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Posted by lborgia88 on 03-09-2009 at 13:20:

Gatchaman Episode 44: “Galactor’s Challenge”

[Thank you, Saturn, for the screen caps!]

Gatchaman Episode 44: “Galactor’s Challenge”

BOTP Episode: “Raid on Riga”


This episode begins with Berg Katse standing before Leader X, who is reminding Katse that “Today is your ten month anniversary since becoming Lord of Galactor.”


Now Katse, possibly sensing where Leader X is going with this, says glibly “Has it really been that long? I had no idea it had been that long.”

Leader X continues, “Since then you have yet to defeat the Science Ninja Team. We have lost many Galactor soldiers, thanks to you.”

Yes, Leader X seems to have decided that it’s Employee Performance Evaluation time at Galactor. Katse bows his head respectfully and gives the standard apology and says he’ll defeat them next time…

“Imbecile!” intones Leader X, angrily, and Katse’s head snaps upright in alarm.

Leader X reminds Katse that he formed Galactor to conquer the Earth, and chose Berg Katse, “among thousands,” to be its Lord. “I give you this honour, and you’ve given me disaster!”

Now there’s some panic in Katse’s voice as he pleads that he’s been doing everything he can “to carry out Galactor’s plans.”

“Silence!” rages Leader X, “If that’s your best then you’re the most incompetent fool I’ve ever met!” The image of Leader X goes haywire for an instant, accompanied by harsh noise, and he is gone.


I don’t think Katse is going to get a raise or a bonus.

Katse now walks away, muttering to himself. He’s anxious about his continuing inability to satisfy Leader X and says “I have got to act swiftly or lose my position as Lord of Galactor. I have no choice but to release my new abomination, Archaeo.” He pauses to slam his hands down on a console, vowing “I’ll send them all to the depths of Hell!”

Now we cut to a large hangar inside a Galactor base, somewhere, and the new mecha, Archaeo, is being wheeled forward for inspection by Berg Katse. There’s a Captain of the Week standing there with him, but we don’t get a good look at him yet. Based on its name, and its appearance, I’m going to guess that Archaeo is meant to resemble the prehistoric bird/reptile, Archaeopteryx. The narrator tells that it’s “A terrifying metal beast, equipped with incredible power.”


Katse gloats that he will challenge the God Phoenix with Archaeo, declaring that the God Phoenix is, in comparison, “Nothing but a defenseless dove!” before breaking into evil laughter.

With that, we cut to a view of… doves! (Well, they actually look a lot like pigeons to me –but close enough). Serene, happy music is playing as we see that Ken and Jun are sitting on a bench in a park, with a scenic view of mountains, watching the birds.


“Oh, they’re so cute,” says Jun.

“Birds have such peaceful lives. Parents and their young, always together, you know?” says Ken.


My, what subtle foreshadowing! Gosh, could this mean… ?

Joe is standing some distance away, and he is less impressed.

“Come on, you guys really want to spend our only time off looking at some stupid birds?” he grouses (hey, I’m keeping with the bird theme here!) Joe might still be thinking of the “dove” mecha from episode 43, though.


But now Jinpei comes rushing up to Ken, yelling “Listen to this, it’s urgent!” All the birds fly away in fright, causing Ken to scowl and Jun to complain “Nimrod, you scared all the birds away!”


“To heck with the birds!” replies Jinpei, “Listen to this!” He holds up a small portable radio, and we hear a news announcer say “There are hundreds of dead and wounded here in Moroi City! Officials suspect that Galactor is behind today’s horrible-”

“It’s Galactor!” says Ken, as the broadcast continues. “I don’t get it,” says Jun, “Why haven’t we heard anything from Dr. Nambu yet?” Ken is puzzled by that too, but decides that they should all head back to Base. He stands up, looking around, and asks “Where’s Ryu?”

Ryu is trying to pick up a chick. Okay, a girl (enough bird references). He’s nervously twisting one finger against the palm of his other hand, and telling her “Well, I… um, I think that you’re, um… uh… really very pretty. Do you come here often?”


That’s not a very original line, but the girl responds pleasantly, “Yes, I do. I love taking long walks over here every day.” “Every day?” says a blushing Ryu, “I could be here every day…”

It does seem like Ryu might really be getting somewhere with this girl, and they look all cozy sitting by that tree together, but now Jinpei comes running up to him, shouting “There’s an emergency –we’re heading back!”


Lost in romantic reverie, it takes Ryu a moment to process what Jinpei’s just said –and he’s not happy when he does. “What, no way! This crap always happens to me!” he complains. I don’t know, Ryu, so far she isn’t dead and she hasn’t turned out to be a Galactor agent, so you’re having better luck than Joe.

Now we cut to Moroi City, where Archaeo is on a rampage. As it flies past some tall city buildings, it sends beams from its eyes that cause one building to collapse into rubble, while crushing the top of another building with one of its claws. Fires are burning throughout the city and panicked citizens are running in the streets, and getting crushed by falling pieces of debris from the damaged buildings.


Tanks, presumably part of the UN Forces, are firing on Archaeo but of course they accomplish nothing and are swiftly destroyed.

“Moroi City,” says the narrator, as we see still more buildings get shattered to pieces by the beams from Archaeo, “This city was specially constructed by the ISO to be able to withstand earthquakes up to magnitude ten. However, Galactor’s new mecha, Archaeo, was able to destroy it as if it were made of paper.”


Now UN fighter jets are firing missiles at Archaeo, but the missiles have no effect and Archaeo easily destroys the jets with its beams, or crushes them with its claws.


But now, Archaeo begins emitting some kind of “force field”-type energy that causes the jets to veer erratically and crash into one another. This scene ends with a still shot of Archaeo in flight.

Now we see that same shot on a screen at the Crescent Coral Base, and Dr. Nambu is turning off the screen.


The Team, in their civvies, is all gathered about and Dr. Nambu informs them that they have just watched footage of Galactor’s new mecha, Archaeo, attacking Moroi City. “As you can see,” he says, “It uses a powerful shock wave to destroy anything and everything in its path.” Dr. Nambu then adds that Galactor has also issued a warning that they will launch a full-scale attack the Usoda Peninsula, tomorrow.

Ken’s reaction is surprise that Galactor is giving advance notice of their target, but Joe says that “It’s not the first time that Galactor has called in an attack. They must not think very much of us!” Ryu wonders how Galactor can manage to keep producing new mechas, and concedes it’s “ballsy of them to keep trying, over and over.” “They may be ballsy, but they’re not too bright,” says Joe, eager for a fight. He wants to head for the Usoda Peninsula immediately, and urges Dr. Nambu to give the order.

But, Dr. Nambu replies “No, this mission is too dangerous,” and everyone goes “Huh?!”


Dr. Nambu explains “There’s no way the God Phoenix can defeat Archaeo. If you go out there, you’ll be repelled by the shock wave and blown to pieces!”

“We can’t just sit back and watch,” protests Ken, “We’ve got to do something; there’s got to be a way to defeat it!” But Dr. Nambu remains adamant, and says the only thing to do is evacuate the cities that Galactor plans to attack, and that the UN will handle that.

But Ken’s not accepting this. “No way, man! We can’t just let Galactor push around!” he says, getting angry now. Again, Dr. Nambu is unmoved, but now Ken’s really angry and brandishing a fist.

“If I wasn’t ready to die in action, I’d have quit already! Hey, nobody’s going to cry for this soldier!”


“What are you saying?” demands a somewhat alarmed Dr. Nambu, “Your father-”

Ooh, a hint! Ken’s eyes widen.

“I mean, if your father were alive,” Dr. Nambu quickly rephrases, “He wouldn’t want you going on this mission. You’re being reckless and stubborn!”

This does seem to be the episode for leaders to get criticized by their superiors!

“Now, you’re not going and that’s that!” concludes Dr. Nambu, sounding like many a parent to many a teenager, I am sure.

Posted by lborgia88 on 03-09-2009 at 13:33:

Joe’s clearly not happy with Dr. Nambu’s decision and the prospect of “Spending the afternoon staring at these walls again,” but he grudgingly sits down on the couch beside Ryu.

Dr. Nambu, still trying to make his case, points out that lately Galactor has been focusing specifically on trying to destroy the Science Ninja Team. “So why should you walk right into their trap?” he demands.

Well, according to Ken, they should because “Somebody has to stand up to them! Isn’t that why the Team was formed?”

Dr. Nambu turns his back on Ken and folds his arms. “I refuse to let you throw your lives away,” he says.

“But, Doctor!” protests Ken, moving towards him.


But Dr. Nambu turns quickly to face him. “Ken, I said no!” he declares sternly, making a blocking gesture with his arm and hand for emphasis.

“But, Doctor…” says Ken again, yet this time he seems to finally accept that Dr. Nambu isn’t going to change his mind.

So now it’s the next day, and Archaeo is flying through the sky. On screen, Katse wants to know if the Science Ninja Team has shown up yet.


We’re able to finally get a good look at the Captain of the Week, as he replies “No, we’re almost to the Usoda Peninsula but there’s no sign.” He’s got an interesting helmet –it swoops back and tapers to a point, as if its wearer were moving at extremely high speed.

Katse concludes that the Team has “chickened out” (ADV’s Katse is keeping up the bird theme) but he doesn’t seem too disappointed, and orders the Archaeo to attack the Usoda Peninsula at once. We see Archaeo closing in on it, and then we cut to Ken and the others.

“Meanwhile, the Team sat helpless, locked inside the Crescent Coral Reef,” says the narrator, “Dr. Nambu had made up his mind, and time passed idly by.” Okay, I really don’t think they’re literally “locked” in (although Dr. Nambu, after episode 22 with the dragon mecha, ought to know that Ken’s not likely to stay put…) but you’d think that they could be doing something more diverting than just sitting there (or staring at fish). Maybe they’re too depressed and frustrated to bother.


Jinpei, however, is getting stir crazy. He pounds the wall with his fists, and demands “Are we really going to sit around staring at each other and let Galactor push us around like this?”

Joe is sitting very still, like one who’s inwardly seething. Without even turning his to look at Jinpei, he says “Look, Jinpei, there’s nothing we can do about the Doctor’s permission. You might as well just sit back and relax. In the meantime, thousands of people are going to die, just like my mother and father did…”

“Joe, stop talking like that!” cries Jun, clutching her head in frustration and despair.

“Fine, then I’ll shut up,” Joe retorts, looking her way. Or is he looking past her, at Ken?

“Ryu,” says Ken now, still staring out the window at the fish, “How far is it to the Usoda Peninsula?”

“Ken?” says Joe, instantly on his feet. I think this is just what he was hoping to provoke.


“Ken, are you disobeying orders?” asks Jun, looking a bit nervous.

Ken turns around now, fist clenched. “You know what? If the Science Ninja Team can’t protect the Earth from Galactor, I might as well quit!”

“I’ve been waiting for you to come around, my man,” drawls Joe, who is never too concerned about obeying orders, and Ryu is also ready to “take down those bastards or die trying.” Jinpei chimes in with an enthusiastic “Yeah!”

That just leaves Jun.

“Are you picking up what I’m putting down?” Ken asks, pointing a finger at her.


“Well I’m not staying here and missing all the fun,” she replies.

“Of course I’ll go, Ken,” coos Ryu mockingly, “I’ll put my life on the line just to-”


He’s silenced with an “Oof!” as Jun elbows him hard in the ribs.


Really, Ryu was pretty much just mimicking what she told Ken back in episode 22, in a nearly identical situation, but it’s nice to see that she won’t stand for being teased!

“I never knew you were so strong,” gasps Ryu weakly.

“As leader of the Science Ninja Team, I order you to launch the God Phoenix immediately!” declares Ken now, and the rest of them all go “Roger!”

Next, we see all five Ninjas, in birdstyle, running down a corridor of the Base past an open door.


Dr. Nambu comes rushing out of that room and calls angrily after them “Wait! Where are you going? Don’t be foolish, Ken! Don’t disobey me!” but they keeping on running.


Why is this all reminding me of “The Breakfast Club”?

Now we see the stock footage God Phoenix leaving the Crescent Coral Base underwater and then surfacing to fly through the sky. On the bridge, Vice Principal Nambu is demanding they return to detention… No, really he’s warning them that Archaeo is more powerful than any mecha they’ve faced before, and telling them “You’ll all be killed! Get back here now!”

(It also looks like they’ve tossed out everything on the bridge except Ken and Ryu’s chairs, at least in this screencap!)


Ken calmly informs him that they have made up their minds and asks him not to interfere. “This is an order, return to base!” continues Dr. Nambu, but Ken turns off the screen and we briefly see Dr. Nambu, back at the Base, staring helplessly at a blank screen.


Now the God Phoenix is approaching the Usoda Peninsula. On board Archaeo, the God Phoenix is detected on a radar screen and the Captain eagerly informs Katse (who’s on screen) that “the Science Ninja Team is here!”


“This time make sure you give them all a one way ticket to oblivion,” instructs Katse, smiling.

The Captain insists that they’re ready, and attempts his own evil laugh.


So now the Science Ninjas are all watching Archaeo’s approach on the main view screen.


Ken warns Ryu to watch out for its shock wave (and Ryu replies he’s “already on it”) and tells Joe to fire some bird missiles at it.

Joe, naturally, likes this plan and heads right for the red button.


However, Archaeo gets the jump on them. Several missiles now come shooting out of the beak of Archaeo’s head, heading for the God Phoenix. Ryu dodges them, and now Joe smashes the glass cover over the bird missile button (why do they even bother replacing that cover?) and shoots off some of his own.


However, Archaeo is still firing more missiles, and these collide with the bird missiles.

“Damn, they intercepted our missiles with its own!” says Joe. He fires more bird missiles and this time Archaeo catches them with its claws and beak before they can impact and explode, and then hurls them back at the God Phoenix.

Now, a whole swarm of small jets emerge from Archaeo and head for the God Phoenix.


“It’s an aircraft carrier!” says Ken, very surprised.

The jets swoop and fly closely all around the God Phoenix now, emitting trails of smoke.


Soon the God Phoenix is enveloped in smoke and Ryu can’t see where he’s flying.


Ken orders him to take the God Phoenix up, full power, but now Archaeo has begun emitting its shock wave.

The shock wave floods the bridge. Everyone cries out in agony.




The God Phoenix’s intake flaps are blown off, and instruments’ needles go haywire. All the Ninjas are losing consciousness. Katse laughs in triumph at the image of a damaged God Phoenix, trailing flames from its engines, headed for impact with the ocean’s surface.


The God Phoenix lands on the surface, but on the bridge, everyone is sprawled about, still unconscious, and water is flooding in where the flaps are missing.


Posted by Transmute Jun on 03-09-2009 at 13:42:

The recap looks great so far, LB! I am remembering this episode vividly because I re-wrote it as part of my Ties That Bind story. Should I admit that I thought the mecha was 'RKO' until I looked at the subtitles? Sigh... Doh2

Why doesn't the CotW have a nose? His face is flat with an arrow pointing toward his mouth... weird!!! It's like a Bizarro version of the Flash. I think he's Captain Bizarro Flash. Wink

And is it just me, or in this pictures are everyone's legs far too long?


Looking forward to the rest!


Posted by lborgia88 on 03-09-2009 at 13:43:

Now, cracks appear on the walls of the bridge, and water bursts in. Lying on the floor, Ken’s face is soon covered by water.

Katse now orders his Captain to finish off the God Phoenix and its now-helpless Ninjas, and he fires a barrage of missiles at it.



Katse now demonstrates to his Captain how a real villain does evil laughter…

Commercial Break!

The missiles are closing in on the God Phoenix, but suddenly they all explode in a ball of flame before reaching it. Katse demands an explanation, and now we see the three jets of the Red Impulse Team in the sky.


Red Impulse himself orders an attack on Archaeo now, and the RI jets begin firing their missiles at it.


Archaeo dodges them, but the Captain now explains to Katse that the Red Impulse Team is attacking and asks for instructions.

“Damn it, we were so close too,” growls Katse, lip curled, “We have no choice, hurry and call off the attack.”


What? No choice? What makes the RI Team’s missiles so special that Archaeo is afraid of them, but easily dealt with the Science Ninjas’ bird missiles? And why isn’t Archaeo attacking the RI Team with its shock wave now?

At any rate, Archaeo flies away, and Red Impulse orders his Team to cease their attack on it, and go rescue the Science Ninjas.

(And hurry up, too, because Ken’s about to drown!)

“You stupid kids!” yells Dr. Nambu, back at the Crescent Coral Base, banging his fist on his desk, “The only reason Galactor sent you that challenge was because they knew they would defeat you!”


The Science Ninjas are all present, in their civvies, but Ken’s in the fore, closest to Dr. Nambu’s desk. “Attacking an enemy without knowing its abilities isn’t courageous, it’s dumb!” continues Dr. Nambu. If it’s Employee Performance Evaluation time at the Crescent Coral Base, then they aren’t faring well. But, it’s not like they get paid anything anyway.

Ken points out that they were able to save the Usoda Peninsula “from being totally destroyed” –which is a very good point, but Dr. Nambu is having none of it.

“I’ve had enough of your foolish pride,” he growls and demands to know what Ken thinks would have happened if Red Impulse hadn’t shown up to save them.

Ken doesn’t like that question one bit, and glares at him.

“You’re right, Sir, Red Impulse has always been better than us! We just can’t seem to do anything right!” With that, he takes off his bracelet and puts it on Dr. Nambu’s desk.


You’ve just explained, Ken, why Red Impulse and his Team so often annoy me whenever they show up. That, and the fact that whenever RI himself is around, your own behaviour seems to deteriorate. Taking off your bracelet here just seems like the act of a petulant kid.

“What the hell are you doing?” demands Dr. Nambu. I don’t really blame him.

“Why don’t you just let Red Impulse wear this stupid bracelet!” yells Ken, “You don’t need our help anymore, do you?” I must admit I don’t really blame him either.

I guess I can only try to blame the writers, for creating this situation in the first place.

Now Ken turns his back on Dr. Nambu, facing the others. Jinpei is nervously saying “Um, Big Bro…”


Dr. Nambu now says “I’ve had enough of your attitude. You’re not leaving this room until I give you permission!” and he stalks out the door.

Yup, you know that Red Impulse is around when Gatchaman, the “White Shadow” and “Champion of Justice” is being dismissed with lines that any parent might deliver to a sullen teenager. Sigh…

With Dr. Nambu gone, Jun wonders if Ken took things too far, saying “I’ve never seen the Doctor that angry.” Ryu says that Dr. Nambu’s only acting that way “Because he cares about us.”

“What’s up with you, Ken?” asks Joe, cutting to the heart of the matter, “I mean, you always get so bent out of shape when the Doctor brings up Red Impulse.”

“That’s not it,” retorts Ken, “I just hate being constantly compared to that guy!” Staring up at the ceiling he adds, “It just pisses me off!”

Now we see Dr. Nambu showing a photograph of Archaeo to Red Impulse, explaining that it emits shock waves “which destroys everything in its path. The only way we can defeat it is to stop them somehow.”


But Red Impulse has his mind on Ken more than Archaeo.

Red Impulse says “I can’t believe that Ken went up against it without a thought for his safety. Irresponsible punk.”


But now Dr. Nambu says that RI was equally irresponsible at Ken’s age and adds “I guess it’s in his blood.”

“Maybe so, but you raised him well for me,” replies the senior Washio.

Yes, it’s finally being openly stated that Red Impulse really is Ken’s father! I wonder if there was anyone who was surprised by this when the episode first aired. I doubt it, as there were so many hints along the way…

“Honestly, it’s kind of sad,” adds RI, turning away from Dr. Nambu now, “He’s grown up without ever knowing the love of his father or his mother.” Coming from the guy who beat the crap out of his son just four episodes ago, I’m not sure it’s all that sad! And I think Ken’s mother was alive until he was eleven –eleven years isn’t “never.”

Dr. Nambu doesn’t say anything in response, though he could well be thinking “Sad? What am I? Chopped liver?”

But now Red Impulse tells Dr. Nambu that he wants to take the Science Ninja Team away with him for awhile. He’ll only say that he has an idea, but that the Team will need “intensive training” first. Dr. Nambu agrees to this, saying that “It will be good for father and son to get the chance to fly together for once.” Yes, just like those pigeons Ken was watching in the park.

So now both Dr. Nambu and Red Impulse enter the room where the Science Ninjas are. Joe and Jun look like they’re having a little conversation –probably about Ken.


Jinpei snarks that they’re probably about to receive another lecture, as Dr. Nambu says “Listen up, everyone.”

He and Red Impulse then announce that the Ninjas will be undergoing some intensive training at the hands of the Red Impulse Team. This doesn’t go over well.

“What are you talking about,” says Ryu, “We never needed training before so why now?”

But Dr. Nambu merely instructs them to prepare for immediate departure and then he and Red Impulse both leave the room.

Joe scowls, clenches a fist, and declares “You’ve got to be shitting me! We don’t need no stinking training!”


I still remember watching this episode for the first time with my nephew, and the look of unholy glee that crossed his face when he heard Joe using a “bad word” like that. In the subbed version, though, he says “You’ve got to be kidding! We don’t need any more training! I don’t like this.”

“Cool your jets, Joe,” say Ken now, pleased (and seemingly forgetting that he was the one really losing his cool not that long ago), “This will give us a chance to check out Red Impulse and see what makes them tick.” And then Ken runs excitedly out of the room, presumably to go pack, I guess.

In his wake, Ryu is bewildered, wondering why Ken suddenly seems happy now.

We now see Red Impulse’s secret base, hidden (the narrator informs us) on an island in the South Seas.


Near a beach, Joe, Jun, Jinpei and Ryu (in civvies) are lined up and facing the other two men in the Red Impulse Team.


One of them orders them all to run three laps around the island, causing Ryu to groan “Again?’ and complain “We’ve been running for a whole week already!”


So, some time has passed since their arrival.

But soon all four of them are running, and Ryu is gasping that he’ll never complain about being left behind on the God Phoenix again.


As for Ken, the narrator informs us that he’s been receiving training from the Red Impulse commander himself, as we see a RI jet and Ken’s G-1 flying around the island.


“Let’s go,” says RI, and he swoops his jet towards a tall, steep point of rock on the island. But, just before colliding with it, he pulls his jet up, hard, and flies straight up in the air.


Next, it’s Ken’s turn to try this maneuver. “I’ll stick with you, no matter what,” he says, looking determined. Ken struggles a bit with his jet’s controls when it’s time to pull up hard.


Posted by lborgia88 on 03-09-2009 at 13:54:

But he seems to do the maneuver successfully, although there are beads of sweat all over his face.

They’re communicating by radio and Red Impulse says they’re going to do it again. Ken snaps “Hey, how many times are you going to make me do the same thing?” but RI barks “Stop complaining! Follow me.”

So, Red Impulse flies again towards that tall, steep point of rock and repeats the maneuver in his jet. When it’s Ken’s turn, he’s struggling even more now and this time he blacks out.


His jet goes into a spin.

“Ken!” cries Red Impulse, “Pull up! Pull yourself up!”


Ken’s lucid again, and he manages to get his G-1 back under control –just in time to realize that he’s speeding straight at that tall, steep point of rock. This time when he tries to pull up hard, he doesn’t quite succeed and his jet veers off to the side, striking the rock face and sustaining damage.


As Red Impulse cries out “Ken!” in horror, we see an image of Ken, suspended in blackness, falling…


Dr. Nambu is there in the blackness that is Ken’s thoughts, declaring “You’re not good enough to defeat Galactor,” and Katse is there too, mocking him. Finally, the Red Impulse of Ken’s subconscious intones “Is that all you’ve got, Science Ninja Team? You’re a joke, Ken!” They’re all laughing…

Now we see Ken’s head on a pillow, eyes closed, and he’s grimacing, still hearing their laughter. Abruptly, he snaps upright in the bed with a cry of “Shut up! I’m not going to lose!”

“Good, you’re awake.” Red Impulse is in the room too.

Ken asks “What happened?” and “Where am I?” and is told “You blacked out, kid.”


“What, I blacked out?”

“When you ascend or descend too quickly, your body doesn’t have time to adjust so its defense is to black out. I’m sorry, I guess I pushed you too hard, kid.”

Ken asks about his G-1 and RI tells him there was no major damage and that he’s sure it’s all repaired now.

Ken leaps up from the bed now, grimly determined, and says “Then let’s do it again –I won’t lose to you-”


But a spasm of pain hits him and he clutches his head, groaning.


“Are you okay?” asks RI, and Ken yells “I’m fine! Just lay off me!”


“Don’t strain yourself, kid. Just rest for awhile,” says RI, adding “Don’t be so stubborn.”

Hmm, he actually might be trying to show some compassion here, but it’s coming across as condescension to Ken.

“I may be stubborn,” says an angry looking Ken, “But for all I know, I got it from my old man!”

At that, we get a close up view of Red Impulse’s face, and we hear him think “Ken…”

Next, we see all five Ninjas on the beach, watching the sun set.


Jinpei picks up a rock, complaining “How long are we going to be trapped on this ugly old island?” He flings his rock, making it skip across the water’s surface.

“Yeah, I’m itching for a fight with those Galactor bastards,” snarls Ryu, also throwing a rock. His just goes “plunk” on the water’s surface and sinks though.

Ken suddenly has an “aha!” moment.

“There’s got to be a way to fight that thing,” says Joe, leaning against a tree and frowning, “If only we could break through that shock wave.”

Ken now picks up three rocks.


He throws the first two and makes them skip, like Jinpei’s did, but then he throws third one differently and it sinks immediately, like Ryu’s.

“That’s it!” he says, “I get it now! So there is a way that we can get inside that shock wave!”

“Huh?” says everyone else, turning to stare at Ken.


“And that’s why he kept making me repeat that same flying stunt,” says Ken, smiling now as he remembers speeding his jet towards that tall, sharp point of rock and then pulling up abruptly. “Old Iron Britches knew exactly how to break through the shock wave all along. Huh, that’s pretty solid.”

“Solid”? I’m thinking that if he knew, he could have just told Ken -a week ago!

Now Red Impulse is talking to an on-screen Dr. Nambu, who’s telling him that Galactor has issued another challenge, and that it’s going to attack the UN Headquarters this time. It’s been very obliging of Galactor, I must say, to refrain from any attacks for this long, while the Science Ninja Team was away doing “intensive training.”

Red Impulse is commenting that that’s a bold move on Galactor’s part, but Ken’s voice breaks in, “Commander, we accept their challenge.” Ken and the rest are all standing behind him now, and heard what Dr. Nambu was saying.


“If we hit the right entry angle, then we should be able to break through the shock wave,” says Ken, confidently and sounding a lot more like his normal self.

“What?” says Red Impulse.

“You taught me well, Commander. Let me rock and roll,” says Ken, smiling in anticipation.

So, Red Impulse turns to the on-screen Dr. Nambu and assures him that the Science Ninjas are prepared now, and that the Red Impulse Team will be there to back them up. It’s never explained how making Joe, Jun, Jinpei and Ryu run laps around the island for a week is going to help them better defeat Archaeo, however.

Dr. Nambu is persuaded, and says he will pray for their success! He wants them “to be careful out there” too, though.

So now, the God Phoenix takes off from the island and so do all three of the Red Impulse jets.

As they’re cruising along, Ken asks Jun to give him one of her yoyo time bombs, so she does.



“What are you going to do with it?” she asks as she hands it to him.


Ken merely says that he’s “got a little idea,” and he puts the time bomb inside his birdrang, just as Ryu calls out that Archaeo is right ahead of them.


Red Impulse tells Ken that his Team will “take care of the fighter jets,” and sure enough, just then Archaeo sends out a whole bunch of the same jets that enveloped the God Phoenix in smoke during their first encounter. This time around, the Red Impulse Team shoots them all down before they have a chance to try that again.

“Those infernal pests! Finish them off!” protests Archaeo’s Captain, watching this happen.


Now, Archaeo begins emitting the shock waves.

“You’re going to have to dive into that shock wave at an exact angle of forty-five degrees,” Ken is telling Ryu, while standing right beside his chair, his hand on Ryu’s shoulder.

“Forty-five?” he asks.

“It’s just like a stone skipping on the surface of the water,” says Ken, remembering that beach in the South Seas, “If we hit at the right angle, we should be able to enter it without being repelled. Forty-five degrees exactly!”

Jun wants to know what will happen once they’re inside. Ken isn’t positive, but he thinks conditions should be normal then. “I just hope that I’m not wrong,” he adds quietly as we get a close up of his eyes, “Because if I am, this may be our last mission.”

Now the Red Impulse Team explodes missiles directly in front of Archaeo, obscuring the enemy’s view, and Ken tells Ryu to get behind Archaeo. With Archaeo now temporarily fixated on pursuing the Red Impulse jets, the God Phoenix makes its move.

“Don’t hit it at the wrong angle or we’ll bounce right off,” Ken tells Ryu, who says “Have no fear, Ryu is here.”

The God Phoenix dives through Archaeo’s shock waves at the correct angle. They’re all gasping and straining from the waves’ effect, but they make it through okay and they’re all still conscious and the God Phoenix is undamaged.


Ken wants Ryu to take the God Phoenix up behind Archaeo now, to land on its deck (it is an aircraft carrier, after all, so it has one).


However, the God Phoenix is still in a forty-five degree dive and Ryu is having trouble pulling her up. Some panic ensues as it looks like they might collide with Archaeo.


Posted by lborgia88 on 03-09-2009 at 13:59:

Ken tells Ryu to pull harder and grasps the lever himself to aid Ryu’s efforts. Together, they succeed.



Ken now stands on the open dome of the God Phoenix, while it’s still rushing along the top of Archaeo. If this were Gatch F, he’d have a big, mecha-slicing sword. But it’s Gatch I so instead he hurls his birdrang such that it hits and sticks into Archaeo. They depart Archaeo’s back now, swooping in front of it. Inside Archaeo’s control room, a goon cries “It’s the God Phoenix!” while the Captain stares, bewildered. “What did they do up there?” he demands.

Well, now we see Ken’s birdrang, still stuck in Archaeo’s back, and it explodes.


The explosion tears through Archaeo. Inside the control room, an on-screen Katse is yelling “What is happening? What’s going on?” but a chunk of flying rubble smashes the screen and Katse’s image is gone.


Now more explosions obliterate Archaeo completely, and hunks of flaming debris go flying past the God Phoenix as it flies away from the destruction. As we see all the Ninjas on the bridge of the God Phoenix, looking very relieved, the narrator proclaims their victory but also says “Too bad that Ken has no idea that Red Impulse himself is really the father he’s always dreamed of.”

And, of course, no one's going to tell him... yet.


“You did well, Gatchaman,” says Red Impulse as he flies along in his jet, “You deserve this victory after all this hard training. Give my regards to the Doc. See you around…”


I must say, I like the Red Impulse Team much better when they stay in the background, like this, and merely provide support to the Science Ninja Team and its able leader, Ken, while the Ninjas carry out the mission’s goal!

Ken’s now staring into the sunset from the God Phoenix’s bridge, watching the Red Impulse Team fly away, and he thinks “Thanks, man.”


The final shot is the God Phoenix flying across the sun-streaked sky.

The End.

Posted by gatchamarie on 03-09-2009 at 18:44:

Great recap again LB and Saturn!

I agree that this was surely an episode in which there was a lot of scolding from superiors! Personally, I like it when Ken disobeys orders! It makes things more interesting and it also makes a happy Joe!

I too wonder, and find it difficult to digest, how Galactor retreited when RI arrived at the damaged God Phoenix scene ... and if Galactor were afraid so much of RI and RI knew how to destroy the mecha then why didn't he in the first place try to do so! Maybe he didn't want to take all the glory from Gatchaman?! I would have also been frustrated if I were one of the other four team members that had to run as part of their training! It was obvious that RI wanted to train specifically Ken as their leader but please, not jogging!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by tatsunokofan on 03-09-2009 at 21:08:

Hi all!

I would have also been frustrated if I were one of the other four team members that had to run as part of their training! It was obvious that RI wanted to train specifically Ken as their leader but please, not jogging!

While jogging was certainly part of their training, you might recall that I mentioned in the Red Impulse "Character of the Week" thread that the scenario draft first written for this story included several scenes of Masaki putting the Ninja Team through their paces like a Drill Instructor that did not survive to the final aired version.

These scenes were to take place at the same point in the story where we see Masaki order Joe, Jun, Jinpei, and Ryu to jog around the island. Rather than taking place after they have been there for a week, this was when they first arrived on the island. As the Red Impulse Captain takes Ken off for his training, the rest of the Ninja Team are left with Masaki.

At first, Joe refuses to listen to Masaki's orders, and is finally angered enough to punch the Red Impulse member. Amazingly, the punch doesn't even cause Masaki to flinch. With grudging respect, Joe, Jun, Jinpei, and Ryu then submit to Masaki's training regimen, which includes marathon-length runs, mental concentration exercises while sitting under a freezing cold waterfall, training in gymnastics, boxing, and wrestling, and time spent in a centrifuge.

It's unfortunate that these scenes were eliminated from the episode, but I suspect that they were dropped because they took up too much time. The closest we come to seeing them is from the coverage of this episode in the September, 1973 issue of TV-Land magazine, where they used a few of these deleted concepts as part of their illustrations. These included the marathon running and the centrfuge:


Withstanding the extreme G-forces, and mental concentration exercises:


And, of course, Ken receiving his special flight training with Red Impulse:


With their new training complete, the Science Ninja Team is once again ready to take on Gallactor.



Posted by clouddancer on 03-09-2009 at 23:07:

Thank you LB for your great recap. This is another of those eps I remember from my childhood.

Thank you too James for your information and those images. I do remember you mentioning that in the earlier thread. I had always assumed there was more to the training than just the running that we see, although I never figured out myself why RI would have a better training regime than Nambu would have.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 04-09-2009 at 01:04:

The rest of the recap was great too, LB! And you raised a lot of good questions about interesting plot holes... which is why I had fun writing this episode up for my fic. Wink

And James, thank you for posting those pictures of the 'deleted scenes'. I agree having the Team train on the island makes a lot more sense, but I still agree with LB's comment that if Red Impulse knew how to defeat Archaeo all along, why didn't he just do it? My theory is that he didn't know, and was just lookinbg to spend some time flying with Ken, potentially to work Ken's anger out, and that's why he left the other 4 ninja with Masaki and Onishii.

JMHO... Wink


Posted by tatsunokofan on 04-09-2009 at 01:15:

Hi all!

I still agree with LB's comment that if Red Impulse knew how to defeat Archaeo all along, why didn't he just do it?

It seems to me that he did know how, but lacked the proper equipment to do so. It could be that smaller, more fragile planes, like those used by the Red Impulse Squadron, couldn't survive flying through the barrier surrounding Archaeo, while a larger, sturdier ship, such as the God Phoenix, could make it. Once the God Phoenix was repaired, of course. And while that was going on, Red Impulse and his men used the time to give the Science Ninja Team the specialized training they would need so they could survive passing through the barrier as well.


Posted by UnpublishedWriter on 04-09-2009 at 01:47:

Red Impulse

From the moment Cronus turned up on BOTP, I suspected that Big Red was supposed to be like Racer X on 'Speed Racer': an enigmatic hero who turns up to save the day or impart advice. Naturally, he would be related to Mark/Ken in some way. Shoot, both characters wear red!

In the commentary, the voice actor says he was trying for a swashbuckling sort of voice. It plainly didn't always match what was happening on the screen.

I WANT to like this character, but it's hard to like him the way he's written. My own fanfic efforts aren't very good, from lack of confidence. I was trying to show that Kentaro Washio was a good man who gave up his comfortable, happy life for the good of his homeland (and, by extension, his family and the planet). At the time, Nambu had only crumbs to work with, not enough to set Interpol or any other agency on the trail, so Kentaro volunteered.

(Spoiler on my fanfics: When I get to deploying the team, Kentaro will embark on his most difficult mission yet --- telling Ken who he is. Yes, Ken will know his father is alive and well before the Turtle King even attacks. And Oniishi will hit on everyone.)

Benefits, not features; benefits, not features

Posted by tatsunokofan on 04-09-2009 at 02:03:

Hi all!

From the moment Cronus turned up on BOTP, I suspected that Big Red was supposed to be like Racer X on 'Speed Racer': an enigmatic hero who turns up to save the day or impart advice. Naturally, he would be related to Mark/Ken in some way. Shoot, both characters wear red!

Actually, Racer X wore mostly white, not red, as you can see:


Regardless, you're right, Red Impulse is essentially another Racer X-type character.


Posted by lborgia88 on 04-09-2009 at 11:02:

RE: Red Impulse

Originally posted by UnpublishedWriter
From the moment Cronus turned up on BOTP, I suspected that Big Red was supposed to be like Racer X on 'Speed Racer': an enigmatic hero who turns up to save the day or impart advice. Naturally, he would be related to Mark/Ken in some way.

Good point! I guess it was never meant to be a big, shocking plot twist. Just as in Gatchaman II, Joe appeared in the opening credits from the first episode on, so it was no secret he'd be returning from the dead -just a matter of how and when. In fact, from a dramatic perspective, it's probably best that the viewer is let in on the secret of Red Impulse (via many blatant hints) so they can feel for Ken, who thinks he can never know his father but actually does, and wonder what will happen if/when Ken does find out the truth.

And Oniishi will hit on everyone.)

Everyone? That sounds interesting! And he's mute too, so he'll have to do it without words...

Posted by lborgia88 on 04-09-2009 at 11:14:

Originally posted by tatsunokofan
With grudging respect, Joe, Jun, Jinpei, and Ryu then submit to Masaki's training regimen, which includes marathon-length runs, mental concentration exercises while sitting under a freezing cold waterfall, training in gymnastics, boxing, and wrestling, and time spent in a centrifuge.

It's unfortunate that these scenes were eliminated from the episode, but I suspect that they were dropped because they took up too much time.

Thanks for the pictures, James! It does make a lot more sense that they would be doing training that seems geared towards resisting physical stress, such as that of Archaeo's shock wave. I suppose the writers could have at least given Ryu a line of dialogue where he mentions some of this training (in addition to complaining about all the jogging).

Posted by lborgia88 on 04-09-2009 at 11:24:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
I agree having the Team train on the island makes a lot more sense, but I still agree with LB's comment that if Red Impulse knew how to defeat Archaeo all along, why didn't he just do it? My theory is that he didn't know, and was just lookinbg to spend some time flying with Ken, potentially to work Ken's anger out, and that's why he left the other 4 ninja with Masaki and Onishii.

JMHO... Wink

That's a good theory. It sounds as though, in the episode's original outline, the Ninjas still would have had to stay on the island several days just to undergo all those different forms physical training intended to help them resist the shock wave effect, even if Red Impulse had told Ken how to break through the shock wave on their very first day on the island.

The way the episode ended up though, it seems like Red Impulse is rather irresponsibly withholding information that could have been used to defeat Archaeo that much quicker (and he's lucky that Archaeo wasn't rampaging and killing during all those days that he was just letting Ken figure it out by himself!) while subjecting the rest of the Ninjas to a lot of unnecessary jogging.

Posted by gatchamarie on 04-09-2009 at 16:46:

Originally posted by tatsunokofan
While jogging was certainly part of their training, you might recall that I mentioned in the Red Impulse "Character of the Week" thread that the scenario draft first written for this story included several scenes of Masaki putting the Ninja Team through their paces like a Drill Instructor that did not survive to the final aired version.

These scenes were to take place at the same point in the story where we see Masaki order Joe, Jun, Jinpei, and Ryu to jog around the island. Rather than taking place after they have been there for a week, this was when they first arrived on the island. As the Red Impulse Captain takes Ken off for his training, the rest of the Ninja Team are left with Masaki.

At first, Joe refuses to listen to Masaki's orders, and is finally angered enough to punch the Red Impulse member. Amazingly, the punch doesn't even cause Masaki to flinch. With grudging respect, Joe, Jun, Jinpei, and Ryu then submit to Masaki's training regimen, which includes marathon-length runs, mental concentration exercises while sitting under a freezing cold waterfall, training in gymnastics, boxing, and wrestling, and time spent in a centrifuge.

It's unfortunate that these scenes were eliminated from the episode, but I suspect that they were dropped because they took up too much time. The closest we come to seeing them is from the coverage of this episode in the September, 1973 issue of TV-Land magazine, where they used a few of these deleted concepts as part of their illustrations. These included the marathon running and the centrfuge:

James, thanks a lot for this clarification and for the related illustrations. Now, everything makes much more sense! I hate admitting that I did not view "The Character of the Week" thread as I think I have joined this site at a later date and didn't read all the previous threads, though sometimes I do take a peek! This notwithstanding, I would have been pleased if, at least, these training activities that have been left out due to time restrictions were just mentioned briefly in the episode.

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by UnpublishedWriter on 04-09-2009 at 22:00:

Oniishi will not yet be mute when they meet him. So he gets to tell Jun that he may one day steal her feather cloak (a reference to the Swan Maiden myth).

I just figured the team could use a Captain Jack (yes, a 'Torchwood/Dr. Who' reference).

I could have sworn Racer X wore red. But I was running on memory.

Benefits, not features; benefits, not features

Posted by UnpublishedWriter on 27-04-2010 at 14:21:

Another one that will end up out of order when I do a BotP review.

Benefits, not features; benefits, not features

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