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--- Awe...he's so cute what should we name its twins! (

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 04-01-2009 at 00:50:

Awe...he's so cute what should we name its twins!

Even if you already have kids....

Since your Gatch/BOTP obsession has taken hold and you discover your going to be come a parent which Gatch Character would you name your baby after... AND in years to come when he/she asks about it how would you explain your choice of name and why you chose that character specifically.

I have allowed for one female and one male in the poll.

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by shamrokchick on 04-01-2009 at 01:03:

Well for a boy I think it would be Ken Mark he he...

And Jun's the only girl so that's an easy choice...

Explanation? I'm an eagle girl he he...

"They say the Titanic sank because it hit an iceberg, but that must have been Galactor's fault too." Swallow


Posted by Transmute Jun on 04-01-2009 at 01:20:

I voted for Jason and Mark since those are names I like IRL, outside of what thy have to do with BOTP.


Posted by clouddancer on 04-01-2009 at 02:03:

I have always liked Mark for as boys name as well. I think that is where I would lean. Nice, simple and only one syllable that makes it easier when you have to shout at the child. (Too many syllables and you waste you breath getting their name out before you start telling them off.) Biglaugh1

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by gatchgirl on 04-01-2009 at 02:14:

I have always thought of naming a kid Mark, or Jason.

As far as telling the child, I would say that my kid would be watching both versions at a very small age. I wouldn't actually tell them, but if they would figure it out and ask, I wouldn't be able to keep my smile to myself. Poor kid would find out that way. Didn't take to long for my B/H to figure out that my last kitty was named after a certain Swan. Tongue

" No gratitude needs to be voiced, your mind speaks to us!"

Racer by day, Feather Thrower all the time!

Posted by Springie on 04-01-2009 at 02:16:

Mark got my vote...but I like Joe and Jason too! Ken reminds me of a Barbie doll...LOL


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by lborgia88 on 04-01-2009 at 05:38:

My first love was a "Mark" and it ended really badly, so that name is out for me, and "Ken" is my cousin in Ohio. Kentaro sounds cool, but that's RI's name so it's out. "Jason" is my pick for a boy. No bad associations at all there, and it's nicely rooted in classical mythology.

For a girl it would have to be "Jun" because I would never name a daughter of mine "Princess"!

Posted by Cain Highwind on 04-01-2009 at 08:00:

I promised myself that when I had kids I would give them uncommon, unique names. And well Joe, Mark, Jason, and Ken kinda fall into that category of common cliched names (IMO). As cool as they are I think they're kinda "meh" name wise.

I do love Jun, though I'd probably spell it with an "e" at the end like her G-Force name.

Speaking of G-Force, even though they had to do that stupid alliteration, I actually like Ace and Dirk as first names more than Mark and Jason or Ken and Joe.

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 04-01-2009 at 21:56:

The names we had picked out were
Boy- Connor James
Girl Querida Rose.

I like names that generally aren't too common as well Cain....

One day in the future Ebony's twins a boy and girl ask mum how they got their names..

She looks into her little boys serious face as he askes"Mum... I've always wondered why did you chose to call me Ealge Ken..."

" was a long time ago, but you see I had the obsession with a Japanese show."

His little face brightens up."Oh mum you mean that Gatchaman...and the other one with that annoying robot...I wanna use my sonic boomerrang on him thats should shut him up for good! "

"Yes dear, I believe that would work." She replies thinking that was the end of it.

She looks into his sad little face, wondering why it was so important to him. " really expect me to be like Gatchaman? I've been trying to live up to my name but its just not working."

Then it dawned on thats why he tried to jump off the roof yeaterday and called out "bird go." Putting his hand in front of his face... And then there was the incident at the airport when he tried to jump into a Cessa parked on the runway, saying something like "Daddy, watch me turn it into a fighter jet... Then he turned on the engine...they spent 8 hours at the police station trying to clear it all up.

Then he mentioned Galactor and they were there for another four hours....

She looked over at her daughter Princess...oh no thats why she obsessed about Cafes and wants to open a bar when she grows up.

Ebony moaned and folded her arms and cried..."What have I done!"

She felt a his hand on her arm..."Its okay mum, I can always get implants and become like Mark... when am I getting my birdstyle? I need it for training..."

Princess looked at her brother in disgust...
"Yuk... I so don't want to be flashing my panties....But I sure can't wait to meet the Condor, he so cooolllll..." she grinned and ran out of the room...

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by lborgia88 on 05-01-2009 at 00:14:

Laugh2 You make me think I'd be better off naming a child "Kozaburou" after Dr. Nambu -the kid might get into less trouble!

Posted by Transmute Jun on 05-01-2009 at 00:22:

What? No one wants to name their kid Zark? ROFL 2


Posted by clouddancer on 05-01-2009 at 02:33:

After having a Zack this year who is driving me crazy I do not think I will name my child any name starting with Zed.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Barrdwing on 05-01-2009 at 03:11:

I have a chicken that's gone from a hen to a rooster . . . TJ thinks I should name him Katse. If he were a mean bird, I would, but he's so cute . . . he likes to be picked up and cuddled. Chicken

Posted by lborgia88 on 05-01-2009 at 04:20:

Originally posted by Barrdwing
I have a chicken that's gone from a hen to a rooster . . .

They can do that ???

TJ thinks I should name him Katse. If he were a mean bird, I would, but he's so cute . . . he likes to be picked up and cuddled. Chicken

It's a ploy, I tell you, to lure you into complacency -"Katse" chicken will turn on you yet!

Posted by Transmute Jun on 05-01-2009 at 04:35:

Originally posted by Barrdwing
he likes to be picked up and cuddled. Chicken

So do the Gremlins, when they're all cute and fuzzy... Wink

Not to mention Tribbles.


Posted by Yuki on 05-01-2009 at 05:05:

I actually named one of mine Marcus after Mark.
Unfortunately, I obviously did not take it serious when I looked up the meaning of the name -> Mark : warlike, hammer, defender. True to the origin of his name, he loves war with his sister, is completely a hammerhead and a ruthless defender of his 'beliefs', such as dessert go before main course. Furthermore, he is also a devoted citizen of Mars as defined by his strange ideas.

He is definitely an Eagle in spirit. He even has Ken's cluelessness when it comes to girls (and where he left his underwear).

And yes.. he's cute too!



Posted by Cain Highwind on 05-01-2009 at 06:23:

Originally posted by Ebonyswanne
The names we had picked out were
Boy- Connor James
Girl Querida Rose.

I like names that generally aren't too common as well Cain....

Those are lovely names ^_^

I actually had a girl name thought up not too long ago, and it was *something* Rose, I think it was Samantha Rose, but I can't remember for the life of me. June Rose actually sound cool when I think about it.

Anyway I'd definitely check some kind of baby book/guide and see if their "origin" suits your fancy.

Jason - Healer
Mark - Warlike / Rebellious
Ken - Handsome
Joe - "God will increase" so it says
Jun - Jun is apparently a Chinese male name meaning "handsome" just like Ken, coincidence?. "June" simply refers to being born in June.

I know my mom told me when she named me (my real name's Arlen by the way, and no, I don't mind if you want to call me by that ^_^) that she got it both from the composer "Harold Arlen" and it's Gaelic origin, meaning "Pledge". I pretty much plan to go about my children in the same way really.

Posted by lborgia88 on 05-01-2009 at 12:30:

Apparently my Dad got the idea for my name from the name of a female student who was at the University of Connecticut when my Dad was there in the early 1960s.

She went on to be an actress and had a bit part in the original Star Trek TV series (I've always thought that part was cool!)

I don't think my parents gave much thought to the meanings of names though.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 05-01-2009 at 14:12:

Originally posted by Cain Highwind
Jun - Jun is apparently a Chinese male name meaning "handsome" just like Ken, coincidence?.

Actually, for one of my fics I was looking up Japanese names. In Japan, Jun cna be either a boy's name or a girl's name, and it means (get this) obedient. Lol2

I used that to my advantage in the fic... Wink


Posted by gatchgirl on 05-01-2009 at 21:55:

Which fic is that TJ, or is it still being written?

" No gratitude needs to be voiced, your mind speaks to us!"

Racer by day, Feather Thrower all the time!

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