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--- Confession of Dr. Sinc (

Posted by Dr. Sinc [de Alter] on 22-05-2008 at 18:04:

Confession of Dr. Sinc

Here beyond the boundaries of the Grand Network, I do greet you, Ladies and Gentlemen.

Who am I? You may call me a ghost, a spirit, and you will be wrong; spirits usually have no embodiements, yet I do have. You may call me a human and still be wrong; humans are living in a solid material world, and my homeland is the vast void which permeates the Existence. From time to time I visit my native realm, fooling around with my teammates in this cold and stormy world, seeking chaos between those skyscrapers and cities covered with wires; but when my job is done, I return to this nothingness which awaits me, surronds and consumes me. Here I do drift through the streams of information; here, in the fusion of astral, hyperspace and the Matrix, I am weightless and allmighty, the mere servant of the Geniune Mind - the one who fulfilled his master goal and may rest in eternal peace between the realms, the Wanderer Beyond...

Hmph. That was a talk of my alter ego, the one that I created to be a main character of my first writing back at my earlist days; he is Dr. Als Sinc, ageless schizoid who've got this nasty implant in his mad head and is travelling through his Nets between the crazy missions in his old, gloomy corporate world. He speaks for me on the pages of my texts; anyplace where my body couldn't go, Sinc represents me. So I'm apologizing for this wordy mess he said - that's his style, it is, and I can do nothing to him. Being an Evil Genius is a tough job, you know ^_^

Anyway, I'm not feeling into telling you my real name. I'll say that I'm a plain Russian student who've got his head screwed with the cyberpunk novells and anime series, crazy as he is ^_^ Gatchaman was the very first anime series I saw in my life; it was even not the Originals but loosely translated G-FORCE; it was my first love in the world of anime and it's accompanying me on the whole of my lifespan. Sinc used to help ISOers a couple of times when he visited their realm, too ^_^ I have a variety of strange hobbies, such as reading those scary scary books about our dark high-tech future, creating philosophical theories, listening to J-Rock and other heavy musics and watching LOTS of complicated anime like Death Note ^_^ Well, that's all I can tell about myself for the moment. Hope you'll enjoy my company on this domain of the Grand Network.

Ah, almost forgotten - Egobossler rules ^_^ He's a fellow Dark Lord ^_^

Dr. Sinc
(The boundaries of Grand Network such his back to the void)

We'll live and see, in case if we're gonna live. --Sinc
Amuse the reality, and it will amuse you in return! --Sinc again

Soon this world will be mine! --Evil Genius's Prayer

Posted by amyltrer on 22-05-2008 at 18:56:

RE: Confession of Dr. Sinc

Originally posted by Dr. Sinc [de Alter]
Here beyond the boundaries of the Grand Network, I do greet you, Ladies and Gentlemen.

Who am I? You may call me a ghost, a spirit, and you will be wrong; spirits usually have no embodiements, yet I do have. You may call me a human and still be wrong; humans are living in a solid material world, and my homeland is the vast void which permeates the Existence. From time to time I visit my native realm, fooling around with my teammates in this cold and stormy world, seeking chaos between those skyscrapers and cities covered with wires; but when my job is done, I return to this nothingness which awaits me, surronds and consumes me. Here I do drift through the streams of information; here, in the fusion of astral, hyperspace and the Matrix, I am weightless and allmighty, the mere servant of the Geniune Mind - the one who fulfilled his master goal and may rest in eternal peace between the realms, the Wanderer Beyond...

Hmph. That was a talk of my alter ego, the one that I created to be a main character of my first writing back at my earlist days; he is Dr. Als Sinc, ageless schizoid who've got this nasty implant in his mad head and is travelling through his Nets between the crazy missions in his old, gloomy corporate world. He speaks for me on the pages of my texts; anyplace where my body couldn't go, Sinc represents me. So I'm apologizing for this wordy mess he said - that's his style, it is, and I can do nothing to him. Being an Evil Genius is a tough job, you know ^_^

Anyway, I'm not feeling into telling you my real name. I'll say that I'm a plain Russian student who've got his head screwed with the cyberpunk novells and anime series, crazy as he is ^_^ Gatchaman was the very first anime series I saw in my life; it was even not the Originals but loosely translated G-FORCE; it was my first love in the world of anime and it's accompanying me on the whole of my lifespan. Sinc used to help ISOers a couple of times when he visited their realm, too ^_^ I have a variety of strange hobbies, such as reading those scary scary books about our dark high-tech future, creating philosophical theories, listening to J-Rock and other heavy musics and watching LOTS of complicated anime like Death Note ^_^ Well, that's all I can tell about myself for the moment. Hope you'll enjoy my company on this domain of the Grand Network.

Ah, almost forgotten - Egobossler rules ^_^ He's a fellow Dark Lord ^_^
Dr. Sinc
(The boundaries of Grand Network such his back to the void)

You know I was just reading the intro when my scroll went down and my eyes saw this!

Oh, boy, that means ANOTHER EGO FAN has landed!

weeeeeeBeer Bonkers2

Oh, boy I think I'm gonna faint! #thunk!!#

Hello Dr. Sinc! And welcome here!

Now I have the feeling you're a baddie! Which is good, cuz, we Gallactors were a bit short of lately! But a fellow Egobossler's officer..... Man taht's an event! I thought I was the only one! Elfwink1

So DR., let's have some evil doing here, will yea? Gatchamania is reaaally a nice place, and you'll have fun around! Betcha!!!

P.S. Watch out for the Swans! They're very ..... playfull!

It is the tiny spark of humanity that adds blaze to a villain

Posted by Transmute Jun on 22-05-2008 at 19:01:

Welcome from the Playful Swan ! welcome

It's great to see you here! We always love to have more Gatchaman fans!


Posted by lborgia88 on 22-05-2008 at 19:03:

Welcome to the site, Dr. Sinc. You write well ! Have you, or are you planning to write anything that centers around Egobossler or Leader X? We don't get nearly as many fics around here that are written from the perspective of the villains.

Posted by amyltrer on 22-05-2008 at 19:03:

Hey, our siggies are similar too.... Wonder how much we have in common! Rabbit

It is the tiny spark of humanity that adds blaze to a villain

Posted by Springie on 22-05-2008 at 20:42:

Wave3 welcome to Gatchy-world!


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Cep on 23-05-2008 at 09:52:

Welcome to the site, you have certainly made Amy happy Big Grin And yes us Galactors are light on the ground but that's possibly because of all the ones we have hidden amongst the Swannies, Eagles and Condors Cep

Double agents are great! spy

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

Posted by Tengu on 23-05-2008 at 10:22:

Hes kinda cool

(Says she who has found out her favorite reading material loses san points in CoC...)

"If you think I am a Condor, you may keep that opinion;
Though I am no Condor, my Skylines rusty enough."

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 23-05-2008 at 11:20:

Hello there Dr.Sinc!!!

I knew I could entice you over here! So come on in take a seat at the bar and let this Swan pour you a drink...welcome welcome

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by stardust on 23-05-2008 at 15:02:

Originally posted by lborgia88
Welcome to the site, Dr. Sinc. You write well ! Have you, or are you planning to write anything that centers around Egobossler or Leader X? We don't get nearly as many fics around here that are written from the perspective of the villains.

I guess I'll have to post my fics here then. They are all from Zoltar's point of view.

And welcome, always great to have another lover of villains aboard!


A villain must be a thing of power, handled with delicacy and grace. He must be wicked enough to excite our aversion, strong enough to arouse our fear, human enough to awaken some transient gleam of sympathy. - Agnes Repplier

Posted by lborgia88 on 23-05-2008 at 19:37:

Originally posted by stardust

I guess I'll have to post my fics here then. They are all from Zoltar's point of view.

And welcome, always great to have another lover of villains aboard!

Where are they posted now, Stardust?

Posted by Transmute Jun on 23-05-2008 at 21:26:

Originally posted by lborgia88
Originally posted by stardust

I guess I'll have to post my fics here then. They are all from Zoltar's point of view.

And welcome, always great to have another lover of villains aboard!

Where are they posted now, Stardust?

Try here.


Posted by Dr. Sinc [de Alter] on 24-05-2008 at 09:34:

First of all, allow me to thank you all sincerely for such a warm welcome for a stranger like me. Now...

P.S. Watch out for the Swans! They're very ..... playfull! <...>
Welcome from the Playful <...>
So come on in take a seat at the bar and let this Swan pour you a drink...

Sitting at a bar corner surrounded by Swans, aww ..., you know, the Swan was my first "cartoon love" back at my earliest childhood, long before I've met my dear lovely S. back at real world. So I'll pass this one ^_^ Sinc'll pass too, he've just installed this stabilizer implant and don't wishes it to be fried from such a tension ^_____^

You write well ! <...>
Have you, or are you planning to write anything that centers around Egobossler or Leader X? We don't get nearly as many fics around here that are written from the perspective of the villains.

Well... I'm not a good writer, honestly. People say that I've got a low self-attitude, but anyway, I'm not writing well - possible because I have this nasty writer's block sitting on my poor brain ^_^ Anyway, I'm better with generating ideas for fics rather than writing it. And for now, I'm on my graduation exams stage of life and physically have no time for writing ^_^ But yes, I've planned to write a couple of short fics concerning the "Character Out Of Attention" like Kamo, Egobossler and Sosai X. And a LOOOONG crossover fic, but I'm not feeling into telling you about it a single bit ^_^ I hope that when my exams will be far away, I'll show you a couple pieces of my so-called art.

Oh, boy, that means ANOTHER EGO FAN has landed! <...>
Now I have the feeling you're a baddie! Which is good, cuz, we Gallactors were a bit short of lately! But a fellow Egobossler's officer..... Man taht's an event! I thought I was the only one! <...>
So DR., let's have some evil doing here, will yea? Gatchamania is reaaally a nice place, and you'll have fun around!

Hehehe (evil, evil laugher accompanied with a wide baaad grin) Honestly, you should thank Ebonyswanne-sama for my joining this board. Back at Gatchfanfic forum I was agitated to join this place, since there is a lonely Dark Lord here who has no one to talk with about our Evil Plans ^_^ Anyway, here am I; from all the worlds Sinc has in his collection this one is still unconquered, so we'll have a lot of work. But together, Amyltrer-san, we'll push this world to our evil knees ^_^ If not Gallactor, then the alliance of Evil Geniuses will prevail ^_^ Wizard2

We'll live and see, in case if we're gonna live. --Sinc
Amuse the reality, and it will amuse you in return! --Sinc again

Soon this world will be mine! --Evil Genius's Prayer

Posted by amyltrer on 24-05-2008 at 11:51:

Originally posted by Dr. Sinc [de Alter]

Hehehe (evil, evil laugher accompanied with a wide baaad grin) Honestly, you should thank Ebonyswanne-sama for my joining this board. Back at Gatchfanfic forum I was agitated to join this place, since there is a lonely Dark Lord here who has no one to talk with about our Evil Plans ^_^ Anyway, here am I; from all the worlds Sinc has in his collection this one is still unconquered, so we'll have a lot of work. But together, Amyltrer-san, we'll push this world to our evil knees ^_^ If not Gallactor, then the alliance of Evil Geniuses will prevail ^_^ Wizard2

Hmmph, so Ebony has been a good Swannie and brought more evil geniuses to Gallactor! Will reward her later.. Rainbow3 Wonder if she wants it in Eagles or Condors...

Oh, yes, NOW back to world conquering........You'll have to get past a pesky Eagle for that.And he's protected by the mighty Swans. I tried to bash him down for months but they shut me down. Uh-uh, very protective Swannies. Can your Evil brain find a way to bring chaos in the Gatcha team? So we can bring the world down undisturbed?

Am expecting sugestions!


It is the tiny spark of humanity that adds blaze to a villain

Posted by kimiko on 24-05-2008 at 15:43:

You know Amy, if I didn't know that your heart belongs to Egobossler...I'd say you'd just found your soulmate! Flower

Putting the "Con" in Condor....Ooooo... shiny red button!

Posted by Hinotori on 24-05-2008 at 15:54:

Hello and welcome to the board, Dr. Sinc! Though you are of the villain variety, any friend of the Black Swan is a friend of mine! (just please excuse my Eagle birdstyle). Big Grin

Eagle in Charge

Eagle Condor Swan Swallow Hootie

Posted by stardust on 24-05-2008 at 16:03:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
Originally posted by lborgia88
Originally posted by stardust

I guess I'll have to post my fics here then. They are all from Zoltar's point of view.

And welcome, always great to have another lover of villains aboard!

Where are they posted now, Stardust?

Try here.

Thanks TJ! Apparently I have a fan, lol.


A villain must be a thing of power, handled with delicacy and grace. He must be wicked enough to excite our aversion, strong enough to arouse our fear, human enough to awaken some transient gleam of sympathy. - Agnes Repplier

Posted by amyltrer on 24-05-2008 at 19:40:

Count two, SD! animewink

It is the tiny spark of humanity that adds blaze to a villain

Posted by Springie on 24-05-2008 at 20:25:

Count me in there too, SD! Inverted1


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 24-05-2008 at 21:43:

Originally posted by stardust
Thanks TJ! Apparently I have a fan, lol.

I have enjoyed your fics for quite awhile, SD!


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