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--- What's your most interesting "Birdie" Dream... (

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 04-04-2009 at 13:24:

What's your most interesting "Birdie" Dream...

I obviously have a warped mind ...

I have had some pretty awesome Birdie related dreams in the past. I've been the swan. I've done some pretty shameful things with certain winged heroes (especially when I was pregnant -- pg dreams are pretty aaaweeeeeeeesome) I've flown and killed and even had an Eagle baby ... but last night was something totally out there.

So yesterday was an accumulation of wierd topics, smut writing, and an awesome showing of a RL Condor playing a Wolverine... (Hugh Jackman is so my choice as a Condor -- and looks pretty hot nekkid and prowling) ...

It started in the AM with Flash and I chatting about the perversions of different races on the way to work. (The final concensus being that Asians are the most deviant with caucasions only pretending to be the most naughty -- Flash is Asian BTW, and I can definitely concur with the final assessment ....:giggleSmile

The topic of Hentai was raised and I commented on how uncomfortable it must be to sit there and draw it day in day out ... Although it looks good...

The topic of Comics came up later with a friend. I discussed the BotP series and my distate of Tortosa's work -- to which several people absolutely agreed.

Then came the final touch ups to a smut fic...

Then was me wading through TB's offerings of naughtiness as I admired his naughty work yet again to give me some oomph for my new fic. Oh yes, TB does inspire my work sometimes...

After that was watching Wolverine ... and hearing the Gatchaman music being played throughout (the trailer music, not original music)

All of it culminated in a facinating dream that I absolutely and TOTALLY believed was real -- while I was dreaming, that is.

What happened?

So okay. I started as a Swan with a yearning for my Eagle. He was more Ken than Mark and avoided my every attempt at even talking.

In strode HJ as Jason, who was shirtless and delish. He handed me a comic and referred to it as being a swan version of porn. He told me to "enjoy" and come see him later.


So little swannie me settled on a beanbag in the rec room and began to flick through the first volume.

Gasp and horror it was Tortosa's work ... However ...

As I flicked through the story, that had author credits to our lovely TJ, the comic swirled and I became inside the comic as well as was reading it.

It was all about Mark, and his loneliness ... It was all about him needing his Swan and pretty much visualized my smut fic.

I wandered through each panel, I could see it on a monitor in front of me as it was read by 7-Zark-7.

Four panels still remain vivid in my mind as it flashed step by step into... um... Well, let's just say that it was only a rendering of Mark's manhood as it ... ya know ... grew

My little swannie eyes were wide as it played out before me and I heard a growl from behind me.

HJ, as Jason, stalked up the corridor with his shoulders hunched and his hands in fists either side of him. He flicked his fists as per Wolverine, and out of his knuckles grew leather whips.

They flicked and snapped the Swan into his chest and as her purred something along the lines of "Mark obviously prefers to do it on his own, while the Condor goes out and finds it" ... I got woken by a little tiny man asking for Chocolate milk...

I was actually somewhat disappointed ... it could have gotten good from there...

So. Now that I have admitted that I am a certifiable nutjob...

Share with me your most wierdest birdie dream... I know we all have active imaginations here ... so no doubt you have all had "YKYWTMGW" moments (You know you've watched too much Gatchaman when)



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by lborgia88 on 04-04-2009 at 17:42:

Whoa, I haven't had any dream like that, or (sadly) none that I was able to remember!

I did once clearly dream that I was watching a Gatch episode on TV, and explaining the show to someone who was there, telling them the names of the characters etc.

There was one other time too, that I dreamed that I was with the team, on the God Phoenix, but it what I was able to remember was brief and fuzzy.

Maybe I need to go see "Wolverine"...

Posted by clouddancer on 04-04-2009 at 18:44:

I have not had a dream like that ... but I do tend to wake up with mission related plots.
Usually I am Mark and am doing some intense mission, although just recently poor Mark has been going through an intense torture session from a Spectran "Captain" ... I think the guy is.

My favourite dreams are ones where I am Princess watching Mark work out: on the parallel bars or the beam or practicing moves on the floor.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Condorfan on 16-04-2009 at 20:56:

Wanna hear something weird? Last night I dreamed I was watching a live action Gatchaman movie with Tom Cruise playing Ken.

Old age is a high price to pay for maturity.

Posted by lborgia88 on 16-04-2009 at 22:48:

Aargh, now you've got me imagining a Gatch/Top Gun crossover!

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 16-04-2009 at 23:32:

If Tom Cruise ever played Ken, I think I'd never watch Gatch ever again....

CF, that's a nightmare, girl ... I am so sorry to hear that...



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by Springie on 17-04-2009 at 01:26:

I wish I could remember my birdie dreams...I need to keep a notebook by my bed so I can remember to share!


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Firebird on 17-04-2009 at 14:37:

Im not sure I should share some of mine I dont think I have Sj's flair for writing them that well Wink

Like the Phoenix I rise from the fire. Beware all who try to tame me, you may get burned Flame

Posted by Barrdwing on 20-04-2009 at 02:59:

I've gotten a decent BotP fanfic out of a dream . . . um . . . oh-oh, I don't know if I've posted it anywhere yet. The team gets assigned to investigate why pro wrestlers are going missing, and things get a little out of hand. Of course.

I've had some good story ideas come out of dreams; others are just too friggin' weird to let out in public. But I'm currently working on/struggling with a BotP story where the opening scene is straight out of a dream. With my rate of progress, it'll be a while before it's ready, but I'll keep after it. <scribbles>

Posted by clouddancer on 20-04-2009 at 03:03:

Cloud will sit and wait patiently for Bardwing's "scribbles".

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 20-04-2009 at 04:09:

I'll be waiting too, Barrdwing! And just by posting that idea here, you've earned yourself a Poke !


Posted by clouddancer on 20-04-2009 at 12:25:

Ooooo, TJ is bringing out her pokey stick. Be careful Barrdwing, when she brings out her whip and yo-yo and pokey stick you know she really means business. Animegiggle

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 20-04-2009 at 12:52:

Originally posted by SJ_SwanJun
If Tom Cruise ever played Ken, I think I'd never watch Gatch ever again....

CF, that's a nightmare, girl ... I am so sorry to hear that...


Good news is he's to old to be Gatchaman...however they might cast him into the role of Dr Nambu or even better Red Impulse...then we all have reason to hate him...

Best BOTP/Gatch dream....can't go into details since it belongs in the rubber room.... Wink

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by gogirl212 on 20-04-2009 at 13:26:

I think I'd like to dress up Tom Cruise as a CotW. Something with lots of epelettes and tentacles that took advantage of his innate tendency for hysteria as well as emphasized his height (or lack thereof).

I think he peaked at Top Gun - I kinda loved him way back then. But it's over.

As for gatch dreams - I sometimes fall asleep thinking about stories or scenarios, but so far I can not remember dreaming about them. I will have to keep trying . . . sleep4

There are few problems that a swift kick to the head by a highly trained ninja can't solve.

Posted by clouddancer on 20-04-2009 at 13:33:

Originally posted by gogirl212

I think he peaked at Top Gun - I kinda loved him way back then. But it's over.

And I think it is in those Top Gun days he would have made a good Eagle Either that or Val Kilmer who played Iceman ....

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 20-04-2009 at 17:26:

I think Tom Cruise would make a good mecha Captain... Evil1


Posted by Barrdwing on 20-04-2009 at 18:40:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
I'll be waiting too, Barrdwing! And just by posting that idea here, you've earned yourself a Poke !

<chortle> I'll get to gettin' to, then! Wink

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 21-04-2009 at 00:07:

Ahhh back in the days of Top Gun....yes back then he would have made a good Eagle, but the opportunity is lost for him now...

TJ- You might be onto something with him being a mecha captain!

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by lborgia88 on 21-04-2009 at 01:11:

Originally posted by clouddancer
Originally posted by gogirl212

I think he peaked at Top Gun - I kinda loved him way back then. But it's over.

And I think it is in those Top Gun days he would have made a good Eagle Either that or Val Kilmer who played Iceman ....

Hee, back in the day my sister was obsessed with young Val Kilmer and, to this day, can recite nearly all his lines from "Top Gun," "Real Genius," and "Willow". Somehow I see him as more "Joe" than "Ken" though.

Posted by clouddancer on 21-04-2009 at 02:11:

Yes I was thinking, after I posted, that he would have made a better Joe.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

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