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--- Gatchaman Episode 39 - Jigokillers, the People-Eating Flowers, Part I (

Posted by Springie on 17-08-2009 at 12:12:

Gatchaman Episode 39 - Jigokillers, the People-Eating Flowers, Part I

Here is another of TJ's great Episode reviews! And it happens to be my favorite! Wheeeeeee!

Gatchaman Epiosde 39 - Jigokillers, the People-Eating Flowers, Part I


The Earth looks peaceful from space. But something strange is moving around the planet. It is Katse's Devil Star ship.


In a window of the Devil Star, we see goons gong about their business. The scene cuts to the control room, where the latest Captain-of-the-Week is reporting to Berg Katse. The Captain looks like he has short batwings, but a weird bug mask on his face. He's wearing a tight red and black body suit. It's like some pathetic Robin wannabe with bug eyes.


Captain Bug-Bat reports that they are preparing to enter the gravisphere. He asks for orders.

"Drop the capsule immediately!" Katse commands.


"It's a special present, with love, for all of the little Earthlings, from Galactor."

Ah, from Galactor with love. I can just see little Katse Valentines being distributed throughout every city, warming the hearts and minds of Earth's citizens.

Sure enough, a section of the Devil Star opens up, and a capsule comes out, descending rapidly into the Earth's atmosphere as Katse watches.


"Ah, Earth people, prepare for Galactor's wrath." Katse smirks, before breaking into one of his Joker-like laughs.


Wait a minute! We have a CotW who wants to be Robin, and Katse is the Joker... I don't suppose Ken is dressing up as Batman today? And I can just see Director Anderson as a portly Alfred…

The narrator tells us that the next day, unexplainable incidents begin occurring around the globe. Small spores fall from the sky. A woman exclaims that they remind her of dandelion, and are pretty.

That night it rains, and the spores grow into large bulbs with an almost furry appearance, pulsing and moving.


The growing noises are really creepy. I remember them from watching this episode as a kid. I have no idea how they're made, or how to describe them. But they still give me the creeps.

A young woman walks alone through the park in the rain. The bulbs open, exposing giant red maws that grab and devour her. Her arm sticks out, and we see it wither into a near-skeletal condition.

Cut from BOTP:


In an office building downtown, only one light is on. It is at least five storeys off the ground. Inside, a young woman is typing (on a typewriter... gotta love this 'future tech'). In the window behind her, one of the bulbs appears. We get a good look, and it is now a pulsating flower with long, furry tendrils. It is striped green and white, with the center 'petals' opening to show the red 'mouth' we saw earlier. It's like a furry, no-teeth version of a Venus Flytrap.


The flower's tendrils break through the glass to grab the screaming woman.

Two more women walk into a tunnel covering the sidewalk. At the other end, one of the flowers appears. They gasp, and turn to run, but the flowers block their way.


The narrator comes back to tell us that these incidents are happening everywhere. The victims are always young women, and they always happen at night.

We cut to the Snack J, where Ryu is sitting at a table, clearly bored.


Next to him, Joe is... reading a newspaper. How quaint!


"Man, these crimes are sick!" Joe exclaims. "Attacking women is just plain wrong!"

"You're right!" Jun moans. "Young people are so afraid that they just stay home, and it’s killing my business."


“I don't mind. I can't stand all of the grunt work I do around here!" Jinpei grins.


"Listen, you!" Jun retorts. "If you want, you can always just leave!"


"Yeah? I leave, and you guys starve, 'cause none of you can cook!" Jinpei shoots back.


Interesting... we know that canon says that Jun can't cook, but apparently none of them can, except Jinpei. So much for those fanfics where Joe is making Italian dinners and Ryu is cooking up gourmet feasts!

"What are you talking about? I can cook!" Jun says.

"All you cook is TV Dinners!" Jinpei replies, in another wonderful 70s cultural reference.

"That's not true!"

"If I'm lyin', I'm dyin'!"

Wow... ADV had fun with this one, didn't they? Wink

But Ken's not having fun. He angrily breaks in, telling Jun and Jinpei to 'quit it'. Then he says they should 'go outside and cool their heels'. He points out that all of the murders have occurred on rainy nights. Dun dun dun.... like tonight.

Ryu suggests that they leave this to the police. After all, local crimes are their job.

Ken suddenly turns and smiles, doing a complete 180 (both in position and attitude).


"You're right, Big Guy. I've got to cruise." he says, getting up to leave.

Jun is distressed to see Ken go, and calls to him to wait, while she jumps over the counter, much to Jinpei's shock.


"Try and act like a lady! There's a door right here! " he yells out, busting through a door underneath the counter. Of course, it completely escapes his notice that if Jun had used that door, she would have been scrunched down and not 'ladylike' at all.


Jun doesn't listen. She's trying to get Ken to stay, telling him that it's raining outside.


Ken says that he just wants to look around, but as he does, he sees a small weed growing next to the J in front of the Snack.

"So, what you planting these days, Jun?" Ken laughs, before the runs off.


But that weed opens its petals and looks very familiar...


Jun doesn't remember planting any flowers outside.


Jinpei jokes that Jun would never plant flowers, because that's too 'girly' for her.


When Jun gets angry, Joe and Ryu decide to make a hasty exit, not enjoying the squabbling.

Jinpei shouts at them to wait up, not realizing that he is the reason they're leaving at all.


Jun isn't too happy to hear about Jinpei leaving, but he tells her to 'stop being so uptight'. There's no one in the Snack, and he wants to go. Jun asks who's going to do the cleaning, then.

"You do it!" Jinpei laughs. "You've got to learn, or nobody'll want to marry you!"


JMHO, but Jinpei is really over the top in this scene. There's good-natured teasing, but he's really beating up on poor Jun. And she's snappy, but she's stressed, likely because of the lack of business. In any case, I'm sympathizing with the Swan, here.

"Jerk!" Jun mutters, after everyone has gone. "He sure knows how to ruffle my feathers." She sits down at the bar, depressed.


Outside, the bulbs of the small 'weed' are growing into the massive flowers we saw before.


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Springie on 17-08-2009 at 12:16:

The door opens, and the flowers push inside, but Jun doesn't see them, as her back is to the entrance.

"I figured you'd come back, Jinpei." she says, clearly thinking that the Swallow has returned. "I know you don't like the rain."

When there is no answer, Jun speaks again, telling Jinpei to close the door so that the water doesn't get in.


But a strange reflection appears in Jun's water glass...


She quickly stands up and turns, only to see a massive flower inside of the Snack J!


Its tendrils lash out, but Jun jumps up and grabs the ceiling.


The flower jumps up to grab her, but Jun flips away.


She dashes outside, and gasps in horror.


Many more flowers are surrounding her!


Again, the flowers lash out at her with their tendrils, but Jun jumps up and to the top of her roof. The moment she gets there, she swings her left arm around.


Bird go!



This is super cool in slow motion. You can see the shimmering light of her helmet surround her head and then transform. Her legs are almost as cool.


The Swan is ready for battle!


Jun lands in front of the flowers.


Then lashes out with her yo-yo.



Another cool feature of this scene is that you get to see just how the yo-yo works. Jun uses her thumb to press the finger ring, and an electric charge shoots down the wire.


Needless to say, the flowers explode.

We cut to a darkened room, where Dr. Nambu is giving a slideshow. No, not the Powerpoint variety, but the old-fashioned projector with that little clicky thing that you have to hold in your hand. Oh, this so reminds me of high school...


He's showing pictures of cells of the 'monster that attacked Jun'. According to Nambu, it's a form of plant life.

"Man, what the hell were we thinking? I mean, Jun is a woman." Ken says, like he suddenly forgot that she wasn’t a man. "We shouldn't have left her alone like that!"


But Jun isn't placated.

"Yeah, and I'm sure that patrolling was just a convenient excuse for you guys to go out and play without me." she snaps.

"Don't be stupid!" Jinpei shoots back. "We did patrol in the rain! Why don't you trust us, anyway?"


Nambu pointedly ignores this exchange, and moves to the next slide. It is a rough drawing of one of the flowers.

Jinpei's jaw drops, and Nambu explains that it's Jun's drawing of the monster.

"That's a horrible picture!" Jinpei laughs nastily. "Is it a flower, or is it an octopus?"


"Shove it, Jinpei!" Jun finally loses it. "So what if I'm not an artist? Don't be a jerk!"


Again, Nambu pointedly ignores the exchange, moving to the next slide. It is a labeled diagram of a similar-looking flower.

Ken is shocked, asking what it is.

Nambu explains that it's a rendering of an ancient flower called a Jigokiller. It grew on Earth's surface during prehistoric times, and was thought to feed only on insects. But Nambu has learned that this carnivorous plant fed on dinosaurs too.

Jinpei exclaims that the reason girls get attacked (and not men) is because girls are dumb like the dinosaurs.


Jun is clearly not impressed with this hypothesis.


Ken wants to know why they haven't seen any flowers at the crime scenes, if the Jigokillers are causing all of this. Dr. Nambu doesn't have an answer.


Just as an aside... if the Jigokillers only eat women, why does the title of this episode call them people-eating flowers?

Ryu is afraid that every girl on Earth will disappear.


Jinpei thinks that's great, because it would be 'great not to have a chick like Sis hangin' around'.

"You idiot!" Ryu replies. "I meant, no one will ever be able to find a bride!"


Again, Nambu shows remarkable restraint in ignoring this off-topic conversation. Instead, he presses a button, raising a wall panel. He tells the Team that he has something that could help, but it would be impossible to ask every woman in the world to wear one.

Everyone moves up to get a closer look.


Jun asks what it is.


Nambu replies that it is an 'indestructible suit created for deep sea trips'. But it is still a prototype. Jun appears thoughtful.

That night, it rains again, and the door opens on the Snack J's surprisingly large garage.


Jinpei asks what Jun is doing, as she shouldn't be going out in the storm.

She tells him that she's going to capture a Jigokiller.


"Why don't we all go? Trying to act butch doesn't suit a lady!" Jinpei exclaims. You know, for wanting Jun to act like a 'lady', Jinpei sure is acting nothing like a 'gentleman'.

Jun says that she has to do this alone, because the monsters are only interested in girls.


Jun tells Jinpei not to worry, because she is 'totally protected by an indestructible deep sea suit'. She pulls it from her skin to prove it.



Jinpei wants to know if Jun stole the suit from Nambu.


"Quit trying to make me sound like a criminal!" Jun says angrily. "I'm testing out the trial version for the Doctor!"


Then she zooms off on her motorcycle.

Jinpei simply stares after her for a moment.


So what does he do? Does he contact the others?

Nope. He jumps into his own car and decides to follow her.

"With her out looking for trouble, old Jinpei will have to watch her back!" he shouts, taking off into the rainy night.


Hey, he leaves the garage door open! I guess he picked up that bad habit from Ken... Wink

Out in the park, the Jigokiller flowers grow from small weeds into giant flowers, fed by the rain. Jun speeds through the area on her bike.


She doesn't see the flowers following her through the trees above her. One of them reaches down and grabs her from off of her moving bike.


The riderless motorcycle crashes. The Jigokiller that captured her contemplates Jun for a moment.


Jun struggles as it tries to lower her into its mouth.


Jinpei arrives on the scene and gasps in horror.


Just in time to see Jun eaten by the Jigokiller!




The edges of the 'mouth' close around Jun's head.




There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Springie on 17-08-2009 at 12:20:

And then she is gone, as Jinpei screams. The ground underneath the G-4 trembles, and tendrils reach out!


Jinpei is tossed from the buggy.


And knocked to the ground. He struggles to rise.

"Please, get my Sis back to me!" he groans, before collapsing face-first into the mud.


A commercial break later, and it is the next morning. The remaining four members of the Science Ninja Team are looking at Jun's fallen motorcycle.


"So where are we supposed to find these women-eating flowers?" asks Ryu skeptically.


"I don't know. By the time I came to, they were all gone!" Jinpei moans.

"Are you sure you didn't dream all this up, Squirt?" Joe asks.

But Ken thinks Jinpei is telling them the truth.


"There were humungous flowers, shaking all over!" Jinpei exclaims.

"Flowers can't move, you idiot!" Ryu snorts. I guess he forgot all about the briefing of the day before.

"But it's the truth! I saw it! They swallowed Sis!" Jinpei insists.

"You buying what he's selling, Ken?" Joe wants to know.


Jinpei begs Ken to believe him.


But rather than answer, Ken walks over to some small weeds on the ground. He pulls one out to examine it.


Ken notes that the flower is like the one in front of Jun's Joint.


We cut to Katse, who is receiving a report from Captain Bug-Bat. He is shocked to hear that there is a woman the Jigokillers couldn't kill.


Bug-Bat says that the woman was able to stay alive inside a Jigokiller overnight.


Katse protests that women never survive Jigokiller attacks. He orders Bug-Bat to observe her as their 'test subject'. He gets up to leave, but Bug-Bat mentions one more thing...

Bug-Bat reports that several young men who appeared to be the woman's friends pulled up one of the flowers and took it with them. Katse is appalled.


"Capture them! If the Science Ninja Team gets ahold of that flower, we're done for!" he rants.

Bug-Bat agrees, saluting as his image fades out.

"Where do they get these people?" Katse sighs disgustedly. I know how he feels...

Katse contacts another minion, telling him to move the Jigokillers to Battle Grid ‘P.S.’

Meanwhile, everyone is coming home from the park. Jinpei is driving the civilian G-4, carrying Ryu and Joe. Joe is perched in a seemingly precarious position on top of the buggy.


Ken is riding the G-3 by himself. I guess Ryu and Joe didn't want to ride double with him. Sorry, yaoi fans!


Just wondering... how did they all get to the park in the first place? If they have to go back on the G-3 and G-4, where are the vehicles they used to get there? Did they take a taxi?

Ken notices some other motorcycles coming up on them in the distance, and he pulls around.

"What's the matter, Ken?" Joe asks, as Ken dismounts from the bike.


Ken says that something is wrong with the motorcycle. He's going to have to look at it. He urges the others to go ahead while he does.


"See ya!" Joe calls, as Jinpei drives off.


Sure enough, the motorcycles following Ken are driven by goons.


"Sorry, Joe." Ken thinks, as he remounts the bike. "But I want to take care of them myself."

Of course, my little 'shipper heart is thinking up all kinds of goopy, romantic reasons for this... Big Grin

The bike-riding goons drive up to Ken, but he turns around and comes right back at them.


Ken drives right over their heads!


The goons angrily turn around and pull out their guns, aiming at Ken.


Ken stops his bike, and one of the goon bikes falls over as he hits Ken’s wheel. Then Ken turns the bike around, holding onto the handlebars only and sticks out his legs, bashing goons in the face as he swings around.


Then he stands up on the bike, kicking goons as he goes by.


Cut from BOTP:


Ken jumps he fence at the side of the road and drives off into some tall grass. The goons (the ones still alive) follow him.

But all the goons see ahead of them is a white shape under a tree. A familiar whistle echoes through the air...


"Gatchaman..." the goons grin evilly as they pull up.


"Whenever powerless but honest citizens of Earth fear Galactor's evil; when they tremble in terror, a bird of peace with white wings will take flight." Ken says mysteriously.


"What a load of crap!" says one of the goons. "Now let's see if I can blow that mouth off!"

"Open wide!" he says, as the goons all pull out their guns from their bikes.

"Here's a cool idea, Young Blood. Try and pull a feather from me and take it to Katse." Ken challenges. "I'm sure that would crack him up."

The goons don't think this is so funny. As the sun begins to set, they surround Ken in a circle, guns pointed at him.


Ken jumps straight up...


And we see a field of grass.

Yep, a field of grass. In the background, we hear the moans and yelps of frightened, hurt goons. A moment, later, civilian Ken is driving away on Jun's bike.


And back at the tree...


The narrator tells us that the single flower was brought back for Dr. Nambu to study. But even Nambu could not solve the mystery of the Jigokillers.


Meanwhile the Science Ninja Team stays busy, searching for their missing teammate. While searching for Jun, Ken gets a call from Nambu on his bracelet, asking him to go to the Monmouth Reservoir at once.

Arriving in his Cessna, Ken is shocked to see the area covered in Jigokiller flowers. Ken runs up to Nambu when he lands. The others are already there.


Ryu comments that it looks like a sea of blood. Jinpei, in a complete turnaround from the previous briefing, is worried about what will happen if the 'Jigokillers gobble up all the girls on Earth'.


Ken suggests that if the Jigokillers are all in one area, they could 'mow them all down at once'.

But Nambu says no. Even if they cut the flowers at their base, the roots still survive. Joe suggests that if they spray a chemical from the sky, that could kill the flowers.


But Nambu points out that this is the Reservoir. 10 million people depend on these water resources, and it can't be polluted with chemicals.

"Damn it!" Joe curses. "Why would they all have to move to the Reservoir?"


Of course, it doesn't cross the Condor's mind that their presence at this location likely isn't a coincidence.

Ken declares that Galactor must be behind this somehow. Ken's sure they're all laughing right now. Of course, Ken is the only one who has had a run-in with any signs of Galactor, so he's in the best position to make this snap judgment.


Ryu asks if there is anything they can do.

"Burn them down." Nambu says viciously. He adds that this is their only option, since they have yet to discover the Jigokillers' weakness.


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Springie on 17-08-2009 at 12:24:

Jinpei protests that they can't do this, because Jun is trapped inside one of the flowers.

"What do you mean?" asks Nambu, surprised.

"He thinks the Jigokillers got her." Ken explains.

I have a lot of problems with these two lines. How can Nambu be so surprised? Didn't anyone report what had happened to Jun? Even if they hadn't, didn't Nambu notice that Jun was gone? Or even that his prototype protective suit was missing?

And what is with Ken and his 'he thinks that' line? Ken all but agreed that Jun had been taken by the flowers, when the guys were talking in the park. Why else was he out looking for her? Is he trying to cover his butt with Nambu?


Meanwhile, Jinpei is repeating his story, this time adding that Jun was wearing the protective suit, so that means that she's still alive.

"How would we ever be able to identify the flower that's eaten Jun, out of so many millions?" Nambu asks. "It's impossible."


So, this is his justification for burning the flowers, even if Jun is inside. Rather cold-hearted, if you ask me. I can see him making this decision, but he isn't at all emotional or distressed about it.

The fields of Jigokillers seem to mock them.


And in one of the flowers...


Inside, Jun is hoping that Ken can help her. But she can't get her hand free to use her bracelet.


"Know what?" asks Ryu, sitting down on the grass. "I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna help you kill Jun."


Wow, I am really impressed. When it comes down to it, Ryu is willing to stick by his principles.

"Right!" Joe quickly agrees. "Even if it is for the sake of saving ten million lives, we can't just let Jun die."


But Ken isn't looking at any of them.


"Fine! Then none of you have to bother!" Ken spits out. "This bird can fly solo!"


Everyone is shocked!


Joe runs over and punches Ken in the jaw!



Ken falls to the ground, and Joe glares at him.

"Come on! What kind of a man are you?" Joe shouts. "Are you just going to let her die?"


Everyone rushes over.


"I'm the leader of the Science Ninja Team." Ken thinks to himself. "Even if none of you feel that you can do it, it's my duty."


Ken gets up and walks away, and the others, as if they know what he is thinking, bow their heads.

It always bothered me that Joe is so angry, and willing to punch Ken out to prevent him from burning the flowers, and then a few seconds later he just lets Ken walk to his plane. That's quite a change of heart in a few seconds!

Ken goes to his Cessna and takes off, while the others watch.



As Ken takes off, we get a long shot of the field, and we can see the God Phoenix parked nearby the others.

Ken flies through the air, whispering 'I'm sorry', and thinking of Jun, laughing and calling to him.


Ken literally has Jun on his mind...


(Sorry... I just had to include that screenshot... Wink )

A tear slips down Ken's face, and he silently begs Jun for forgiveness.


It is Ken's duty to protect the Earth, and he will do so, even if it means Jun's sacrifice.

Ken presses a button on his dashboard, and the fuel from his plane empties, spreading over the flowers.


"Goodbye, Jun." Ken thinks to himself, as more tears appear. "I'll leave a piece of me with you. I'll use the fuel from my beloved plane to free us from this terror."

Wow, as goodbye presents go... fuel from his plane? Okay...

The Cessna's engine stops running, and Ken does a loop. I'm not kidding. In a plane without a working engine, that is gliding only, he does a loop. I'm not sure that's technically possible without crashing, but then, we all know that Ken is an excellent pilot. Wink

Ken is in deep emotional pain.


He contacts Nambu on his bracelet, telling him that 'it's time to set these bastards on fire'.

Now I just want to remind you all of something. At this point in the series, the G-1 has no weapons. How is Ken planning to burn the Jigokillers? There has been a lot of fan speculation that he planned to kill himself by crashing his plane into the flowers, and there is certainly nothing in this canon episode to dispute that theory. IMHO, it seems rather likely, but then, who knows? Maybe Ken had a flamethrower in the back of his plane that we never saw.

But before Ken can do anything and answer our questions about his intentions, Joe's voice comes over Ken's bracelet.

"We'll take care of that, Ken!" Joe says.

Ken is surprised to hear from Joe. He turns his plane right-side-up again, coming out of his loop. Remember, the plane has no gas, and the engine has stopped, and Ken is just gliding his Cessna. Fortunately, the God Phoenix is right behind him, in case Gatchaman can suddenly no longer bend the laws of physics.


"We can't let you go down alone. We're a Team and we have to stick together." Joe says.


"That's right! And as teammates, we will stand by you, no matter what happens." Ryu adds.

Joe orders Ken to get out of the way, because he is going to 'shoot them a couple of Birds'.


Joe presses the infamous red button, and a Bird Missile lands in the flowers, exploding and causing them to burn. Thanks to Ken's gasoline being spread everywhere, the flames move quickly.

Again, I am completely flummoxed by Joe's actions. He punches out Ken, then lets him leave knowing full well what Ken is going to do, and then a few moments later Joe himself is shooting the Bird Missile. WTH???

Of course, I have my theories (worked with in my fanfic). It only makes sense to me if Joe somehow knows that Ken is thinking of committing suicide with his plane, and is trying to stop him. That fits in with the arrival of the God Phoenix. But I'm willing to listen to alternate explanations as to Joe's strange behavior.

And while I am pondering this, the Jigokillers thrash and burn.


Jinpei stares beseechingly at the flames, asking Jun to stay alive. He promises that he won't ever talk back again. Well, he did behave badly at the beginning of this episode, so I guess this is Tatsunoko’s way of putting in a moral to be grateful for what you have and not take it for granted.


"Just please don't die! I couldn't live without you, Sis!" Jinpei says mournfully.

Inside the Jigokiller flower, Jun struggles and moans.

In a hidden base, Katse gets the news that Nambu is torching the Jigokillers. Katse laughs, calling Nambu a fool for thinking he can destroy them.


And indeed, Katse is right. Spores are released from the burning flowers. The spores spread on the wind, carrying the Jigokiller contagion elsewhere in the world.

The Science Ninja Team watches the flowers burn.


Ken is overcome, and he screams out in pain.


I won’t even mention the fact that ADV decided to change this in the dubs. Grumble, grumble…


But despite their grief, the Team must go on...



There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Springie on 17-08-2009 at 12:30:

BOTP Episode 81 - The Fierce Flowers, Part I

Down here at Center Neptune, deep beneath the sea, 7-Zark-7 keeps a watch on the entire universe. But thankfully, he has assistance on distant planets. And we all know who Zark’s favorite assistant on a ‘distant planet’ is, right?

Yep, you guessed it! Susan. And today, Susan is speaking with Zark in his Ready Room, via a cable dangling from the ceiling.


Zark asks Susan how everything is going ‘out on the edge of the solar system’. Oh, not too well. Susan just spotted a ‘mysterious UFO’ that was launched from the Crab Nebula.

Check out that sexy Susan!


Zark says he’ll look at the UFO on his monitor, right away. Fortunately, it’s clean and he doesn’t need to wipe it down today. Zark easily located the Crab Nebula, but he can’t locate the UFO…

If course, Zark can’t be malfunctioning. No… Zark is perfect in every way. So if he can’t find the UFO… well then, Susan must be wrong! Zark dubiously asks Susan if she’s sure she saw a UFO.

But Susan is positive. She says that it was launched from one of the small moons around… dun dun dun… the Planet Spectra!

“I will continue tracking it, and keep you posted!” Susan signs off. Ooh, so she actually has track of it right now, then! And Zark can’t find it! I guess it’s time for a ten-second oil break, Zark!

Instead, Zark tells us how Susan is a ‘vital part of the Total Galactic Defense Program’. I guess, if Susan’s so important, she may be right, so Zark tries to find the UFO again.

This time, he finds it. He says it is only a satellite, but as we see it, the ship appears to be much larger than a satellite, with corridors and goons walking around inside of it.

Captain Bug-Bat tells Zoltar that the ‘target city’ is on the scanners.

“Good!” says Zoltar. “I will activate Negative Light Refractors to shield your descent to Earth, Captain Morlok.” Ah, so Bug-Bat gets a name!

The capsule launches, and Zoltar addresses his main viewscreen.

“Greetings, Earth People! I am sending you flowers, from Spectra!”

The capsule zooms toward on Earth, near the target city.

Zark tells us that he is sensing flowers falling from space! This is highly unusual. We see the blossoms falling from the sky during the daytime, and at night they grow into large pods.

It is night, and raining. Zark tells us that he hasn’t located the space ship, but that reports are coming in on the strange flower spores.

We see two girls enter a tunnel. They see the flowers, and run. Fortunately, we don’t see the flowers killing anybody. Wink

“They’re frightening things, that become giant, carnivorous blooms, crawling about the streets!” Zark says. So he thinks it’s about time that he gets in touch with G-Force.

At Jill’s Restaurant, Zark tells us that Princess has ‘taken over the running of a small lunchroom for a friend’. The only problem with this explanation is that it is clearly nighttime, and there’s no reason a ‘lunchroom’ would be open so late.

Tiny is sitting at Jill’s lunchroom, looking bored, despite the ‘happening’ Ready Room Disco music playing in the background.

“Giant flowers attacking people!” exclaims Jason, reading the newspaper. “Says so right here!”

“Some reporter’s wild imagination. Everyone knows flowers are harmless.” Princess replies.

“Washing dishes… really harmful!” Keyop burbles.

“Keyop, you promised to take your turn!” Princess reminds him.

“I was… bribed!”

“By a whole apple pie!”

Clearly fascinated by this conversation, Mark says out of the blue that he’s going for a little walk. Tiny decides to join him, because they don’t serve Spaceburgers at Jill’s. Yes, really. That’s what he says.

“And it’s really dead!” Tiny adds.

“I agree. Let’s go.” Mark says, moving toward the door. “Bye!”

So much for keeping Princess company! And she’s not too happy about this. She calls for Mark to wait, leaping over the counter. Keyop comes out a small door underneath the counter, brooping that he is going too. But Princess ignores him.

“You can’t leave!” she begs Mark.

“Watch!” Mark smiles, heading out the door. But as he opens the door and sees the rain, he thinks to himself what a miserable night it is. He sees a small weed growing next to the front of the restaurant, and says to himself how flowers are ‘popping up everywhere’, before he runs off.

“Come back, Mark!” Princess calls, but he ignores her.

“Great bunch of friends.” she says sarcastically. “Promised to keep me company!”

“You coming, Tiny?” asks Joe, who clearly didn’t hear what Princess just said.

“Yeah.” Tiny says. “C’mon, Keyop!”

“Right with you!” Keyop calls.

“Don’t wait for me!” Princess says sarcastically. Keyop actually picks up that she might be annoyed by all of this, based on his facial expression. But he grins widely and burbles his way out the door, telling her ‘goodnight’.

“The only customers all night and they’re leaving!” Princess complains to herself.

Outside of Jill’s the flowers grow, entering the lunchroom.

“I didn’t mind taking over Jill’s job for a night,” Princess is saying to herself, as she sits at the bar, “but I didn’t know I’d have to supply the customers too!”

Princess sees the flowers reflected in her waterglass, and manages to avoid them. When she goes outside, there are more, so she leaps up to the rooftop and transmutes. She uses her yo-yo to destroy them.

We cut to Chief Anderson, who is running a slideshow that is just as high tech as the one Nambu had. He is showing pictures of ‘magnified flower cells, with remarkable powers of regeneration’.

“Are you telling us that those alien plants are indestructible, Chief?” Mark asks.

“The secret of the plants’ regeneration is locked inside those tiny nodules.” Anderson replies, as he shows the next slide.

“They look like spores!” Tiny observes, and the Chief agrees that he may be right.

I should point out that there is absolutely no arguing between Princess and Keyop in this scene. Neither is there a drawing done by Princess.

“So far we’ve been unable to determine just how they function.” Anderson says. “The plants thrive in water, and they are carnivorous in this environment.”

“If our conventional weapons won’t stop them, what will?” Mark wants to know.

“We don’t know yet, but Zark is working on it.” Anderson tells the Team. “And he’s come up with something to help us: a protective shield. It seems to work particularly well on females.”

Okay, just wondering… is anyone really surprised that Zark would make a shield that is in the form of the female body? Remember, he ‘pays the most attention to Princess, but he doesn’t know why’…

“We tested it on this model.” the Chief informs them.

“Maybe on a steel dummy…” Princess isn’t convinced.

“We believe it’ll work.” Anderson says firmly. “We need someone to get inside those flowers and stay alive. We’ll fix you into a synthetic second skin.”

Princess only stares at the protective suit.

But in the next scene, she is in the garage with Keyop, who comments about how it is always raining.

“That’s when the flowers come out.” Princess replies.

“Coming with you…” Keyop burbles.

“Thanks, Keyop, but I’m a big girl, and I’m really capable of taking care of myself.” Princess says. “I’ll be all right. This will protect me.” She pulls at the second skin, which shimmers.

“Not foolproof.” Keyop reminds her.

“Wait for me here.” Princess orders, before driving off on her motorcycle. “No sense in you coming along to risk being caught!”

Of course, as soon as she is out of sight, Keyop disobeys the order, jumping into his car.

“Keep eye on… big girl!” he broops, as he drives off.

In the park, the flowers grow, and Princess doesn’t see them following her in the trees. They grab her from her bike, and she struggles as a flower tries to eat her.

Keyop arrives in his buggy, just in time to see Princess being swallowed by the plant. He screams, but his buggy is tossed aside by the plants, and he is thrown to the ground.

“Princess…” Keyop moans.


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Springie on 17-08-2009 at 12:31:

After a commercial break, it’s time for Zark’s pacing session! 1-Rover-1 has joined him today.


Zark tells us that Chief Anderson’s plan ahs backfired. Notice how it is the Chief’s plan that backfired, and not Zark’s plan. Princess has disappeared, swallowed up by one of the giant alien flowers.

“I feel terrible about it!” moans Zark. I guess he’s worried he won’t have any more panty flashes to zoom in on while looking at his monitor.

1-Rover-1 barks, to show that he feels badly about Princess’ disappearance as well. Everyone does. Even Keyop is blaming himself!

“But we don’t know where to look for her, exactly.” Zark explains. “Now that it’s stopped raining, the giant flowers have shrunk back to small, harmless buds!”

Well that would make it easier[/i[ to find Princess, wouldn’t it, because clearly Princess has not shrunk to fit within a ‘small harmless bud’? You just have to find a flower that’s still big! Sigh…

“I’m going to try everything!” Zark insists. “If only I could zero in on Spectra’s hidden base…”

And of course, Spectra [i]has
to have a hidden base.

“Those alien spores need water to germinate, and I’m sure the unusual rains we’ve been having are caused by Spectra!” Zark says.

That last part isn’t too far-fetched, BTW. In the Orion episode (episode 36 for BOTP) Spectra was controlling the planet’s weather and water supply. So it’s previously been established that they have this kind of technology.

The remaining members of the G-Force Team are at the park. Now I want to point out that we saw Jinpei collapse next to the flowers… but they didn’t attack him. In BOTP they never limit the flowers to attacking women only, so it seems odd that they just left Keyop behind.

“So you’re saying that some flower just swallowed Princess up?” Tiny asks Keyop.

“Saw it…” Keyop does a gulping burble.

“It wouldn’t have happened if we’d been along.” Jason grumbles.

“Princess wanted to go it alone, Jason.” Mark explains. “For some reason, that synthetic protective skin seems to work best on women!” Ooh, ooh, ooh! I know the reason! It’s Zark’s interest in the ‘female form’…

We cut to a shot of Princess’ hand sticking out of a giant flower, in a field full of giant flowers. So much for Zark’s theory about all of them having shrunk.

“Help me!” Princess screams in her mind. “Somebody help me! Help me…”

Meanwhile, Keyop is recounting his story in the park.

“Came up under me!” he broops. “Tossed car!”

“Keyop, you should have called us!” Tiny berates him.

“Didn’t have time!” Keyop explains.

“Keyop did all he could.” Jason agrees.

“We’ve got to find her.” Mark says. This is the first thing he’s done all episode that I’m actually cheering for.

“But where?” Keyop asks.

Mark sees strange weeds on the ground, and picks one up to examine it.

“Well?” asks Jason.

“Just say the word, Commander!” Tiny adds.

“We wait.” Mark replies. What? What’s wrong with this guy? Why isn’t he out looking for Princess? That massive field of giant flowers that she’s in can’t be that hard to find!

“We make Zoltar tip his hand.” Mark says. Oh great. So now Princess is a pawn in his little chess game with Zoltar. Niiice…

Meanwhile, Zoltar is somewhere awaiting a report from Captain Morlok. When he makes contact, Morlok says that the ‘invasion is proceeding according to plan’.

“You have secured an adequate water supply?” Zoltar asks.

“Indeed. We’ve tapped into their main reservoir.” Morlok confirms.

Zoltar now contacts the Tracking Station, speaking with a man named Graves. The Spectran Leader tells Graves to deploy the Armed Motorized Units.

“Converge on G-Force! Intercept at Sector Z!” Zoltar orders. Just wondering… how does Zoltar know where G-Force are/will be?

Meanwhile, the guys are taking Keyop’s buggy and Princess’ bike back to base. Mark stops, and Jason asks if he needs help.

“No. I think they’re some of Spectra’s Goon Squads.” Mark replies truthfully. “Go ahead. No problem. I can handle them.”

So rather than enact a Ken Washio deception, the dutiful Commander tells Jason exactly what’s going on. And he sounds cheerful about it, too!

“Good luck!” Jason waves, as the buggy drives off. I guess he doesn’t begrudge Mark a little goon-bashing.

Well, Zoltar’s Armed Motorized Units turn out to be goons on motorcycles.

“Follow the Leader, boys!” Mark shouts, turning around and driving right over their heads. The goons turn around and follow, pulling out their guns. But Mark stops and one goon hits his tire, falling over.

Suddenly, Mark is driving again, off the road and down a hill and into a meadow. The goons follow.

Mark smiles slyly and… hops back up onto the road to drive away. I guess he lost the goons in the tall grass?

And why isn’t anyone concerned that the goons are attacking Mark when he is in civvies? Shouldn’t Mark be worried about their secret identities being blown?

We see Chief Anderson in the lab. Zark says that the ‘biophysical composition of these alien flower creatures has eluded them’. The Chief is working day and night on the problem, and the pressure is mounting. They must find a way to rescue Princess!

And… if I may ask… what are you doing about it, Zark?

Mark is flying in his Cessna when the Chief calls. He wants Mark to meet him at Cypress Cove. When Mark gets there, he is shocked to see that the entire hillside is covered with flowers.

Mark lands his plane, gets out, and runs to the Chief, who is already there.

“I need your help, Commander, on a very delicate decision.” Anderson says.

“Tough spot, Commander.” Tiny adds.

“Have to firebomb… flowerbeds!” Keyop exclaims, adding some bombing sound effects rather than his usual burbles.

“Forget it, Chief!” Mark says firmly. “We’re not bombing those flowers until we get Princess out of there!” Okay, now my ‘shipper heart is going pitter-pat!

“Hear me out first.” the Chief asks. “We must destroy those flowers, or Earth is doomed!”

“No way!” Jason insists. “I want no part of t! Not until we find Princess!”

“By then it will be too late.” Anderson replies calmly. “I know how you all feel, but our duty comes first. We must destroy these flowerbeds!”

“No! Princess may still be trapped in one of those flowers!” Jason protests.

“Looks like we… don’t have much of a choice, Jason.” Mark says. Whoa! This is quite the instant turnaround! I think there’s more to this than meets the eye…

“It must be done quickly, before the next rain scatters more spores.” Anderson insists. Mark turns away, refusing to look at anyone else.

“You will fly your plane over those flowerbeds, Commander.” the Chief orders. “Empty your fuel tanks over them. The Phoenix will be waiting. When you finish, the flowerbeds will be ignited.”

Okay, maybe it’s just me, but I think the Chief is a hard-hearted SOB in this scene. After all, Princess is his foster-daughter, and he’s showing no emotion at all that she might be going to die as a result of his orders. I can understand his decision, but the cold, calculating way in which he makes it and explains it really angers me. I was a little less PO’d at Nambu, because the whole idea that Jun might have been in there was news to him, and we found out later that Nambu was convinced that the protective suit would save her from the fire.

In any case, Mark isn’t answering.

“Find someone else to fly the Phoenix!” Tiny protests by sitting down.

“That goes for me too, Mark.” Jason adds. “There has to be some other way! There just has to be!”

Mark stands alone in silence for a few moments, before finally turning to face the others.

“We have no choice.” he says. “The flowers must be destroyed.” Everyone appears shocked to hear him say this, even Anderson!

“We swore an oath to defend Earth against all invaders.” Mark thinks to himself. “That is what we’ve been trained for, that is what we must do!”

Suddenly, instead of standing, Mark is kneeling on the ground. (Needless to say, they cut the part where Joe punches Ken and rages at him.) Mark gets up and walks sadly to his Cessna, while the others hang their heads.

Mark takes off, spreading the gasoline from his fuel tanks over the flowers. He thinks about Princess, in civvies and in Birdstyle. She calls happily to him in his mind, and he sheds a tear.

“I had to do it, Princess.” he thinks to himself. “I know you’d understand. We swore an oath. We’re G-Force.”

Mark grimaces, raising his bracelet to his mouth and reporting.

“Fuel tanks empty. I’m going down! Impact will ignite!”

Unlike Gatch, this strongly implies to me that the ‘impact’ Mark is talking about is his plane crashing into the ground. It seems to be a much stronger implication that he’s going to commit suicide to start the fire.

“Come in, Mark. We’re waiting!” comes Jason’s voice.

“It was hard for them to do it, but they knew Mark was right!” Zark’s voice cuts in, as we watch the Cessna loop around the Phoenix.

“Rear hatch just closed.” Jason reports. “Mark made it, he’s inside!”

“We’re over the flower fields now. Shall we wait for him, Jason?” Tiny asks.

“I’ll take full responsibility.” Jason replies grimly, pressing the ominous red button.

The missile ignites the field, and the flowers burn.

“So!” exclaims Zoltar, from his unknown location. “You think you have destroyed my flowers, G-Force, but you are wrong! Fire cannot destroy them! You can only release more spores!”

And sure enough, we see the flowers releasing more spores.

The remaining members of G-Force and Anderson are on the ground, watching the fire. Strangely, Mark is still in civvies. Did he dock the Cessna with the Phoenix in civilian mode? I wasn’t aware that was even possible.

Mark stares at the flames, throws his head back, and shouts. Well, it looks like he shouts. But what comes out is a whisper.



There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Springie on 17-08-2009 at 12:32:

This is a very sad ending for a show where we’re always assured that everyone is okay. So to smooth things over, we go back to Zark.


“Well, of course G-Force is upset,” Zark says, “and I’m a nervous wreck, because Princess is missing! But we can’t stop just because we feel sad and blue about her disappearance. We’re still in a position of great responsibility! It’s up to us to defend Earth and the galaxy, and that’s what we’ll do.”

So… is this supposed to make us feel better? Because what we just saw strongly implied that Princess just died. And Zark isn’t referring to that at all, just saying that she has disappeared.

Zark flies over to his station.

“You can depend on one thing!” he tells us. “I won’t leave my Emergency Station until we’ve rescued Princess! If that means working day and night without stop, I’ll do it!”

Rover is so inspired by this that he flies over to join Zark.


He barks, apparently saying that he will be standing by to do his best as well.

“We’ll find a way to neutralize those giant flowers and rescue Princess, or my name isn’t 7-Zark-7!” Zark insist. “Spectra hasn’t found a way yet to stop the incredible powers of G–Force!”

And with a couple of salutes from Zark and Rover, we fade out.


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by lborgia88 on 17-08-2009 at 14:02:

A great recap! This episode certainly does have a lot of things to speculate about...

I'd always interpreted Joe's actions at the reservoir as a case of him impulsively "acting first/thinking later" -his gut reaction to the idea of burning the field is anger, but upon seeing that Ken, the leader, is really determined to do it, he then falls into line (albeit rather quickly) out of loyalty to Ken. I'd also assumed that Ken, contacting Dr. Nambu from his plane, was expecting Dr. Nambu to do something to ignite the field of jigokillers (as the whole "burn them" plan was devised by him). That said, I really like the idea that Ken could have been planning to ignite the field by crashing his plane and killing himself, and that Joe is aware of this! It adds so much more depth and drama to the whole scene. Granted, a Ken who would be unable to live with himself knowing he'd killed Jun is still the same Ken who said, in her presence, that he sometimes forgets she's a woman, but I agree that when he goes off on his own to attack the goons that were following them on the road, he seems to be seeking an excuse to privately vent a lot of emotions that involve Jun...

I agree that there is a somewhat disturbing lack of communication between the Team and Dr. Nambu here, though. They should have told him about Jun being swalllowed by a jigokiller, and he should have told them more about the protective suit's capabilities! But then, that might have diffused all the enjoyable angst!

Posted by gatchamarie on 17-08-2009 at 15:45:

Another great recap of a great episode!

ITA with the idea of Jinpei's nasty behaviour in the beginning reflecting as a lesson at the end. All human beings usually take for granted their beloved ones until the moment that they lose them or they think they're losing them!

I also like the romantic idea of Ken wanting to crash his plane in order to die with his beloved one! (two lovers die together like Romeo and Juliet with their forbidden love!) But that would have been the end of Gatchaman and we know that the story must go on! There was also a hint that finally Ken figured out that Jun was in fact a woman! And thanks TJ for the scene where Jun was completely in Ken's mind!

I also found Joe's reactions turning quickly upside down but I agree that he changed his opinion to be loyal to Ken. On the other hand, Dr Nambu was totally cut off from the others showing a non-emotional side of his which I quite dislike.

This is another episode which shows how hard it is to be a captain!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by Condorfan on 17-08-2009 at 16:55:

Thanks for the recap! Great job ladies!

I do like how this episode shows Ken's feelings about Jun. That is so rare in this series. I totally hate ADV dubbing Ken saying "Galactor!" instead of "Jun!"--I don't know what they were thinking but it doesn't fit with the emotions being conveyed in this episode.

I think in this episode this is the first time we hear the Gatchaman whistle. I'm sure James can confirm or deny this. Can hardly wait for the next recap!

Old age is a high price to pay for maturity.

Posted by tatsunokofan on 17-08-2009 at 17:04:

Hi all!

I agree that there is a somewhat disturbing lack of communication between the Team and Dr. Nambu here, though. They should have told him about Jun being swalllowed by a jigokiller, and he should have told them more about the protective suit's capabilities! But then, that might have diffused all the enjoyable angst!

In the next episode, Nambu does bring up that, since Jun was wearing the Deep-Sea Capsule he created, she wouldn't have been harmed, but no one believes him. Apparently they'd rather spend their time wallowing in self pity.

I still want to know how they fired the Bird Missile without the G-1 on board...


Posted by tatsunokofan on 17-08-2009 at 17:19:

Hi all!

I don't know what they were thinking but it doesn't fit with the emotions being conveyed in this episode.

They were thinking that "Jun" did not match the lip movements in the animation, so they needed something with multiple syllables. Sad, but true.

I think in this episode this is the first time we hear the Gatchaman whistle. I'm sure James can confirm or deny this. Can hardly wait for the next recap!

Off the top of my head,I can't recall any earlier episodes where this was used. It's possible that they didn't have it available to use before then. You'll notice that this is the point where new music begins to creep into the series, and it's possible that the whistle was one of these new music pieces recorded at that time.


Posted by Ebonyswanne on 17-08-2009 at 22:15:

Springie! I love some of you're comments! Too true about Joe's quick change of heart, he could have tried harder! But Ken regrets it later burning the flowers. (Gee Ken a bit late aren't you...)

I have to admit this my all time fave eps! The flowers. Loved it as a kid too, I think it was because its a Swan ep, and you get the idea that there's potential between the Eagle and the Swan...but then again, you can twist it and think Joe too and Jun...(My romantic side taking over again.)

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by Springie on 18-08-2009 at 01:20:

Ebony, I just posted it...those comments are all from TJ...but I agree about the quick change of heart...and Dr. Nambu, too...those communication skills are completely missing here...wonder if Jun had been around, then the communication skills between the team and Nambu would have been better? Wink3

I also notice that they tend to think of weapons as this case "fuel from his beloved plane" is seen as a gift...and later on...Jun gives Ken a bomb as a "present from me"...and even later...Joe gives Ken his weapon when Ken and Jun go off on a mission (episode 101)...and finally ...Ken gives Joe his boomerang to think of "as his heart" when Ken leaves Joe behind to die in the last ep...

imagine what Christmas must be like for them...Biglaugh3


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by gatchamarie on 18-08-2009 at 07:15:

Originally posted by Springie
I also notice that they tend to think of weapons as this case "fuel from his beloved plane" is seen as a gift...and later on...Jun gives Ken a bomb as a "present from me"...and even later...Joe gives Ken his weapon when Ken and Jun go off on a mission (episode 101)...and finally ...Ken gives Joe his boomerang to think of "as his heart" when Ken leaves Joe behind to die in the last ep...

I think those were their most precious belongings reflecting their lifestyle with which they have grown up together and the circumstances in which they were finding themselves in, ie during war. Personally, I would not have appreciated the "fuel from his beloved plane" as a gift if I were going to be burnt dead by it!

imagine what Christmas must be like for them...Biglaugh3

Imagine the shocked expression on Santa's face if he were to distribute those presents!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by Ebonyswanne on 18-08-2009 at 09:57:

Originally posted by Springie
Ebony, I just posted it...those comments are all from TJ...but I agree about the quick change of heart...and Dr. Nambu, too...those communication skills are completely missing here...wonder if Jun had been around, then the communication skills between the team and Nambu would have been better? Wink3

I also notice that they tend to think of weapons as this case "fuel from his beloved plane" is seen as a gift...and later on...Jun gives Ken a bomb as a "present from me"...and even later...Joe gives Ken his weapon when Ken and Jun go off on a mission (episode 101)...and finally ...Ken gives Joe his boomerang to think of "as his heart" when Ken leaves Joe behind to die in the last ep...

imagine what Christmas must be like for them...Biglaugh3

Springie!!! ROTFL!!!!!!!!!!! my sides are hurting from laughing so hard after the images Christmas with the SNTconjured up in my mind some funny dialogue.

That would make a fun christmas ficcie!!! Very good observation. It connected in my mind as well as I was reading your post...Lol Lol Lol Lol

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by Springie on 18-08-2009 at 11:46:

I was going to draw it as a Christmas pic...I probably still will draw will be too much fun!



There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by gatchamarie on 18-08-2009 at 11:53:

Yes please, Springie! cheerleader2 Christmas is already in the air!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by clouddancer on 18-08-2009 at 20:24:

Originally posted by Ebonyswanne
Originally posted by Springie
Ebony, I just posted it...those comments are all from TJ...but I agree about the quick change of heart...and Dr. Nambu, too...those communication skills are completely missing here...wonder if Jun had been around, then the communication skills between the team and Nambu would have been better? Wink3

I also notice that they tend to think of weapons as this case "fuel from his beloved plane" is seen as a gift...and later on...Jun gives Ken a bomb as a "present from me"...and even later...Joe gives Ken his weapon when Ken and Jun go off on a mission (episode 101)...and finally ...Ken gives Joe his boomerang to think of "as his heart" when Ken leaves Joe behind to die in the last ep...

imagine what Christmas must be like for them...Biglaugh3

Springie!!! ROTFL!!!!!!!!!!! my sides are hurting from laughing so hard after the images Christmas with the SNTconjured up in my mind some funny dialogue.

That would make a fun christmas ficcie!!! Very good observation. It connected in my mind as well as I was reading your post...Lol Lol Lol Lol

So Springie is going to draw a picture and I volunteer Ebony to write the story since she has the "funny dialogue" already in her mind. Winknudge

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 24-08-2009 at 12:05:

THANK YOU Springie for posting this episode for me!

I agree, a Christmas pic would be awesome! Maybe for the November issue of Birdscramble?

Glad you guys liked this one. It's an episode that gets used a lot in fanfic (TJ raises a guilty hand here) but I think that's because there is so much that is unsaid and behind the scenes. It certainly is an episode that seems to live on in the minds of everyone who has seen it, no matter what version.

And good point James, about firing the missile when the G-1 wasn't aboard! Perhaps Dr. Nambu had pre-wired the God Phoenix for this eventuality... Wink


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