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Posted by Metaliant on 08-04-2008 at 18:46:

Pregnant man?

I heard yesterday about on the Oprah Wimfrey show in America, a man who was a woman is pregnant. Is this true?

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by Transmute Jun on 08-04-2008 at 19:38:

That would be news to me....

Of course, our Governator was pregnant once... Big Grin



Posted by lborgia88 on 08-04-2008 at 20:15:

The person in question is transgendered -genetically female (and kept the female reproductive organs), but looks male- and is, indeed, pregnant. (I read an article about him on This is what he looks like. His name is Thomas Beatie.

Posted by damieon on 08-04-2008 at 21:32:

I heard about that also kind of weird, and yet painful thoughfully to the male gender

I'm that little voice in the back of your head telling you to do what you don't want to be doing.

Posted by Cep on 08-04-2008 at 21:36:

Though "he" is actually a woman, not a man.

Its a bit of a con really.

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 08-04-2008 at 22:37:

Cep I felt the same when I saw it, she's not really a man if he/she kept all the plumbing. Why feel you're a man, but still want to carry babies when your in a relationship with a woman????

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by Hinotori on 08-04-2008 at 22:50:

This has been plastered all over the news, and, personally, I can't wait for the 15 minutes of fame to be over...

ITA with Ebony and had the same exact thought. If you were born female and still have the female organs, then guess what? You're female. I don't mind people living their lives as they want to; heck, as long as they're happy, more power to them. But personally, I don't think anyone can call themselves a "true" man when they have female parts, just like I don't think a "woman" can call themselves that if they still have the male parts.

Just my $.02 on the subject. Please don't feather shuriken me. watchout

Eagle in Charge

Eagle Condor Swan Swallow Hootie

Posted by Fairlight on 09-04-2008 at 14:49:

I'm with Hinotori on this one. Yes, people can live whatever lifestyle they choose, and more power to them. But if you have the physiology of a woman, you're pretty much stuck with that the same as if you have the physiology of a man that's what you technically are. Clothing and hair styles don't change your body. If they did, we'd live in a mighty confusing word!

Posted by Metaliant on 09-04-2008 at 15:01:

Originally posted by lborgia88
The person in question is transgendered -genetically female (and kept the female reproductive organs), but looks male- and is, indeed, pregnant. (I read an article about him on This is what he looks like. His name is Thomas Beatie.

I have been to and watched the video of a news programme which discussed this topic and what I can gather now, is this.

This pregnant man is a transexual whio had a sex change but kept just the female parts. Then "his" wife went ot the vet and got a syringe to impregnate her "husband".

I can't even think of any words to describe this bizare couple and agree, you can't be a true man if you are have the female parts of a woman even though you had a sex change.

I can also remember few years ago that a TV channel did an April Fools joke about how a man got pregnant form a pill or something like that. Didn't fool me one bit, though what about Katse? Could he/she get pregnant.

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by Gunman on 09-04-2008 at 15:34:

Thats disgusting!

U eagles take to much pride in mouthing about kaste!

I was mouthing yall once but u metaliant started balling how u was going to leave!

Well u will halt in the verbal assualts or i will make this place hell!


Posted by Metaliant on 09-04-2008 at 16:09:

Gunman, I wasn't mouthing off about Katse. Katse is basically a person who can switch sexes and I wondered if he/she could get pregnant.

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by Gunman on 09-04-2008 at 18:18:

You better take them words back!

That is quite interesting but i assure u i cant and any mention of this again i will declare war on u!


Posted by lborgia88 on 09-04-2008 at 18:35:

Originally posted by Metaliant
Katse is basically a person who can switch sexes and I wondered if he/she could get pregnant.

There's certainly no canon on this topic, but I suppose it's possible that Katse, in female form, could get pregnant, but would then have to remain solely in female form for several months to ensure the survival of the baby. If female Katse switched to male Katse, while pregnant, I would imagine the result would be very unpleasant.

Posted by Gunman on 09-04-2008 at 18:41:




Posted by Transmute Jun on 09-04-2008 at 19:10:

Originally posted by lborgia88
Originally posted by Metaliant
Katse is basically a person who can switch sexes and I wondered if he/she could get pregnant.

There's certainly no canon on this topic, but I suppose it's possible that Katse, in female form, could get pregnant, but would then have to remain solely in female form for several months to ensure the survival of the baby. If female Katse switched to male Katse, while pregnant, I would imagine the result would be very unpleasant.

I've seen quite a few fanfics that discuss this topic. There's a really good series where Katse is pregnant and has to take drugs to prevent a change back to being male.


Posted by Metaliant on 09-04-2008 at 19:10:

Gunman, please visit this site and hopefully you sill understand Katse a bit better.

Both lborgia and myself aren't insulting Katse but thinking if it was possible that Katse in female form could get pregnant. This is called a hyothesis based on the charactor.

You and Amy were just saying nasty things about Ken.

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by meridianday on 09-04-2008 at 19:40:

Tis true, Katse is a cyclic hermaphrodite.

The main fanfic I recall about Katse being pregnant is Aite: In Love and War, by Alara Rogers. A jolly good story.

What I really don't get about the pregnant guy is that he's recognised as male by law, despite being born female and still having female bits. I can sort of understand the choice not to have the genital reassignment surgery though, as female to male surgery tends to be less successful in many ways than male to female, and can result in the constructed penis dropping off due to blood supply problems.


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by lborgia88 on 09-04-2008 at 19:54:

Originally posted by meridianday
and can result in the constructed penis dropping off due to blood supply problems.

That sounds horrible! I'm very glad that I'm happy to be female, genetically and in all other ways.

Posted by Metaliant on 09-04-2008 at 22:39:

Originally posted by meridianday

What I really don't get about the pregnant guy is that he's recognised as male by law, despite being born female and still having female bits. I can sort of understand the choice not to have the genital reassignment surgery though, as female to male surgery tends to be less successful in many ways than male to female, and can result in the constructed penis dropping off due to blood supply problems.

"Could have used superglue, but it as a man myself all I can say is ouch." Crosses legs in case any bits fall off.

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by Hinotori on 09-04-2008 at 22:58:

Interesting theory about Katse and one, I have to be honest and say, I've never thought about before.

Here's another interesting perspective on it... I think that if Katse became pregnant, it would lead to an interesting dichotomy... At the end of the series, we learn how Katse is tormented by hir mutation and upbringing. So if s/he was to become pregnant and have a child, how would s/he raise them? Would the female side be the loving and caring parent, like Katse longed for and felt cheated out of? Would the male side be hard and brash and treat the child like s/he was in hir youth? Or maybe vice versa? Or would both sides bring up the child, with both a loving and caring male and female influence, both of which would come from the same person?

Ok, that's deep, not to mention a little creepy to think about (a child having both male and female influence from the same being).

Maybe these were explored in the fics that were mentioned. I guess I'll have to add these to my ever-growing fic reading list and find out! Reading

Eagle in Charge

Eagle Condor Swan Swallow Hootie

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