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Posted by Xephon0930 on 14-04-2009 at 19:20:

Question Things We Want For the Gatchaman Movie

1.To use the original GATCHAMAN series as a template.Keeping the original names and all the storyline in it as intact as possible.
(already confirmed)
2.The theme put into the movie.Remixed or otherwise.
3.A sleek God Phoenix.Like a souped up SR-21 Blackbird but on crack!!!!(I know you want it to look like the original but the original doesn't look like it'll hit past mach 3 while the God Phoenix could go past mach 6.
4.Keep Berge Katse and make him less annoying.His laugh just makes me cringe.
5.Not really part of the movie but restore and redo some of the original toylines as a Masterpiece Collection like Takara and Chogokin.


Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 14-04-2009 at 20:01:

A Blackbird SR-71 .... Interesting. I have to admit that for sheer looks alone it is a great idea. However, the actual problems associated with that particular aircraft would make it somewhat ineffective.

I can't see them being patient enough to take off and then wait for a mid-air refuelling... (It can't take off with a full tank)

But that jet is actually capable of hitting some high speeds - It's perfect cruising airspeed (for its design) was about Mach 3.6 ...

It is a beautiful bird, though ...

I'm a stealth and bomber girl... I love the B1 Lancer, and think she's a perfect shape for a Phoenix. That little lady can only pull Mach 2, though.

I remember seeing her at an air show and commenting to Flash (hubby) that it kind of looked like a swimming penguin from underneath... LOL



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 14-04-2009 at 21:22:

Honestly, I'm just happy if they keep the look and flavor of the original series. Oh yeah, and not violate any of the MAJOR canon (say, having Nambu be their actual father or some such).

Apart from that, I'd like it to have a real plot, and have the characters show some depth, so that they're people you care about (or in the case of Katse, love to hate). I don't want to see this movie be flat and boring, and go down the tubes. I want it to grab the public consciousness with a GOOD story and a GOOD look and hey, lots of action never hurts. Wink

As an aside, there was a promo/idea pic released a year or so ago that showed Joe smoking. Pretty much everybody (except one person I can think of) was not in favor of such a thing. Other than that, I think the major feeling is 'not like the OAVs'. See GOOD story and GOOD look above. Wink


Posted by lborgia88 on 14-04-2009 at 21:44:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
Oh yeah, and not violate any of the MAJOR canon (say, having Nambu be their actual father or some such).

I've sometimes feared they might try to turn Dr. Nambu into a woman, claiming there aren't enough female characters! Laugh1 (Actually, in the new Battlestar Galactica, I liked Starbuck being changed to a woman -but then, I had no emotional attachment to the old version).

I'm mostly concerned with having the original characters resemble their original selves in appearance (this doesn't really include clothes and uniforms so much though) and behaviour. I too am really hoping for a good story that is close to the spirit of the original series but that can also draw in people who've never seen any version of Gatch (and doesn't make any big deviations from canon!)

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 14-04-2009 at 22:12:

IWY TJ- No changes to the MAJOR canon parts because it will distort the story to much. I don't mind an update in the bridstyles. The ones I saw recently looked good.

But please given their faces character, (At keast catch the essence of them in colouring and basic character) not bland pretty boy especially for the Condor! And Jun, we she's beautiful leave her that way. Smile

Action is great if it fits into the plot well, if its just ALL action and no plot...boring...

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by gogirl212 on 14-04-2009 at 22:35:

I wish the movie would:

1. Not make Jun an anatomically incorrect barbie doll with breasts the size of Nevada.
2. Give a little bit more in the romance department - not a lot, but just enough.
3. Have great action scenes that support a great story.
4. Not try to be all things to all people - pick an age group to focus on and just stay there.
5. Update the character's looks without taking away their identities.

There are few problems that a swift kick to the head by a highly trained ninja can't solve.

Posted by Xephon0930 on 14-04-2009 at 23:17:

I was hoping that they try not to alienate the older fans from the newer and younger ones.


Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 15-04-2009 at 00:33:

I just hope they actually finish it, to be honest....

I was disappointed with the OVA (or is it OAV?) release. Amination was nice and sharp, but I didn't recognize any of them in looks or in personality... I just pray they don't screw it up like that.

Just, please, don't make my Swannie a big-titted pouty thing like Tortosa did -- gawd he did an awful job with her...

Not one part of Tortosa's Swan was nice.



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by trideegurl2 on 15-04-2009 at 02:58:

good voice acting...... make the voices sound age appropriate and not totally way off base....

and i agree with pretty much every other statement above Big Grin

Slow down, you're gonna crash, Baby you're a-screaming it's a blast, blast, blast. Look out babe, you've got your blinders on
Everybody's looking for a way to get real gone. Real gone.


Posted by Tengu on 15-04-2009 at 06:06:

A good aerial fight scene with Blackbirds

"If you think I am a Condor, you may keep that opinion;
Though I am no Condor, my Skylines rusty enough."

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 15-04-2009 at 08:41:

Originally posted by trideegurl2
good voice acting...... make the voices sound age appropriate and not totally way off base....

Oh I so totally agree with this! One of the things I hate most about G-Force (aside from the names and the backbeat) was the horrible voice acting.


Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 15-04-2009 at 09:05:

You know when i went to see Narnia I saw more older people in there watching it than kids. What does that have to say about a fan base... And the lets try and get some new ones... I saw mothers with their kids going to see it...its the older fans that bring in the new.

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by Springie on 15-04-2009 at 15:07:

One of the things they mentioned early on was that this was going to show how the team began. I am hoping they stick with the original ideas from the series and somehow make them all work in the movie.

I noticed that Joe was being taken into the ISO in handcuffs in one of the pics, while the rest of the team walked separately, so I am wondering if they plan on introducing Joe to the team after it has already formed.


...And this 'shipper is hoping for a few little hints at a budding romance...puppy love, at least? animewink


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Condorfan on 15-04-2009 at 15:26:

Originally posted by Springie
I noticed that Joe was being taken into the ISO in handcuffs in one of the pics, while the rest of the team walked separately, so I am wondering if they plan on introducing Joe to the team after it has already formed.


...And this 'shipper is hoping for a few little hints at a budding romance...puppy love, at least? animewink

With the short teaser that IMAGI showed at Anime Expo and Comic Con I think Joe is a criminal that is being added just as the team is forming. With that clip IMAGI showed it looked like he was dealing with weapons sales and probably was later caught. I'm not saying this is going to be in the movie I'm just speculating based on what I've seen.

I would also like to see romance in the movie too but like a love triangle with Jun, Ken and Joe.

Old age is a high price to pay for maturity.

Posted by Springie on 15-04-2009 at 15:37:

Oh yeah, toss Joe in there, too...nothing wrong with a good love triangle...I'd be happy! Angel3


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Tengu on 15-04-2009 at 17:47:

Would you buy a gun from the Baby face we have seen?

Other than a pop gun?

(Yes, I know, I bought a car off that guy in the number `2` T shirt...)

"If you think I am a Condor, you may keep that opinion;
Though I am no Condor, my Skylines rusty enough."

Posted by yul on 15-04-2009 at 19:23:

1. I hope that creators don`t change original character`s appearance.
2. After nearly forty years that passed after Gatchaman first series, Ken and Jun finally MUST kiss, LOL.

Posted by Xephon0930 on 15-04-2009 at 21:17:

I just hope they wouldn't do anything that can bite them back in the ass later like the things they did to the Dragon Ball film. Grenade Shithappens


Posted by clouddancer on 15-04-2009 at 21:21:

Only Yul, if this is pre-series Gatchaman then I can not imagine Ken and Jun finally kissing, unless it is by "mistake."

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 15-04-2009 at 21:21:

Originally posted by yul
1. I hope that creators don`t change original character`s appearance.
2. After nearly forty years that passed after Gatchaman first series, Ken and Jun finally MUST kiss, LOL.

It will be one of those BIG movie moments....everyone waits with baited breath...

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

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