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Posted by Transmute Jun on 06-04-2009 at 13:56:

Be sure to check out this week's episode discussion!

It's in the Episode Discussion Forum! (Below Rant.)


Posted by lborgia88 on 06-04-2009 at 15:31:

So let's see if I've got this right... This Thursday, April 9th, I'll post a summary of Gatchaman, Episode 2, SJ is doing the summary of the BOTP version, and Shamrokchick and Saturn are supplying screencaps.

With the four of us having varying schedules (and time zones) I'm thinking it might work best if each of us posts our Thursday contributions separately, but in the same thread. Whoever posts first on Thursday, that person will create the new thread for the discussion of Episode 2, in the new "Episode of the Week" section of the forums.

Does this sound okay?

If people want, I could take the screencaps, after, and add them into the appropriate places in the Gatch summary.

Posted by clouddancer on 06-04-2009 at 15:38:

TJ you have done a lot of work. There is some great information there and I found myself laughing at some of your comments.

It also has my brain going thinking *Fic idea here* Happy Shock Like I have time for that.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 06-04-2009 at 15:41:

Yeah I already screwed up and have profusely apologised to TJ over my retarded reading of the spreadsheet... I thought ... Never mind.

We'll see who's the first kiddie ... LOL ... I'm up at 5am most mornings so maybe I'll get in first.... heh heh



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 06-04-2009 at 16:12:

However you guys want to do it is fine! I basically set it up like I did for my Eagle Riders Episode summaries, but I know everyone has their own style. If you guys think I missed anything, please feel free to add in the discussion thread!


Posted by lborgia88 on 06-04-2009 at 21:45:

Originally posted by SJ_SwanJun

We'll see who's the first kiddie ... LOL ... I'm up at 5am most mornings so maybe I'll get in first.... heh heh


Maybe, but I also routinely stay up well past midnight...

Actually Saturn will potentially have the jump on both of us -as Thursday begins for us, at midnight, it will already be 11 AM on Thursday for Saturn.

Posted by Condorfan on 06-04-2009 at 23:01:

After seeing the first episode recap I wanted to say thank you to all involved. You really went above and beyond the call with the screenshots and bloopers, etc. I like TJ's count of different things in each episode like how many times Joe wants to fire bird missiles, saying Bird Go!, etc. That's a hoot!

Everyone is doing a great job--this is starting out so well! I bow to your expertise! Bowdown 2

Old age is a high price to pay for maturity.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 06-04-2009 at 23:06:

Thanks Condorfan, but I think you got it a little mixed up. To be clear, I did the episode recaps and screenshots, and Springie has the episode pages with the bloopers, counting phrases, etc.


Posted by Condorfan on 06-04-2009 at 23:17:

My mistake. Thank you too Springie!

Old age is a high price to pay for maturity.

Posted by Springie on 06-04-2009 at 23:27: problems...glad you liked my stats! animeyoyo


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by shamrokchick on 07-04-2009 at 03:08:

Originally posted by lborgia88
If people want, I could take the screencaps, after, and add them into the appropriate places in the Gatch summary.

I don't mind giving the screen caps so the written part and the pics can be put together... probably make it easier to read... I know I've corresponded with Saturn and we're basically going to split the episode between us..

"They say the Titanic sank because it hit an iceberg, but that must have been Galactor's fault too." Swallow


Posted by lborgia88 on 07-04-2009 at 03:34:

Is it possible that you and Saturn would be able to email me all the screencaps for each Thursday episode at least, say, by some time late Thursday morning (Eastern Standard Time)? If that's the case, then I could just include them throughout my summary as I post it.

But, if it's easier for both of you, you could post your screencaps in the episode thread, whether or not my written summary is posted yet, as I could copy them from the thread and put them into my summary that way too.

I look forward to seeing what pics you and Saturn come up with!

Posted by shamrokchick on 07-04-2009 at 03:54:

I'm on Eastern time too... if I remember I will try to email them to you..

"They say the Titanic sank because it hit an iceberg, but that must have been Galactor's fault too." Swallow


Posted by lborgia88 on 07-04-2009 at 03:58:

Sounds good! My email address is (and it's in my member profile here).

Posted by saturn on 07-04-2009 at 04:46:

Originally posted by lborgia88

Actually Saturn will potentially have the jump on both of us -as Thursday begins for us, at midnight, it will already be 11 AM on Thursday for Saturn.

Thursday will definitely arrive earlier here at my place, but I would rather not start the thread, as I have made arrangement with Shamrokchick that I will make the screencaps for the second part (after the commercial break) of each episode. It will definitely confuse a lot of people if I start first, Smile

I think your idea of sending you the pics before Thursday is great. I will send them all to your E-mail after I've sorted it out. I hope you don't mind if I add some of my opinions on the pics, because sometimes I did notice some weird things while making the screencaps.

I am sure your summary will turn out great, just like TJ's.


Posted by saturn on 07-04-2009 at 07:04:

Originally posted by lborgia88My email address is (and it's in my member profile here).

LB, I have sent my screencaps to the above E-mail. If there is any scene that I left out but is interesting for you, just let me know and I will make the screencap for you.

It is great to work together with you. Look forward to reading your summary, Smile


Posted by Ebonyswanne on 07-04-2009 at 09:04:

I was just in the thread. Great work TJ!!! I went to watch the ep today and got side tracked so it'll have to wait until Friday....

I was off on "Party business..." (Doing a Princess birthday party for my little girls... )

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by shamrokchick on 07-04-2009 at 12:39:

Saturn I just emailed you on this. LB I'll send you my screen caps tomorrow morning.

"They say the Titanic sank because it hit an iceberg, but that must have been Galactor's fault too." Swallow


Posted by Transmute Jun on 07-04-2009 at 12:57:

Sounds like you guys are coordinating well! I'm looking forward to seeing how it all omes together!

Glad you liked the first episode, Ebony!


Posted by lborgia88 on 07-04-2009 at 14:06:

Originally posted by saturn

I think your idea of sending you the pics before Thursday is great. I will send them all to your E-mail after I've sorted it out. I hope you don't mind if I add some of my opinions on the pics, because sometimes I did notice some weird things while making the screencaps.

Thanks! I have received them. I want to include your comments too! Laugh2

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