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--- Gatchaman Episode 29 - Gallack X, the Demon Man (

Posted by Transmute Jun on 13-07-2009 at 03:39:

Gatchaman Episode 29 - Gallack X, the Demon Man

Gatchaman Episode 29 - Gallack X, the Demon Man


A number of missiles are heading toward the Earth's surface from the sky. But they land on top of each other, not exploding, but rather forming a large drill. The drill burrows underground. Ah, it seems that the drill has landed inside of an old volcano! More missiles fall into the hole at the top of the volcano, presumably creating more drills.

From afar, all of this is being observed...


A goon reports that the volcano will erupt any second, now. Katse does not respond, but patiently waits for the countdown.

Right on time, the volcano erupts. Katse enjoys the view from his boat.


Is it just me, or does he look like Batgirl with those binoculars on?


Katse is pleased by the success. He orders the goons to 'commence Operation Gallack X' immediately.


The goons report that Gallack X is on standby, awaiting Katse's orders. But he hasn't had enough time to complete his training yet. Katse declares that he will train Gallack X himself. After all, Gallack X is an integral part of their plan to kill Gatchaman.

Katse and the goons disappear down an elevation platform below the deck of the boat. The sails retract and the mast lowers. The boat is transforming into a submarine!

The narrator comes on, informing us that dormant volcanoes have suddenly started erupting all over the globe. But the reason for these sudden eruptions remains an inexplicable mystery.

However, Dr. Nambu, already suspecting Galactor, has begun spying on them from afar.

Hold on... we're nearly 30 episodes into this series, and only now does he start spying on Galactor?

In any case, Nambu is now using a 'specially equipped Chinook' to do his spying. He analyzes the high tech data on his high-tech printout paper.


And now we see a plane flying over the mountains. Is it the Chinook? No, it's Ken's Cessna. Dr. Nambu is contacting Ken with 'important information'.

"You mean, about the dormant volcanoes erupting?" Ken asks.


"That's right! You are always in the know!" Nambu compliments Ken. Nambu orders the Science Ninja Team to start patrolling volcanic regions of the Pacific Ocean immediately.


Ken agrees, but asks if they can cover enough ground with just Jun, Joe and Ken. Seems Jinpei and Ryu have gone to pay a visit tothe Snow White Orphanage, where Jinpei was raised.


Nambu seems surprised to hear about Jinpei and Ryu's vacation plans. Don’t they clear these things with their boss first?

Meanwhile, at a picturesque Swiss-style orphanage in the mountains, a number of boys are kickboxing in a ring.

I'm sorry, but this kid's navel is really bothering me, I've heard of outites, but thins thing looks like it's infected!


And enjoying the spectacle are two familiar faces.


"Hey, knock him down with a right kick!" Jinpei encourages. "Come on, kick him good! This isn't a chicken fight! What are you doing?"

Way to go, Jinpei, encouraging kids to beat each other to a pulp.

Ryu sits by and smiles indulgently.

"You two are no good at all! You call that kickboxing?" Jinpei rants. "It looks more like sloppy street-fighting!"

The two boys glare at Jinpei. They invite him to take a turn in the ring if he's so smart.


Jinpei agrees, but then a sly look crosses his face.


Suddenly, he is volunteering Ryu to show the kids how to kickbox. Ryu refuses. He's never kickboxed before in his life. But Jinepi wheedles.


"Just give it a try! You like trying new things, don't you?" Jinpei argues.

Somehow, this is persuasive enough to get Ryu to enter the ring.

"I shouldn't be beating up on little kids though." Ryu mumbles, as Jinpei runs away.

It's too late. Jinpei bangs a bucket with a stick to signal the start of the round. Ryu is trapped!


"This is bad..." observes Ryu, just before the kid leaps at him with a flying kick.


Everyone cheers as Ryu falls into the dirt.

"It ain't cool to attack from behind, you putz!" Ryu growls.


The kids is in the middle of asking 'What are you going to do about it?' but he's interrupted as Ryu picks him up by the ankle and swings him over his head.


Gee, isn't this the technique the Owl uses for his Gripper weapon in Gatchaman II?

Ryu lets the kid go, and he flies into the audience, slamming into the ground.
Ryu is instantly sorry.


But Jinpei comes right up and takes credit for all.

"So, was Number 5 able to prove our skills to you, or what?" Jinpei gloats.


Suddenly, the kids are worshipping Ryu and Jinpei, bringing them offerings of orange juice.


Seriously, the way they're sitting on their legs/angles reminds me of an Eastern prayer position. I guess this is a traditional position of respect in Japan, but I think it would hurt!

The boys ask Ryu and Jinpei to stay and be their kickboxing coaches.

"Sure we can!" Jinpei agrees.

"Are you sure it's okay, Jinpei?" Ryu asks.

I'm not sure why Ryu can't just think for himself here. Is he really that dumb, or is he deferring to Jinpei's rank as G4 (above him)?

Jinpei gives Ryu a song and dance about how the kids want to be stronger, and it's the ninjas' duty to help other people. Ryu and Jinpei could make these kids' dreams come true.


"Yeah, I guess you're right!" Ryu falls for it, hook, line and sinker.

The boys (now addressing Ryu as 'Coach') mention that they have never even seen a real kickboxing match before.

"Well, then we'll take you." Jinpei smirks. The kids cheer.

These boys looks like they're awfully chummy... is this child yaoi?


Hey, Jinpei, did you think about how much it will cost to take them to a match?" Ryu reminds him.



Meanwhile, Ken is in his Cessna, circling a dormant volcano. He contacts Dr. Nambu, telling him that there is nothing to report in 'Region X'.


Nambu marks his map with the information. Boy, he sure uses high tech equipment!


"Good. The proceed to Region Z." Nambu instructs. Hey, what happened to Region Y? Maybe Jun and Joe are searching there?

Or maybe not. Jun is checking out a volcano on her motorcycle.


She reports that there is nothing strange in Region A.

While Jun is right at the top of a volcano on her motorcycle, Joe seem to be slacking off on the job. He's at the bottom of another volcano, sitting in his car and using binoculars to observe.


Joe casually tosses the binoculars aside to report to Dr. Nambu.


He says that there is nothing to report in Region M.

Who divvied up these assignments, anyhow?

Nambu mutters to himself that he knows another eruption is planned somewhere. And the only place they haven't checked is...


Yep, Region Z. Where Ken is headed.

As Ken is flying to his new scouting location, he remembers that the Snow White Orphanage is in Region Z. If an eruption happens there, it would be a disaster!


So, if an eruption happens anywhere else in the world, it's okay, but in Region Z it's a disaster, because of one orphanage? As someone who lives close to the Pacific ‘Ring of Fire’, I take offense to this.


Posted by Transmute Jun on 13-07-2009 at 03:52:

Meanwhile, somewhere in or around region Z, Jinpei and Ryu have taken the orphanage boys to a kickboxing match.

But the boys are not happy. They’re complaining about the nosebleed seats Jinpei and Ryu have purchased.

"Aw, come on, guys! I spent all my savings getting these seats!" Jinpei protests.

"So be nice, already!" Ryu adds.


But an announcer comes out and introduces the contestants in the fight.

The first contestant, the Great Yokomura, is the champion of Asia and weighs 146 pounds. Yokomura gets lots of cheers.

But in the other corner, weighing 185 pounds, 'top rookie Gallack X'!


Perhaps it's just me, but Gallack X looks a lot heavier than 185 pounds!

And that woman with him has a very strange smile...

The bell rings, and Yokomura starts beating up on Gallack X.


Gallack X starts shaking and quivering, not fighting back at all. He falls to his knees.

Gallack X's manager doesn't seem at all disturbed by this, but snaps her fingers. Gallack X grins, and a strange gleam comes from his eye.


Suddenly, Gallack X stands up, and literally beats the pulp out of Yokomura. Yokomura is hit so hard, his mouth guard falls out as he hits the floor. (As an aside, I was watching this with my 6 year old son, and he was convinced that Yokomura lost his teeth.)

Gallack X is the winner! Even the kids from the Snow White Orphanage are impressed. The two boys (the ones who were fighting first and hugging later) decide to get Gallack X's autograph. They climb up to a window to look into his dressing room.

The see Gallack X's manager cutting off Gallaxk X's gloves.


Underneath are brass knuckles!

And under his foot bandages are metal bands!

"He's a cheater!" screams the boy.

Of course, Gallack X and his manager hear this. Gallack X jumps through a window and grabs the boys, who are running away. Notice that he's still wearing his brass knuckles.


Gallack X's managed jumps down, clearly indicating that it's time to go.


Jinpei and Ryu are shocked to come upon this scene.


They see the two boys being stuffed into a trunk by Gallack X. Jinpei and Ryu run to the boys' defense!


But even our brave ninjas are frightened by Gallack X.


But it doesn't stop Ryu from defending the boys anyway.


While Jinpei takes off after the fast-departing car.


Fortunately, the G-4 is parked conveniently nearby.


And since we love to point out the yaoi shots...


Gallack X isn't giving up.



Ryu passes out...


But another group of spectators have arrived. Gallack X sees them and runs away.

Meanwhile, Ken is still flying around in his Cessna when Nambu contacts him.


Nambu tells Ken to come back to base, because Ryu has been injured badly.


Yep, Ryu is in a hospital bed and everything. Guess our strong Owl didn't fare so well against Gallack X.

Ken rushes to the scene.


But it seems that Ken isn't the only one there. Ryu has other visitors too.


"He was beat up by a kickboxer after taking some orphans to see a match." Jun explains.

"His female manager kidnapped the children." Joe adds.


"But what would they want with them?" Ken wonders. Then he asks Ryu where Jinpei is.


Ryu tells Ken that Jinpei took off after the kickboxing manager.


"By himself?" Ken is aghast. He stands up heroically.

"We have got to save Jinpei and those children!" Ken declares.


Out in Region Z, Jinpei is hot on the tail of Gallack X's manager.


He follows the car to a strange base, which Jinpei identifies as 'a weird looking building'.

What do you think? Weird, or not weird? Your call...


The car with the children in the trunk goes in, but doors close behind it, and Jinpei cannot follow. But he realizes that they are right next to the orphanage.


Jinpei's bracelet lights up. It's Ken, telling him that the Team is on its way.


"What's your 20? Please give me your current position!" Ken asks.


Jinpei says that he's at a building behind the Snow White Orphanage.

Ken thinks it's a coincidence that Jinpei is in Region Z. He orders Jinpei to 'just wait there'.

"Roger!" Jinpei replies. But in the same breath he tells himself that he can't just wait, so he's going to search before the rest of the Team arrives. He's going to 'go it alone'.


Bird Go!


Stock footage of Jinpei transforming. Actually, I think this is recycled from the beetle episode.

After a brief commercial break, we see that it is now the Birdstyle version of the G-4 parked outside the weird building. Jinpei exits the vehicle, ready for action!


Jinpei goes inside, declaring that this is 'one suspicious building'.


But for all of his brash carelessness, Jinpei does spot an infrared alarm on the wall.

"I'd better look both ways and be careful!" he exclaims.



Very quickly, the Swallow decides that this looks like a Galactor base. Yup, it takes him all of two seconds to come to this conclusion.

So does he contact Ken?

Nope. He hides in a closet, while Gallack X passes by.

Jinpei notices that the infrared alarm device wasn't set off by Gallack X going by. Perhaps it's not an alarm after all...


But when Jinpei tries this, the alarm goes off, much to Jinpei's dismay.


Suddenly, goons are on the scene!


But Jinpei is ready to rumble!


The Swallow cries out about how he was right, that this is a Galactor base, as he takes care of the goons.

He finds his way to another room... only to be held up at gunpoint!


Maniacal female laughter echoes down, and Gallack X, the female manager, and the kidnapped boys are revealed!


"Very good, a little bird!" the manager says, in a bad Eastern European accent. Jinpei asks what she's going to do with the boys.

"They saw something they weren't supposed to, so we can't possibly let them live now." the manager explains.

"Can we?" she asks, swirling around.


Her cloak falls away to reveal... dun dun dun...

Berg Katse!


Jinpei is shocked by this development!


"What kind of sickness do you have up your sleeve this time? You'd better tell me now, you Rat Fink!" Jinpei threatens the Galactor Leader.


Posted by Transmute Jun on 13-07-2009 at 03:54:

And Katse spills all. Just like that. Guess he hasn't learned anything by now.

Katse admits that this is a Galactor base, and he tells Jinpei that they're going to explode the dormant volcano beneath them.

How the kickboxer fits into this, I have no idea.


Jinpei tells Katse he 'can't do that', because of the Snow White Orphanage next to the base.

"We destroy anything that gets in the way of our plans." Katse smirks. "We will annihilate the Science Ninja Team, using you as our bait!"


But Jinpei refuses to give in that easily.


He jumps into the air, sending out his bolas in a maneuver reminiscent of Ken's boomerang, taking out multiple goons at once, and catching it on the return.



Katse tells Gallack X that this is his chance. He orders the kickboxer to 'get him'!

Spikes grow from Gallack X's ears, he gets a metal Mohawk, and suddenly he starts growing! His clothes tear off in a bad imitation of the Incredible Hulk.


Gallack X is now a massive mecha!


Jinpei is scared witless.


The Swallow appears to be in big trouble now, taking on a mecha all by himself! Oh yeah, and a few goons have survived this long to still be holding guns at his head.


"Dude! That guy's a cyborg!" Jinpei exclaims. Yet again, I want to comment that technically a cyborg is part human, and therefore would have some human parts. This guy appears to be all mecha.

But I am nitpicking. If Lucy can be a cyborg, so can this guy.

Jinpei realizes that since this guy is all metal, that's why he didn't set off the alarm system.

Unconcerned with the Swallow's sudden comprehension, Gallack X grabs for Jinpei!


Jinpei flies into the air and throws his bolas at the mecha... uh, cyborg. For some reason, his pupils disappear and he looks like Little Orphan Annie.


His bolas completely miss the mecha. WTH? This thing is huge! And Jinpei can't hit him?

Instead, the bolas land on a suspicious lever sticking out of a control panel. Of course, the bolas cause the lever to fall...


"Berg Katse, he's triggered it!" a goon yells. Katse panics.


Gallack X doesn't seem bothered, but he does stop for a moment.


"I don't get it! What happened?" Jinpei cries miserably.

Outside, we see the building shaking and cracking open to reveal a spinning whirlwind, just as our friends arrive.


"What the hell is that?" exclaims Ken, arriving in his G-1.


Ken sees the G-4 vehicle on the ground next to the whirlwind. He surmises that Jinpei must be inside the building. Gee, how'd you guess that, Ken?

"Ken, what do we do?" asks Jun.


"Let's stop wasting time and rush in!" Joe urges. "Come on, Ken!"


Meanwhile, Katse has paused long enough in his panic to check out his security monitors.


"So you're here, Gatchaman!" Katse sneers. Then he turns to his goons. "Prepare to execute our plan. Now!"


Jinpei is still hanging from Gallack X's hand, and he can only watch as a massive whirlwind drill is sent into the ground.


But suddenly, he's on the floor next to the kidnapped boys!


Katse leaves the room with his men (but strangely, without Gallack X).


Katse (and apparently his goons, this time) gets away on a small rocket, as the drill burrows down to the dormant volcano.

Ken, Joe and Jun look on in horror as the rocket bursts out of the ground!


"Ha ha ha! Farewell Science Ninja Team!" Katse’s voice echoes out maniacally into the wind.

"I know that voice!" Ken exclaims. "It's Berg Katse!"

"Just as I thought." Joe mutters in disgust. "That wiggy thing was a Galactor base!"

"Jinpei and the kids must be trapped inside!" Jun deduces.


"You're right! Let's go save them!" Ken announces.

Jun agrees.


Inside the base, Jinpei is frozen in fear while the boys appear to be sleeping.


But somehow, Jinpei is able to perfectly judge exactly how close to position his body to the rapidly rotating drill to have it cut through his bonds.


Back outside, Ken and Jun are stymied by the clouds of dust rising up from the ground.


Joe is actually smart enough to stay out of the dust clouds, and calmly suggests that they could use Berg Katse's escape rocket hole to get into the base.


This would be a really good idea, except at that moment...


Yep, Gallack X has come to play.

"What's with this guy?" Joe asks.


Jun and Ken cry out in fear, and Jun cowers behind Ken.

"Ken shouts out that he must be 'some kind of guard cyborg'. How the heck would Ken know that it's a cyborg and not a mecha?

Regardless, Ken and Jun have been taking wimpy pills today, as only Joe looks up to the challenge.


"Ken, just leave Mr. Finhead to us!" Joe says.

Ken agrees, and as Gallack X strikes, they all leap into the air. Joe and Jun go one way...


Avoiding the cyborg's grab.


Meanwhile, Ken lands at Gallack X's feet, right next to the hole into the base...


Gatchaman dives in, narrowly avoiding that spiked foot.


Down at the bottom, Ken quickly comes upon the drill room where Jinpei and the kidnapped boys are waiting.

Jinpei is free, but hasn't left yet. He's glad to see Ken.


"Jinpei, are you okay?" Ken asks frantically.

"Of course I am! I'm the Great Swallow, Dude!" Jinpei preens.


Um, 'Great Swallow', you haven't untied these two boys, nor have you left the room. How 'great' can you be?

Ken asks what Galactor was doing with the drill. Jinpei tells him that they have to get out, because the drill is going to cause the volcano to erupt.

Ken is less than pleased to hear this.


He realizes that this is what's causing dormant volcanoes to erupt all over the world.

The two ninjas grab the boys and get out of there.


Of course, to get out, they have to get to the top of the long launch tube that Katse used to escape. Ken suggests that they use Science Ninja Technique: Tornado Fighter. With two passengers. Yep.

Ken holds onto the boys, who mercifully are still passed out.


And Jinpei jumps onto his shoulders.


The Tornado Fighter works, and they all rise up and out of the ground.


Ken notes that the cyborg is still around, but Jinpei has noticed something even worse.


The volcano is erupting!

"Damn it." says Ken.



Posted by Transmute Jun on 13-07-2009 at 03:54:

Jinpei points out how close by the orphanage is located. Ken orders Jinpei to hurry and get the children to higher ground.

Jinpei takes the still-unconscious boys onto the G-4 and leaves.


Ken tells Jun and Joe that it's time to get out of there.


Of course, not that Joe and Jun are gone, Gallack X goes after Ken.


But Ken takes off for the G-1.


Leaving Gallack X caught in the lava flow from the erupting volcano.


Ken's jet takes off straight up into the air, even though it clearly does not have jets on its underside, and should be racing along a runway to get up speed for takeoff. Oops...


Good thing it has suddenly developed this ability though, because the lava is moving at lightning speed to cover the area! It's racing toward the orphanage!

At the orphanage, Jinpei, Jun and Joe are trying to get the kids out of harm's way. One of the kids seems to be enjoying his joyride on the Condor's neck.


Everyone watches in horror as the orphanage is destroyed.


Ken arrives, and jumps out of the G-1 to join everyone else.


But Gallack X has somehow managed to escape his lava bath!


Ken narrowly escapes another attack!


He flips onto Gallack X's back.


Suddenly, Ken realizes that the cyborg's weakness is his glass eyes. I'm not sure how he figured this out, but hey, I'll go with it.

Gatchaman whips out his boomerang...


Jumps into the air, and throws his weapon.


The boomerang hits Gallack X in the eye, and down goes the mecha. Uh, cyborg.


A melting Gallack X falls into the lava, gets up, and wades through it to the source of it all... the erupting volcano.


The cyborg falls on top of the volcano, causing the lava to spurt out the other side... toward a nearby city.

"Holy hot shit!" Ken exclaims, in a very Burt Ward fashion. "The lava's going toward the city!"


Jinpei suggests (via bracelet) that if they hit a mountain with Bird Missiles, that they can stop the lava. Ken thinks it's a great idea, but of course, they can only fire Bird Missiles in the God Phoenix, and Ryu isn't there.

"Don't give up just yet, Jinpei." Joe says.


Ryu has crawled out of his sickbed to come!

But he's not looking too good. You can still see bandages under his helmet.


Everyone flies to their individual vehicles to assemble.


Meanwhile, this incredibly fast-moving lava is flowing like water toward the city. It doesn't stop us from getting some stock footage of the vehicles joining up, though.

Ken races onto the Bridge. Does he order the Bird Missiles to be fired?

No. He solicitously inquires after the Owl's health.


"Are you sure you're okay, Ryu?" Ken asks. "Shouldn't you be resting?"


"How could I sleep at a time like this?" Ryu asks, offended. "Puh-lease!"

The God Phoenix finally catches up with the front of the lava flow. For fast-moving lava, it sure is taking awhile to reach the city. Perhaps it's taking a roundabout route?



Ken orders that the top of a nearby mountain be hit with a Bird Missile. Even though Joe is occupying Ken's seat at the front of the God Phoenix, this task for some reason falls to Ryu.

Yep. Rather than order their expert gunner to do it, Ken has the sick pilot (who is currently busy trying to fly the ship) to do it. Guess it's time for the Owl's heroic moment!


Fortunately, Ryu's Bird Missile hits the mountain and there is a huge rockslide, saving the city.

Ryu is amazed and relieved that he was able to do this.

And then he collapses from all of the strain.


But we know he's okay, as the calm 'mellow music' plays. We see the smoking remains of Gallack X, and the burned out orphanage, and then the children, who are working hard to build a new place to live.


Yep, seems that difficult forced labor for children is perfectly acceptable and lawful in Region Z. And to prove it, the members of the Science Ninja Team are helping too.


Well, not all of them.


Jinpei yells at Ken and Joe to 'pick up the pace'. Ken doesn't seem too fond of the 'advice'.


He makes Jinpei get up off of his butt, and all is well once more.

Or is it? Jun is helping out with the food!


It might not have been the best choice, but perhaps with Ryu there to help her, it won't be too bad.

Regardless, the sun sets on the ruined orphanage and 'construction workers', and the happy music reminds us that all is well.

This episode was not adapted for BOTP.


Posted by lborgia88 on 13-07-2009 at 16:11:

Great Recap! Wow, this is the first appearance of the "Galactor Female Commander" but I'd forgotten just how big of a hint this episode provides that she's really Berg Katse too!

It's also interesting how closely Ryu's actions at the end here parallel Joe in the puppy episode -showing up just when needed (despite being wounded), with a bandaged head, and firing the bird missile that saves the day.

I too have assumed that a 'cyborg' is supposed to have at least some organic parts left, and not be wholly mechanical. Didn't Ryu, in ep. 21 say a cyborg has a 'legit' (ie. organic) brain but a body that's 'nuts and bolts'? I would think that if they don't want to call Gallack X a 'mecha' (perhaps because unlike most mechas, he's not animal shaped and there isn't a whole crew of goons inside him) then 'robot' would be a better word to use instead. But as you pointed out, Lucy didn't seem to have any organic parts in her when she self-destructed (unless there was a brain there in the wreckage on the street that the car drove over -ick!) and they still called her a cyborg, not a robot.

Clearly the word has a rather flexible definition!

Posted by Transmute Jun on 13-07-2009 at 19:24:

Originally posted by lborgia88
Clearly the word has a rather flexible definition!

Definitely. And here's where I'll ask James to contribute... is this a 'misinterpretation' carried over from the original Japanese, or something all in the subs and ADVs?

Interestingly enough, I noticed this being especially prevalent in the Eagle Riders series./ Joe would talk about becoming 'more of a cyborg' when in reality, as long as he had human parts, he was just a cyborg, not 'more' or 'less' of one. Wink


Posted by lborgia88 on 14-07-2009 at 03:21:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun

Interestingly enough, I noticed this being especially prevalent in the Eagle Riders series./ Joe would talk about becoming 'more of a cyborg' when in reality, as long as he had human parts, he was just a cyborg, not 'more' or 'less' of one. Wink

I guess neither Gatch II nor Eagle Riders was ever too specific as to exactly how much of cyborg Joe were his original parts, and how much were artificial/mechanical things added by Dr. Rafael (other than the bomb near his heart after his "upgrade". I can only guess they figured that as long as viewers got that he was no longer dying from brain damage, and was a heck of a lot more damage-resistant, that was enough (though I would have liked more details!) I could see there being a difference between being mostly human with a few cyborg bits here and there, and being solely a brain with a "nuts and bolts" body, but I agree -in both instances, one is a cyborg.

With regard to Jinpei, is this the first episode that specifically mentions that he grew up in an orphanage? It's interesting how little details about all of their backstories come out, bit by bit, throughout the episodes.

Posted by tatsunokofan on 14-07-2009 at 04:08:

Hi all!

Definitely. And here's where I'll ask James to contribute... is this a 'misinterpretation' carried over from the original Japanese, or something all in the subs and ADVs?

The use -- and misuse -- of the word "cyborg" is something that comes from the pen of the original writers for the series. Sadly, this tends to be a common problem among writers who do not know exactly what the word implies. You'll frequently see the same type of problem with the use of the word "android" in a lot of SF stories.

Anyway, in case you cared, there are a number of cyborgs mentioned throughout Gatchaman, including Kabutron from episode #17 (Which would have been correct had they succeeded with the surgery to remove and attach the kid's brains to the Iron Beasts), the Cyborg Horses in episode #21 (Which is only accurate if they used any part of living horses in them), Lucy in episode #27 (Which implies that she had at least a human brain inside her metal body), Gallack X in episode #29 (Duh. Like Lucy, the probably implies that there was a human brain in that mechanical body), the wildcat in episode #36 (Which, like the Cyborg Horses, is only true if there is some portion of a living wildcat included in there), Romina and Julia in episode #43 (Who do seem to have at least their brains remaining in what are probably otherwise mechanical bodies), and the Mannequin Mecha from episode #70 (Who, like Gallack X and Lucy, give no indication that they're cyborgs instead of robots, but who am I to argue). And that's just the first series. The second series gives us Joe, Cathy, and an entire colony of cyborgs to deal with, and the third series gives us Sharamu, all of whom seem to be humanoid mechanical bodies with human brains controlling them.

With regard to Jinpei, is this the first episode that specifically mentions that he grew up in an orphanage? It's interesting how little details about all of their backstories come out, bit by bit, throughout the episodes.

Yes, this is the first time it is mentioned that Jinpei spent time at the Shirayuki Orphanage. It should be noted that there is no mention that Jun was there with him.


Posted by gatchamarie on 14-07-2009 at 13:07:

Thanks again for the recap TJ.

ITA that there was a misconception of the word 'cyborg' throughout the series. Perhaps it was to indicate that all the cyborgs mentioned had a previous, normal human life and body before being turned to these beings for Galactor's needs - having only some parts or the whole body changed mechanically does not seem to make a difference. Even I think that Gallack X tends more to be a robot than a cyborg, but nothing is specified indicating his background.

By the way, was there anybody in charge and taking care of the orphans or were these orphans themselves running the orphanage?!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by Transmute Jun on 14-07-2009 at 13:43:

The orphans were clearly in charge, as no adult chaperone was there to watch the kickboxing, accompany them to the match, evacuate them, or help them rebuild.

And ITA it makes sense that Jun wasn't in this orphanage, as it all seems to be children about the same age. I did see a girl or two in the beginning though. But I think later in the charioteers episode (can't remember the Gatch name off the top of my head but n BOTP is't Charioteers of Changu) it is mentioned that Jun found Jinpei wandering around on his own when he was very young, and she took him in then.

I'm guessing now that James is going to jump in and tell me I have something muddled. Wink


Posted by Transmute Jun on 14-07-2009 at 13:45:

Originally posted by gatchamarie
ITA that there was a misconception of the word 'cyborg' throughout the series. Perhaps it was to indicate that all the cyborgs mentioned had a previous, normal human life and body before being turned to these beings for Galactor's needs - having only some parts or the whole body changed mechanically does not seem to make a difference.

Now here's a thought... from the point of view of the Gatchaman universe, the entire BOTP Team would all have been cyborgs... and therefore looked down upon. Not to mention their evil cyborg assistant, 7-Zark-7... Wink


Posted by tatsunokofan on 14-07-2009 at 17:40:

Hi all!

I'm guessing now that James is going to jump in and tell me I have something muddled.

Naw, that's essentially it. Jun found Jinpei as a young child wandering near Mt. Jupiter. He would have been around 3-years-old at the time (Since he is roughly the same age as the son of the Jupiter Ninja leader who went missing at the same time Jun found Jinpei, and that missing boy was 3). This was all in episode #95, "The United Ninja Great Demon Man." How exactly he got from her finding him to being in the Shirayuki Orphanage is not explained.

And ITA it makes sense that Jun wasn't in this orphanage, as it all seems to be children about the same age.

Actually, if you think about it, Jun would likely have been around the same age as those kids at the orphanage when she found Jinpei (Assuming a seven year age difference between Jun and Jinpei, Jun would have been around 10-years-old when she found Jinpei, close to the age Jinpei was during episode #29, and that the children in that episode were approximately Jinpei's age). If the time between her finding Jinpei and his going to the orphanage was not very long, she could easily have ended up there as well.


Posted by clouddancer on 14-07-2009 at 22:49:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
The orphans were clearly in charge, as no adult chaperone was there to watch the kickboxing, accompany them to the match, evacuate them, or help them rebuild.

I had decided that the people in charge of the Orphanage were allowing Ryu/Jinpei to be the chaperone's At 18 (assuming I have his age correct) Ryu would probably have been seen as an adult and thus able to be in charge of children. Especially since he would probably have appeared to be a very responsible person since he was working for ISO. (Again assuming that he had let the Orphanage known his employer.)

But clearly there were no shown adults to care for the children.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 14-07-2009 at 23:12:

And no adults during the evacuation, either!

I was thinking, CD, that you would enjoy this episode. it really showed Ryu as more than just a comic relief character: a guy who was strong and stood up for what was right, and came to help out his teammates when they needed him. This episode really demonstrates that he is a necessary part of the Science Ninja Team: to my mind, even more so than the one where he quits the Team and Joe has to fly the God Phoenix.


Posted by tatsunokofan on 14-07-2009 at 23:26:

Hi all!

At 18 (assuming I have his age correct) Ryu would probably have been seen as an adult and thus able to be in charge of children.

Actually, he's 17, not 18.

Especially since he would probably have appeared to be a very responsible person since he was working for ISO. (Again assuming that he had let the Orphanage known his employer.)

Most likely he would have told them that he managed a yacht harbor, not about his association with the I.S.O.. Regardless, that he managed his own business would demonstrate a certain level of responsibility...if they could find any adults at the orphanage to demonstrate this to.


Posted by clouddancer on 15-07-2009 at 00:06:

Well, like so many adults in children's shows they are hidden in the background (heard but not seen - makes Cloud think of the Charlie Brown "shows" and the teacher "talking" to C.B.)

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by clouddancer on 15-07-2009 at 00:20:

You are correct TJ this is one of the few eps that shows Ryu as something more than Comedic relief and it gives an added dimension to Ryu by showing his care for children - probably because he can not be around to "love" his own brother.

And as you mentioned in the recap the similarity to Joe, in his returning to the team to help them even though he is still injured.

I have a question though - if Ryu has collapsed after firing that Bird Missile, who pilots the Phoenix back/home/down (where ever) so the team can change out of Bird Style and go help make repairs to the Orphanage? Okay, I know, that is reading too much into the show.... I guess if I want that question answered I will have to write an episode story of my own.
Nono1 (Not likely)

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 15-07-2009 at 02:25:

It was LB who pointed out the similarities to Joe. Wink

I think Ken or Jun could easily have landed the God Phoenix after Ryu collapsed.


Posted by UnpublishedWriter on 27-04-2010 at 13:39:

In order, in order.

Benefits, not features; benefits, not features

Posted by condorcandi on 14-06-2010 at 05:11:

Owls don't get enough credit.

Even though they have to have certain qualities and skill sets to even BE a Ninja/G-Force member, they STILL don't get enough credit. I like my Condors, but I don't like seeing people who deserve better 'talked down' to, and the Owls certainly qualify. (Comic relief. :snortSmile

After getting Ryu to lie down (for his own health), any of the other Ninjas alone or together could have flown the Phoenix.


Hollywood is a land of money and cowardice.

-Henry A. Lee, columnist

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