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Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 03-11-2008 at 15:54:

SJ Needs to snuggle up and have a Cry

Hey peeps,

Well. I'm having a horrible horrible day.

I just want to go curl up somewhere and actually ... cry (???).

Know one thing. I am not a wussy little sobbing creature. I don't cry. I really don't.

I survived 9 months of pregnancy, 16 hours of labour and 3am feedings without shedding a single tear.

I don't cry over movies, or anything like that.

But right now.



Well. As many of you know I am a phone jockey. I work hard. I am highly skilled. I am ... so much better than this position.

No matter how much I push to advance, I am given a stoplight at every intersection. You know the drill: All other positions are specialized, I am not as trained as the others ... bullshit bullshit.


My stupidvisor is pregnant. She's due to leave inside of 6 weeks time. She is Snr. EA ... I am Receptionist/EA

So I have been asking the President - to whom both of us are assistants -- if I may take over in her absence.

I emailed him a reminder this morning.

I got my response.



Apparently I am too fucking important at the front to ever consider moving anywhere else in the company.

"We don't want to disrupt the front desk"


Give me a fucking break. I am a god damn receptionist not a fucking tactical adviser to the God Damn Prime Minister of Canada.

What's worse? Oh he didn't even say it to my face. Nope. He emailed it to me ... No chance for me to argue or debate the decision. Nope. Just "You're a receptionist and that's all you'll ever be to this company."

Eight years. Eight God Damn years I've been working here.

And this is what it comes to.

Really. I want to cry. I do. I've worked so hard ...



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by Condorfan on 03-11-2008 at 16:11:

SJ its OK to cry if you want to. Unfortunately this is the sign of our times; companies treating people like a "necessary annoyance". I've been in places where I wanted to advance--tried to learn more, work overtime without pay, come in on weekends but in the end they treated me like crap. Some people don't want you to get ahead because they're afraid of you taking their job. This is my advice, but you need to talk to others you trust about this, is to look for another place to work. You're just spinning your wheels where you are and they won't let you advance. It sounds to me you are too damm good for the likes of them.

I hope things get better for you, SJ.


Old age is a high price to pay for maturity.

Posted by clouddancer on 03-11-2008 at 16:12:

Cloud sits down beside SJ.

"Chocolate?" she asks as she offers a plate full to SJ.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 03-11-2008 at 16:21:

Thanks guys.

I know I'm more than stalled here, and this stupid excuse they use about me being "the face of the company" and how "vitally important your position is" is just becoming tiresome and insulting.

If I am so important, pay me accordingly. As it stands I am paid $10'000 BELOW the current industry standard for my position.

And then he has the gall to tell me that this desk "is a work in progress" ...

Like, what??????!!!!!!!

What the hell is that supposed to mean??????

Yeah, I'll take some of that chocolate now.



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by Condorfan on 03-11-2008 at 16:26:

We're here to help, SJ. I know from personal experience everyone has been a great help to me with my troubles. Let us know how we can help or if you just want someone to listen we can do that too.

Old age is a high price to pay for maturity.

Posted by gogirl212 on 03-11-2008 at 16:28:

SJ, I realize we don't know each other at all IRL and not even so much on the boards here, but I do know you as a creative, intelligent, talented woman through all of your writing. I am so sorry that the short-sighted management of your company fails to recognize that or to understand that the value you bring to one position could bring so much more to another.

I don't know your personal circumstances, but I have been in a similar situation and my heart really goes out to you. I know that you are sad and frustrated, and everyone deserves a good cry now and again, but I think you are resilient and will find a way to turn the sadness and anger you feel now into motivation and determination. It is an opportunity to re-examine the things that are important to you and to redirect your energy and focus into new priorities.

If getting promoted to a new position is no longer a focus, just think of the things that you can now direct your attention to. Whether it is finding a new job, getting more training, focusing on family, concentrating on your writing (I admit being partial to that idea) . . .whatever it is, you can approach it with the same drive, determination, dedication and talent that has made you so successful they can't seem to function without you. You may not see it now, but I think this short-sighted company president has opened a door for you and I know marvelous things are waiting for you when you are ready to go find them.

I hope you feel happy again soon and that someone you love is there to offer solace, a cup of tea and maybe a bird missile aimed at the president's office.

There are few problems that a swift kick to the head by a highly trained ninja can't solve.

Posted by Tengu on 03-11-2008 at 17:05:

Id love a job, let alone a sucessful carreer like you.

(Receptionist would be fine for me, thank you)

Why not offer to try the position for a week, show them how well you can do it.

"If you think I am a Condor, you may keep that opinion;
Though I am no Condor, my Skylines rusty enough."

Posted by lborgia88 on 03-11-2008 at 17:07:

I feel for you, SJ. Eight years at the same company certainly shows dedication and loyalty on your part, but if the company is not reciprocating, then it certainly can't hurt to update your resume and do some job-hunting on the side -it's so easy to do it all online these days.


Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 03-11-2008 at 17:36:


Yes I am thankful that I have a job. I cannot complain that I have a job.

It is just that, though. A Job. I *want* a career.

Receptionist is not a bad job, of course not. But you need to understand something:

I am a fully certified Sports Trainer and Therapist. I hold a graphic Design certificate and have experience up the wazoo.

But ... I am also an immigrant.

Contrary to popular belief it is not only the "minorities" that get stung by that. I am white, I'm Australian, yet I am not allowed to do the job(s) that I am qualified to do and have spent money on certifying myself for.

I have an IQ of 147 yet because of position am viewed by most as being so stupid that it's surprising I even made it out of high school, let alone finished with a 98 average in a medical field.

I am frustrated because I am used to working my way through and achieving results. I am frustrated because I am seeing people who are legitimate fucktards being promoted ahead of me.

I am stupidvised by a little twit who has a lower maturity level than my 3-year old.

I am bossed around by someone sitting beside me who considers mail-merging and using Thunderbird address books to be absolutely confusing and not worth the bother.

And ... and ... You know what?

I need to calm down, really. I now have heartburn because I am so upset over this.

Guys, I appreciate your ears and suggestions, I really do. You've given me things to think about and a path to pave.

It is time to move on.

It is obvious I can't do it here.

I spent some time on Monster and it appears that everything is handled through agencies ... I've never really gone that route.


Wish me luck. Perhaps this is just the push Karma is giving me to make me go out and play on the outside.


You know you guys all make me feel so special, eh. I can come here and walk out thinking I'm the greatest person in the world.


I needed it.



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 03-11-2008 at 17:49:

Good luck in your search for something new, SJ. No one should remain in a place where they are unappreciated. Huggles


Posted by clouddancer on 03-11-2008 at 21:54:

Good luck in your search SJ.

Cloud passes the plate of chocolates back to SJ, "More? Please take as much as you need."

I am trying to get rid of all this extra Halloween candy, before I fatten myself up.Wink

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Springie on 03-11-2008 at 22:08:

Awww, SJ, I agree with everyone here...I think this may be a sign that you are destined for bigger and better things. Take this opportunity to think about what you would really love to do...what are your interests? What occupation would make you happy?

I love my job, but I always keep in the back of my mind that I have other interests/ideas for what I want to do with my life...and maybe one day I'll go for it. So I say, take the plunge and see where it leads you.


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Hinotori on 04-11-2008 at 00:08:

So sorry to hear of your professional troubles, SJ! I think we all have been there and understand what you're going through. Best of luck to you and your job search. There is a job/company out there that will appreciate you and your hard work and dedication!

Eagle in Charge

Eagle Condor Swan Swallow Hootie

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 04-11-2008 at 00:57:

Well I used three RL ears today.

#1 was a colleague who I trust and who I trust to be honest with me -- no holds barred she tells as it is. Her opinion is that I am on a higher gear than anyone else in the company, but ... But I am stuck. She listened to my concerns and says my only course of action is to look for something else.

#2 One of my ex-executives. He is a darling who I was basically his wife at the office before he left. I still do work for him and he is up and running his own business and wants me to eventually join him. I've helped him build it, so in time it will work ... But businesses take 12 months before they make money so that is a long ways off. He hates el-presidente and wants me to "work-to-rule" from here on in.

He told me to stop with the 150% job that I do, and drop back to 100% ... He says that eventually someone will notice (i.e. CEO)

#3 Hubby. Oh hubby. He is concerned about the current job market and outlook and wants me to try to stick it out. He's right. He also told me to get my ass back to school and do some night courses.

Tough thing. I'll be at the owner/CEO's home on Sat to help out with some stuff ... I want to yell and ask him why ... But I can't.

I will look ... take my time ... see what's available ...

Moreover, I will have a beer, enjoy a couple of days off and analyze where I go from here.

I know in the grand scheme of things it really isn't all that bad ... I'm just hurt I suppose.

And yes ... I will take more chocolate ...

Thanks again, guys. I appreciate it


Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by shamrokchick on 04-11-2008 at 02:45:

Hey, it's ok to hurt and cry sometimes Huggles This may be the push you need to look for something better... especially since you're looking for a career, not a job. Hope things get better for you!

"They say the Titanic sank because it hit an iceberg, but that must have been Galactor's fault too." Swallow


Posted by Yuki on 04-11-2008 at 06:58:


Really sorry to hear what you are going through again. Sighhh.. your company just never learn, right?

Honestly, that dumb company that you are working in does not deserve your loyalty and service. However, I do side with your loving husband at the moment regarding current job market. With the holidays coming and the current economic situation, it is definitely not a good timing to sack the company and look for a new job at the moment. So, yeah.. I'd vote for staying put too.

However, if you ask me, I really think you should keep your eyes open for any opportunity that happens your way. You are just too smart and talented to be stuck in that hell-hole you are in.

Email me, kay?


Posted by meg on 04-11-2008 at 10:56:

Huggles SJ, I'm sorry to hear about your trouble.
I hope things will work out for you. Look at the bright sight. This frustration pushed you to change your situation. I keep my fingers crossed :smile:

Eagle Swan Condor Swallow Hootie

Posted by Metaliant on 08-11-2008 at 00:18:

SJ, there are times when you shouldn't cry and then there are times when you should cry and it sounds like it's one of those times, so please, have more chocolate and here's some nice and soft tissures for you.

You have a large amount of friends here, who will listen to your problems and make sure you are okay and if you want to cry, then help yourself because at times it helps and always remember, you have friends all over the world who will help you with as many chocolates and tissues that you need.

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 14-11-2008 at 17:31:

Update: Because I know you all care.....

So. You know how I am not allowed to take over for her when she's on 12 month leave?

Well guess what.

I got called in to a meeting with she and Prez and had a new set of responsibilities handed to me. I am doing it all, guys. All of it. All from this desk.

<shakes head>

And no, I am not getting any extra income for this. I am told it will make me "happy" to have the extra work.

Clairvoyance reigns around here it appears.

And for the record. No I am not happy. And honestly, she should be worried. Hell if we seamlessly do this for 12 months, then explain why we even need her back?? She should have pushed for a replacement .... I would have!

So I bring up a concern or two ... Well, who is my relief then? When are you going fix all of these problems?

Answer: Why didn't you email it to me?

What? I say what? I "told" you about it, why do I need to type everything, too -- further to that, why didn't you simply say "pop it in an email".

Her response: I just thought you were complaining.

Yeah, that's kinda the thing ....

I questioned my lack of support. Again with the emails.

So then I get that whole patronizing "You just be your bubbly perky blah blah self down there. Oh and by the way ... be more consistent with your work."

huh? What? Hold up right there.

More consistent?

I pressed her to explain just what I didn't have finished, what projects were untouched. Like tell me what it is I haven't finished, and finished quickly.

She shuffled her papers "well that isn't really why we're here"

Well ya know what, you brought it up! You tell me, dammit. I do EVERYTHING I am supposed to do EVERYTHING.

She then tells me that someone had given me some projects that I didn't get finished and that she'd seen some on my desk.

I call that accusation bullshit and told her just that. I asked for specific projects ... She couldn't provide me with any.

To the woman who isn't actually supposed to give me projects but does - I want to string up by her hair and use Flash's chainsaw on her!! What a lying bitch!!!!!!

I have finished EVERYTHING in an eighth of the time it takes HER to do it ....


I am so pissed off!!!!!!

So yeah. I mow have the job of two people to do and have to do with with a busy switchboard and be "happy" about it.

Job hunt is officially in full-swing. Absolutely in full swing.



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by Reboekah on 14-11-2008 at 18:10:


I feel your pain....

Lightning Sounds like you are asking the correct questions, and I hope something better comes your way PDQ - because it seeems asking for references out of your current environment is going to be a large problem.... Luck!


Bird Scramble OE
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