers touch them.

The ISO defenses shoot at the Beetleton planes accompanying Katse, and they’re just as successful as they were before… which is to say they’re not. The ISO defenses are taken out easily.

The sea lions who inhabit the island are jumping into the water to escape the devastation.

“There’s no stopping us no! This island will soon be Galactor’s!” Katse gloats.


Night falls, and Jinpei arrives on the island.


This seems like a long time. What is the God Phoenix doing during all of this? Why aren’t they going after Katse’s dragonfly mecha?

Jinpei is at first scared, but then pleased to find a number of sea lions.


They seem to like him.


Jinpei giggles, then remembers that he’s ‘gotta get back to work’. He races heroically toward the stranded miners as we head to a commercial break!



Posted by Transmute Jun on 07-09-2009 at 03:33:

After our brief glimpse of golden-statuette Ken, we’re back. Jinpei finds the miners.


“Hold it, Galactor bastards!” shouts the mining Chief, as he aims a gun at Jinpei. The Swallow insists that they’ve made a mistake, and he tells them that he’s ‘Jinpei the Swallow from the Science Ninja Team’.

“I’ve come all this way to rescue you guys and you’re calling me Galactor?” he complains. The Chief apologizes (it was a reasonable mistake to make, I’m not sure why Jinpei is so indignant) and Jinpei tells everyone that they have to get off the island.


But when the Chief asks how he’s going to get them off, Jinpei doesn’t have an answer.


So he surreptitiously contacts Ken.


Ken answers, asking Jinpei if he’s all right, and if he’s on the island.


What have they been doing on the God Phoenix all this time? Ken looks stunned to see a bracelet on his wrist, Jun looks all dreamy-eyed and Ryu has that goofy Chief Wiggum grin! Joe looks like he’s just trying to get in on the action.

Jinpei tells Ken that he doesn’t know how to get the men off the island.


Ken tells Jinpei to ‘use his head’. They called this ‘Operation Sea Lion’ for a reason.


Jinpei finally gets it.

Back on the dragonfly mecha, Katse wants to land, and he orders all ships to move out.


The dragonfly mecha breaks apart into smaller components. Each piece drops numerous missiles on the island. The remaining ISO defense guns fire back, but of course it’s useless.

One of the goons in the Galactor planes notices the sea lions leaving the island in large groups.

“Damn! I was hoping to get to cook one of those puppies!” responds the goon’s companion. Nice guys, these Galactors.

Katse arrives on the island.


“We hit them that hard, and they’re continuing to fire missiles at us!” Katse notes. “Something’s wrong.” I agree. Those ISO missiles were so useless it’s amazing that there are any left.

Katse orders his goons to find ‘every last one of them and kill them’. So they rush off into the dark and the fog. The goons destroy the remaining ISO missile launchers.


But they are surprised to see…


There is an automatic system sending missiles into the launcher! The goons follow the belt and it leads them to an old shack. They burst in through the door…

And at that moment two other goons burst through another door… and all of the goons fire at each other.


You can imagine the results. Shortly all four of them are down.

The same thing happens all over the island, as in the dark and fog the goons mistake each other for enemies and shoot each other. This is why they’re called ‘goons’.

Meanwhile the automatic missile launchers keep firing. I guess this is why their aim is so bad… there’s no one at the controls!

Four goons find an entrance to the mine, but when they enter they find it deserted. Katse is furious.


“You god-for-nothing idiots! There is no one left on the island! How’d they escape?” Katse wants to know. Of course, the goons don’t have an answer.


The goons say that the only thing they saw were sea lions leaving the island. And suddenly Katse realizes…

Yes, the miners are disguised as sea lions! They are swimming to freedom on the ISO ship, accompanied by the G-4.


And it seems like one sea lion decided to accompany Jinpei, just in case.


Katse is enraged. He wants to sink the men ‘to the bottom of the sea, along with the Science Ninja Team’. But not before grabbing all of the kaenine, of course.

But he’s too late. The men are onboard the ISO vessel, being cheered by happily barking seas lions. The Science Ninja Team (and a sea lion) watch from the God Phoenix.


Jun tells Jinpei that he did a great job.

“Give me a break! The sea lions did all the hard work!” Joe protests.


Jinpei agrees, and tells the sea lion next to him to ‘thank his friends’.


Ken tells everyone to ‘get back to business’ because Galactor’s going to be coming after them.


And sure enough, Katse’s dragonfly mecha is reassembling, and meeting up with the remaining Beetleton fighter planes.

On the ISO ship, the Captain orders ‘full speed ahead’ to leave, and the miners (who have somehow gotten back into their uniforms, even though they didn’t take them from the island) are cheering. The sea lions cheer too, as ‘happy and peaceful’ flute music plays. The God Phoenix lifts off to this touching scene as well.


The sea lions depart when the God Phoenix leaves.

“Those sea lions sure are smart!” Ryu exclaims. “They know to go home when they’re done working!”


But Jun notices something suspicious, and she asks Jinpei what he’s doing. She’s shocked to see…


Well, you all knew Jinpei would sneak the sea lion onboard. Didn’t you?

“Sis, can we please keep him? He can hang out in the bathtub!” Jinpei pleads. Needless to say, Jun isn’t impressed.


As they fly, the God Phoenix is shooting out a yellow gas from its nose, using nozzles in front of the G-2.


On the dragonfly mecha, Katse wants to know why they haven’t caught up with the God Phoenix yet. A goon reports that they can’t, because the God Phoenix is using some kind of fog that interferes with their radar.

“You’re idiots! Track them down with the jellyfish submarine radars!” Katse orders.

And sure enough, some of the jellyfish subs survived chasing after the G-4, and onboard, Captain Purplefish has picked up the remnants of the ISO Fleet. He orders that a torpedo be launched, assuming that this is enough to take out everything.


The torpedo heads toward the ISO ship…


But Ryu notices it.


So Ryu quickly fires a Bird Missile to intercept the torpedo. WTG Owl!

Of course, the shockwave sends waves onto the ship, spilling over some of the sailors. But they’re okay.

“Those bastards!” shouts Ken. “Ryu, we’ve got no choice! We’ve got to destroy their sub!”


Ryu agrees. He stops the gas and closes over the nose of the God Phoenix, and closes the vents. The God Phoenix dives!

Captain Purplefish spots ‘those ninja fools’ and orders an attack.


But Joe is at the red button!


And he goes wild!


Joe presses the launcher over and over again, destroying most of the jellyfish subs. Ryu rams the few that remain and they are destroyed as well. Captain Purplefish has just enough time to make a terrified face before his ship explodes.


Posted by Transmute Jun on 07-09-2009 at 03:34:

But when the God Phoenix emerges from the water, everyone is horrified!


The dragonfly mecha is hovering above the ISO ship.

“How do you like this, Gatchaman?” Katse smirks, from the top of his ship. “If you keep this up, I’ll bombard this ship with lasers. Imagine what will happen to all those workers you tried to save! Drop your weapons and leave the God Phoenix”

Needless to say, no one likes this idea.


“We’ve got no choice. Let’s go.” Ken says.


“Ken?” Joe is astounded. But everyone follows Ken to the elevation platform.


“We’re the ones he’s looking for.” Ken says, by way of explanation.

Everyone stands on the hull of the God Phoenix, ready to face down Katse.


“Thank you for being reasonable, Gatchaman.” Katse grins. “Saves me trouble. Why don’t I skip the formalities and go straight to your execution?”


“Prepare to fire!” Katse shouts. The Science Ninja Team is in Galactor’s sights!


The sailors and minors watch in amazement from the ISO ship.

Meanwhile, Jinpei is trying to get the sea lion (who accompanied him up to the hull) to leave. He tells the animal to ‘scram’. So the sea lion jumps into the water. This distracts the Galactors, who are startled by the splash.


“Take ‘em out!” Ken shouts. Everyone reaches for their dropped weapons.


And they’re ready for action!


Katse belatedly orders his goons to shoot, but it’s too late. The fight sequence has begun! Ken throws his boomerang, taking out numerous goons.


Joe throws a bunch of shuriken.



Jun kicks ass!




Ryu comes barreling down, his belt buckle changing color from his intense rage.


And he runs over the goons.


Jinpei greets a goon.


Goons are falling off the mecha and into the water!

Cool overhead shot of the fight.


But the goons (and Katse) don’t give up.


Jun and Jinpei throw their weapons, taking out the two goons in front of Katse. The Galactor Leader now knows that it’s time to run, as he’s faced with…


And this time, they’re all chasing after Katse! (Except Ryu, who’s probably getting the God Phoenix ready for a quick departure.)

Katse races to the tip of the dragonfly… could it be an escape pod?


Ken raises his boomerang and throws it at the fleeing Katse…


… and misses.

Ken’s not very impressed with his poor aim.


And sure enough, the nose of the dragonfly takes off as Katse’s escape pod.

“Science Ninja Team! How dare they spoil my plans again?” Katse sobs.


But the Team’s troubles are not over. They spot the remaining Beetleton fighter planes coming for them.


“Come on! Hurry!” Joe shouts, already in the hatch.


Wait a minute… that doesn’t look like the God Phoenix…

Nope, it’s the dragonfly mecha! Everyone jumps inside the now-deserted Galactor mecha.

And Ryu is back! He’s on the mecha, trying to figure out how to fly it.


Ryu ends up separating the pieces of the dragonfly, which take off as the Owl randomly presses buttons.

“Hey, can you fly this thing?” Ken asks, concern in his voice.

“Yeah, watch me!” Ryu grunts.


The Beetleton fighter planes are now shooting at the nose-less and tail-less dragonfly mecha, which Ryu pilots into the air.

“Damn it!” Ryu shouts. “There’s gotta be a button for the laser beams somewhere!”


The mecha starts shaking as it is hit by the planes’ missiles.


But the missiles don’t’ damage the dragonfly.

Suddenly, Ryu sees a massive red button right in front of his face.


He pounds it, Condor-style.


The eye laser beams turn on, destroying the Beetleton fighter planes. Katse curses on his escape pod as he gets away.


Suddenly, Ryu knows how everything works, and he gets the pieces of the dragonfly’s tail to come back to the main body of the mecha. The miners and sailers, who have watched the whole thing, hoot and cheer from the deck of the ISO ship. Jinpei’s sea lion emerges from the water and cheers as well.

So the God Phoenix goes home, having rescued the miners, and towing a (mostly) intact Galactor mecha behind it. And don’t forget, it’s this mecha that has all of the kaenine! It’s a very successful mission for the Science Ninja Team.


Even Nambu congratulates them.


Everyone smiles as Nambu tells them what a great job they have done. Even the sea lion!


Nambu does admit that ‘you had a little help from our sea lion friends’.

“I’ll make sure to have plenty of fresh fish waiting for our friends.” Nambu adds. Um, from what I can see, there’s only one sea lion coming back with them…

“Sis, you don’t mind if I keep Wally as a pet, do you?” Jinpei asks. I guess the Swallow has named his favorite sea lion.


“Sorry, Jinpei.” Jun giggles. “But I think he’d be better off in the zoo!”

Jinpei agrees, as this way he can come and see Wally every day.

Ken asks Jinpei if he’s really planning on going to the zoo every day.


“I sure am!” Jinpei shouts, then he burbles strange noises while dancing around Wally in joy. In one of the commentaries on the ADV sets, the woman who does Jinpei’s voice acting admits that she did that as an ‘homage’ to Keyop. Clearly it’s not part of the original Japanese.

And the mecha-towing God Phoenix flies back to base, as the episode ends.



Posted by Transmute Jun on 07-09-2009 at 03:35:

BOTP Episode 39 – Seals of Sytron

Zark tells us that Center Neptune is the hotline to outer space. He keeps in touch with the entire universe ‘down here’.

“It’s steady, grueling work that demands great cybernetic skill.” Zark assures us, as he lazes about on his oil-changing platform.


“Of course, I do get a second or two for a breather now and then.” he excuses his lazy appearance. But even as he does so, he’s receiving a call from his favorite phone sex partner.


At first Zark says that he is off duty, but once he realizes that it’s Susan his antennae spring to attention and he’s ready for action.

“Susan! You never bother me! I mean, you always bother me. What I mean is… I like it.” Zark babbles. Hmm… could we throw in a couple of R2-D2-like beeps and then not actually have to hear what he’s saying? Please? But I have no such luck.

“It’s nice to know you’re wanted, and needed.” Zark finishes his lame explanation.

“You are.” breathes Susan huskily. “You’re wanted on monitor right away. There’s an emergency warning from the Cosmic Patrol, and they need your lightning-fast estimation of the danger.”

“That’s not exactly what I meant…” Zark says, “but thank you, Susan.”

Susan signs off, and Zark gets up.

“Her voice is so thrilling.” Zark fantasizes. “It sends my audio receptors up a thousand decibels!” Zark is still talking about Susan as he goes down his elevator tube.


“When she turns on her tweeter, it just destroys my woofer!”

Okay, I’m really wishing for those R2-D2 beeps now.

When Zark leaves his oil-changing platform and when he’s in the elevator tube, he’s wearing a number 7 sweater. But when he gets out, he’s wearing his cape. Holy tube-costume-changing, Batman!


Zark flies over to his monitor and turns it on.

“I wonder what the problem is this time?” he says. “It’s always something different!” Yeah… it’s always a different evil planet with a different evil bird-like alien deity and evil, purple-masked, lip-glossed leader trying to attack the Federation. You never know, from episode to episode, what’s going to happen…


Zark is beginning to get readings of alien invaders heading for Earth. They seem to be targeted at an area in the South Pacific. It’s an island named Sytron. It’s pronounced ‘citron’, but they just spell it differently to make it seem more exotic, I guess.

Zark tells us that Sytron is remote and inhabited only by seals. But in the files of the Intergalactic Federation, it’s known as Project Zulu. It’s where Earth’s entire supply of galactite hydronium is mined and stored. What is galactite hydronium, you ask?

Well, I don’t know. Zark didn’t tell me. But gosh darn it, it must be important, because there’s a Spectran ship flying over the island, binoculars scout and all.

“Zoltar was right! This is the place!” says the goon piloting the plane, even as the Federation’s missiles miss hitting it.

“Let’s teach these Earthlings a lesson they need!” says the pilot.

“It’s been a long search. I will enjoy this.” says the binoculars goon. The plane swoops down, destroys some of the defense guns, and rushes off with a sample of galactite hydronium.

Finally Zark tells us what this stuff is form. Apparently galactite hydronium is the fuel that powers Earth’s spacecraft, and holds its force fields together.

“Now Spectra has it all!” Zark gasps in horror.

Wait a minute! Spectra has it all? That one tiny container is all of it? I guess so, because the ominous BOTP music is playing.

Even now, on Spectra, Zoltar is presenting the galactite hydronium to the Great Spirit.

“Well done, Zoltar! You shall be rewarded!” the Luminous One says.

“My reward is to serve you.” Zoltar says humbly.

“You hold the destruction of Earth in your hands, Zoltar!” the Great Spirit says. “Use it!”

“This capsule?” Zoltar is astounded.

“Without this capsule of super-concentrated power, the Earthlings are helpless!” the Luminous One announces. “Their rocket ships will be grounded! Their cities will be open to conquer! This is the moment we have awaited! First we shall take Earth, then the rest of the galaxy will fall!”

Wow, the Luminous One likes to dream big.

“Go, and do not return until it is done!” the Great Spirit orders.

“As you say, oh Luminous One!” Zoltar bows.

We now see jellyfish submarines onscreen, as Zark asks if this is ‘the end of Earth’.

“Spectra roaming our planet at will?” Zark moans. “Are we destined to be conquered by an alien race? The only thing that can save us is G-Force!”

We cut to a shot of a bright spot moving through space. Yup, it’s G-Force! Unfortunately, right now they’re on another emergency mission to far outer space!

But I guess they’re coming back, because Zark calls the Phoenix, clearing the Team for re-entry to Earth.

“Sorry to advise you, Team, you’re coming home to another big problem!” Zark informs them. “Your orders are to proceed directly to the island of Sytron! Spectra has struck at our secret galactite hydronium center there. And there are reports that the waters around there are teeming with strange, alien submarines.”

On the main viewscreen, the Phoenix is following the progression of a fleet of battleships.

“Well those ships down there certainly don’t look alien or very strange to me!” Princess says.

“Those are our subchasers moving in to sniff out any alien undersea craft.” Mark replies.

“And you can bet Zoltar’s boys are down there doing a little ‘sniffing’ of their own!” Jason adds.

Captain Purplefish gets a ‘contact’ in his jellyfish sub. He tells the other subs to get into attack formation and increase speed to 60 knots.

On one of the ‘subchasers’, a sailor tells the Captain that an unidentified object is approaching. The sailor talks just like Zoltar. Could it be?

I guess not. The Captain (who sounds like the BOTP announcer) tells the sailor to ‘come hard right’ and the ship turns, avoiding an incoming torpedo.

Onboard the Phoenix, Princess notices this and tells Mark that the subchasers are being torpedoed. Mark tells her to ‘standby’ because they’re going down.

We see burning ships in the water, and one intact ship, next to the Phoenix. Everyone is meeting on the deck of the one intact ship.

“Captain, are you saying you’re the only ship left in the entire fleet?” Mark asks.

“We picked up all the other crews, but if you hadn’t come along, we’d be at the bottom right now.” the Captain says. “How do you stop them?”

“Captain, there’s always been a way to stop Spectra.” Mark says confidently. “And we’ll do it again.”

“Hope you’re right.” says the Captain, but his face is doubtful. “If not, Earth is finished, and so is the rest of the galaxy!”

The Phoenix and the ship press on, but above them Zoltar is flying in a dragonfly ship.

“The Great Spirit is kind!” Zoltar declares. “He gives us G-Force! Once they are destroyed, there will be no one left to stand in our way. Prepare to attack!”

“Aliens, Mark!” Princess says on the Phoenix. “Upstairs! Now transmitting Solar System Code!”

“It has to be Zoltar. Use the Repeller Screen, Tiny!” Mark urges.

The nose of the Phoenix opens and strange yellow gas pours out from in front of Jason’s Spacemobile. It covers the Phoenix and the ship below it.

The Spectran planes shoot, but their missiles turn around in the gas. The Spectran planes fly away, and apparently the missiles don’t hit anything. However a goon reports to Zoltar that the missiles are attacking their own ships. He thinks G-Force did something to their heat sensors.

“We’ll take care of them later.” Zoltar decides. “Right now, get us out of range before those missiles destroy us all!”

On the Phoenix, Mark sees Zoltar’s ships heading for another run on Sytron. Keyop is worried about the miners there, but Princess doesn’t want to leave the subchaser ship undefended.

“It might be just what Zoltar wants us to do!” she says.

“Well, there’s one other thing we can do.” Jason suggests. “One of us has got to try and make it in the mini-sub.”

“Right, Jason.” Mark agrees. “We don’t have much choice. The only question is, who will make the run?”

Well, seeing as the ‘mini-sub’ is really Keyop’s Space Buggy, I don’t think there’s much question about it.

“Me! First choice!” Keyop burbles.

“I don’t know; you’ll be all alone.” Mark hedges.

“Once he’s past the Mendenau Trench, it’s a straight run to Sytron.” Jason says, looking at a map. “Shouldn’t be trouble.”

“All muscle!” Keyop insists. “One man tornado!”

And so Keyop goes out. He sees the Spectran jellyfish subs waiting for him and is dismayed.

“I volunteered!” he says glumly, as he avoids their missiles. The subs capture him in their tentacles, but he cuts himself free and dives for the ground, digging away.

“Mad now!” Keyop says.

On the dragonfly ship, Zoltar is giving orders.

“All squadrons in position! I want every Earthling on this island driven underground and captured!”

The dragonfly’s eye lasers set the island on fire, and a bunch of seals escape. This is despite Zoltar telling his men to circle for another attack, and to let nothing escape.

Underground, the miners are despondent. One falls to the ground in despair, and his lips are moving, but he doesn’t say anything.

Keyop arrives on the island and makes friends with the seals. He suddenly remembers why he’s there and rushes off to help the miners.


Posted by Transmute Jun on 07-09-2009 at 03:36:

After a commercial break, Zark is worrying about Keyop being off on ‘an awfully big job, all by himself’. If only Keyop can devise a way to get all of those men safely away from the hydronium mine, he’ll be a real genius!

Frankly, I don’t understand why Zoltar is there at all. If Spectra already has all of Earth’s galactite hydronium, why isn’t Zoltar attacking major cities? Instead, he’s still at this deserted island full of seals.

Keyop finds the miners, but one of them points a gun at him, calling him a ‘Spectra invader’. Keyop burbles his way through an explanation, saying that he’s G-Force. Frankly, if I were the guy with the gun, Keyop’s speech would make me believe even more that Keyop is an alien invader.

“Going to rescue you!” Keyop broops.

“You?” the miner is shocked. “One little guy like you?’

“Little guy, big ideas!” Keyop insists. “Gotta put old brain to work!”

Of course, ‘putting his brain to work’ means that Keyop contacts Mark on his communicator. But Mark just tells Keyop to ‘do something fast’.

“We’ve intercepted Zoltar’s telecoms. He intends to wipe that island off the map.” Mark tells Keyop, But Keyop gets an idea…

Meanwhile, Zoltar is ordering one more rocket attack before he lands. The dragonfly’s tail falls apart and drops missiles onto the island. Seals leave the island in droves.

Suddenly Zoltar has landed, and the goons are shocked to find that the island’s defenses are all automated. They’re even more shocked to find no one around. Zoltar is furious.

“What do you mean, no prisoners?” he asks. “How could they escape?”

Zoltar tells his men to search again, because the Great Spirit does not tolerate mistakes. There must be some Earthlings on the island!

But there aren’t. They are escaping with the seals. Zark comes on to give a congratulatory speech about Keyop, explaining that Keyop convinced the ‘friendly seals to allow the miners to swim underneath them’.

Keyop is happy with his seal friend in his Space Buggy.

Back on the island…

“Punishment is swift for those who fail the Great Spirit!” Zoltar tells his men. “Humans must be found! If not these, then others! And they must be found quickly!”

Ah, I’ve found them. They’re on the subcatcher ship, and the seals are barking happily.

“You really used your head, Keyop.” Princess smiles proudly.

“Got brains!” Keyop says proudly.

“Wow, now we’re going to have to live with a genius!” Jason says. And while those words seem like they should be spoken sarcastically, Jason’s actually sounding all happy and sincere.

Mark tells everyone that they have to move it. They need to escort the ship home before Zoltar comes back.

Zoltar’s on his way, joining his dragonfly together, even as the subcatcher ship departs, the men waving goodbye to the seals.

“Those seals are something else!” says Tiny. “Those miners would have been in real trouble without them!”

Princess tells Keyop that she knows he misses his little seal. But when she sees the seal still with Keyop, she says that first chance they get, they’re sending him back to his mother.

On the dragonfly, Zoltar orders all ships to being ‘maximum magnification of laser search beam’. The goon at the radar finds them quickly, and identifies that they are projecting a repellor screen.

“We will soon see if they are able to repel our remote-control submarines!” Zoltar says.

Remote control, huh? But earlier we saw goons and Captain Purplefish in them! Did Captain Purplefish take his men and go home?

“We’re heading for the basement, Tiny!” Mark says on the Phoenix. “We’ve got to take out those robot subs.”

Tiny prepares the ship and the Phoenix dives underwater. Between Jason’s shooting and Tiny ramming them, the robot subs are destroyed. But when they emerge from the water, they see the dragonfly ship threatening the subcatcher.

Zoltar demands that G-Force leave their craft and come out unarmed, or he will destroy the subcatcher.

“There are a lot of people on that ship. Be ready for anything.” Mark says, as everyone moves to the elevation platform.

“I am now in control of your subchaser, G-Force!” Zoltar brags, once everyone is out. “You have challenged the will of Spectra, and now you shall feel the terrible wrath of the Great Spirit!”

Keyop moves slightly, and the seal jumps off into the water. This distracts the Spectrans, allowing G-Force to pick up their weapons and move in to attack. The fight scene is cut down, but we do see goons falling into the water, and we actually get a couple of shots of Jason throwing feather shuriken!

Suddenly, everyone has regrouped and Zoltar is running away! G-Force gives chase and Mark throws his boomerang, but he misses. Zoltar escapes in the dragonfly’s nose, ordering the remaining Spectra aircraft to attack ‘Spectra Unit 369’. I guess that’s what they call the dragonfly.

G-Force jumps into the dragonfly, and Tiny jabs madly at the controls looking for the starter.

“Can’t you hurry it up?” Mark asks.

“Not my ship!” Tiny protests.

The dragonfly takes off amid a hail of missiles, but it’s shaking around.

“It’s one of those things! If this was the Phoenix, I’d know which button to push!” Tiny explains.

“Tiny, if you don’t find that button pretty soon, we’re not going to need it!” Jason calls from offscreen. But Tiny has found it. It’s right in front of his face. He slams his fist on it.

Laser beams come out from the dragonfly’s eyes, and Zoltar orders his men to ‘take evasive action at once’ before he flies off. I guess the other Spectran planes flew off too, because we don’t see them anymore, just a few pieces of falling metal.

The men on the subcatcher cheer, and G-Force heads for home, protecting the ship and towing the dragonfly.

On the Phoenix, Keyop asks if Wally the seal can have a medal.

“Of course!” Princess laughs. “He earned a medal.”

“If he hadn’t distracted Zoltar, we’d never have made it.” Mark adds. “He deserves a medal all right.”

Keyop laughs and dances around the seal.

“Rather have a fish!” he burbles.

Zark tells us that all of G-Force deserves medals this time, because they not only defeated Zoltar, but they captured his spaceship, and its crew, and they got back the valuable supply of galactite hydronium.

“They also saved the miners, and that subchaser and it’s crew!” Zark tells 1-Rover-1. “And to top it all off, Keyop has an adorable new pet!”


Rover barks.

“Yes, 1-Rover-1, you’re adorable too,” Zark placates the robot dog. “And you’re my kind of pet.”

“I wonder if you could learn to swim like a seal?” Zark asks, bending over.


Rover’s eyes bug out and shine red at this thought.


“Don’t worry! I won’t let you try until you’re rustproof.” Zark soothes Rover. And on that unsatisfying note, the episode ends.


Posted by gatchamarie on 07-09-2009 at 12:18:

Great recap and comments as always, TJ!

One thing that bugged me about this episode was the ease in which the ISO vessels, which were supposed to be escorted by the SNT, were destroyed! At least, at the end of the episode, this loss was quickly forgotten and brushed away by all the complements for a very successful mission, which, in fact, it was! As for the coral reef ... well it had to be destroyed in order for the ISO ship to be able to save those miners ... or not?!!!!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by Transmute Jun on 07-09-2009 at 14:54:

Clearly destruction of a coral reef wasn't a huge environmental issue in the 70s. Wink

And you make a good point, Marie. It's like the SNT weren't doing their jobs and could have prevented the attack, or at least made it less severe. OTOH, in the episode, it seems like the ships are destroyed so quickly the SNT barely have time to react before the attack is over and done with. But I think the writers of the show wanted to send our a 'moral' to the viewers. The SNT thought the job was boring, and beneath them, and they failed at it, costing human lives. Every task is worth your best effort.

Just a thought...


Posted by clouddancer on 07-09-2009 at 17:16:

Thank you for the write up and screen caps TJ. I had a good laugh at some of your comments.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by lborgia88 on 08-09-2009 at 01:00:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun

in the dark and fog the goons mistake each other for enemies and shoot each other. This is why they’re called ‘goons’.

Great recap, and I love this line! Laugh2

I suppose, after this episode, we must assume that Jinpei takes time out of his schedule every day to go to the zoo and visit Wally the seal, even if this is never shown or ever mentioned again. Who knows? -maybe Joe makes daily visits to the puppy from episode 20 too.

It's interesting that this is the first episode (I think) where the Team acquires an entire (undestroyed) Galactor mecha.

And Ryu almost immediately knows how to fly it! And he fires a bird missile himself in this episode! I agree, WTG Owl. It's a nice change from some early episodes where he would suggest firing bird missiles, only to be told by Ken or Joe why it was a dumb idea!

Posted by Transmute Jun on 08-09-2009 at 01:06:

I agree, this turned out to be a very nice episode for the Owl (despite the Chief Wiggum appearance he has and the long time he spends searching for the 'red button' on the Galactor mecha).

I'm sure Jinpei visits all of the animals every day, if he's not on a mission. And Joe must certainly spend time with the puppy. After all, if he doesn't care, why did he (ultimately) give his life to save it?

I was impressed by capturing a Galactor mecha as well. Imagine the data they could download from its computer banks (although clearly not the location of Galactor Headquarters, sadly) and the information they could obtain about Galactor technology/mecha building design from analyzing its construction!


Posted by tatsunokofan on 08-09-2009 at 01:13:

Hi all!

I suppose I should point out that, in the original, the seal had no name. The name "Wally" is entirely an ADV invention.


Posted by UnpublishedWriter on 08-09-2009 at 03:39:

Snicker, snort!

When I saw Captain Purplefish, I wondered if the designers had been looking at some of Jack Kirby's work. Same with the captain of the Shutterkiller.

I like the episode titles. They remind me of the 'B' movies the folks on MST3K riff on.

BOTP recycled its voice talent. What do you expect with 5 men and one woman?

Benefits, not features; benefits, not features

Posted by gatchamarie on 08-09-2009 at 08:27:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
OTOH, in the episode, it seems like the ships are destroyed so quickly the SNT barely have time to react before the attack is over and done with. But I think the writers of the show wanted to send our a 'moral' to the viewers. The SNT thought the job was boring, and beneath them, and they failed at it, costing human lives. Every task is worth your best effort.

Just a thought...


To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by Transmute Jun on 09-09-2009 at 01:24:

Originally posted by UnpublishedWriter
BOTP recycled its voice talent. What do you expect with 5 men and one woman?

Of course! But it's just another thing to make fun of.... Wink


Posted by UnpublishedWriter on 12-09-2009 at 20:10:

To whoever reviews 'The Devil's Airline': apparently, Jinpei still doesn't get the message about finding a mission beneath them. He mouths off about escorting Director Anderson's plane.

Benefits, not features; benefits, not features

Posted by tatsunokofan on 12-09-2009 at 22:41:

Hi all!

BOTP recycled its voice talent. What do you expect with 5 men and one woman?

Well, they did have a few other actors coming in to do guest voices on occasion. Tayako Fischer, Wendy Young, David Jolliffe, Alan Oppenheimer, William Woodson, and Alan Dinehart, Jr., to be specific. They weren't listed in the regular voice credits, though Joliffe, Oppenheimer, and Woodson did receive credit in the ending used for the pilots. So, they did have a larger cast available to them, but they certainly made the most of their regular cast when they could.

To whoever reviews 'The Devil's Airline': apparently, Jinpei still doesn't get the message about finding a mission beneath them. He mouths off about escorting Director Anderson's plane.

They felt that escorting the Blue Hawk in episode #11 was beneath them as well.


Posted by UnpublishedWriter on 14-09-2009 at 01:57:

I remember Dinehart, Jr in the regular voice cast listing. I was geeky enough to play 'Match the voice' a few times, and by process of elimination, I deduced that he voiced Tiny and Chief Anderson.

I'd forgotten about the Blue Hawk thing. You'd think they'd learn that no job is too small for Galactor to get involved.

Benefits, not features; benefits, not features

Posted by tatsunokofan on 14-09-2009 at 02:54:

Hi all!

I remember Dinehart, Jr in the regular voice cast listing. I was geeky enough to play 'Match the voice' a few times, and by process of elimination, I deduced that he voiced Tiny and Chief Anderson.

Actually, that was Alan Dinehart. Alan Dinehart, Jr. was his son, as well as the Assistant Voice Director for the series.

Okay, to be technically correct, Alan Dinehart was actually Alan Dinehart, Jr., and his son was Alan Dinehart III. Alan Dinehart, Sr. was an actor who passed away in 1944. But, as far as the credits for BotP go, Dinehart, Jr. was listed simply as "Alan Dinehart," while Dinehart III was listed as "Alan Dinehart, Jr."


Posted by Transmute Jun on 14-09-2009 at 12:55:

Originally posted by UnpublishedWriter
I'd forgotten about the Blue Hawk thing. You'd think they'd learn that no job is too small for Galactor to get involved.

Be careful what you say... next think you know, they'll be sent out to clean up the bathroom!

Okay, now I'm thinking about that Japanese show with 'Kagaku Nimpou Park Clean'! ROFL 2

As an interesting point of reference, at the very beginning of the Jigokillers episode, the Team is talking about the 'mysterious disappearances of women' and it is noted that it is the police's job to follow this up. This doesn't stop the guys from all wandering off to investigate anyway, leaving poor Jun to fend for herself. Wink

But my favorite is where Nambu tells them not to attack a Galactor mecha, and then they end up angry in the J, and lay into some of Jun's customers who start ragging on the SNT for not doing their jobs... Wink


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