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Posted by Rory on 29-06-2008 at 21:10:

Help Please! Gatchaman Ep 105 Script

Need some quickie assistance. Would anyone happen to have the script of Gatchaman Ep 105? I don't need the whole script. What I just need is the script of the...uh...death scene, from the point where Jun finds Joe up to the point when Ken and the others leave him.

I've already checked Alara's site and the script is not there anymore. Being the absentminded idiot that I am, I unwittingly erased the tape wherein I recorded the Tagalog version of the scene. Had a rush interview with a sex therapist at that time. Grrr!

Any help would be highly appreciated. Doing a small project that's rush, you see. THANKS A LOT!

Posted by lborgia88 on 29-06-2008 at 23:50:

I don't know where there's a script either. I don't know how much help this is, but episode 105 is on youtube, in Japanese with English subtitles.

part I

part II

part III

The scene you want is in part II.

Posted by Rory on 30-06-2008 at 04:25:

Originally posted by lborgia88
I don't know where there's a script either. I don't know how much help this is, but episode 105 is on youtube, in Japanese with English subtitles.

part I

part II

part III

The scene you want is in part II.

Sadly, my computer crashes whenever I try to access the videos on YouTube. *sigh*

Posted by Cep on 30-06-2008 at 07:55:

What exactly does your computer do? It may be missing video codecs.

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

Posted by meridianday on 30-06-2008 at 08:14:

From one of the episode synopses on Alara's site

Finally, after a long search, Jun discovers Joe-- actually, he saves her life, with his last feather shuriken. She uses the bracelet to call the others, and the Galactors now know her position. They surround the area and begin to close in as the five Science Ninjas unite for the last time.

"You stupid bastard!" Ken says to the dying Joe. "Why did you have to go off and do this? Why didn't you say a single thing to us?"

Joe laughs weakly. "Are you going to lecture me to the very end?"

Then he gives a dying speech to each of them, reprinted here.

To JUN: "Get together with Ken, get a relationship. Quit this dangerous business as soon as you can, and get yourself the happiness a girl should have...."

To JINPEI: "Don't bug Jun by being selfish. You know, the two of you have always seemed enviable to me.... you're just like a real sister and brother."

To RYU: "All I ever did was disobey you. I'm sorry... Finally I can apologize..."

To ALL: "Now go! If you don't hurry... Katse'll start his plan..."

Ryu offers to take Joe in the God Phoenix to medical help, but Ken knows it's already too late. "This is my order as leader of the Science Ninja Team. We'll leave Condor Joe here. All of us will invade Galactor headquarters!" He bends and gives Joe his boomerang. "Joe... forgive me. We swore we'd die together, but now we have to abandon you. Take this boomerang, at least. Hold it, as a memory of my feelings..."

By now, the Galactors have surrounded them. Ken shouts at them, "DON'T COME ANY CLOSER, GALACTOR!" More calmly, he continues, now that they're all listening, "I don't expect you to understand how we feel. Isn't this enough? What good will it do to shed any more blood? All you'll do is lose your family, be separated from your friends, for nothing! We haven't got time to deal with you. If you still want to interfere, we're prepared to get rid of you."


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by Rory on 30-06-2008 at 21:38:

Originally posted by Cep
What exactly does your computer do? It may be missing video codecs.

The screen turns completely blue. After that, it will not open at all. I dare not download anything. It's much too expensive to have a computer fixed in my country.

Posted by Rory on 30-06-2008 at 21:40:

Thanks so much, Meridian! You're A HUGE HELP!! Where exactly did you find this? Been clicking the link to the script but it takes me to "Page Not Found".

Posted by meridianday on 30-06-2008 at 22:09:

It's from the synopses page - the 105 synopsis contains that extract with lines from the script. I may have googled and loaded the cached version rather than the current version.


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

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