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Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 09-04-2009 at 09:26:

Gatchaman Episode 2 - Monstrous Aircraft Carrier Appears

The episode breakdown for the BotP episode:

As usual for each episode of BotP, we begin with 7-Zark-7 explaining where he is, what they do and we flash inside the communications hub for the facility.

1-Rover-1 makes his appearance in thie episode and Zark describes him as the top dog, the only dog, his closest companion. (Zark is the top robot).

Zark boasts that he is on the clock 24/7 monitoring for trouble ... oh blah blah ... and then...

He flaps his cape and takes approximately thrice the time to get to the monitors as it would if he's just walked: Wasting time 1 -- productivity nil. 1-Rover-1 then uses his tail to helicopter across the floor to sit dutifully at his side.

God these two characters are painful...

He goes on to explain that the Phoenix is capable of flying through space in a day or two, but for "short" trips, like to the moon or Mars, Astronauts prefer to use the old fashioned method...

Flash to the astronauts, who use that awful 70's lingo (someone explain "wig wag" to me?) whilst communicating with mission control. The astronauts seem light hearted, as do the control persons on the ground who threaten to make the boys swim home.

Splashdown and then takedown. In roll the Spectran subs to steal the capsule.. dun dun duuuuuuuuunnn

We now see our beloved Eagle (oh Markkkk) playing with a little turtle in his home, which surprisingly isn't as "shack" like as we always seem to write in fics. Zark calls an emergency ... No time to explain but G-Force are in flight and Mark is to use his ... Televox (is that it?) finder to locate the Phoenix ... It'll get him there in no time!

Swoon time as he leaps into his plane and transmutes to EAGLE!!

Jason has a snarky moment as Mark runs into the Command Deck with his "We're honoured you finally decided to join us."

Mark retorts that the team is "lucky" he chose not to let them go alone on the mission because it's his day off...

Interesting that he "might" have a choice in that matter, eh?

Keyop chuckles, broops, that it is "round one"

They contact Anderson, who would rather leave the briefing to Jason as there is a new development that makes matters worse (oh dear) ... Mark comments that even though he knows nothing about the situation at hand he doesn't know what could be worse...

Apparently the Astronauts were electonically surveying the surface of Mars and discovered activity. Keyop seems really bored and broops "Under the Ocean" to which Princess corrects that there is no water on Mars.

Oh WRONG ... apparently there is evidence there was water on Mars. Keyop was right! All the information is stored on a cassette that G-Force must retrieve while they rescue the pilots.

The team confirm they understand the mission with a unified cheer of "G-Force". But not before Mark suggests that the team will be "wigging" it. :grin:

Zark narrates on how important it is to retrieve this, as, if there are alien bases on Mars, then the Aliens must have kidnapped the astronauts to keep the info secret.

Spectran goon #1 brings the tape to the comander and they look over it. Lucky the Earthlings didn't see it ... All their bases are clearly Marked.

Zoltar gets a so cool tape print out from the puter and shares it with the Luminous One, who then goes off on a poetic rant. ( I love the way Luminous One speaks ... So very evil and so very ... poetic!!) He orders all bases to become operational.. Then and only then will he celebrate.

Back to G-Force. They dive bomb into the ocean and Princess swoons over how beautiful it is down there -- Obviously she never looks out Centre Neptune's windows.

Mark informs her that they aren't on a pleasure cruise and she blushes and although she looks a little embarrassed, she snidely mutters "Sorry, Commander." I wouldn't necessarily say it is as facetious as when she snarks "Yes, Sir" after Mark reminds them he needs their heads in the game, but apparently this indicates the two are arguing.

There is an explosion that initially jarrs them, but doesn't seem to really shake the ship at all. Princess lets Mark know that the ship is out of control and going off course -- even though the ship seems awfully steady. No sooner has she said it, though, and the Phoenix really does start to jump around.

And they say that Mark is the psychic one...

Tiny tries, but can't shift the stick, so Mark kicks Keyop out of the chair (not very politely I might add) and takes his seat. He suggests that their only option is the Blast Off system they use for space shots. Tiny and Jason set to pull their levers at the count of five ...

They swoop on out and Tiny cheerfully states that "G-Force does it again". (Does what again? Pull their own asses out of the fire ... uh ... water?) Mark does a "Phew" and asks Princess for the coordinate tapes from Zark.

I do so love the old tape thing. These days we'd either flash it on the big monitor or hand him an A4 size printout in whateeeeeeeeeeever font he wanted. Zark's tape tells them they're at the right X marks the spot (ohh pun) and Mark declares they gotto go back under.

Obviously Tiny isn't so happy about that, but Mark is totally sure, and without any intel to tell him otherwise, that the boom was a volcanic eruption. The master of avionics, he estimates they've already flown about 60 miles from it, so they're okay.

And, hey. Zoltar isn't as bad as a volcano, is he?

Back to CN only to find Zark napping on the job. Sleeping. Oh yes. G-Force is up to their asses in a mission, and he needs to give his modulators a 10-second break! 1-Rover-1 barks in a way so more annoying than my Pomeranian, and wakes the stupid robot. But never mind, dear peeps. Even though he's asleep, he always keeps one acuator open...

Here we find out that the word we always make fun of ... you know ... Fosdic? Hey, it's actually an acronym. Fuel Optical sensing device input computers. Yah. The fosdic is the damn computer panel. Go figure... and here I was thinking it was a robots, uh ... never mind.

Oh and SUSAN and the sexual innuendo. I can't bring myself to repeat the conversation, so I won't. But she finally relays the message from Anderson to tell Zark to contact the team to tell them to use the infra read beam thingie. And don't think for a second the chief gets the credit for this, because he doesn't. Zark send across the information, G-Force do it and woohoo ... Zark is the brilliant mind.

"Yay Zark"

Tiny is more Condor here. Mark thinks they need a way in so Tiny is raring to ram the Phoenix into it. Mark says Nope, and Jason agrees, even gives Tiny a mild chiding for it. Poor Tiny, he was only trying to help.

Mark pulls out another wonderful 70's phrase and tells everyone to just hang loose while someone goes in. Keyop is all over it and volunteers, but Mark thinks it's too dangerous and therefore appoints himself.

As he departs the command deck Keyop pouts and asks "Who needs him?"

As per Gatchaman, Mark swims through the waters and sneaks on in.

When he finds the capsule in the state it's in he very loudly snarks "What a mess!" And gets spotted... dun dun dun...

Commander of the week (or in this case fortnight) welcomes Mark and asks how he likes the base like a good host. and the fight ... begins!!

God I love the "Transmute" scenes..

Mark is such a kind hearted creature. He doesn't go after any of the goons. He merely ducks and weaves and then throws the rang at the spotlight.

However ... this fight contains what I personally think is the most hilarious moment in Battle of the Planets. Mark's "Tarzan" yell. If you haven't heard it, I so strongly recomment fast forwarding to that part. It is absolutely BRILLIANT. Once you finish laughing -- and if you can before the end of the episode -- the fun really does begin here.

Mark is ultimately caught, but only because of his kind heart. The commander of the week threatens the astonauts if Mark doesn't surrender -- and so he does. Mark is wished good bye and good riddance as they will not meet again. He retorts with "I'd sure like to believe that."

Unlike Gatch, the astonauts are still alive and the CotW orders Mark be thrown in the room with them.

As Mark steps off the elevator, Keyops bolas wrap around the neck of one goon and Mark rises again to meet him at the top. Interesting to note that Mark shows no surprise that the youngest snuck on board the base. There is no "thanks for saving my ass" as he calmly orders Key to "get the tape" while he goes and gets the astonauts. Keyop channels my son and presses random buttons on the console, which ultimately makes the vessel begin to explode.

Zark lets us all know that Mark, Keyop and the astronauts are swimming away safe and sound -- so don't worry. Even though we don't see the space boys, they're okay.

Zoltar flashes on the screen in the main control room as the CotW tries to apologises and orders him to take a smaller vessel to go after and destroy the Phoenix. This is considered the CotW's last chance (although there is no warning that it is a kamikaze last chance).

Back to the Phoenix. Jason welcomes Mark and Keyop back, is glad they're okay and enquires dutifully about the whereabouts of the astronauts. We find out there is a sick bay on the teams warship, as Mark answers by saying that's were he put them.

The team, and the turtle's head escape the waters and are suddenly involved in a game of chicken. Mark doesn't even give the team warning as he says "We go to the Fiery Phoenix" and pulls the lever.

This results in the team ending up onconscious on the floor of the command deck. Mark rouses first, followed by Princess, who gives him a darling smile. He smiles back with that twinkle in his eye.

They've done it.

Zark's voice pipes up again, full of relief because he is so glad that Princess and Mark are friends again. Quarrels are forgotten when things get rough. When people work together as G-Force do a strong bond is developed - that's the secret of their success you know.

Zark gripes a little at not being programmed for feeling (although you'd never know it) and is so very proud to be a member of .... G-Force!

~end eppy~


Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by lborgia88 on 09-04-2009 at 12:29:

A great BOTP recap, SJ!

Here's the Gatchaman version:

As episode 2 is closely connected to episode 1, it begins with the Narrator explaining what happened at the end of the previous episode, namely that the God Phoenix was able to break away from the Turtle King mecha through the firebird technique, and although the mecha was destroyed, its head survived to "carry on Galactor's plot for world domination."

With that bit of recapping out of the way, we are now shown a rocket ship, Mantle 8, high above the Earth, in orbit, but its two pilots are preparing to return home.


They communicate with a "mission control center" (we can't say it's Houston Control, but ADV does seem to have given its personnel accents that sound Texan...) and we learn that the rocket's reentry capsule will be met and recovered at the splashdown site.

We next see the capsule, slowed by a parachute, hitting the surface of the ocean, somewhere, and it releases a dye that turns the water yellow all around it (yuck!). But, as the capsule floats there awaiting pick up from approaching boats, the music takes a sinister turn.


Two underwater ships shaped much like sting rays seize hold of the capsule and tow it away, down to a much, much larger underwater ship.


Meanwhile, Ken is in his "shack" at his airfield, resting his feet on his desk and playing with a small pet turtle who can only be a less-than-subtle symbolic nod to the Turtle King mecha (and who won't be seen ever again).


Dr. Nambu contacts Ken and orders him to assemble the team at once, and says that he will explain why later. Ken dashes outside, apparently without bothering even to close his door.


He jumps into his plane and takes off immediately (clearly very confident in his plane's reliability, as he does no preflight checks).

We cut to the bridge of the God Phoenix, where Ken is the last to arrive. Joe, rather grumpily, asks "Why the hell did we get called out again so soon?" I'd have thought Joe would be keen to be summoned for another mission -but perhaps the summons interrupted him in the midst of some enjoyable activity...


Dr. Nambu appears on-screen, and delivers necessary exposition to the effect that the previously-seen capsule has disappeared from the splashdown site in the South Pacific, and that it was carrying an "Earth Compact Device" which had compiled data, from space, on the locations of uranium deposits deep within the Earth's crust. It resembles a cassette tape.


Dr. Nambu then instructs the team to go to the splashdown site and search for the capsule, its two pilots, and the Earth Compact Device.

Next we see that large underwater ship again. The two smaller sting ray ships are moving off, having delivered the capsule. Inside the large ship, a Galactor goon enters a control room.


He delivers the Earth Compact Device to the Turtle King Commander (who is still wearing his green tentacled helmet). They play the cassette, and on a screen in the center of a large table, it shows images of the Earth from space, with tiny red, blinking dots in various locations -the locations of uranium deposits.


The Commander contacts Berg Katse, on-screen, and transmits the data to him (with cutting edge technology!).


Next, we are with Berg Katse, wherever he may be, and Leader X tells him that Galactor's plan is to steal all the uranium (a scarce resource) in the Earth and use it to conquer the world, and he instructs Berg Katse to build an immense, underwater uranium plant for Galactor.


Meanwhile, the God Phoenix has arrived at the splashdown site, where some ships and helicopters are milling about. Ken tells Ryu to take the God Phoenix underwater, where we see a lovely underwater scene of small fish, plants and one large sea turtle (yes, more turtle symbolism).


Jun, very understandably, says "Wow, it's beautiful!" but Ken rather priggishly declares "This is no time to be admiring the scenery!" Jun looks admonished and says "Ooh, scary," but I think she's being a little sarcastic.


They activate the underwater radar to begin searching, but there is suddenly a large (and very "realistic" ) underwater explosion.


Their Geiger counter detects abnormal radiation levels. The God Phoenix is sucked into an underwater whirlpool.


And Ryu is unable to get the God Phoenix's controls to respond.


Everyone is gasping and straining from being spun around at high speed, but Ken comes up with a strategy to escape the whirlpool by moving towards its calmer center, and then taking the God Phoenix straight up, hard. This is successful, and the God Phoenix breaks the surface directly in the center of the whirlpool.

It is apparent from the Geiger counter's readings that the explosion was the result of a nuclear bomb. "Nuclear explosions underwater violate International Law, but somebody did it anyway!" declares Ken, with shocked indignation. Clearly he still has a lot to learn about Galactor...


Ken decides they should resume their underwater search for the missing capsule. This alarms Jinpei, and Ken says "Don't be afraid, nothing like that will happen again... probably." I like the way Ken says this with an accompanying smirk -teasing Jinpei the way older brothers so often do.

And they go back underwater...

[Thank you, Shamrokchick, for all your screencaps!!]

Posted by lborgia88 on 09-04-2009 at 13:02:

Underwater again, the team sees another whirlpool up ahead.


Ken tells Ryu to put an infrared filter on the viewscreen, and suddenly they are able to see the large underwater Galactor ship (which Jinpei calls a "monster-sized aircraft carrier") resting on the sea floor, as well as the construction that is in progress there for Galactor's uranium plant, and many small crab tanks scuttling about.

[Saturn: "It is very weird that such a big ship can only be seen with an infrared filter. Well, just my opinion, hehe..."]

It is immediately apparent to Ken that this is Galactor, that its "aircraft carrier" stole the capsule, that the Earth Compact Device must be inside it, and that Galactor is planning to mine uranium here.

Ryu says "Alright, we'll just blast them with some missiles," and reaches for the appropriate button. Ken yells "Wait, don't be stupid!" and grabs his arm. Joe then points out, a bit smugly, that the pilots of the capsule might be prisoners inside that aircraft carrier.

What? Joe is almost smirking and has his arms folded -did he bribe the writers to switch around his and Ryu's parts here? I feel really bad for Ryu here -he looks so sad.

Ken announces that he will sneak into the aircraft carrier to rescue the pilots and retrieve the Earth Compact Device. Jinpei wants to go too, but Ken says he'll be more inconspicuous alone, and he leaves.


"Damn, guess that means I'm not wanted," snarks Jinpei, "Sure hope you don't regret it!" A bit unexpectedly, to me, Joe puts his hand on Jinpei's shoulder and says "Jinpei" in a kindly way, and he even manages an understanding smile. So it seems that Joe can be nice -at least to Jinpei, anyway.

Ken is now in a wet suit with scuba gear, swimming.

[Saturn: "LB, did you notice that Ken's nose is bare and is outside his diving mask? As I know, all scuba diving masks will have a nose pocket to help the diver equalize the pressure inside the mask, and with no nose pocket most divers will have extreme pains to dive normally. I guess being a Science Ninja does make a difference! Ken sure does have a disproportionately long pinky finger. I hope he uses it for a very good use (oh dear, really need to put my smutty mind to rest...) "]

Ken is able to swim, undetected, to one of the crab tanks and he hides underneath it as it goes inside the aircraft carrier. Soon, he makes his way to a large, dark room that seems to be a sort of garage for unused crab tanks. He just dumps his scuba gear in the middle of the floor, and is now wearing his civvies.

[Saturn: "Ken took his wetsuit off and, abracadabra, his civvies were barely wet, hehe."]

But now, Ken sees that the missing capsule is in the garage too. He goes inside it and it's badly damaged (from gunfire, it appears) and empty.

Suddenly, bright lights are trained on the capsule.


The Turtle King Commander is now in the garage. "You must be Gatchaman of the Science Ninja Team," he says as Ken scowls inside the capsule and changes back into birdstyle.

[Saturn: "Ken was going to transmute (take note of his left hand)"]

[Saturn: "Ken suddenly has a glove on his 'bare' left hand."]

The Turtle King Commander is accompanied by numerous Galactor goons, some operating the spotlights, but most carrying machine guns. A big fight breaks out, as they try to locate Ken in the dark with the spotlights and shoot him, and Ken destroys the spotlights and takes out the goons with martial arts and with his birdrang.

[Saturn: "Ken was using a very 'creative' fighting technique on one of the goons."]

It's an impressive show of Gatchaman's skills and we even get to see a display of his handiwork -dead goons- strewn across a section of floor conveniently lit by a remaining spotlight.


Even the Commander says, grudgingly, "Not too bad," before signaling to a goon (in an upper room overlooking the garage) to attack Ken with a giant drill bit controlled by a robotic arm. Ken is able to nimbly evade the drill bit.


So, the Commander next attempts to crush Ken by having a massive metal hook (on a chain) dropped on top of him. However, when the hook is raised in the air again, Ken is standing on it, uncrushed, holding onto the chain with one hand.

Somehow, within seconds, Ken gets the hook swinging on its chain such that it smashes into the room where the goon is controlling the drill bit's arm, and takes that goon out.

"You will stop this insolence!" yells the Commander (who clearly defines "insolence" rather broadly) and then we see the two missing capsule pilots, being held by two armed goons.


We get a close-up of one pilot's face. His eyes are closed and a gun is being held to his temple. Ken is horrified, stops fighting, and turns himself over to Galactor.


Of course, the instant he does so, and is flanked by goons, it is revealed that the pilots are already dead. "Even corpses have their uses sometimes," gloats the Commander.

Ken is on a descending platform, being taken away by two goons, when suddenly Jinpei's bolas wrap around the neck of one of them, choking him. Ken seizes this moment of surprise to attack and take out the two goons.


The platform rises up again, and there is Jinpei.

"You had great timing," Ken tells him and Jinpei replies "Big Brother Joe told me to come because it'd be too risky if you were on your own."

So, if Joe really believed that Ken would need back up (in which case, I'm surprised he didn't come himself), he was being really nice to Jinpei, giving the youngest a chance to prove his worth.

Naturally Jinpei crows "I guess now you realize that you need me around here, huh?" Ken has the grace to look genuinely abashed, albeit with some amusement -it's rather sweet, I think, the expression on his face here.

"Alright, alright," he says.


However, next we see Ken, he has found the Commander and is quite brutally slamming him repeatedly against a wall.


But, it is effective, as the Commander gasps "Stop hurting me!" and tells him the Earth Compact Device is inside the nearby computer.

Jinpei retrieves it, and he begins pushing buttons on the computer, completely randomly.

We see an exterior view of the aircraft carrier. Apparently, Jinpei has caused it to rise from the sea floor and start moving slowly, and it's smashing up Galactor's partially constructed uranium plant.

We cut back to Jinpei, who is now gleefully and rapidly pushing every computer button that he can reach, until a panel beside him bursts, releasing a spray of God-knows-what and making Jinpei yell "auughh!!" (and making me laugh).


Meanwhile, all over the aircraft carrier, more serious explosions are breaking out, spraying goons with flames. The aircraft carrier is still moving, crushing crab tanks. We see a large explosion erupt from its exterior, with an interior view of goons running and dying. Missile bays, now exposed to intense heat, begin to explode inside the aircraft carrier too.

Ken and Jinpei, now in wetsuits and scuba gear, swim away from the flaming wreckage of the aircraft carrier.

[Saturn: "Ken and Jinpei swam away (with the always-ready scuba gear) from the ship, which had magically changed color from the original green to yellow, perhaps due to the heat of the explosion, hehe."]

Inside the burning control room, the Turtle King Commander drags himself up from the floor. Berg Katse's face appears on a screen, and as the Commander has failed and lost both the Turtle King mecha and the aircraft carrier, Berg Katse orders him to his death by sending him to ram the Turtle King's head into the God Phoenix.


The Commander does exactly that, or at least he tries to. He follows the God Phoenix out of the ocean, and is on a collision course with it, but Ken sees him coming and he immediately initiates the firebird technique. Instead of destroying the God Phoenix when it strikes it, the Turtle King's head is instead engulfed in flames, and with a final "Aaahhh!!" from the Commander, it explodes.


Posted by shamrokchick on 09-04-2009 at 13:16:

This looks great girls! Thanks for the summaries LB and SJ! Big Grin

"They say the Titanic sank because it hit an iceberg, but that must have been Galactor's fault too." Swallow


Posted by Transmute Jun on 09-04-2009 at 13:21:

This is wonderful so far! I love the observations you guys have made! Ken leaving his door open at the airfield always bugged me.

And since it comes from this episode, I just HAVE to point out that Fairlight made a terrific Gatchatease video of Ken taking off the wetsuit. Luvu2 it's on Youtube somewhere... I think. I'm at work so I can't look it up right now.

You guys have done a fantastic job all working together!

Looking forward to the rest!


Posted by clouddancer on 09-04-2009 at 14:06:

This is great so far. I am loving your comments.

LB, Re Ken's door to the shack -- This is the future after all, maybe his shack has an automatic door, closing and locking itself much like a door in the starship enterprise would. Biglaugh1

And TJ I was looking for Fairlights work the other day and it seems to have disappeared. If you can find it again I would be more than happy and I am sure so would a few others as well.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by lborgia88 on 09-04-2009 at 14:08:

[Here's the final bit of the summary -the second part was too long to post.]

As the God Phoenix emerges from firebird mode, we have a close-up of Ken's face as he's sprawled over his console. As peaceful music plays, he stands and sees everyone else still unconscious and mostly on the floor.

[Saturn: "The team dutifully bowed to their brave commander. Kidding!"]

Jun is the next to wake up; she gives Ken a very friendly smile and he even smiles at her in return, before adopting a more stern "hero" expression as he looks away.

[Saturn has made a very nice animation of this exchange of smiles, which I am having trouble figuring out how to post here, as photobucket doesn't seem to want to upload it -any advice?]

The God Phoenix flies off into a blue sky filled with sunlight.


(Thank you, Saturn, for your screen caps and comments!)

Posted by saturn on 09-04-2009 at 14:36:

Originally posted by lborgia88
Jun is the next to wake up; she gives Ken a very friendly smile and he even smiles at her in return, before adopting a more stern "hero" expression as he looks away.

[Saturn has made a very nice animation of this exchange of smiles, which I am having trouble figuring out how to post here, as photobucket doesn't seem to want to upload it -any advice?]

Great summary, LB! I really enjoy reading it.

This is the animation of Jun's "very friendly" smile to Ken (which unfortunately I found very creepy, Big Grin )

I have also purposely made the animation in slow-mo for a better effect, Smile


Also thanks to SJ for her wonderful BOTP summary.


Posted by lborgia88 on 09-04-2009 at 14:55:

Thank you, Saturn, for posting your animation! I can see how Jun's smile could be interpreted as creepy, but I guess the romantic in me wants to see it as the animators most likely intended it to seem -affectionate. Wink3

Posted by lborgia88 on 09-04-2009 at 15:00:

SJ, I've been reading your BOTP recap again, and it is fascinating to see just how much can be changed just by altering the dialogue. I've always known that much of the fight scenes in Gatch were cut out of BOTP, but they also added subplots (like Mark and Princess's apparent "quarrel") that were never in Gatch at all!

Posted by saturn on 09-04-2009 at 15:37:

Originally posted by lborgia88
Thank you, Saturn, for posting your animation! I can see how Jun's smile could be interpreted as creepy, but I guess the romantic in me wants to see it as the animators most likely intended it to seem -affectionate. Wink3

I do actually agree with you, LB! Creepy aside, any smile or loving gestures exchanged between Ken & Jun will always make my heart sing with joy, Smile


Posted by clouddancer on 09-04-2009 at 17:07:

Thank you for that animation Saturn. I guess it could be considered a little creepy especially when it is slowed down like that.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Springie on 09-04-2009 at 19:21:

Haha...Fabulous work, LB, Saturn and SJ! I am cracking up, b/c I thought the smiles at the end were creepy, too...I think I mentioned it in this ep's Fan Page...

Fan Page Episode 2


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by clouddancer on 09-04-2009 at 20:31:

Ummm, Springie I get a no images to display when I click on that link of yours.

Am I doing something wrong? Anyone else getting this?

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by shamrokchick on 09-04-2009 at 21:04:

Saturn, I like your comments on the images lol... also thanks for the animation!

"They say the Titanic sank because it hit an iceberg, but that must have been Galactor's fault too." Swallow


Posted by Condorfan on 09-04-2009 at 21:29:

First I want to thank SJ and LB for summaries and screen shots. Great job!

This episode struck me as Ken really taking all the responsibility. He goes off alone to the carrier and he just suddenly puts the ship into Firebird mode. I guess he's thinking he can do the job himself but it wouldn't hurt to have some backup (like Jinpei). What really struck me about this episode when I first saw it was how they related that the astronauts didn't survive. It was such a change from the way BOTP handled the episode.

Note to CD I didn't get anything from the link either.

Old age is a high price to pay for maturity.

Posted by lborgia88 on 09-04-2009 at 22:43:

The early episodes do seem to put a lot of focus on Ken, don't they? It makes sense, considering that he's the leader, and the show is basically named after him.

Still, I like that they didn't try to depict him as some totally infallible leader who can do no wrong. We saw in episode one that he's prepared to interpret Dr. Nambu's orders somewhat loosely when it suits him, and here in episode two Joe basically countermands Ken's orders behind his back by sending Jinpei after him, but Ken admits that Jinpei helped get him out of a tight spot, and never criticizes Joe for it. I love all the little quirky and contradictory interactions between the characters. One minute Ken's scolding Jun for admiring the scenery, and another he's giving her warm, private smiles. By episode two, it's possible to see that he's a guy who's very committed to duty, but he does have feelings, and it's something of a tricky juggling act for him.

One minute Joe is cranky, and another he's being nice to Jinpei. In episode 1, he argued with Ken about firing missiles, but this week he backs all of Ken's decisions, until he sends Jinpei after Ken. But that suggests he was worried that Ken was trying to do too much by himself. Sending Jinpei not only made Jinpei happy, but could even have been a quite subtle tactic of Joe's to remind Ken that they're supposed to be functioning as a team...

Again, I like all the possible nuances that can be found in these episodes, and all the little things that make the characters feel human and real, and not like cardboard cutouts or just stereotypes.

Posted by Springie on 10-04-2009 at 00:46: works for you get the Jun's Joint Page? Did you click on the "Doc File" image?


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by clouddancer on 10-04-2009 at 01:04:

I get the Jun's Joint page and I can navigate back to J.J. home page but do not see the doc file image.
That is probably what is missing when it says "no images to display"

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 10-04-2009 at 02:10:

You guys make a good point. They are a TEAM, and generally they shouldn't be going in places alone if they don't have to. And it doesn't often happen... only when a mission is considered too 'dangerous'. And then, it *is* usually Ken going off.


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