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Posted by gogirl212 on 09-11-2008 at 16:02:

FAQ or fiction?

While I find this generally a very tolerant and open community with everyone willing to poke a little fun, or in return be the brunt of a joke now and again, it does seem that there are some very general guidelines about the appropriate places to take the fun and some expectations of how we like to communicate. I like that we do usually "keep it positive" but I think in playfulness and creativity it is easy to sometimes cross a line you may not have even realized was there.

For example, the exchange that was recently going on in the Springie Pics thread got a little intense and the galactors were asked to "take it to the war room." I didn't know there was a war room or at what point in that exchange people began to think it should be directed to another thread.

I am not disagreeing with this in any way, I am just saying it was new information for me (generally neophyte boardie that I am).

I was wondering if it was possible for some of the longer-term residents here to add a FAQ to our board about our community and explain some of these ideas (like the War Room, Rubber Room, etc.) and some of the expectations of the community as a whole? (For example, what are some community guidelines for deciding if your artwork or fic belongs in the Rubber Room?)

Maybe this is also a bad idea and a more experienced boardie can tell me why. I am just trying to think of things that would be helpful to those of us who don't have as much history with the board.

There are few problems that a swift kick to the head by a highly trained ninja can't solve.

Posted by lborgia88 on 09-11-2008 at 19:24:

Well, I've only been posting here since February of this year, and the War Room already existed then, but I'm under the impression that it was created so that anyone who wants to make fun of or insult a Gatch/BOTP character that they don't like can do so without risk of offending anyone else who really likes that character (I think Zark might be an exception!), or so that anyone who wants to engage in banter with other posters that might seem rude or harsh to others can do so without risk of offending anyone.

As for the Rubber Room, I think it's purpose is to house threads with sexual content that might not be suitable for minors. Back in April, the subject came up of just how explicit the content in the Rubber Room was allowed to be, and I don't remember if there are specific guidelines, but it seems that it can be very explicit (at least, as long as it's all consensual and doesn't involve minors?)

I am hardly a long-term resident, so I don't know if I've managed to clarify anything! I'm sure others will chip in here...

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 09-11-2008 at 21:58:

Gogirl it was a few posts and I think it has moved on from there.

I guess you can't have forum without some people getting off side from time to time. Yes the war was created for mud slinging and flaming if people need to do that.

We have to much going on here at one point and a fun positive board was becoming negative and Stagnant.

Some of the instigators apologised when the realized their comments were driving members away.

CEP has often said its a free board and he doesn't mind it that people have opinions. (I doubt even cep would like out right flaming.)That's why Gatchamania has 'rant threads' and the 'debate threads'...

It's okay to muck around, but we just agreed it was easier not to flame characters that are some people's faves. And not to keep going with things that you know put people off side until it becomes old and over worked. (Which happens.)
Overall, this is a great forum. I've seen what other forums can be like out there, outside of our fandom. Even what happened here a few moths ago is tame compared to the glimpses I had once.

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by gogirl212 on 09-11-2008 at 22:12:

That is very well put Ebony. I don't mean to make mountains out of mole hills. I appreciate the freedom and the fun here and perhaps should just let it go at that.

There are few problems that a swift kick to the head by a highly trained ninja can't solve.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 09-11-2008 at 23:00:

I think Ebony said it perfectly. The reality is that there are very few 'rules' here, but we are all adults and we try to behave like adults. It's easier to offend someone online than IRL, because you never know how someone is going to take the words you typed. I think the general rule here is that we all try to play nice, and not to offend others. Of course, it happens at times inadvertently (and I know I'm guilty there) and when we find out we apologize. It shouldn't be intentional. Flaming and insults are intentional, and therefore unappreciated around here.

The only other rule is the Rubber Room, which is material deemed inappropriate for people under 18. People under 18 are not supposed to be in the Rubber Room either.


Posted by Springie on 09-11-2008 at 23:13:

Well said, girls...I guess the general rule is "keep it positive, and if you just can't...go to the war room..."


"keep it clean, and if it's not for anyone under 18...go to the rubber room..."



There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by amyltrer on 10-11-2008 at 19:13:

Springie and LB have explained quite well what the Rubber Room and the War room, stands for, though there remains the language and character issue.

There are some members among us who not exactly like some character (Meesa no like Ken! Not at all ). I know I crossed the line with that (quite often) and some of the other members felt offended. Sometimes they seem to take offence in the language one use to describe a character, or even in the attitude they have towards the said character.
(I will not give situation here, it's not nice)

So since we have a FAQ thread I think we should decide what's offending and what's not. How much you can badmouth a character and with what language before somebody feels offended.

Because not liking a character and saying it aloud (even in nice terms) might have some members jumping with spiky boots on you since the said happens to be their favourite! (again, I'm not giving names)

Meesa pronounce herself against any form of obscenity, or other forms of insulting the fellow members. This bickering is solved in the War room (yep, that's what it is for).

So, any other suggestions?

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