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Posted by Cain Highwind on 13-11-2008 at 07:32:

Batman Gotham Knight

A few months back I got Batman Gotham Knight, because I'm a HUGE fan of Batman TAS and a lot of stuff by Bruce Timm.

Anyone else see it? It's basically the same idea as Animatrix, just shorter with more emphasis on visual retellings.

I was just watching the commentary the other day and it just so happens the producer calls the Batman in the "Field Test" short "G-Force Batman" and went on to say he was a huge fan of Gatchaman. What's funny is since I've been getting into Gatchaman these last couple weeks I appreciated that, when before the reference would've flown right over me.

I was surprised to find it on Youtube.

7:38 is the section of interest here, it's also where they say it in the commentary.

Great stuff here. The whole DVD, while short, is just JAW DROPPING GORGEOUS

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 13-11-2008 at 10:31:

:my last post got eaten because my stupid laptop and its fantastic joy of Vista decided to just shut down on me NO WARNING to install bloody updates:

So ... what was I previously sayin??

Okay. Cain ... Firstly: I freaking LOVE LOVE LOVE your avatar!! Where did you get that image????

I haven't seen the film you mentioned. I should as I do love Batman muchly (although I have a real softspot for the Flash -- and yaay they're making a movie!!)

It's fun to hear little mentions of directors/writers and the such make comments on Gatch and Battle of the Planets. We seem like such a small fanbase, really, and it's kinda exciting to see we're not the only ones who farking love the birdies!!!

I remember when I first saw Alex Ross proclaim love for BotP (before the whole comic thing) and I squealed like a little girl ... because who doesn't love Ross, eh?

I am still waiting for the day that they do a BotP film ... I loved Speed Racer much more than the critics did, and would get a total kick out of seeing BotP done pretty much the same way.

I'm somewhat terrified of the new Gatch movie. There has been so much hype, and we've waited so dalm long, and there's been so much trouble on it ... that I'm worried it'll tank and the franchise will be given up on altogether.

God, I've digressed here, haven't I?

I am so bad at that.

When my laptop decides to play nice I'll check out your link. Vista is a pain in the ass and keeps bogging my machine down with ... hell, I dunno.

Thankee for sharing!

Oh, and welcome!


Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by Springie on 13-11-2008 at 11:01:

Beautiful animation...and Bruce Wayne is hot! Thanks so much for showing us!

And SJ, I think his avatar comes from the artwork associated with the Tatsunoko vs. Capcom game...I love it, too!


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by lborgia88 on 13-11-2008 at 14:22:

Thanks for sharing this, Cain -I hadn't seen it. Beautiful animation quality.

This could be just the hook I need to get my BF interested in Gatchaman -he's always been a Batman fan but I never thought of the similarities it shares with Gatchaman!

Posted by Transmute Jun on 13-11-2008 at 14:51:

That looks great, Cain! I'll have to pick up that DVD. Thank you for pointing it out!


Posted by Ladygalactor777 on 13-11-2008 at 15:00:

RE: Batman Gotham Knight

Originally posted by Cain Highwind
A few months back I got Batman Gotham Knight, because I'm a HUGE fan of Batman TAS and a lot of stuff by Bruce Timm.

Anyone else see it? It's basically the same idea as Animatrix, just shorter with more emphasis on visual retellings.

I was just watching the commentary the other day and it just so happens the producer calls the Batman in the "Field Test" short "G-Force Batman" and went on to say he was a huge fan of Gatchaman. What's funny is since I've been getting into Gatchaman these last couple weeks I appreciated that, when before the reference would've flown right over me.

I was surprised to find it on Youtube.

7:38 is the section of interest here, it's also where they say it in the commentary.

Great stuff here. The whole DVD, while short, is just JAW DROPPING GORGEOUS

That was awsome!
batman is da man!!


Posted by Condorfan on 13-11-2008 at 16:18:

Thanks for the info Cain! I confess to being a HUGE Batman TAS fan too! (Even got Kevin Conroy's autograph!) Bruce Timm's work has been amazing. As I have dial-up I can't see the clip but I will rent the DVD!

Awesome avatar too!

P.S. Speaking of Batman, you want to read something bizarre?


What some people won't do to get a piece of the action.

Old age is a high price to pay for maturity.

Posted by shamrokchick on 13-11-2008 at 19:09:

Wow that's interesting... Lol

"They say the Titanic sank because it hit an iceberg, but that must have been Galactor's fault too." Swallow


Posted by Barrdwing on 13-11-2008 at 19:42:

Oh good grief. Are they even pronounced the same? That's just plain ridiculous . . . and where have they been since Batman started in 1939? Sounds like there may be a statute of limitations that's run out. I mean, really. How many Batman movies have there been? Six? Nine? How many TV series? And they raise a fuss now? Rolleyes

Posted by Cain Highwind on 13-11-2008 at 19:51:

Originally posted by shamrokchick
Wow that's interesting... Lol

Yeah heard about that the other day. Talk about desperate for cash xD

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 13-11-2008 at 21:37:

Does that mean I can sue someone if they use my name in a movie or song ... you know, because they used it without permission?????


Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by shamrokchick on 13-11-2008 at 22:45:

If you copyright it Wink

"They say the Titanic sank because it hit an iceberg, but that must have been Galactor's fault too." Swallow


Posted by Transmute Jun on 14-11-2008 at 01:54:

That *is8 weird!!! I guess they need the cash!!


Posted by Condorfan on 15-11-2008 at 18:50:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
That *is8 weird!!! I guess they need the cash!!

An oil producing nation needs cash!? WTF
Oil has been the only business making a profit this year!

Old age is a high price to pay for maturity.

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