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Posted by Gunman on 14-04-2008 at 15:28:


Well the military is my future killing people and droping bombs.....

Marines is my class i am going to do

Posted by Metaliant on 14-04-2008 at 19:37:

Erm Gunman, I don't know if you know this, but in the Artists Pallet threads, the idea is to put drawings in and not ramble with ramdom words which mean absoutely nothing.

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by Joeswench on 15-04-2008 at 02:38:

Ahhh Gunman you just flunked the phsyc test.....

They don't take people who love to kill into the military...

Generally they send you to a little place to get tested and then put you on medication to help you with the problem. Assess you on a daily basis... Freak3

I love men in birdsuits.

Posted by kimiko on 15-04-2008 at 12:00:

I'm guessing this is Gunman's version of a Haiku Question

Putting the "Con" in Condor....Ooooo... shiny red button!

Posted by Gunman on 15-04-2008 at 17:19:

Ah u mistake my words......

I said i am going to military so when war comes i and my fellow marines get kill and kill and see bombs drop!


Posted by amyltrer on 15-04-2008 at 18:55:

Originally posted by Gunman
Ah u mistake my words......

I said i am going to military so when war comes i and my fellow marines get kill and kill and see bombs drop!


So, Gunnie, who do you want to kill you? A taliban? A crazy kamikaze? Or perharps you want to step over a mine and go boom! Or beeing caught inside a collapsing building! Oh and btw, these bombs can drop over your head too!

You wanna go to war, huh? You, know there's a good chance to return without all your limbs, and there's also a good chance not to return at all!

In war people die from both sides! And besides, you're 16 right? I doubt they'll send you before you'll be 21! That if you're going to pass enlistment test, as Joeswench said! Geez, try to use that head of yours!

Take it as an advice from someone who has relatives killed in the war from Irak!

It is the tiny spark of humanity that adds blaze to a villain

Posted by Hinotori on 15-04-2008 at 23:16:

Hey, Gunnie... A word of advice here... Be careful what you say about the Military, being deployed to a war zone, and making the ultimate sacrifice. Unfortunately, Amy isn't the only one on this board to have lost people in this war... Like me, whose friend's 21-year-old son, a Marine who was barely 6 weeks into his first tour of duty...

I'm not lecturing, just making a recommendation. If your intentions for a military enlistment is due to wanting to fulfill your patriotic duty or because of some other noble reason, then you should definitely join. But if your only intention is to "get kill and kill and see bombs drop", then I highly suggest you take a closer look at yourself and your aspiration.

Eagle in Charge

Eagle Condor Swan Swallow Hootie

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 15-04-2008 at 23:35:

I lived in a town which has a huge an army base just outside of it... I have some respect for what they have to do to get into the military. When I was 16 I looked into it.

Gunnie get with the times! Go and apply or ask a real marine about it. They generally won't glorify war.

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by stardust on 16-04-2008 at 12:57:

The military is an excellent career move for some people. However we are in a time of war so be prepared to see some unpleasant things. One of my students went into the marines and he was all excited. His first tour of duty was Iraq. He has decided while this was an interesting learning experience he is counting the days till his service time is up. He saw way too much in Iraq and is thoroughly sick of sand.
And btw Amy he can go in at 18. That's right you can die for your country at 18 or kill people but you just can't get drunk over it.


A villain must be a thing of power, handled with delicacy and grace. He must be wicked enough to excite our aversion, strong enough to arouse our fear, human enough to awaken some transient gleam of sympathy. - Agnes Repplier

Posted by Metaliant on 16-04-2008 at 15:06:

In the British Army, you can join at 16 but can go to the frontline at 18.

War isn't cool like in movies but real and the mental stress can be really hard. In the First World War, soldiers were shot and named as cowards because the mental stress that those soldiers in the trenches were under uasn't really understood.

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 16-04-2008 at 22:47:

One of workmates son was sent over to Iraq, he wasn't trilled about going. This was last year..

We have lost more soldiers in the Solomon Islands than in Iraq.

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by lborgia88 on 17-04-2008 at 19:31:

My brother joined the Canadian Air Force when he was 18, in 1983. He's a Major now, and he'll be starting a 9 month stint in Afghanistan very soon. I'm not too worried about him though, as he will be spending all his time at a base in Kandahar. My step-brother, however, is in the Canadian Army, and he's going over there too, and he might be doing patrols...

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 17-04-2008 at 22:37:

Iborgia! I love the new avatar!

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by lborgia88 on 18-04-2008 at 01:10:

Originally posted by Ebonyswanne
Iborgia! I love the new avatar!

Thanks, though I have a feeling I'll be back to a Condor avatar again before long!

Posted by Transmute Jun on 18-04-2008 at 13:13:

Originally posted by lborgia88
Originally posted by Ebonyswanne
Iborgia! I love the new avatar!

Thanks, though I have a feeling I'll be back to a Condor avatar again before long!

Are you going to don the indigo cape in your mask and wig, then? Wink


Posted by CricketBeautiful on 18-04-2008 at 15:09:

Well, we could send him my FIL and MIL's nightmares. They started in Romania. Opa didn't get enough time to hide the third time they came to his village for volunteers. Oma and her sisters moved from relative to relative, just ahead of the front, and stayed in Austria while the front passed. Her sister didn't return home one day. At 16 she helped deliver a baby by candle-light in a bomb shelter during a raid; the only other adult was a blind grandmother. They saw enough that they're glad the Allieds won, but they also saw a lot the Allieds did that didn't make it into the history books.

I am incredibly grateful to those who serve their country. There are times when the less violent methods just don't work.

I also wish the news would focus on all the non-violent good our troops are doing. They are building schools and allowing girls to go to them. They are providing clean water and food. They are removing land mines. That is why we need to be there, to support the civilians, so they can make an informed and free choice of leaders. The goal is to help the civilians (including drafted soldiers), not kill the bad guys.

Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

- Viktor E. Frankl

Posted by Gunman on 18-04-2008 at 15:20:

Are military is the most superior in the world....

I dowght that we would get even hurt at see with are new super carriers.....

Posted by lborgia88 on 18-04-2008 at 15:37:

Living in North America, it's too easy to forget what it's like to have to live through a war, unless we're reminded by people who have actually done it. My boyfriend's mother and her family were deported from Poland in 1939 by the Soviets and ended up in a gulag in Siberia. A few years later, when the Soviets and the Germans were at war, the Polish prisoners were released from the gulags, but they had to walk all the way down to the Persian Gulf. My boyfriend's uncles and grandfather then joined the British army and his grandmother, aunt and mother went to a refugee camp in Pakistan until the war ended.

I'm very proud of my brother, and step-brother. They've already been to Somalia, Bosnia, Eritrea and Haiti, and now Afghanistan.

My brother told me that for his pre-Afghanistan training, he had to be able to lift a 200 pound man with 30 pounds of gear and then carry him 100 metres in less than 60 seconds -and he did it.

Posted by meridianday on 18-04-2008 at 15:39:

I'm sure you would bring that military standard right down Gunman.


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by Metaliant on 18-04-2008 at 16:33:

Originally posted by Gunman
Are military is the most superior in the world....

I dowght that we would get even hurt at see with are new super carriers.....

Sorry, I can't understand what you are typing. Do you mean that the US navy ship won't get sunk because of their new super aircraft carriers? If so, then that's impossible as titantic was supposedly be unsinkable until it got hit by a chunk of an iceberg.

People can die in direct violent actions such as being shot, or becasue of direct violent actions, such as ships sinking or are on fire. Hell you can die in accidents when military aircraft when they crash beccause of failing machine parts.

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

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