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Posted by lborgia88 on 18-06-2009 at 19:25:

Welcome, Gatchamarie!

Welcome, Gatchamarie! I see from your profile that you're in Malta. That must be a beautiful place to be, and so much history there too!


Posted by Metaliant on 18-06-2009 at 20:08:

Welcome and enjoy.

It looks like we got another female Eagle. That's makes 29, only 5 behind the Condors. We are slowly, very slowly creeping up behind them.

Mind you, that's the good news. The bad news is that we are slowly being invaded by 5 7zark7s.

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by Springie on 18-06-2009 at 21:31:


Welcome, Gatchmarie! Animelol


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by gatchgirl on 18-06-2009 at 23:30:

Welcome to the madness Gatchmarie... Animegiggle

" No gratitude needs to be voiced, your mind speaks to us!"

Racer by day, Feather Thrower all the time!

Posted by gogirl212 on 19-06-2009 at 00:50:

Daisy1 Daisy2 welcome! Daisy2 Daisy1

There are few problems that a swift kick to the head by a highly trained ninja can't solve.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 19-06-2009 at 01:59:

Hello Gatchamarie! Great to see you here! I don't suppose you happen to know Marvel Marie?


Posted by Firebird on 19-06-2009 at 04:11:

Wecome and please feel free to explore a littel and maybe share some questions or opinions with us

Like the Phoenix I rise from the fire. Beware all who try to tame me, you may get burned Flame

Posted by gatchamarie on 19-06-2009 at 16:15:

Cool Glad to join you

A warm hello to all. First of all thanks a lot for your welcome and sorry for not introducing myself yesterday as duty called (children!) and I had to switch off. Yes I come from the small island called Malta which is beautiful, with loads of history, and now that it's summer it's very hot and sunny. Coming from such a small island may be very restrictive at times and that's why I was overjoyed when I came along this site which gave me so much information about the manga I liked best in childhood and hmm now! My interest got greater when I found out about the movie which I hope we could see later on perhaps in 2011. Before I searched in the web I thought that I was the only one who interested myself in such childhood memories but you proved me wrong and I was delighted! Sorry but I do not know Marvel Marie but perhaps I could get to know a bit from all of you through this site. Sorry if I do not understand some of your abbreviations as my English could be a bit restrictive at times! Glad to see the Eagles are pointing up! Thanks again. Animeparty

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by Transmute Jun on 19-06-2009 at 16:41:

Great to see you here, Gatcha Marie! I just asked about Marvel Marie as she joined recently and obviously has the same name Wink

Don't be afraid to jump in! We love to discuss Gatchaman and all of its incarnations, and have a love for the characters (or perhaps a 'love to hate' relationship with some of them).

You are also not the first person on the board for whom English is not familiar, so don't be worried on that account either! We're just glad you're here.

I am traveling to Valetta next year, so I will enjoy reading any information you have about Malta!


Posted by gatchamarie on 19-06-2009 at 17:08:

I'm glad to hear from you Transmute Jun and that you are visiting Malta next year! Although so small compared to other countries Malta has a lot to give (please don't take me that I'm boasting!). I would be very glad to answer any questions if you wish any information but it's always better to see with your own eyes. I may not be able to chat frequently due to my part-time job and daily chores so please excuse me beforehand if I do not answer immediately. I have been to California (from your profile I learned that you come from there) in the beginning of the year 2000 and it was an unforgettable trip! Regards

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by lborgia88 on 19-06-2009 at 21:39:

It's nice to meet you, Gatchamarie!

Is "Battle of the Planets" the version that you watched as a child or did you perhaps see the Italian version of "Gatchaman II"?

Me, I have fond childhood memories of "Battle of the Planets", and discovered "Gatchaman" only a few years ago, but it's since become my favourite.

I too was so happy to find this site, and learn that I was not the only one interested in Gatchaman (in its various forms)!

Posted by clouddancer on 19-06-2009 at 21:48:

Welcome Gatchamarie!!!

Your story of finding this site sounds like so many I have heard, including my own. Thinking you were the only one who remembered with such fond memories this series only to discover a whole "realm" that exists.

We are always pleased to welcome members form other countries. For me, I then get to learn so much more about our beautiful planet.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by gatchgirl on 19-06-2009 at 22:10:

Yes Gatchmarie... many of us felt that we were few in the world that remembered Gatch or any incarnation of it.. It is great to find others that do as well.

" No gratitude needs to be voiced, your mind speaks to us!"

Racer by day, Feather Thrower all the time!

Posted by Springie on 19-06-2009 at 23:19:

Your English is just fine! Feel free to ask us if you have any questions about the abbreviations- we'll be happy to explain! So good to have you around!! Animehello


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 19-06-2009 at 23:38:

Originally posted by gatchamarie
I'm glad to hear from you Transmute Jun and that you are visiting Malta next year! Although so small compared to other countries Malta has a lot to give (please don't take me that I'm boasting!).

I believe you! Big Grin I am very much looking forward to my trip next year. You will have to tell me what I must see when I am there!

I may not be able to chat frequently due to my part-time job and daily chores so please excuse me beforehand if I do not answer immediately.

Don't worry, lots of us have real life intruding on our internet time, and it's pretty normal to have people disappear for a bit and then return later. I know I'm in that group as well!

I have been to California (from your profile I learned that you come from there) in the beginning of the year 2000 and it was an unforgettable trip! Regards

I am glad you enjoyed it! I certainly enjoy living here. Like every other place, it has good points and bad points, but right now I am enjoying the good points (the wonderful weather and easily available fresh fruit). Wink

And being in the same state as Disneyland doesn't hurt either. Wink


Posted by gatchamarie on 20-06-2009 at 11:55:

My childhood memories about Gatchaman are a bit confused as there were many versions going on in a short span of time. During the 1980's there was only one Maltese national tv station which luckily enough introduced us with Battle of the Planets and us children were hooked by it (especially a girl like me who always followed the footsteps of two elder brothers who liked those genre of cartoons and not Candy Candy, etc!). Then, being myself a browser of channels and having the possibility of watching also all Italian channels, I came into the Italian version of Gatchaman II and I think Gatchaman F as it went on to Episode 48 of the latter. I honestly prefer this last version mentioned as I do think that the story was taken more seriously. When switching from channel to channel, as a child I couldn't exactly get a grip of continuity in the story, with all the different names and plots, and did not realize at first that there were different versions but after watching the Italian version of Gatchaman I got hold to it and it ends there! (I so wished there was a sequel as I was never fed up of Gatchaman and I wished to know what happened to Ken and the others after their final victory!) I also am good in the Italian language thanks to my watching all cartoon series which aired during those times! (If anyone has the need to translate something from Italian to English I would be more than happy to help where I could!) Honestly I think that today's manga, though being so good in artwork and special effects, are not so appealing in their storylines as those of my childhood days except for a few. Perhaps I am a bit ignorant at these times of what is going on as our tv set is always tuned on Disney channel due to the fact that I have very small kids and would not like to show them much aggressiveness yet!

Dear Transmute Jun, I can only tell you that California reminds me of a wonderful part of my life during which my then boyfriend and I decided on our marriage date whilst visiting Disneyland at Anaheim! That moment I will never forget and I remind it several times to my now hubby when I want to reenact some romance!

Thanks again Luvu4

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by Metaliant on 20-06-2009 at 12:29:

RE: Glad to join you

Originally posted by gatchamarie
A warm hello to all. First of all thanks a lot for your welcome and sorry for not introducing myself yesterday as duty called (children!) and I had to switch off. Yes I come from the small island called Malta which is beautiful, with loads of history, and now that it's summer it's very hot and sunny. Coming from such a small island may be very restrictive at times and that's why I was overjoyed when I came along this site which gave me so much information about the manga I liked best in childhood and hmm now! My interest got greater when I found out about the movie which I hope we could see later on perhaps in 2011. Before I searched in the web I thought that I was the only one who interested myself in such childhood memories but you proved me wrong and I was delighted! Sorry but I do not know Marvel Marie but perhaps I could get to know a bit from all of you through this site. Sorry if I do not understand some of your abbreviations as my English could be a bit restrictive at times! Glad to see the Eagles are pointing up! Thanks again. Animeparty

Your English seems to be great. Sometimes bette than mine and I am English. If you do have any problems with abbreviations, then just ask and I am sure that one of us will give you the proper words.

For example, BOTP means Battle Of The Planets, the first American version of Gatch (Gatchaman).

Also, don't panic (as that's my job) about not introducing yourself first thing or not being around for a bit. Sometimes people (me included) disappear for a bit for whatever reason but always return to one of the best sites on the internet.

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by gatchamarie on 20-06-2009 at 12:46:

Thanks again Metaliant. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by lborgia88 on 20-06-2009 at 15:09:

Originally posted by gatchamarie
My childhood memories about Gatchaman are a bit confused as there were many versions going on in a short span of time. During the 1980's there was only one Maltese national tv station which luckily enough introduced us with Battle of the Planets and us children were hooked by it (especially a girl like me who always followed the footsteps of two elder brothers who liked those genre of cartoons and not Candy Candy, etc!). Then, being myself a browser of channels and having the possibility of watching also all Italian channels, I came into the Italian version of Gatchaman II and I think Gatchaman F as it went on to Episode 48 of the latter. I honestly prefer this last version mentioned as I do think that the story was taken more seriously. When switching from channel to channel, as a child I couldn't exactly get a grip of continuity in the story, with all the different names and plots, and did not realize at first that there were different versions but after watching the Italian version of Gatchaman I got hold to it and it ends there! (I so wished there was a sequel as I was never fed up of Gatchaman and I wished to know what happened to Ken and the others after their final victory!)

I've always wondered too. The general consensus here seems to be that they are somehow still alive, perhaps because of the pendant that Dr. Nambu had given to Ken, that seemed to have special powers. Episode 48 of Gatchaman Fighter (in Italian) used to be on youtube, but the person who posted it has had their account suspended so it's gone now. Sad2

I also am good in the Italian language thanks to my watching all cartoon series which aired during those times! (If anyone has the need to translate something from Italian to English I would be more than happy to help where I could!) Honestly I think that today's manga, though being so good in artwork and special effects, are not so appealing in their storylines as those of my childhood days except for a few.

Have you seen these youtube clips of Battle of the Planets in Italian?

(part 2)

Posted by gatchamarie on 20-06-2009 at 18:01:

Originally posted by lborgia88
I've always wondered too. The general consensus here seems to be that they are somehow still alive, perhaps because of the pendant that Dr. Nambu had given to Ken, that seemed to have special powers. Episode 48 of Gatchaman Fighter (in Italian) used to be on youtube, but the person who posted it has had their account suspended so it's gone now. Sad2

That's what I think also and that's why I wished for a sequel! I've also pictured some sequels in my mind but never made it to write a fic. I tried to download (to tell the truth I always ask my husband as he is the expert) episode 48 of Gatchaman F from softwares like Limewire or Emule but I couldn't as there wasn't enough feedback.

[quote]Have you seen these youtube clips of Battle of the Planets in Italian?

(part 2)

To be honest, no I never saw them but thanks for sending them on to me ... I'll promise to find some time and view them. Though I like the Gatchaman version more than BotP I will be more than happy to do so! Unfortunately when watching youtube clips our computer tends to cut at intervals as it is overloaded and a bit slow - needs to be upgraded again!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


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