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--- Gatchaman Episode 9 - Devil from the Moon (

Posted by Transmute Jun on 05-05-2009 at 02:08:

Gatchaman Episode 9 - Devil from the Moon

Gatchaman 9 - The Devil from the Moon


Sosai X is speaking with Berg Katse.


X states that the time has come for their conquest of the Earth.

"Show our magnificent power to those puny humans now!" X orders.

'Yes, Sire." bows Katse.


A submarine surfaces from the ocean in the middle of the night. It is manned by Galactor goons and... a Captain with red clown hair and a plunger on his head. I think this guy drew the short straw at the Galactor Costume Selection.


Captain Plungerhead asks Katse for orders, and Katse tell him to 'prove their power to the entire world'.


The Captain presses a button, and a number of rockets are launched into the air. Everyone on the submarine watches the rockets ascend.


The rockets head into space, toward the moon. Oh, I just know BOTP is going to have fun with this one!

Strange metallic parts emerge from the rockets. These parts come together to make a scorpion-style mecha.


The scorpion lands on the moon and starts crushing its surface into small rocks. It then sucks up the rocks and shoots them out its backside toward Earth.


The result is that an Earth city is bombarded by meteorites.

Cut from BOTP: people run from the deadly meteorites.


The city is of course destroyed, and many people are implied to be dead.

The ISO launches observation rockets to determine where the meteorites are coming from.

Nambu, Anderson and a no-name guy wait for news from Rocket 187.


Rocket 187 calls in, and screaming of 'Oh no!' is heard over the communication. It's not alone. Anderson admits that they've lost communication with every rocket that has launched that day.

Nambu believes the rockets are being destroyed by an outside source. He's analyzing the meteorites to confirm his theories.

We cut to Jinpei, who is throwing himself down on a couch at the Crescent Coral Base.


Jinpei's sure Galactor is causing the meteorite storms, and he wants to 'beat them into the ground.'

"Hold on there, Jinpei. We can't say that until there's proof!" Ken admonishes. I guess it's still early in the series. I don't think it takes them much longer to realize that every crisis is caused by Galactor.


But Ken admits that if things keep on like this, the Earth will be annihilated.


Joe is sure it's Galactor too.


Ryu is concerned that Dr. Nambu is taking awhile to analyze the data.


But speak of the devil! Dr. Nambu shows up at that moment.


He tells the Team that he has finished his analysis. The meteorites are moon rocks.

Jun and Jinpei are shocked by this.


Ken wants to know if Nambu has been able to contact the space station on the moon, but the Doctor says that has proven to be impossible. Ken says that the Science Ninja Team will go 'as far as they can' in the God Phoenix to investigate.

"Are you ready to rock, Science Ninja Team?" asks Ken.


Yep, they are.


And now we get the standard shot of the Science Ninja Team running down the corridor to the God Phoenix's hangar. They board the ship, the water rises, and the God Phoenix launches.

"Everyone strap in and prepare yourselves for the G-force!" Ken orders.


Ah, Ken, I don't think you're truly prepared for 'G-Force', but they're coming, all the same. Wink

Jinpei just wants to 'hurry up and go'. So up they go, into space. The Bridge turns blue instead of orange, but otherwise it looks like the Fiery Phoenix. Clearly exiting the atmosphere took a lot out of Jun and Jinpei.


"That's no fun." Jinpei moans.

Jun gets excited when they get close to the moon, because she thinks it's 'pretty'.


But it doesn't last long. Everyone gasps in shock as they see a meteorite shower coming from around the moon!

Joe can hardly believe it!


"They're meteorites!" Ken shouts.


The meteorites head toward the God Phoenix. Will they be destroyed?


Of course not! Ryu takes them out of the way.

Joe points out that the meteorites are headed straight for the Earth. The Team observes the scorpion mecha on the moon crushing rocks for meteorites and sending them to Earth. Ken knows that only Galactor would do such a thing.

Captain Plungerhead has spotted the God Phoenix. He wants to power up the scorpion rockets.

Goons follow orders... for once.



"When given the energy of these radio waves, the scorpion rocket will become a powerful monster!" Captain Plungerhead explains. "We only have to send it radio waves to load it with enough energy for thirty hours!" He thinks this means that the scorpion rocket won't be tracked back to them.

Truly, Galactor science is powerful! Plungerhead gloats over his plan.


Still in the ocean on Earth, the submarine starts sending the radio waves. But our ever-sharp Swan notices them moving past the God Phoenix, and reports this to Ken.


Captain Plungerhead laughs evilly and suddenly I realize why his voice is so familiar. He sounds like Evil Nambu! How co-incidental... Wink

The scorpion rocket powers up with the radio waves.


The rocket curls up into a little ball and heads to Earth.

The God Phoenix observes the scorpion ball, and wonder what it is.



The scorpion ball enters the atmosphere (where it begins flaming) and Jinpei panics, wondering what a meteorite that big will do to Earth when it lands. But Ken states that it is not a meteorite. He doesn't know what it is, but he knows that it will be a massacre if it gets to Earth.


Joe's solution? Three guesses and the first two don't count. He wants to smash it with Bird Missiles! Ken tries to protest, but Joe isn't hearing it.

Talk to the hand, Ken!


Joe states that they don't 'have enough time' to get Nambu's permission. Good one, Joe!

The Condor takes aim.


Joe shoots at least seven Bird Missiles. They all hit the flaming ball, but seem to have no effect. This shocks the Science Ninja Team.


"The Bird Missiles have no effect at all!" Ken cries.

"Damn!" Joe swears. So what does he do? He fires a few more, just to make sure. That's our Condor!

These missiles don't work either, so Joe actually asks Ken what to do now. Ken doesn't think there's any way to stop it. It's just too late.

The scorpion rocket (still a flaming ball) crashes into a refinery. The Science Ninja Team is shocked again.

The scorpion unfolds and dances in the flames of the burning refinery.


Joe shouts that it's Galactor and they've got to take them down. But just as he's getting fired up, the God Phoenix receives a communication from Nambu.

Nambu tells them to leave the monster to the UN Forces. Their mission is now to locate the Galactor base that is controlling the monster. Oh yes, and he prays for their success.

Ken asks Jun to trace the radio waves she saw earlier.


Jun says she'll try, but they went by so quickly. It would be virtually impossible to trace their origin. Ken yells at her to get out the cassette with the data on it. Ooh... cassettes. How high tech!

Jinpei and Ryu are uncomfortable watching Ken yell at Jun.


Jun gives Ken the cassette.


Ken feeds the tape in backward.


Jun smiles, seeing what Ken has in mind.

"Watch and learn from a man who knows what he's doing!" Ken brags. Ugh. First he yells at her, and now he's beating his chest in macho pride? I'm not impressed with this sequence.

"Now be a doll and put it in the replay machine." Ken orders.

Okay, I want to smack our sexist Eagle now.

Jinpei smiles and says Ken is a genius. What a great role model Ken is being right now! Sigh.

Ken pinches Jun's bottom as she puts in the tape.


Okay, he's not actually pinching her bottom, but it sure looks like it!

Ken's brilliant idea was to loop the tape, so they could get a repeated signal to track. Ken traces the frequency to the ocean, twenty kilometers southwest of Aserazu Island.


And the God Phoenix is off to find the base.

Meanwhile, the scorpions has apparently made its way to France to destroy the Eiffel Tower.


But the Red Impulse Squadron shows up to fight it.


But their missiles don't seem to be doing anything either.

The God Phoenix is getting close to the source of the radio waves. It's a Galactor submarine!


Everyone is shocked to see this!


Joe calls it an 'underwater aircraft carrier'. Ken tells Joe, Jun and Jinpei that they all have to get aboard undetected.

Ryu wants to know why he can't go too.


Ken wants Ryu to wait on standby until he's called for rescue. Poor Owl!

"Aw, man! Again? It's so boring!" Ryu whines.


And the Team goes scuba diving. Apparently they carry scuba gear and bathing suits onboard the God Phoenix.



Notice how Joe's bathing suit changed from blue stripes to yellow stripes?

Everyone observes a small scouting vessel go by. Clearly these scouts aren't very good as they don't notice anything amiss.


Then they grab onto the bottom of it.


Yep, as we mentioned back in Episode 5, this is where Jinpei's bathing suit disappears. I guess he had to sacrifice it to catch a ride on Galactor's ship.

The ship docks, and three goons get out. But the Science Ninja Team does too.


Apparently their bathing suits transform to Birdstyle, even Jinpei's missing suit. Either that or they were carrying their civvies in their oxygen tanks.

The goons try to go up the elevator, but Ken catches them before the door can close. The others are fast on his heels.


By the time the elevator gets to the desired floor, the Eagle has things well under control.


He makes the one surviving goon lead them to the control room.

In the control room, Captain Plungerhead is watching the scorpion rampage.


A goon enters and tries to report to the Captain, but he can't get out his words. Hmm... what's the sliver of white behind his head?


Why, it's the White Shadow, of course!


"You're Gatchaman!" Captain Plungerhead exclaims.

But it's not just Gatchaman. The others are there too.


Plungerhead orders the goons to fire.


But Joe is ready for this.


So are Jinpei and Jun.



Plungerhead orders the last remaining goon to sound the alarm and summon more troops. But as he goes to reach for the button, Jun knocks him out with her yo-yo.


Ken demands that Plungerhead hand over the device that controls the scorpion and the meteorites. I guess he had to do something, so he yells aggressively at the Galactor Captain.


"You fool! Do you think I'd give it up to you so easily?" Plungerhead replies.

"You have no choice." Joe says grimly, pulling out his gun.


This scares the Captain, but Jun is distressed for some strange reason.

The Condor doesn't care about the Swan's feelings. He just sprays bullets into the computers in the control room, causing them to explode. Elsewhere in the world, the scorpion goes crazy and then collapses to the ground. Jun notices this on the monitors (I guess the monitors are still working even though Joe destroyed the computers) and Joe smirks.


Plungerhead seems to have a lot of guts. He tells them they shouldn't celebrate just yet, and points out more meteorites approaching Earth. The Team is shocked once again!


"Those meteorites will fall at this exact spot!" he cackles. "Die, Science Ninja Team!" A hole appears in the floor and he jumps into it.


I guess Plungerhead plans to get away. It doesn't seem to occur to him that if there's enough time for him to get away, there's enough time for our favorite ninjas to get away.

Or maybe not. The hole in the floor shuts and Jinpei can't open the door they originally come in through.


Captain Plungerhead gets away in the little scout ship. Ryu happens to spot it on his viewscreen.


Realizing that the bad guy is getting away, Ryu gives chase... without realizing that his ship is much bigger. The God Phoenix gets caught in some rocks.

Meanwhile, the others are trying to figure out how to get out of there.


Ken tells Jun to lodge a yo-yo bomb between the exit doors.


Joe thinks they'll die if she does that, but Ken says to trust him. He tells everyone to go over by the control panel (which now appears to be miraculously undamaged, despite Joe's shooting rampage earlier) and spread their wings. He orders them all to spin as fast as they can when the explosion goes off.

Jun detonates the bomb and they all start spinning.



The shrapnel from the door bounces off their spinning forms. There's a hole in the door and they're now free!


The meteorites are hitting the ocean, and the God Phoenix is still stuck! Or is it? It suddenly rises into the air and everyone is safe onboard.

"That was way too close!" Jun says.


"Don't be silly. We couldn't have died that easy." Joe replies.

Ken calls Nambu on his bracelet. But somehow, there's a visual part too.


Ken reports that they have been successful, and Nambu tells him that the scorpion has been destroyed by the Securtiy Forces.

They head home, but Ken knows that there will never be true peace until they annihilate Galactor.

"We'll do it, and with our bare hands, my friend." Joe says. "Someday."


The narrator leaves us with a final 'Go Science Ninja Team!' And the episode is over.


Posted by Transmute Jun on 05-05-2009 at 02:08:

BOTP Episode 38 - Jupiter Moon Menace

At Center Neptune, Zark keeps the galaxy safe from all alien invaders. And today his Articulators are especially full, as he is checking out reports of radioactivity, seismic soundings, strange bursts of light, and solar flares, all coming from the vincinity of Planet Jupiter.

Of course, he looks plenty busy just standing in the middle of the room.

His 'finely tuned diodes' tell him that this may be trouble. And trouble usually means Zoltar. Zark flies over to his console as he contemplates this horrible truth. Maybe he should forget Jupiter and try to look in on Zoltar.

But what Zark finds is so shocking, sparks fly from his antennae and fingertips!

Whatever's going on up there is too hot for Zark's scanners to handle!

The Luminous One is talking to Zoltar. Apparently Spectra has made an ally of Commander Typhon. Because of this, all they ever wanted for Spectra is in their grasp. Typhon is an exile from his own Planet, Scorpius. He will help Zoltar conquer Earth is Spectra helps him re-conquer Scorpius.

Why is the Luminous One willing to go to all of this trouble? Well, Typhon posesses a weapon that Spectra must have. Zoltar bows to the Spirit's will.

Of course, Commander Typhon is none other than... Captain Plungerhead. No wonder he got kicked off his own planet! Clearly the citizens there weren't fond of his fashion choices.

Typhon is on Spectra right now, and he sends his weapon up into space. It consists of five rockets that open to release parts of a giant metal scorpion. The scorpion lands on Jupiter's moon (Which one? Aren't there over 60 of them?) and breaks up the ground into rocks, then shoots the rocks at the Earth!

Susan on Planet Pluto calls Zark, warning him of the incoming meteorites. They're coming directly for Capital City!

Zark cheerily replies that he will order the entire area to be evacuated at once. He also orders G-Force to stand by in the Ready Room while he locates the exact source of the meteorites.

We see shots of buildings being destroyed, but no people getting hurt.

A commercial break, and we cut to a man-shouldered, horse-faced Princess playing Guitar in the Ready Room.


She hopes Zark can cope with this tragedy. Tiny reaches for another Spaceburger as he says that he is too shhook up to eat Spaceburgers.


Mark and Jason are playing a game of 'who can stick their butt out the farthest'.


Oops, it's actually ping pong. Mark thinks it's one problem G-Force won't be called on to tackle, because you can't fight nature.

Jason points out that Zoltar might have dreamed up something like this.


Princess thinks that Zark has his mind fixed on Zoltar's warped mind. She must have slipped on her pointy Madonna bra for this conversation.


Keyop declares that Zoltar is sick.


Then he grooves to the beat of his drums.


The drum playing is so fabulous that Mark misses his ping pong shot.


And knocks Tiny's Spaceburger out of his hand.


(Sorry, I must take a break... I'm laughing so hard at these screenshots I can barely type!)

Zark interrupts the conversation. Tiny doesn't look too happy about any of this.


Zark has an emergency readout on the meteorite problem. His Space Spectometer has discovered that the meteorites are coming from Jupiter's Callisto moon. Aha! A name! Zark says that Jupiter only has 12 moons, though.

Mark thinks the whole thing is weird. I think this animation of Mark is pretty darn weird too!


Mark says the moons are too barren for anything to happen. Princess wants to know why there would be any activity there. Um, because barren places are good spots for making meteorites?

Zark says that Commander Typon has landed there with a strange device. Zark's Mercury Vapor Sensor tells him that Typhon is in league with Zoltar!

Jason says that he knew it wasn't all just natural.


Keyop burbles incomprehensibly.


(I need another laughing break...)

Zark points out that the Earth moon wasn't the target because of course, it's so close that Zark would have detected this evil activity immediately and stopped it by setting up counter-offensives.

Princess wants to know if this means that Earth is defenseless. They're not... if G-Force is ready to take off for Callisto!

G-Force talks to Zark in the Ready Room.


G-Force declares that they're ready to go!



Notice how Mark is taller than Jason in these last few shots? I wonder how Joe Asakura feels about that?

The floor drops out below the G-Force Team...


And then they're off and running in Birdstyle to the Phoenix. They launch for Callisto!

They're ready for blast off to Jupiter's moon.

"Green cheese!" says Keyop. No one bothers to correct him. At least Tiny didn't get a hankering for a 'green cheese burger'.

"I'll never get used to those first hundred million miles." says a tired-looking Mark, once they've done their space jump.

"Murder!" agrees Keyop.

Zark calls to tell the Team that they're in 'perfect orbit'. Mark says it's good to hear Zark's voice, because they feel 'a little out of touch up there'. Zark assures the G-Force Commander that he's with them 'all the way'. He gives them turn by turn directions out of the inner solar system, then left 2 degrees to be on target for Mars. Wait, I thought they were going to Jupiter?

Zark then gives us the cheery news that there are thousands of flaming asteroids and comets between Mars and Jupiter.

Once they arrive at Callisto, Zark tells them that they have 'good driving'. Riiight.

Princess thinks Callisto is beautiful, until they see another set of meteorites headed for Earth. Jason reminds us that they'll be balls of fire when they get there.

The Team sees the scorpion, and Mark realizes that they are being perfectly controlled by Spectra.

The Phoenix's progress is monitored bu Typhon.

We cut to Zark after the commercial break. His monitors are dirty and he's washing them. Oh no! There's a horrible new monster on Callisto, now!


Oh, it's okay, it's only his reflection in the glass. I can see why he thought it was a 'horrible monster'. I would too, if I saw Zark in the glass! Wink

Now Zark tells us that Typhon is doing something to the Phoenix Transducer Radar System. Zark has to find a way to stop it.

We cut to goons manning computers. Typhon is sending G-Force a 'present'.

On the Phoenix, Princess tells Mark that their electronic detectors are all 'going crazy'. Is that a technical term, Princess?

The scorpion begins to form a ball.

Now we cut to meteorites entering Earth's atmosphere.

Next we see the scorpion ball again. Mark says they have to follow it all the way back to Earth.

Jason thinks the Rocket Missiles ought to take it out.

"But if not..." warns Mark.

"If not, I'd say we really are in big trouble." Jason points out. With logic like that, Mark can't refuse and Jason starts shooting away.

But when they don't work, Mark urges Jason to try again. Those missiles don't work either.

"Can you tell what it's target is, Jason?" Mark asks.

"Its target is Earth!" Princess interrupts.

They can't stop it, so Jason suggests that the next best thing is to let Zark know it's on the way down.

Zark must have bugs on the Phoenix. He appears on a viewscreen.


"I've already detected the alien invader approaching, but thanks for thinking of me!" he smirks.

Zark informs the Team that the scorpion ball is targeting Earth's largest 'Energy Development Center'. Fortunately, they've been able to evacuate everyone and robot defenses are being deployed against the giant scorpion.

Zark wants G-Force to stay there and look for Typhon, instead of going back to Earth. But Jason complains that their instruments don't work.

But never fear, Zark has the solution! He tells the Team to 'reverse the polarity'. Mark instructs Princess to remove the Magnetic Tape Probe. But they just got a new replacement tape, and Princess isn't certain the poles can be reversed on this new model.

Mark pulls out the tape and reverses the polarity himself.

"I don't know why I didn't think of this myself!" Mark grins. "Count on good old 7-Zark-7!"

"Z-7... A-1!" Keyop burbles.

Okay, I'm going to be ill now.

Of course, it works, and the Phoenix is now off to Planet Spectra, where Typhon is hiding out in the ocean. Wait... so the Phoenix can just invade Spectran Space anytime they want? Wow...

They descend into the 'Spectran Ocean'. Is there only one on the whole Planet?

Tiny cuts the jets as they get close. They find Typhon's submarine.

Mark tells Tiny that he won't be swimming with them.

"You stay here and mind the store." Mark orders.

"I always get cut out. It's giving me a complex!" Tiny complains.

They hitch a ride on the small scout ship, and Keyop loses his swimming trunks in the Spectran Ocean.

Once they arrive at the base, the Team rushes into the elevator with the goons, but we don't see the dead ones after the fight.

Instead we cut to Typhon gloating. Mark enters, with the goon in front of him.

Typhon realizes it's G-Force, but we don't see any goons firing at the Team, nor do we see the Team fighting back. Mark just verbally tells Typhon that he and his scorpion are finished. But a strange red button has been surreptitiously pressed by a goon...

"Yes, but the game still goes on." Typhon replies smugly.

Mark tells Princess to 'hit the control panel' and we see a really bad cut of Princess with her yo-yo and then the panel exploding. I guess poor Jason doesn't get to do anything here.

But Typhon tells G-Force that the meteorites are still on their way. Everyone appears shocked. Didn't they already know that the meteorites were on their way? Zark evacuated people and everything!

Typhon jumps out for an important meeting with Zoltar. He takes off in the scout ship and Tiny tries to follow, but the Phoenix gets stuck in the rocks.

Trapped inside the submarine, Jason (not Mark) suggests that they open the door with Princess' yo-yo bomb. I guess this is his contribution.

Mark warns them all that when the door blows they'll be targets for a lot of flying metal. He tells them to form Whirlwind Pyramid 'on minus two'.

When Mark tells them to whirl, they all go and deflect the shrapnel. They escape and go back to the Phoenix.

But once they're back, they see that the meteorites have reversed. They report to Anderson, and he tells them that the destruction of the Scorpion turned them around. They have now been drawn back to Callisto.

Mark requests reentry clearance from Zark. They're headed home.

And now, for the first time in a very hectic day, Zark can take a ten second oil break.


Zark declares that G-Force a 'real heroes' for stopping the meteorite shower, and 1-Rover-1 barks his agreement.


Rover apparently points out that Zark is the one who told them to reverse their polarity. Zark brushes off the compliment, saying, "But they programmed me for genius like that!"

Is this episode over yet?

Fortunately, yes.


Posted by Transmute Jun on 05-05-2009 at 02:11:

Sorry this is so late, guys! I moved this weekend, and on top of that my computer decided to die! DH had to reformat the hard drive and reinstall everything! We're still on standby so I don't have any bookmarks and everything is all messed up, but at least I have access again!

Worst of all, I lost a few BOTP screenshots, which is why the beginning of that episode review is so skimpy. I'm sorry about that.

I hope it was worth the wait!


Posted by lborgia88 on 05-05-2009 at 03:11:

Laugh2 I will always think of him now as "Captain Plungerhead." He's definitely front-runner for the "most ridiculous Commander uniform" award.

But the "ready room" screencaps!! Rofl I am still laughing...

My sympathies about your computer. I hope you didn't lose any important data, like fics!

I remember when I was in elementary school, all the astronomy books said Jupiter had 12 moons, (and I was nerdy enough to be able to name them all, then) but the number's been revised up many times since then I can't keep track, and Pluto isn't a planet anymore -it's all crazy.

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 05-05-2009 at 09:15:

I see you included the dodgy ones by Sandy Frank! Jason looks kinda like himself in it...eyes are way off.

(Know how you feel when the computer keeps crashing!)

I hope the move went well for you.

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by saturn on 05-05-2009 at 11:08:

Sorry to hear about your computer, TJ. Hopes that it will be fixed soon, and I also hope that the move went well for you.

I really enjoy the BOTP screencaps. All the scenes in the Ready Room definitely have me cracking up like crazy. Now I consider myself very lucky for not having to watch BOTP in my younger days and endure Zark!


Posted by Condorfan on 05-05-2009 at 16:26:

TJ your comments had me ROFL 2 I'm too am always going to think of that guy as Captain Plungerhead! And those screenshots from BOTP--attack of the bad animation! Thanks for giving me a good laugh.

Hope all went well with your move.

Old age is a high price to pay for maturity.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 05-05-2009 at 20:36:

Oh yes, that bad animation. I seriously was taking laughing breaks! I just couldn't type! When I see how bad the animation is, and comapre it to Tatsunoko... oh my!

Yes, Captain Plungerhead is hysterical! Here's a Gatchafunny for you!



Posted by clouddancer on 05-05-2009 at 22:28:

Thank you for all the screen caps and comedy TJ. I am glad you were able to get your computer up and working again so you could post this. i love the titles you come up with for the Captains of the week .... sometimes I wish my brain worked like yours does.

And I too hope you did not loose any of those all important fics. Eek7

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Springie on 05-05-2009 at 23:02:

OMG, TJ this was priceless! I had to take several laugh breaks myself...your screencaps are amazing!

Fan Page #9


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by gogirl212 on 06-05-2009 at 04:09:

I can't believe you managed to pull off these two detailed episode recaps, do the screen caps, salvage them from your busted computer and move your entire household. If I didn't already know you as a Swan, I'd suspect you were Wonder Woman.

I can't say I am too fond of the chauvanistic streak Ken seems to have developed in this ep -- but then again, if it was Joe who was in charge of cassette tapes I doubt he'd be too kind either. Maybe that is his way of showing equality - to sort of be a jerk equally to all of them at times?

There are few problems that a swift kick to the head by a highly trained ninja can't solve.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 06-05-2009 at 18:51:

Originally posted by gogirl212
I can't believe you managed to pull off these two detailed episode recaps, do the screen caps, salvage them from your busted computer and move your entire household. If I didn't already know you as a Swan, I'd suspect you were Wonder Woman.

LOL! I feel like I'm letting it all fall apart!Right ow I'm kind of scrambling from day to day. I'm waiting to get it all back under control!

I can't say I am too fond of the chauvanistic streak Ken seems to have developed in this ep -- but then again, if it was Joe who was in charge of cassette tapes I doubt he'd be too kind either. Maybe that is his way of showing equality - to sort of be a jerk equally to all of them at times?

But would Ken have called Joe 'honey'? Wink


Posted by meg on 06-05-2009 at 20:08:

Thanks TJ! It was worth waiting for! That made my day! Your comments are priceless! Laugh2 Laugh2 Laugh2

Eagle Swan Condor Swallow Hootie

Posted by Condorfan on 07-05-2009 at 16:49:

I rented the DVD and watched the BOTP episode yesterday. You really do have to stop for a laugh break!

Old age is a high price to pay for maturity.

Posted by Barrdwing on 11-05-2009 at 01:12:

Someone once named that particular mecha the "Super S**tting Space Scorpion." So every time I see that thing, that's what I think of. Now I can think of Captain Plungerhead along with it! Laugh2

Posted by Transmute Jun on 11-05-2009 at 02:58:

Well clearly they need a plunger to clear out the sh*t... Wink


Posted by JohngPR on 13-02-2010 at 23:55:

I liked this episode, but mainly for Clowny McPlungerson. LOL!

No disrespect to those who like BotP, but the animation looks absolutely horrible.

Hang in there, Gatchaman

Posted by clouddancer on 14-02-2010 at 01:37:

Originally posted by JohngPR
I liked this episode, but mainly for Clowny McPlungerson. LOL!

No disrespect to those who like BotP, but the animation looks absolutely horrible.

No disrespect felt here. I think you will find many others will agree with your statement as well. Which is why we can laugh at it now.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by gatchamarie on 14-02-2010 at 09:53:

Originally posted by JohngPR
No disrespect to those who like BotP, but the animation looks absolutely horrible.

That's also my POV! ... and many others'! So, don't worry!

Also, speaking of looks, I cannot help but comparing the artwork from the beginning of Gatchaman with that throughout the whole series and the series that follow! Looking back at past threads of the Episode of the Week like these, and watching early episodes on dvd, I gladly notice a great, refined progress in artwork together with a change in the characters' look as they grow older! I don't know if this is only my impression!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by Transmute Jun on 14-02-2010 at 15:46:

No, I see it too, Gatchamarie, and we commented on it a bit in the first episode discussion. They definitely got into the groove after a year of doing this show!

And yes, the BOTP animation *is* terrible. I often have to stop for laughing breaks, particularly during the Ready Room scenes! When they play ping pong... pound


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