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Posted by Springie on 26-04-2009 at 02:19:

Gatch Movie Art

Ok, this has me scratching my head...this is a pic of some headshots that were not used for the Gatch movie- wonder who or what this could be?

Head Shots


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Cain Highwind on 26-04-2009 at 05:27:

Makes me think Dr. Zin from Jonny Quest.

Posted by Metaliant on 26-04-2009 at 07:28:

Possibly a mech captain?

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by lborgia88 on 26-04-2009 at 14:02:

Definitely looks like a baddie, one that can go from looking genial to looking really evil. I agree he was probably meant to be a Galactor agent of some kind.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 26-04-2009 at 16:11:

Hmmm... maybe this was their concept of 7-Zark-7? Wink


Posted by Hinotori on 26-04-2009 at 19:38:

Cain - ROFL at the Dr. Zin from Johnny Quest comment. I had the same thought (though I couldn't remember his name, so it was just "hey! That kinda looks like that guy from Johnny Quest!")!! ROFL 2

Top images could have been Galactor-related, but the bottom ones seemed like they'd be of better use for something BoTP-related, since that series traveled into outer space and to other planets. But, hey, so little is known about the new film, maybe they are adding somesort of cosmic element to it!

Eagle in Charge

Eagle Condor Swan Swallow Hootie

Posted by Transmute Jun on 26-04-2009 at 19:42:

I think the one trailer they released had a radio broadcast that implied that Galactor were aliens invading from outer space.


Posted by shamrokchick on 27-04-2009 at 02:15:

Originally posted by Hinotori
Cain - ROFL at the Dr. Zin from Johnny Quest comment. I had the same thought (though I couldn't remember his name, so it was just "hey! That kinda looks like that guy from Johnny Quest!")!! ROFL 2

x2 ROFL 2

"They say the Titanic sank because it hit an iceberg, but that must have been Galactor's fault too." Swallow


Posted by Cain Highwind on 27-04-2009 at 05:48:

Originally posted by Hinotori
Cain - ROFL at the Dr. Zin from Johnny Quest comment. I had the same thought (though I couldn't remember his name, so it was just "hey! That kinda looks like that guy from Johnny Quest!")!! ROFL 2

I was tempted to say Dr. Syn from the awesome Freakazoid parody but I cheated by using Wikipedia.

I think the one trailer they released had a radio broadcast that implied that Galactor were aliens invading from outer space.

So they're merging the concepts of the original Gatchaman and BotP together? Didn't they do that for the comics? That wouldn't surprise me to try and pander to all the fans.

Posted by FangJoker on 24-12-2009 at 10:09:

I think it was meant to be a Galactor captain for the movie...

Now, Count Your Sins!

Posted by UnpublishedWriter on 25-12-2009 at 12:41:

Maybe they're cutting right to the chase, and revealing the Galactor/extraterrestrial connection right off. Or they're merging the OVA concept (Galactor and its minions as ETs) with the original (Galactor agents are human, Leader X is ET).

Benefits, not features; benefits, not features

Posted by WadeInLincoln on 15-03-2010 at 17:45:

Well, I didn't see it mentioned but my very first impression on the smiling/happy character in the lower left corner was....

The one-armed Asian janitor in the BotP comic books.

To me, he was the character that helped hold Ken (Marc) and Joe's (Jason's) relationship together and not Nambu (errrrr.... Anderson). He was the one that got to yell at the boys while cleaning up after their fights back at base. A small role but yet a very important one.

Bird Go!!!

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 15-03-2010 at 21:23:

Looks Galactor thats for sure! Good find Springie

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by Becky Rock on 15-03-2010 at 21:30:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
Hmmm... maybe this was their concept of 7-Zark-7? Wink

Oh please. I can't breath.

I can never find the emoticon I want.

I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...

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