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--- Gatchaman Episode 19 - Speed Race from Hell (

Posted by Transmute Jun on 08-06-2009 at 03:45:

Gatchaman Episode 19 - Speed Race from Hell

Gatchaman Episode 19 - Speed Race from Hell


Racecars are speeding along a cliffside highway in a place that looks suspiciously like Monaco. But it's not Monaco, it's the Luman Kingdom; one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Among other things, Luman is known for its beautiful ocean views and gambling. Hey, this is Monaco! Wink

More than two billion Yen changes hands every night in Luman's gambling establishments. But there is another side to the kingdom as well. There are homeless people and poor, who struggle to pay hefty taxes.

The fancy racecars speed through an area where a homeless boy is looking for food in a garbage can. The nearly run him over in their haste.

The narrator wonders where all of the money created by the casino industry disappears to.

A young man wearing black gloves is taking pictures of topographical maps in the Records Room of a secret factory where the casino money is being sorted. He puts the maps back in a filing cabinet.

Elsewhere in the same factory we see... a goon. Yes, Galactor is behind all of the misery here, leeching the casino money away from the people of the kingdom. Oh wait, I'm getting ahead of myself.

The goon spots the young man fleeing from the Records Room.


Of course, being a goon, he isn't able to stop him. The goon comforts himself with the thought that there's no way for him to escape 'this secret base', and he presses an alarm button.


The goon has not yet noticed that one black glove has been left behind at the scene.

Berg Katse and the King of Luman are walking into a giant vault.


Katse hears the alarm and presses a button on the wall.


Katse speaks with the goon, who reports that he just saw a suspicious person inside the base. Katse thinks this is impossible.

"There is no way anyone could break into Galactor's secret base that easily!" he states firmly.

Clearly Katse isn't as familiar with the Science Ninja Team as he needs to be.

Katse orders an investigation.

Katse and the King examine a vault of money. Katse asks King Luman (yes, the King's name is also Luman) for an increase to his 'current donation'.



The King replies that he has pledged his loyalty to Galactor, and he will do whatever he can.

Katse thanks him, and declares that in return, Galactor will protect his throne.

And speaking of the throne.. where has the prince gone?

The King says that the prince was with hiom just a minute ago. The voice actor is playing 'doddering old fool' to the hilt.


The prince approaches, apologizing for 'disappearing like that'. Strangely, he has one black glove hanging out of his back pocket.


Katse dismisses his absence by saying that 'young people move quickly'. He changes subject to the race. Prince Lukor is competing this year. Is he confident he will win?

No, but Lukor is confident that something big will happen this year.

Katse says that he is looking forward to it, but his tone is somewhat suspicious.


Later, Katse examines the black glove left in the entryway of the Records Room.


Katse clearly suspects the Prince. He declares that they 'mustn't let their guard down, and must find out what he is up to'.

Meanwhile, back at the Crescent Base... they show us a table and chairs.


Yeah, I know, it's just background, but I don't recall ever seeing this before. Maybe it's the Crescent Coral Base cafeteria?

In any case, Nambu isn't having lunch. He's meeting with the Science Ninja Team, telling them that they have urgent orders.


He has received a communication from Prince Lukor confirming that the Prince has a microfilm with the locations of all secret Galactor bases and their Headquarters! This is especially exciting, as the Science Ninja Team's main objective is to locate Galactor Headquarters.

Ken asks if the Doctor is certain this information is true.


Nambu's sure. Joe just knows that this is their chance to finally defeat Galactor.


Too bad it’s still fewer than 20 episodes into the series!

Conveniently, the kingdom is going to hold an auto race. Nambu wants the entire Team to compete in the race.


Jinpei thinks this is cool.

Nambu tells them that the Prince is also competing, but he doesn't know who they are. He only knows that there are five members of the Science Ninja Team. They must approach him as a group, in order to get him to trust them. Then they can get the microfilm from the Prince.


Nambu tells Joe that this is 'his chance to show his skill'.

Joe suddenly morphs into Mick Jagger as he tells the Doctor that Nambu can count on him.


And the God Phoenix is off to Luman.

Meanwhile, Katse is watching security camera footage, clearly showing the Prince taking photographs in the Records Room.


Katse knows that he must act quickly to prevent Galactor's bases from being discovered. He decides to go speak with X.

X confirms that letting the locations of the secret bases get out is bad news for Galactor. Did Katse really need this to be confirmed?

Sensing his minon's stupidity, X warns Katse that if Gatchaman discovers their Headquarters, Katse's days will be numbered.

"I will kill you!" X snarls.


Katse is somewhat taken aback by this, but X reminds him that he should know by now that 'secrecy is of the essence for Galactor'.

Back in Luman, a band is playing to celebrate the start of the auto race.

The people cheer, and Prince Lukor waves to his father, who is watching. But inside, the Prince is unhappy that his father has 'sold his soul' to Galactor. The Prince vows to fight against them.

Lukor wants to make his country beautiful and peaceful again.

An announcer tells us that the track is 3.5 kilometers per lap, and the race is one hundred laps.

The Science Ninja Team show up to participate in the race. Joe, Jun and Jinpei are in their G-machines, while Ken got some weeny little cereal-box racecar.


I think Ryu is supposed to be in that 'exposed engine' car on the far right.


Ken drives past Lukor to the starting line.


He is followed by the others.





Sorry... I just love the shots of the Team driving all of these vehicles!

Yep, I just confirmed that it's Ryu in the open-engine vehicle!


The Prince looks over at Ken, who oh-so-subtly raises his arm, to show off his bracelet.


Following Ken's lead, the others get in on this too.



The Prince is so impressed that he rolls his eyes.


But he pulls the microfilm out of his pants leg pocket anyhow.

Ken moves his car closer to catch the microfilm, but another car comes up behind them. Strangely, it looks like one of the Doronbo Gang (from Yatterman) is driving it.


Well, it's a Doronbo goon. He catches the microfilm in midair.


I want to know how the other ninjas let this guy in front of them anyway!

Now the race is on for real, as the Prince and the Science Ninja Team are all trying to catch Doronbo goon.

Ken can't believe that the goon took the microfilm.


Ken realizes that the 'black shark cars' must be Galactor racers. He orders the Team to go after them and take back the microfilm.

Jun, Jinpei and Joe are on it!



Posted by Transmute Jun on 08-06-2009 at 03:46:

But somehow, everyone is passing Ryu in his old junker. His engine is smoking, and the Owl is out of the race.


When Ken contacts him to ask what's wrong, Ryu says that he broke down, but that he'll follow in G-5.

The cars race through a city that looks very much like Monte Carlo (but remember, it's actually Luman, not Monaco) and the Science Ninja Team is hot on Galactor's trail.

Ken orders Joe to go after Galactor, while Jun and Jinpei should protect Prince Lukor.



Blooper alert! Joe drives up in the civilian G-2, but he's wearing his Condor uniform.


A few seconds later, he's back in civvies.


Joe tries to force one of the Galactor drivers off the road, but the goon won't let him. So Joe pulls ahead to try and cut them off.

But the goon cars sprout wings, and fly off the edge of the road.

I wonder if this is where they got the idea for the G-2 doing this in the OAVs?

"Damn them! That was pretty sneaky!" Joe growls.


But the Condor has his own tricks. He barrels off the edge of the road too.


Flying down to land in front of the goon cars again.


He knocks one as he lands, and the car explodes.

And of course, this was the car that had the microfilm. The cannister is just sitting out in the middle of the road, next to the burning car!

The Prince drives up and retrieves it, only to be met by Galactor.


But The Science Ninja Team is there!



Joe pulls the Prince down to safety, while Ken takes out the goons.


Joe tells Lukor to 'split', without asking for the microfilm first.

And Lukor does. Too bad Galactor is changing the road up ahead. Yes, literally. They're moving it like a set of railroad tracks.

The race is on again, and the Science Ninja Team is following Lukor. But Lukor realizes he's in a strange tunnel...

... that leads right into a Galactor base!


Ken, Joe, Jun and Lukor are all caught!


Katse laughs, and asks Lukor to hand over the microfilm.

Lukor denies everything.


But Katse just throws the missing black glove at Lukor's feet.

"I knew it was you, so hand it over!" Katse demands.


But just as Lukor is panicking, the King arrives.


Katse tells the King that his son is being disrespectful, and the King tells Lukor to 'just do what he is told'.

But Lukor declares that the Luman Kingdom doesn't belong to his father, as his soul has been stolen by Galactor.


Lukor says that the Kingdom should belong to the citizens who struggle every day because Galactor is hoarding their money.

The King doesn't know what Lukor is talking about, and Katse calls him an 'arrogant brat'. A goon points his gun at the King.

The King demands to know the meaning of this.

Katse tells Lukor that he has ten seconds to 'obey', and begins counting. Lukor reaches up to his helmet and pulls out the microfilm.

When Katse gets to 'four', Ken holds up his bracelet and signals Lukor.


Lukor asks his father to forgive him, then tosses the microfilm to Ken.


The goon shoots the King.


Lukor is horrified that his father is dead. The Science Ninja Team aren't too happy either.


Now Katse wants Ken to hand over the microfilm, and a goon points his gun at the civilian Eagle.


But Ken throws it to Joe.


And a gun is pressed into Joe's back.


So Joe passes it to Jun and smacks the goon.



Oh look! Jinpei showed up! Now the rifles are pointed at Jun, and the Swallow looks worried.


She passes the microfilm to Jinpei, who swallows it. Now we know how he got his bird name!


But it doesn't go down very well.


Katse calls Jinpei an idiot, and orders his men to 'seize that half-witted child'.

Jinpei fakes choking, making his way over to where Lukor is mourning his father.


Hmmm.... what is Jinpei doing on Lukor's leg? Wink


The others watch 'helplessly' as Katse orders Jinpei to be 'opened up'.


They get put into a cell with Lukor.


Jun shouts out to an absent Jinpei that 'it's going to hurt a lot when they operate' on him.


But Lukor dumps the microfilm out of his boot.


Lukor confirms that Jinpei was just pretending to swallow it.


Joe says that they've got to rescue Jinpei as soon as they can.

Ken tells Jun that 'it's up to her'.


Jun pulls the heel off of her shoe.


Then pulls out some plastique. She giggles.


Then she affixes it to the wall.



She sets a quick timer on it, and everyone hunkers down.


The door explodes, and Ken is impressed.

Ken picks now to transform. Cue stock footage.

Everyone escapes the cell.



Katse is just about to operate on Jinpei.


Katse smacks Jinpei around a bit when he mouths off.


Great, Jinpei has a goon who's going to operate on him! If that's not scary, I don't know what is!


But the goon suggests that it would be easier just to kill him, rather than operate on him. I guess the goon ha a brain after all. Or maybe he's just hedging his bets, since he's uncertain of his surgical skills.

Whatever the reason, Jinpei doesn't like the idea.


But Katse says no. He wants Jinpei to 'feel the pain of his disobedience'.


But after they've retrieved the microfilm, they can do whatever they want with Jinpei. Kill him, let him live; Katse really doesn't care. He's so disinterested that he moves to the side of the room.

Maybe Katse just gets squeamish at the sight of blood?

The surgical goon pulls up Jinpei's shirt and prepares for the first incision...


And at that very moment, Ken knocks the door down!


"It's Gatchaman!" Katse screams. "Where did you come from?"


"There's a White Shadow that steals close to Galactor, and their name is the Science Ninja Team!" Ken replies smugly.



Posted by Transmute Jun on 08-06-2009 at 03:46:

The goons move in to attack, and the Condor is ready for some fun!


But instead of beating up the goons, Ken, Joe and Jun join hands, performing the Science Ninjas Technique: Cross Fighter!



This is a new one on me.

Jun lets go, and the Ken goes flying off to land on a goon.



While Joe faces down Katse.


Joe demands that Katse show his face. The Condor is going to reveal his identity!

Jinpei is just happy to be rescued.


Ken is still fighting goons, and Joe is struggling with Katse's mask.



Katse grabs Joe, and they both go flipping head over heels, rolling along the floor.


A goon comes charging at Joe with a scalpel, but the Condor just kicks out and the goon drops the surgical instrument. Katse quickly picks it up and stabs the Condor.


Don't forget the lovely mask blooper here!


This is too much for poor Joe, who lets go. Katse runs away.

Joe is in pain!


Joe can't believe he let Katse get away.


Ken tells everyone to get out as fast as possible. Next thing you know, they're all in their vehicles, racing for the exit. Hey, when did the vehicles transform?

Except Ken, who's abandoning his cereal box car to ride with Jun.


And they're all being chased by Galactor racecars!

Outside, the road is changing again, courtesy of Galactor.

But the G-5 is on its way!


Ryu thinks that everyone is in a strange place. He contacts Ken, who tells him to have all of the vehicles combine.

Cue standard footage of the G-4 and G-2 docking.

Ken and Jun go flying through the air.


But the cars behind them open up their missile launchers. Ken sees this, and jumps off of the G-3, yelling, "Bird Flight!"


And now since Jun is alone on the bike, we can cut into standard G-3 docking footage.

Ken lands on Prince Lukor's car.

The G-5 flies overhead, and the Galactor cars blow up. I'm not sure why. Prince Lukor's car blows up too, but it's okay, because Ken pulls the Prince out of his car and saves him.


But as they land, Lukor exclaims that the microfilm is gone!

Lukor spots his burning boot next to the car. Ken hurries to retrieve it, but it's too late. The microfilm is burning! Ken tries to pat out the fire.


The microfilm is charred and blackened.

"I would have actually swallowed it if I'd known this was going to happen!" Jinpei says.


Jun says that all they can do is deliver what's left to Dr. Nambu, as he may be able to make something of the remains. But as she is speaking with Ken, they hear Katse's laughter.


"Thanks to your boo-boos, our secrets remain safe!" Katse gloats from his escape pod.


"Next time, I'm sending you all straight to hell! I look forward to it!" Katse promises.

And the base blows up.

Ken calls Katse a 'heartless man' as he watches the base burn. He wants to know how Katse could allow so many of his subordinates to die.


The narrator tells us that the Science Ninja Team wasn't able to properly recover the microfilm, but perhaps Nambu can still get something from it. Hang in there, Gatchaman, for the sake of World Peace!



This episode was not used in BOTP.


Posted by Springie on 08-06-2009 at 09:38:

It's the "Wacky Races" episode!! That jalopy Ryu drives cracks me up! And i love the "Mick Jagger" Joe shot! You also found some great bloopers!! Woohoo!! Great work, TJ!


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Springie on 08-06-2009 at 09:39:

Here is Fan Page 19...

Fan Page #19


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 08-06-2009 at 13:05:

Originally posted by Springie
It's the "Wacky Races" episode!! That jalopy Ryu drives cracks me up!

I know! It totally reminds me of 'Archie's car'. And it blew up and got all smokey, just like Archie's car too!

And i love the "Mick Jagger" Joe shot! You also found some great bloopers!! Woohoo!! Great work, TJ!

I know! I couldn't believe it when I paused the tape! I could never remember Joe looking that ugly, or with those massive lips!!!!

I think one of the Tatsunoko animators was secretly a Rolling Stones fan. Wink


Posted by gogirl212 on 08-06-2009 at 15:00:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun

I think one of the Tatsunoko animators was secretly a Rolling Stones fan. Wink

Maybe this is why Gatch and Classic Rock seem to go so well together!

I love this episode - the entire team is involved, Jinpei does something clever, Joe gets to do fun things with his car and Ken and Jun get to snuggle on the motorcycle. What more could we hope for?

Thanks again for the great recap - and loving the fan page!

There are few problems that a swift kick to the head by a highly trained ninja can't solve.

Posted by lborgia88 on 08-06-2009 at 15:47:

Another fun recap, TJ!

For some reason, this ep always makes me think of that "Herbie goes to Monaco" movie from the 70s, with that white VW beetle.

What's with the King's outfit though? I guess he was the closest thing to a "Captain of the Week" in this ep, so they got very creative!

What with the King being shot dead right in front of his son, and a surgeon attempting to slice Jinpei open, I can see why this ep never made it into BOTP! Poor Jinpei -Galactor tried to "operate" on him in ep 17, and now he barely escapes it a second time! I too shudder at the thought of a goon surgeon...

Posted by Transmute Jun on 08-06-2009 at 17:43:

At least last time Jinpei had a 'Captain of the Week' surgeon! And he was being directed by Katse! But yes, it occurred to me that this is the second ep in a very short span of time where a civilian Jinpei is being rescued by a Birdstyle Swan from imminent Galactor surgery.

I think it would have made a good BOTP episode, actually. They could easily have had the King 'survive', and just cut out the shots of the scalpel getting close to Jinpei.


Posted by saturn on 08-06-2009 at 20:16:

What a great recap, TJ! I totally agree with the Mick Jagger face, Big Grin , wonder what was on the animators' minds at that time?

Originally posted by lborgia88

What's with the King's outfit though? I guess he was the closest thing to a "Captain of the Week" in this ep, so they got very creative!

Well LB, I guess the Tatsunoko people were sick of playing around with plungers, alien costumes or animal-inspired costumes, so this time they just went back to the roots, the traditional imperial Chinese court robes, which you can see in this pic. You can clearly see the inspiration (and yes, westerners love to pose in Chinese traditional costumes, just like how we Asians like to pose in comboy/cowgirl costumes, Big Grin )



Although the attire was inspired by Chinese imperial robes, the hat was definitely not. The hat was more likely to be inspired by a traditional Mongolian hat, so was it possible that this Luman kingdom was situated between China and Mongolia, although judging by the pictures in this episode, this kingdom looks more like Monaco? Now I am completely confused here, Smile



Hmm, seeing that we often discuss the creative costumes in each episode, perhaps there should be one special thread for "Costume of The Week" then, Smile !


Posted by clouddancer on 08-06-2009 at 20:58:

Great recap TJ and thank you for pointing out those bloopers, again I would never have seen them without your help. Uhoh2 Well maybe I would have I just need to sit and watch the eps. more than the two times that I have.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Springie on 08-06-2009 at 22:10:

Saturn, I love the pics and your new avatar! And those chibis are sheer cuteness!! Love 'em!Animeluv


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 08-06-2009 at 22:45:

Thanks for pointing out the traditional nature of the King's Costume, Saturn! I agree, when I was in Japan, I took advantage of a chance to wear traditional Japanese costume, and last year when we were in Australia, my kids got dressed up in traditional Chinese costumes in Sydney's Chinese Gardens! It's all in good fun.

But yes, the Luman Kingdom was clearly Monaco/Monte Carlo. I've been there a number of times, and it's one of my favorite places in the world, so this is really screaming out at me.


Posted by lborgia88 on 08-06-2009 at 23:28:

Originally posted by saturn

Although the attire was inspired by Chinese imperial robes, the hat was definitely not. The hat was more likely to be inspired by a traditional Mongolian hat, so was it possible that this Luman kingdom was situated between China and Mongolia, although judging by the pictures in this episode, this kingdom looks more like Monaco? Now I am completely confused here, Smile

It is confusing! Thanks to you, I can see now where the artists got their inspiration for the King's clothes, but his kingdom sure looks like Monaco, and he seems to be the only person in the whole kingdom wearing Asian-inspired clothes.

We could pretend that this King's father, the previous Luman King, married a woman from a Chinese/Mongolian royal family, and their son favoured her family's ways.

Posted by gogirl212 on 09-06-2009 at 02:47:

Saturn, thanks for the costume pics - very fascinating to see that conglomeration of elements. And yes, just serves to confuse issue of location. I might guess that they were trying to make a case for old traditions vs. new generation, but I don't really see that as a theme in the ep. Sure the son disagrees with collaborating with galactor, but I don't think that has to do anything with traditional values.

By the way, love the new avatar! Yours too springie!

(makes me think I ought to attempt to do something with mine . . . eek!)

There are few problems that a swift kick to the head by a highly trained ninja can't solve.

Posted by saturn on 09-06-2009 at 08:11:

Originally posted by Springie
Saturn, I love the pics and your new avatar! And those chibis are sheer cuteness!! Love 'em!Animeluv

Thank you, Springie, Smile ! I love your new avatar too, Jun looks very beautiful and relaxed. animewink


Posted by saturn on 09-06-2009 at 08:23:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
Thanks for pointing out the traditional nature of the King's Costume, Saturn! I agree, when I was in Japan, I took advantage of a chance to wear traditional Japanese costume, and last year when we were in Australia, my kids got dressed up in traditional Chinese costumes in Sydney's Chinese Gardens! It's all in good fun.

But yes, the Luman Kingdom was clearly Monaco/Monte Carlo. I've been there a number of times, and it's one of my favorite places in the world, so this is really screaming out at me.

TJ, it sounds like you have traveled around the world, you are a very lucky woman, Big Grin .

I love traveling too, and woud love to visit Japan, Italy and of course America. Of course I really have to earn and save more $$$ first, perhaps I should teach more classes, Smile ?


Posted by Transmute Jun on 09-06-2009 at 12:55:

Originally posted by saturn
TJ, it sounds like you have traveled around the world, you are a very lucky woman, Big Grin .

I think so! My husband and I love to travel, and this is what we spend our money on. Lots of our friends renovate their houses or buy fancy cars or furniture, or belong to a golf club, but we spend our money on traveling. Wink

I love traveling too, and woud love to visit Japan, Italy and of course America. Of course I really have to earn and save more $$$ first, perhaps I should teach more classes, Smile ?

If you come to California, you are more than welcome to stay with me for awhile! Bonkers2

(It's safe. I promise! Other people you know here have done it and lived to tell the tale...)


Posted by clouddancer on 09-06-2009 at 17:23:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
Originally posted by saturn
TJ, it sounds like you have traveled around the world, you are a very lucky woman, Big Grin .

I love traveling too, and woud love to visit Japan, Italy and of course America. Of course I really have to earn and save more $$$ first, perhaps I should teach more classes, Smile ?

If you come to California, you are more than welcome to stay with me for awhile! Bonkers2

(It's safe. I promise! Other people you know here have done it and lived to tell the tale...)

Well, some of them have. We are not sure about the ones who did not live to tell us. Winknudge

I too would love to find time to travel, but then I become nervous when I think about leaving the place I know. If I were to travel I would definitely need a companion to guide me. Any one know if the Eagle is available to do a world tour with me?

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by saturn on 09-06-2009 at 20:14:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
If you come to California, you are more than welcome to stay with me for awhile! Bonkers2

(It's safe. I promise! Other people you know here have done it and lived to tell the tale...)

Thank you for the offer, TJ. That is very sweet of you. If one day I do come to your place, perhaps I can bring my swan costume (yup, I am planning to have one, making costume is cheap in my country and there are lots of talented tailors here, I myself have poor sewing skills) and we both can save the world by wearing our swan costumes (or just snag gorgeous Eagles and Condors, Big Grin )


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