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Posted by Springie on 21-04-2008 at 21:13:

Jun's Joint is back!

Don't know if some of you have noticed, but Jun's Joint was having some "technical difficulties" lately...

I am glad to report it is now up and running again, and will soon have a gallery...and...we are still planning on adding more features in the near future...

Come and visit us!

Jun's Joint


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Fairlight on 21-04-2008 at 21:23:

Great!! Can't wait to see it. Pinkelephant

(Jun is anxiously awaiting the added features to her place. So are the rest of us--hint, hint)

Posted by Transmute Jun on 21-04-2008 at 21:26:

And we are hoping to revise the fanfic area soon! And art is coming as well!


Posted by Fairlight on 21-04-2008 at 21:29:

Will there be a naughty pic place there? Hmmmm?

Posted by Springie on 21-04-2008 at 21:35:

I am sure that can be arranged...Winknudge

Oh! And I forgot to mention the URL has changed...instead of .com, we are a .net now...


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by clouddancer on 21-04-2008 at 21:44:

Thank you for the update Springie and TJ.

I have just gone and updated my bookmarks.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 21-04-2008 at 22:28:

I went looking for it and it was gone the other day... Pheww I thought it was my internet connection!!!

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 21-04-2008 at 22:57:

Ooh... a Naughty Pics section... sounds good! Big Grin


Posted by Hinotori on 22-04-2008 at 00:51:


Yayyy! Jun's Joint is back!!

Can't wait to see all the upgrades!!!

Eagle in Charge

Eagle Condor Swan Swallow Hootie

Posted by amyltrer on 22-04-2008 at 07:51:

Really, Springie why not post all your pics on Jun's Joint? Or at least a Deviant art link! I haven't seen any one there!

It is the tiny spark of humanity that adds blaze to a villain

Posted by Transmute Jun on 22-04-2008 at 13:23:

Amy, we're working on something that will allow us to post pics and fics.


Posted by amyltrer on 22-04-2008 at 18:30:

How about external links to a hosting site? Like photobucket. That's quicker than adding an extra page to the site!

Anyway, I'm looking forward for the changes!

It is the tiny spark of humanity that adds blaze to a villain

Posted by gatch72 on 23-04-2008 at 00:06:

Great to see it back up and running. Makes the Mad Ruler happy!

KatseMad Ruler of Spectra's SiteKatse
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