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I'm not one to really judge the historical accuracy of a film, especially when I really know nothing on the subject. The same thing goes when a literary work is adapted for the screen. So when I watched "Troy" I really went in there knowing nothing except the part about the Trojan Horse. That being said it probably will be something I will look into more when I get a chance.
"Troy" delivered pretty much what I expected at least on the epic end of things. Huge sets, large battles, and a long running time (2 hours, 43 minutes). The battles are are good for the most part. A combination of battles between the two armies and one on one battles, the best of them being between Achilles (Brad Pitt) and Hector (Eric Bana). I do feel however that the battles aren't on the same level as those seen in the "Lord of the Rings" films, as those, in my opinion, are the measuring stick for epic battles now.
Usually where these types of summer films fall short is in the area of acting. Two roles really stuck out for me as being really good. The first was Peter O'Toole's performance as Priam. While he's seen throughout the film mainly as part of a larger group, he does have 3 or 4 larger scenes with him as a major focus where he shines. His best scene takes place with Brad Pitt where you can see glimpes of the same passion he had when playing roles in "Lawrence of Arabia" and "The Lion in Winter". I honestly hope he gets a nomination for Best Supporting Actor for this years Academy Awards. The other performance that I was impressed with was Eric Bana's. He comes across as a strong leader on the battle field, but as a caring individual when the armor comes off. While this performance isn't as good as Russell Crowe's in "Gladiator" (basically because "Troy" is more of an ensemble piece), it's still very good.
As the first huge summer movie of this season "Troy" is worth seeing. If you can go in there and enjoy it for what it is I'm sure you will enjoy it.
3 out of 4 stars.
as ever you give a honest review on the film.
I look forward to seeing if you suggestion for the academt awards holds true. I remember how good your predictions were last time.
I have to admit knowing quite a bit about the trojan wars having read several books and watched documentaries on it. So when I heard about the film I took it as just someones idea of how things happened dressed up for cinema. That way I tend not to be upset by inaccuracies or looking for the flaws.
Like the Phoenix I rise from the fire. Beware all who try to tame me, you may get burned
Eh, I know, oh, next to nothing about the trojan wars, so accuracy won't be a problem with me. (Just like accuracy to the LOTR trilogy isn't a problem for those who watched the movies first) What I think is really neat about this movie (haven't seen it yet, but these are definitely the draws) is the fact that it appeals to both guys and girls. Guys: BATTLE SCENES!!! Girls: Brad Pitt! Orlando Bloom! Other hunky guys in armor.
So it has basically perfected the marketing scheme. Should make out pretty well for a summer movie.
What if there is a spoon?
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